Last week, the investment analysts at CB Insights released a report on venture capital trends, noting that the number of ed-tech deals are declining. This is echoed in my own calculations about recent trends in ed-tech funding.
But CB Insights’ report has also made me think about the converse of the questions that I’ve been asking about ed-tech investment – who’s raising money, and how much? That is: which companies are not raising money, and which haven’t in quite some time?
I can’t really think of a way to pursue this line of inquiry programmatically, particularly now that Crunchbase – which has been my go-to resource for funding data – now charges for API calls. So I’m going to go through old blog posts on Hack Education, and see if I can come up with a list of companies who haven’t raised any money in the last couple of years. Edmodo, for example, hasn’t seen any investment since 2014; Codecademy hasn’t seen any since 2012.