Who's Funding Education Technology?
A Hack Education Project
Gates Foundation (Education) Grants 
How has the Gates Foundation shaped education policy? One way to answer that question is to look at the projects that the foundation has backed since its inception.
These are the education grants that have been awarded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation since 1998. (Descriptions and amounts are taken from the Gates Foundation website.)
2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 |
2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 |
2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 |
2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 |
1998 |
Click to expand and view each year's grant recipients
Amount: $2,200,000
Funding for its master scheduling software tool. This grant is not listed on the Gates Foundation website as of 8/2/2018
Achieve, Inc.
Amount: $1,200,000
To support states development and implementation of coherent systems of assessments and accountability including college ready graduation policies and practices
Achieve, Inc.
Amount: $999,548
To increase availability of high-quality middle-school science instructional materials and support districts in their procurement and usage of new instructional materials
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Advance Illinois NFP
Amount: $200,000
To provide for General Operating Support
Alliance for Excellent Education
Amount: $25,000
To support a convening that will result in a consensus statement and action plan for the formation of a Global Science of Learning Initiative. This will include plans for foundational infrastructure, funding, and a mobilization of plans for implementation and acceleration of the current science and future groundbreaking science of learning
American Council on Education
Amount: $20,000
To advance higher education leadership conversations about eliminating attainment gaps
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Amount: $36,800
To develop and solicit feedback on potential convening and public narrative-shaping efforts of diverse higher education thought-leaders
Association of Community College Trustees
Amount: $15,000
To support their annual Leadership Congress which provides a national platform to bolster community colleges by bringing trustees, presidents and other thought and policy leaders together to share experiences and expertise
Atlanta Public Schools
Amount: $90,000
To enact the conditions & develop capabilities needed to adopt a 'to and through' approach to advising for high school students
Austin Community College
Amount: $20,000
To provide an honorarium as part of an ROI analysis for better decision making to scale solution efforts in a shared services model, especially those that are most beneficial to outcomes for low-income and minority students
Axiom Learning, LLC
Amount: $1,084,674
To identify the critical modalities for the scalable implementation of LEAP 3.0 in service of special needs students in school settings, particularly high proportions of Black, Latino, and low-income students with disabilities
Bay Path University
Amount: $60,500
To support a conference for a network of institutions interested in shared programming for adult women learners
Bipartisan Policy Center Inc
Amount: $399,779
To develop and disseminate policy proposals in support of improved higher education affordability and accountability
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
Amount: $1,474,152
To fund OCCRL's contributions to the Pathways work that endeavors to reach a future state where equitable outcomes can be achieved in postsecondary education
Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity
Amount: $3,809,826
To improve the teacher preparation programs at four minority serving institutions
CORE Districts
Amount: $16,003,983
This investment will support CORE Districts to launch a 5-year Network for School Improvement (NSI) in partnership with the eight districts that make up CORE. In our strategy materials, CORE was featured as an intermediary whose work most closely aligned with our vision of NSIs and as a result, CORE was identified as an initial ("pilot") partner for our School Improvement Delivery model body of work
California State University Foundation
Amount: $250,000
To support the California State University Chancellor's Office in implementing the CSU Graduation Initiative 2025
Camden City School District
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Amount: $3,000,000
To provide general operating support
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Amount: $50,000
To support the Carnegie Foundation 2019 Annual Summit on Improvement in Education. The Summit will be held on April 16-18, 2019. This three-day event brings together a diverse and vibrant community of educators, researchers, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and policymakers dedicated to accelerating improvement in education
Center for American Progress
Amount: $100,000
To support CAP to conduct a series of analyses to uncover more regarding the teacher recruitment and retention problem, and especially among teachers of color
Center for American Progress
Amount: $1,500,000
To support the production of research and conducting of education-related advocacy to push America's higher education system to produce more equitable outcomes
Center for Community Change
Amount: $300,000
To elevate replicable strategies and engage national grassroots and grasstops organizations in a process of inquiry at the intersection of racial equity and Early childhood education
Chalkbeat, Inc.
Amount: $850,005
To expand coverage of education issues in target states and nationally, engaging parents and influencers in discussion of current education issues
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Public Education Fund
Amount: $90,000
To enact the conditions & develop capabilities needed to adopt a 'to and through' approach to advising for high school students
Children Now
Amount: $750,000
For general operating support
City Year
Amount: $400,000
To conduct a research analysis project to better understand the associations and interactions between different social-emotional skills and academic outcomes
Columbia University
Amount: $1,911,540
To support evaluation
Columbus City School District
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Complete College America Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To promote greater efficiencies within Complete College America processes by consolidating previous data collection efforts to leverage Complete College America Alliance members' existing relationships with National Student Clearinghouse
Complete Tennessee
Amount: $599,150
To support Complete Tennessee's contribution to postsecondary attainment in Tennessee through work in data capacity building and stakeholder engagement
Conexion Americas
Amount: $1,300,096
To support the growth and activities of an equity coalition in Tennessee
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $175,000
To provide for general operating support
Deans for Impact
Amount: $350,029
To support the development of a policy agenda for Deans of teacher prep programs who advocate for high quality teacher preparation marked by adequate clinical practice, effective teacher educators, authentic partnerships with schools, and continuous improvement
DigiLearn Digital Learning Institute
Amount: $12,000
To support DigiLearn's Teacher Prep Convening
Digital Promise Global
Amount: $206,075
To develop an advisory board of researchers, educators, and solution developers to inform the on promising R&D areas in middle years mathematics
Diverse Charter Schools Coalition
Amount: $528,268
To support data and policy-advocacy capacity building within a national network of charter schools serving Black, Latino and low-income students
Amount: $1,000,000
To help students and teachers by funding classroom requests that benefit schools across the country while activating citizen philanthropists in the support of public education
EdReports.org, Inc.
Amount: $7,000,000
To provide general support
EdSource Inc.
Amount: $1,500,000
For general operating support
Amount: $750,000
To examine higher-ed practitioners' understanding of the challenges and opportunities created by digital learning services and courseware. This grant is not listed on the Gates Foundation website as of 8/2/2018
Education Commission of the States
Amount: $350,000
For general operating support
Education Commission of the States
Amount: $4,950,001
To support state policy makers in challenging areas of finance, workforce/education and governance/leadership issues
Education Leaders of Color Inc.
Amount: $600,000
To expand and elevate the voices and perspectives of education leaders of color in the national charter school debate
Education Resource Strategies Inc
Amount: $600,000
To create a fact base to inform what effective resource looks like in the field
Education Resource Strategies, Inc.
Amount: $90,000
To support the Orleans Parish School Board's strategy for supporting students with special needs
Education Service Center Region XIII
Amount: $40,000
To support dissemination of best practices in Texas' Rural Education conference
Education Strategy Group, LLC
Amount: $1,199,982
To engage state K12 and higher education leaders to implement policies and practices designed to close postsecondary readiness and attainment gaps
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $500,000
To provide for general operating support
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $125,000
To explore postsecondary policy priorities in New York State
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $500,000
To further progress on equity-focused postsecondary policy and advocacy
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $2,333,333
For general operating support of the Education Trust-West
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $1,000,000
To continue equity focused research, and data and policy analysis work, supporting key state level policy and advocacy partners
Educational Service District 105
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Educators for Excellence
Amount: $4,000,001
To grow E4E's membership and its leadership cohort while testing strategies for moving new advocates up the ladder of engagement
Equity in Education Coalition
Amount: $401,300
To support capacity building for the Equity in Education Coalition
Excelencia in Education
Amount: $1,500,000
To support Excelencia in Education's development and refinement of the Seal and the deployment of tactical guidance and supports for institutions to attain the Seal and increase Latino student success
Fund for the City of New York, Inc.
Amount: $2,500,115
To support the OpenSciEd Project and develop a middle school science curriculum designed for the Next Generation Science Standards
Grand Prairie Independent School District
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Granville County Public Schools
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Growth Philanthropy Network Inc.
Amount: $20,000
To support The Exchange 2019 Conference
Harvard University
Amount: $64,900
To improve Educator Preparation Programs in the state of Texas through the development, analysis, and presentation of educator data
Harvard University
Amount: $157,000
To support website user-testing and updates to a set of interactive online tools for navigating 'non-academic' frameworks and skills as part of the ongoing work of the Taxonomy Project, which is designed to increase transparency, precision, and clarity in the field of social and emotional learning and related domains
Harvard University
Amount: $263,202
To enhance understanding among the American public about education policies needed to drive improvement in student outcomes
Hispanic Federation, Inc.
Amount: $300,000
To increase the impact of Latino student advocacy in New York
Illustrative Mathematics
Amount: $2,849,792
To support student learning and teacher development
Inside Higher Ed, Inc
Amount: $210,910
To increase awareness of digital learning and other innovation-related issues among higher education leaders and influencers
Jacksonville Public Education Fund Inc.
Amount: $1,217,448
To support the growth and activities of a K12 advocacy hub in Florida, focused on ensuring excellent teaching and learning opportunities for Black, Latino and low-income students
Jefferson County Board of Education
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Jefferson Education Exchange
Amount: $99,990
To fund a series of convenings that will hone in on what educators want from R&D and the appetite for educators to be more involved in informing/driving the national education research agenda, helping to inform the future R&D work of IES and the Gates Foundation
KIPP Foundation
Amount: $740,748
To support the sharing of postsecondary advising practices for high school students
King County - Public Health - Seattle & King County
Amount: $1,071,191
To evaluate King County investments in school-community partnerships addressing root causes and mitigating impacts of student trauma and adversity
LOCUS Impact Investing
Amount: $50,000
To enhance the effectiveness of the Texas Rural Funders Collaborative
La Joya Independent School District
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Leadership Conference Education Fund, Inc.
Amount: $2,799,038
To support policies which drive towards educational equity, while growing the policy and advocacy capacity of state, local, and national civil rights groups
Leadership Florida Statewide Community Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $350,023
To plan, develop and execute education-centered learning opportunities for Florida's current and emerging education stakeholders
Learn to Earn Dayton
Amount: $106,934
To provide OH Mayors information on the importance of and potential solutions for, increasing post-secondary credential attainment
Lipscomb University
Amount: $100,000
To provide for General Operating Support
Amount: $849,325
To continue MDRC's evaluation of the NYC Small School of choice investment
MomsRising Education Fund
Amount: $300,000
To continue the work of MomsRising Education Fund in reaching influencers and the engaged public to support high quality early learning in Washington state
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools
Amount: $300,000
To support national charter policy-advocacy on growth, quality and special education integration
National Association of State Boards of Education
Amount: $200,000
To provide for General Operating Support
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Amount: $307,000
To provide for general operating support
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Amount: $700,000
To help build an evidence base for supporting students with disabilities, which will contribute to the development of NCLD's tools for young adults and teachers and to analyze the current resources that are supporting young adults in their transitions from high school
National Charter Collaborative
Amount: $56,520
To support travel scholarships for charter leaders of color to attend the Collective Action Convening
National Charter Collaborative
Amount: $599,422
To support the building of a national policy-advocacy platform led by single site charter leaders of color
National College Access Network Inc
Amount: $1,199,979
To support college advising readiness
National Congress of Parents and Teachers
Amount: $997,988
To support PTA in helping empower parents to be advocates for their own children and for better education outcomes in their districts and states
National Council on Teacher Quality
Amount: $308,447
To support a state level teacher policy database and a review of teacher preparation program approval processes
National Skills Coalition
Amount: $2,000,000
To broaden the popular base of support for changes in higher education through federal advocacy and business leader mobilization efforts
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center
Amount: $5,000,000
To enhance NSC's collection and reporting services to offer a comprehensive data collective for postsecondary education initiatives and institutions to enable their transparency and improvement efforts
New America
Amount: $1,097,782
To increase the amount of publicly available opinion data on higher education issues and raise the voice of underrepresented groups -- such as low-income and minority students -- who are rarely accounted for in policymaking discussions
New America
Amount: $400,000
To support advocacy for high-quality teacher prep programs and the development of a Latina/o teacher
New America Foundation
Amount: $50,000
To disseminate the Indispensable Policies and Practices for High-Quality Teacher & Learning in Pre-K research
New Schools Fund
Amount: $1,059,820
To enable the first phase of planning potential advanced research and development programs, including analyzing and publishing a public synthesis of learnings from the Advanced Education Research and Development Programs RFI
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $300,000
To provide general operating support to New Schools Fund
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $353,320
To support entrepreneurs developing innovations that will shift the labor market trajectories of Black, Latino, and low-income students through technology-enabled learning experiences, instructional content, learning diagnostics, and supportive administrative tools
New Venture Fund
Amount: $212,000
To strengthen the ability of NNSTOY to be a more effective and sustainable organization and thus enable it to continue its work to increase teacher leadership through structured training and provide support to teachers of high needs students
New Venture Fund
Amount: $900,000
To support English Learners Success Forum
New Venture Fund
Amount: $1,500,000
To support the work of Learning Heroes to inform and equip parents to be effective advocates for their children's educational success
New York City Charter School Center
Amount: $50,000
To provide for General Operating Support
New York City Outward Bound Center Inc
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
New York Urban League
Amount: $100,000
To grow education advocacy in New York
North Carolina Community College System
Amount: $199,525
To support communications and engagement supports for the NC Community College System RISE initiative
North Carolina State University
Amount: $249,932
To support ongoing research and dissemination of efforts to improve academic achievement for all students in North Carolina
North Carolina State University
Amount: $12,000
To support communications and convening efforts for education stakeholders in North Carolina
Ohio Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $1,196,610
To raise awareness of and support implementation of best practices to assist more students to complete post-secondary credentials of choice
Ontario-Montclair Schools Foundation
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
OpenUp Resources
Amount: $917,000
To support capacity building
Amount: $250,000
For general operating purposes
Partnership For Los Angeles Schools
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Partnership for College Completion
Amount: $597,379
To provide support to advance state and institutional policy changes necessary to close the post-secondary completion gap
Partnership for Learning
Amount: $984,000
To provide for General Operating Support
Philanthropy Ohio
Amount: $173,650
To inform policymakers, education, business and community leaders about the importance of and potential solutions for closing Ohio's post-secondary attainment gap
Pivot Learning Partners
Amount: $1,225,008
To support instructional materials
PowerMyLearning, Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To explore connections between tier one and supplemental instructional resources to accelerate student learning
Providence Public School District
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Puget Sound Educational Service District
Amount: $100,000
To support the learning community for our Road Map Superintendents
Puget Sound Educational Service District
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
RAND Corporation
Amount: $349,000
To support curriculum
Renton School District #403
Amount: $109,499
To support a planning grant to prepare for the four-year investment in the five Renton Innovation Zone (RIZ) schools
Renton School District #403
Amount: $762,496
To support schools in the Renton Innovation Zone to support Local Improvement Networks
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $50,000
To support strategic alliances for academic excellence in New York State
Sacramento City Unified School District
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Society for Research in Child Development
Amount: $800,000
To support a second year of implementation of the Society for Research in Child Development early childhood education fellows program
Solutions Journalism Network Inc
Amount: $1,100,000
To support the extension of Education Lab, a collaboration of The Seattle Times and the Solutions Journalism Network that produces highly engaging, solutions-oriented news and conversation about public education in Seattle and Washington state
Southeast Seattle Education Coalition (SESEC)
Amount: $200,935
To support a study to address challenges faced by schools and community partners in accessing, analyzing, and using disaggregated student data
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $350,316
To support engagement and communications activities related to human capital development
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $59,000
For general operating purposes
Springfield Public Schools
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Stand for Children Leadership Center
Amount: $300,000
To advocate for priorities across the P-16 spectrum
State Education Technology
Amount: $299,752
To support state education leaders in their selection of evidenced based professional development and quality instructional materials
Student Veterans of America
Amount: $482,902
To engage student veterans around postsecondary data and policy reform
Summit Education Initiative
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Amount: $212,750
To enhance the public data systems within the state of Tennessee
Tennesseans for Quality Early Education Policy & Research
Amount: $249,645
To support advocacy, policy and coalition leadership for quality Pre-K in Tennessee
Tennessee Association of Business Foundation
Amount: $220,000
To provide for General Operating Support
Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Amount: $240,000
To support research and data collection on the impact of higher education reforms in Tennessee
Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education
Amount: $2,910,000
To provide for general operating support
Texas Charter Schools Association
Amount: $50,000
For general operating purposes
Texas Community College Education Initiative
Amount: $300,000
For general operating purposes
Texas Education Agency
Amount: $200,000
To establish a demonstration of the impact of data sharing between State Education Agencies and Educator Preparation Programs, informing conversations state- and nation-wide on Educator Prep Program quality and practice
Texas Tech University
Amount: $14,950
To support the costs of participation in the Promise54 DEI Accelerator for US PREP
Texas Tribune, Inc.
Amount: $751,413
To increase public awareness and engagement of education reform issues in Texas and support other states in similar efforts
The Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $400,000
To support decision makers and advocates in working together to create policy solutions that improve student outcomes in K12 and education beyond high school
The California Education Partners
Amount: $12,000,000
This investment will support the California Education Partners to launch and run a 5-year Network for School Improvement in partnership with California districts and schools. In our strategy materials, Cal Ed Partners was identified as an initial ("pilot") partner for our School Improvement Delivery model body of work, based on Cal Ed's promising network model and reach in California (a targeted geography
The Expectations Project, Inc.
Amount: $537,400
To provide for general operating support
The Fellowship-BMEC, Inc.
Amount: $350,000
To advocate for and implement programming to help build a diverse, highly-effective teacher corps
The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute
Amount: $600,000
To analyze free and debt-free college policy proposals and disseminate findings to the public
The Institute for College Access and Success
Amount: $550,000
To support continued federal postsecondary policy efforts and organizational strategic planning
The National Center for Special Education in Charter Schools
Amount: $1,157,747
To elevate policy-advocacy for students with disabilities in charter schools
The Washington Monthly
Amount: $474,338
To promote alternative rankings of colleges and universities and assess the state of innovation in higher education
Turnaround for Children, Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
To increase the availability of evidence-based integrated solutions in the market so that educators can create supportive learning environments and trusting relationships in high-needs schools
UPD Consulting
Amount: $39,992
To cope a technical solution that enables the Texas Education Agency to automate the collection, integration, and reporting of pre-service data from Educator Prep Programs with corresponding data on the in-service experiences of program graduates for the purpose of continuous improvement of educator preparation
UPD Consulting
Amount: $62,939
To scope a technical solution that enables the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to automate the collection, integration, and reporting of pre-service data from Educator Prep Programs with corresponding data on the in-service experiences of program graduates for the purpose of continuous improvement of educator preparation
United Way of New York City
Amount: $100,000
To further education advocacy in New York City
University of California, Irvine
Amount: $49,500
To produce an academic report detailing the general theoretical frameworks of occupational identity and development that will focus specifically on underrepresented youth and a set of potential intervention and solutions areas that are suggested by research and practice efforts
University of Chicago
Amount: $52,815
University of North Carolina
Amount: $25,000
For ongoing planning efforts with the My Future NC Commission
University of Pennsylvania
Amount: $154,974
To develop a conceptual framework for Distributed Leadership and identify tools, resources and technical assistance partners
Uplift Education
Amount: $90,000
To support college advising
Urban Institute
Amount: $800,000
To research and analyze federal higher education policy related to financial aid and accountability
Valor Collegiate Academies
Amount: $500,000
To support Compass program
Vanderbilt University
Amount: $349,046
To support the principal leadership strand of work and develop additional communications capacity.
Washington Charter School Development, Inc
Amount: $9,800,000
To fund the construction of Green Dot's south Seattle high school--Rainier Valley Leadership Academy
Watermark Insights, LLC
Amount: $225,264
To allow teacher preparation programs to integrate their candidate assessment data with other data elements so that it can be analyzed and used to inform support for individuals as well as larger program improvement efforts
Yes We Must Coalition
Amount: $50,000
To support the 2018 Yes We Must Coalition National Conference
Achieve, Inc.
Amount: $350,801
To support Achieve's EQuIP and assessment inventory initiatives
Achievement First Inc.
Amount: $1,000,707
To measure and increase trustee awareness of key higher education challenges and options for addressing them
Achieving the Dream
Amount: $1,345,258
To build the capacity of national intermediaries to collaboratively support the distribution, implementation and refinement of institution change models that increase completions and equity through coach training
Alder Graduate School of Education
Amount: $2,000,000
To help seed and scale a new type of graduate school of education that will be able to operate without significant, on-going philanthropy and to create opportunity and cultivate success for K12 students by recruiting and educating excellent teachers and leaders who reflect our school communities
Always Be Learning, Inc.
Amount: $2,200,000
To create school operating models
American Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $483,446
To build the capacity of national intermediaries to collaboratively support the distribution, implementation and refinement of institution change models that increase completions and equity through regional pathways workshops
American Association of State Colleges and Universities
Amount: $1,286,778
To build the capacity of national intermediaries to support the distribution, implementation and refinement of comprehensive institution change models
American Indian Graduate Center Inc
Amount: $949,514
To enable financial independence for sustainable future growth
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $1,499,648
To provide a set of high performing and high potential postsecondary education institutions with improved reporting capabilities
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $247,994
To advance understanding and practice of the role of state system offices in supporting higher education institutions to close attainment gaps for low-income students, first-generation students, and students of color
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Amount: $1,999,986
To increase persistence and graduation rates for low income students who would otherwise be prevented from continuing their education due to unpaid balances resulting in financial holds on their student account
Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
Amount: $1,197,131
To accelerate and diversify funding sources for long term financial stability in order to support a greater number of underserved minority students nationwide
Association of Governing Boards
Amount: $225,056
To measure and increase trustee awareness of key higher education challenges and options for addressing them
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Amount: $1,199,313
To build the capacity of national intermediaries to support the distribution, implementation and refinement of comprehensive institution change models
Bank Street College of Education
Amount: $4,000,000
To improve outcomes for students by building professional learning communities, within and across urban schools districts, to improve teaching and learning
BetterWeekdays, Inc
Amount: $775,000
To connect students, universities and employers via technology that develops personalized career pathways and helps universities improve and measure job placement outcomes of grads
Brown University
Amount: $66,440
To support a national conference on higher education and upward mobility in America
CORE Districts
Amount: $464,750
Supplemental support for CORE to enable them to extend their index to build predictors of college success
Campaign for College Opportunity
Amount: $3,000,000
To support the Campaign for College Opportunity in advancing postsecondary education success and attainment in California
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Amount: $350,000
To provide transition funding to the Quantway and Statway math pathways model for its long-term sustainability
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Amount: $12,000
To provide conference support for the Carnegie Foundation's annual summit
Center for Teaching Quality, Inc.
Amount: $300,000
To support the Center for Teaching Quality to continue to evolve its service offerings and develop sustainable operations
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Public Education Fund
Amount: $498,914
To accelerate college and career readiness rates in four highly challenged high schools and to understand the root causes of low college and career readiness of Black, Latino, and low-income students in Hamilton County
Children Now
Amount: $350,000
To provide general operating support
Amount: $4,000,000
To support programmatic and evaluation efforts
Collaborative for Teaching and Learning
Amount: $50,000
To equip teachers with the leadership skills to seek out and implement innovative strategies. Teachers who can build community in their classrooms and schools find that they've built an environment in which those strategies have an opportunity to take root and grow
Colorado Children's Campaign
Amount: $100,000
To coordinate advocacy strategies targeted to state policymakers, grass top leaders and parents to build public and political will to support the continued implementation of key education policies in Colorado
Colorado Succeeds
Amount: $50,000
To support Job Ready Students Initiative in Colorado
Common Sense Media
Amount: $250,187
To support effective use of instructional tools
Common Sense Media
Amount: $500,087
To expand our coverage and provide meaningful training to key student privacy stakeholders (districts, teachers, and vendors) to ensure privacy is a core component of all decision making when selecting and implementing technology for kids in schools
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc
Amount: $2,250,000
For general operating support
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc.
Amount: $15,750
To support SXSWEdu 2017 Conference
Community Center for Education Results
Amount: $125,000
To develop a new Road Map Parent Leadership Capacity Building and Advocacy Plan
Community College League of California
Amount: $900,000
To support capacity building of the California EDGE Coalition to engage more deeply and long-term in postsecondary education policy advocacy
Community Partners
Amount: $700,000
To support capacity building of California Competes to advance postsecondary success advocacy priorities in California
Complete Tennessee
Amount: $600,000
For general operating purposes
Consortium for School Networking
Amount: $297,117
To expand the scope and depth of the Trusted Learning Environment (TLE) program, which builds and supports school systems' commitment to protecting student data
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $200,000
To support a learning community of state chief academic officers
Amount: $900,000
To support resource development
EdBuild, Inc.
Amount: $20,000
To support an analysis of changes to school district boundaries over the past 30 years to understand the impact of boundary changes on racial segregation
Education Commission of the States
Amount: $6,400,000
To support a national developmental education transformation effort to engage and support a network, create resources for the field, and scale work in states
Education Development Center, Inc.
Amount: $650,000
To support and identify the range of technological tools and products available for supporting young Dual Language Learners
Education First Consulting LLC
Amount: $396,475
To facilitate learning in teacher preparation among the five Transformation Centers and within the field more broadly
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $1,731,490
To support capacity building and the creation of the Ed Trust-West's Higher Education Department
Education Writers Association
Amount: $550,000
To support multiple programs and services for education journalists to increase the quantity of high-quality media coverage to better inform the public on college and career readiness, postsecondary access and success, and the post-election transition and its implications for education
Equity in Education Coalition
Amount: $5,000
To sponsor the fifth anniversary of the Equity in Education Coalition event
Excelencia in Education
Amount: $656,719
To provide program capacity-building support and to highlight institutional efforts to increase Latino student success
Excelencia in Education, Inc
Amount: $800,044
To fund organizational capacity-building in support of the forthcoming Seal of Excelencia
FSG, Inc.
Amount: $220,834
To design and launch a learning and evaluation process for a statewide network of community philanthropists focused on collective action toward equity, especially in education
Florida Coalition on Black Civic Participation Inc
Amount: $30,000
To advance Real Talk's 2017-2018 goals of generating greater parent and community involvement in helping to protect equitable policy solutions in Florida's plan for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Florida College System Foundation Inc.
Amount: $7,000
To assemble national leaders and higher education innovators from the state of Florida to discuss and explore postsecondary best practices that are strategically focused upon access, affordability, achievement, and educational attainment
Foundation for California Community Colleges
Amount: $350,000
To support the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office in a strategic planning process, and assist the Chancellor's office in driving integration and effective implementation of various student success initiatives statewide
Foundation for Excellence in Education Inc.
Amount: $2,600,000
For general operating purposes
Future of Privacy Forum Education and Innovation Foundation
Amount: $400,000
To support FPF's work in creating and supporting both effective use of student data and privacy protections.
Georgetown University
Amount: $949,810
To support districts and states implement ESSA's financial transparency reporting requirements
Georgia State University Foundation Inc
Amount: $75,000
To further Georgia State University's efforts to document and share their learnings and story about transforming to successfully serve more first-generation, low income, and students of color
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $71,000
To be a sponsor for the Grantmakers for Education Annual Conference "Equity in Education: Empowering Community Voice" to be held in Washington DC on October 15-18, 2017
HCM Strategists, LLC
Amount: $850,021
To build a state advocacy organization network
HCM Strategists, LLC
Amount: $2,234,339
To build national thought-leader networks, build awareness and help advance broader policy adoption to advance student outcomes
Harvard University
Amount: $250,000
To enhance understanding among the American public about education policies needed to drive improvement in student outcomes
Higher Learning Advocates Inc
Amount: $500,616
To support strategic planning while assessing and responding to field gaps on higher education quality issues
Hope Street Group
Amount: $972,000
For general operating purposes
Illustrative Mathematics
Amount: $881,657
To support math curriculum
Independent Colleges of Washington
Amount: $234,465
To create a unified student voice that engages and educates policymakers about the importance of supporting higher education for all Washingtonians
Amount: $1,903,288
To implement coaching and proactive advising programs with community colleges that serve large populations of low income, minority and first-generation students to improve retention and graduation rates
Instruction Partners
Amount: $900,000
To support resource development
International Documentary Association
Amount: $345,500
To support the production of a feature-length film on higher education challenges and promising efforts to address them
Ithaka Harbors Inc.
Amount: $2,455,227
To accelerate the development of developmental mathematics courseware that is aligned to the next generation courseware taxonomy (Courseware in Context - CwiC)
Jacksonville Public Education Fund Inc.
Amount: $30,000
To support district superintendent transition research and support activities
Kapor Center for Social Impact
Amount: $1,388,730
To encourage innovation and discover promising new technologies and entrepreneurs in career advising in K12-Postsecondary spectrum to increase student efficiency, enable more informed academic decisions--ultimately improving student success
Kent School District #415
Amount: $125
To ensure the K-12 team's work in equity is grounded in the real experiences of teachers, we must engage them directly in our learning
Kent School District #415
Amount: $25,000
To fund Tableau training for research/analytic staff in Road Map school districts
Kentucky Department of Education
Amount: $50,000
To support the Kentucky Department of Education's (KDE) research and analytic capacity through an Agency Fellowship with the Strategy Data Project (SDP)
LEAP Innovations
Amount: $1,000,000
For general operating support
Lasell College
Amount: $88,000
To further the work of the Lower Cost Models for Independent Colleges Consortium through support of several virtual meetings and one in person meeting
Leading Educators Inc
Amount: $1,618,063
To strengthen Leading Educators' human capital and organizational capacity to support school districts in their efforts to leverage the power of teacher leaders to develop systems of distributed leadership and professional learning
Learning Forward
Amount: $149,899
To support annual conference
Literacy Design Collaborative, Inc
Amount: $2,500,000
To fund research and development of online tools and resources to build effective standards-driven educators in the classroom to improve student outcomes
MDC, Inc.
Amount: $75,000
To fund the strategic dissemination of MDC's Philanthropy as the South's Passing Gear report
Amount: $469,750
To determine - through an independent random assignment study - the impact of a low-cost, scalable growth mindset intervention on the academic outcomes of 9th grade students in a national sample of U.S. high schools
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Inc
Amount: $599,631
To support the development and amplification of higher education solutions from beyond traditional policy circles which improve economic mobility
Mary Walker School District #207
Amount: $1,040,610
To support the capacity of the Rural Alliance to ensure college and career success through its P-16 network of rural school districts and partners
Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education, Inc.
Amount: $100,000
For general operating support
Military Child Education Coalition
Amount: $10,000
To support a landscape analysis of aligned funders for programmatic work
MindWires Consulting
Amount: $376,000
To increase knowledge in the postsecondary and higher education community around research-validated innovations in personalized learning (high quality digital courseware) to increase broad awareness of these innovations as well as to encourage greater usage of more appropriate terminology to describe these efforts
Monterey Institute For Technology and Education
Amount: $1,125,474
To improve the effectiveness and adoption of courseware that is demonstrating real potential for improving college success for new majority students who begin their college careers not fully prepared for academic success in math
Mossyrock School District
Amount: $139
To ensure the K-12 team's work in equity is grounded in the real experiences of teachers, we must engage them directly in our learning
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools
Amount: $2,000,000
To provide general operating support
National Association Of Charter School Authorizers
Amount: $2,000,000
To provide general operating support
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Amount: $524,606
To elevate the voices of innovative institutional leaders in service of improving policies to improve college access, success, data transparency, and accountability
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
Amount: $70,917
To develop and validate programs and products to support institutions in conducting formative and summative assessment of the quality and scale of their implementation of emergency aid
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
Amount: $8,942,761
To establish a key backbone and coordinating role for an emerging collective impact network focused on improving student success and outcomes for minority, low-income undergraduates via scaled and impactful implementation of high quality advising
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
Amount: $396,568
To develop the taxonomy and identify effective practices and programs for administering, communicating, and sustaining on-campus work opportunities provided by colleges to students, including federal work study, internships, co-ops, and other opportunities
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc
Amount: $1,000,000
To support the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards to continue their work in improving teacher effectiveness through Board Certification for teachers and support the organization's path forward to fiscal stability by the end of 2018
National Louis University
Amount: $1,103,434
To enable National Louis University to further strengthen and grow their Harrison Professional Pathways Program, so that thousands more first-generation, minority students succeed, graduate, and find meaningful and sustainable employment upon completion of this low-cost bachelor's degree pathway
National Skills Coalition
Amount: $750,000
To support the collection and use of data that will inform the connection between postsecondary education and the workforce
National Skills Coalition
Amount: $500,000
To situate the needs of working students within the federal higher education debate and align advocacy and communications efforts towards their improvement
National Student Clearinghouse Research Center
Amount: $2,569,224
To enhance the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center's data collective to support the transparency and improvement efforts of post-secondary education initiatives and institutions
National Writing Project
Amount: $500,000
To assist the National Writing Project's work in scale-up and evaluation of the program
New America
Amount: $3,600,000
To provide general operating support
New Classrooms Innovation Partners, Inc.
Amount: $9,000,000
To unlock the ability to demonstrate a step increase in student outcomes and leverage New Classrooms' unique data set and R&D efforts to help to support the dawn of a new era in K-12 education research
New Leaders Inc
Amount: $3,000,001
To identify, explore, and vet the optimal opportunities for online and blended professional development in school leadership
New Leaders Inc
Amount: $1,000,000
To support the implementation of New Leaders' model to develop transformational school leaders and their efforts to advance policies and practices that allow great leaders to succeed
New Meridian Corporation
Amount: $1,500,000
To expand the availability of high-quality assessments that track students' progress toward college and career readiness using assessments and assessment content from the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
New Profit Inc.
Amount: $45,000
To support annual conference
New Profit Inc.
Amount: $350,000
To build demand and show value for postsecondary enrollment data, highlight schools/districts that are "beating the odds" for targeted students
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $125,496
To support NSVF 2017 Summit to provide participant scholarships for leaders of color and build communities of practice among education innovation leaders
New Teacher Center
Amount: $2,000,000
To support the launch of NTC's School Leadership program in 4-8 field test sites across California (and selected additional locations) to establish proof points and learning for the field regarding effective school leadership development through networks of practice focused on teacher development, distributed leadership, and overall school and system transformation
New Venture Fund
Amount: $200,000
To support the work of Learning Heroes to inform and equip parents to be 'learning heroes' so that their child, and every child, can succeed
New Venture Fund
Amount: $247,252
To support research that utilizes recently collected, large-scale datasets to examine how learning environments in K-12 and higher education can foster greater motivation for learning and expand educational opportunity
New Venture Fund
Amount: $600,000
To fund the development of the organizational structure along with the piloting and evaluation, of a professional development model based on a new pedagogical framework designed to maximize the impact of Black teacher on the academic and socio-emotional growth of Black students
New Venture Fund
Amount: $40,000
To support the establishment of hard-to-measure competencies as an integral part of educational policy and practice
New Venture Fund
Amount: $7,900,000
To monitor and protect high standards and launch effective communications and political strategies in support of successful ESSA implementation
New York City Charter School Center
Amount: $100,000
To support general operations
New York University
Amount: $2,000,000
To explore higher education applications of artificial intelligence/machine learning and virtual reality/mixed reality/augmented reality to solve challenges in HigherEd for first generation, low income and underrepresented minority students
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $850,000
To educate school leaders and policy makers on how personalized, competency-based education models can help all students, especially under-served students, to be college and career-ready
Northwestern University
Amount: $649,946
To study if student long term success attributable to socio-emotional skills
Odell Education, LLC
Amount: $3,344,595
To support multi-platform distribution
Office of Financial Management
Amount: $490,000
To expand capacity of Education Research and Data Center ability to increase access to state-level P-20 education data
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Amount: $299,400
To support the Washington Teachers Advisory Council at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
Pahara Institute, Inc
Amount: $2,000,000
To support the Pahara Institute's Fellows and Next Gen leaders programming to ensure the development of diverse leadership across the education sector
Partnership for Learning
Amount: $100,000
To examine barriers to postsecondary attainment with the aim of raising Washington's attainment rate to 70 percent by the year 2023
Philanthropy Ohio
Amount: $200,000
To bring together a core network of partners to advocate for increased postsecondary attainment and equity in student outcomes
Pivot Learning Partners
Amount: $350,000
To support district and school level innovation through strategic use of resources
Policy Innovators In Education Network, Inc.
Amount: $1,500,000
To provide general operating support to Policy Innovators In Education Network, Inc
Postsecondary National Policy Institute
Amount: $1,300,150
To support continuing education and independent policy formation for congressional staff working on postsecondary issues
Public Advocates Inc.
Amount: $1,032,927
To support capacity building of Public Advocates' Education Equity Team
Public Agenda
Amount: $175,000
To strengthen Public Agenda's capacity to facilitate conversations about changing institutional policies and practices to increase student success
Puget Sound Educational Service District
Amount: $160,000
To provide support and build capacity to provide Special Education technical services to Washington State public charter schools
Puget Sound Educational Service District
Amount: $240,000
To provide funding for a year of system repair and maintenance that will enable the on-boarding of additional CBOs providing services to SPS students
Puget Sound Educational Service District
Amount: $3,750,000
To enable the Road Map Region to benefit from previous early math systems change work and create networks of regional math and early learning leaders to build on and sustain P-2 math efforts
RAND Corporation
Amount: $1,156,670
To study further understanding of the school level resources necessary to lead to better outcomes for students
Raza Development Fund
Amount: $6,000,000
To be used to provide facilities support and solutions for charter public schools in Washington State
ReUp Education
Amount: $738,243
To improve student success outcomes by funding the evaluation of low cost, more accessible business models and their efficacy, and validation of student success factors, to assist students with some college but no degree to reenroll and graduate
Relay Graduate School of Education
Amount: $1,470,167
To ensure that Relay GSE stakeholders have access to actionable and timely data for the purpose of continuous improvement and will serve as a model for implementing a data standard and integrated data system that can be shared with other teacher preparation programs
Research Foundation of the City University of New York
Amount: $477,584
To determine a set of standardized leading indicators of student success
Research for Action Inc
Amount: $700,000
To better understand and improve equity of access and attainment as an element of outcome-based funding policies
Research for Action Inc
Amount: $1,050,000
To evaluate the efficacy of free community colleges programs
Rice University
Amount: $600,000
To enable more affordable access to ever improving assessment items in a repository managed by OpenStax and a network of core partners
Riverside County Office of Education
Amount: $75,000
To to increase BA attainment rates in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties by focusing on math achievement and alignment with postsecondary expectations. The focus will be on the development and implementation of a fourth year high school math course designed in partnership with regional postsecondary institutions and aligned with the Common Core Standards. They seek to (1) increase mathematics achievement rates (one of the most significant barriers to college completion faced by Inland Empire); (2) decrease remediation rates in mathematics; and (3) increase college completion rates
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To support activities that support high quality college and career ready standards
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $103,090
To support the design and execution of a Family Math Fluency Convening
School's Out Washington
Amount: $1,861,375
To Schools Out Washington will the work of the Youth Executive Directors of King County efforts to build a deeper understanding of the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) landscape in South King County, build relationships between key players in Road Map school districts and amplify and accelerate progress around Social Emotional Learning (SEL) supports during the school day and in expanded learning environments
Amount: $1,999,568
To support implementation
Seattle Public Schools
Amount: $225
To ensure the K-12 team's work in equity is grounded in the real experiences of teachers, we must engage them directly in our learning
Seattle Public Schools
Amount: $300,000
To leverage school and community partnerships with a shared interest in improving outcomes for Seattle's youth and invest in efforts aimed at eliminating opportunity gaps for all students but with a specific focus on young African-American males and other students of color
Social Finance, Inc.
Amount: $444,720
To conduct a feasibility study exploring the potential of sustainable financing models for scaling the ASAP program at Lorain County Community College, and to understand broader opportunities for capital aggregation
Sound Discipline
Amount: $737,963
To support South King County elementary schools in implementing social-emotional learning models
South Seattle Community College Foundation
Amount: $15,000
To support cross-discipline collaboration and engagement of faculty, advisors, counselors, and students in the student success initiative known as Guided Pathways
Southern Education Foundation Inc Institutional Department
Amount: $550,000
To support and manage a postsecondary success place-based CREO innovation fund
Stanford University
Amount: $1,013,137
To construct and disseminate comparable data on educational outcomes to help scholars, policymakers, educators, and parents improve educational opportunity for students
Stanford University
Amount: $1,000,000
To provide support in developing resources for content and development
Stanford University
Amount: $598,543
To understand student and school data in the Washington State charter public school sector
Stanford University
Amount: $996,578
To generate an evidence base that stakeholders throughout California can use to guide decision-making
State Higher Education Executive Officers Association
Amount: $10,000
To ponsor the 2017 SHEEO Higher Education Policy Conference
State Higher Education Executive Officers Association
Amount: $1,496,022
To support communities of practice to assist states working to improve common issues with their postsecondary data systems; implementing improvements to an annual survey of state data systems
State Higher Education Executive Officers Association
Amount: $750,009
To build the capacity of a multi state postsecondary organization
StriveTogether, INC.
Amount: $25,000
To provide support for the October 2017 convening hosted by StriveTogether Inc focused on supporting the success of every child from the cradle to career
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $10,000,000
To support implementation of the Summit Learning program in targeted geographies, with the goal to increase the number of low-income and minority students achieving college ready outcomes
Tavis Smiley Foundation
Amount: $300,000
To promote a national dialogue on addressing equity gaps in higher education
Teach Plus, Incorporated
Amount: $2,000,000
For general operating support
Teach for America, Inc.
Amount: $1,500,562
To build capacity to recruit and train more high-quality teachers in Oakland to meet the demand created by expanding high quality seats
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $1,500,000
To grow the critical knowledge base for the maturing and rapidly growing guided pathways movement, which provides an organizing framework for the institutional change models that increase completions and equity
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $151,258
To identify the resources required to implement three successful teacher residency programs and the way those resources are financed by various entities in order to better understand how to build sustainable and efficient residency programs, and as a first step in understanding program implementation, efficacy, effectiveness, and efficiency
Amount: $100,000
To build grassroots capacity for both advocacy and solution building to address disproportionate exclusionary discipline in the Road Map region
Technology for Education Consortium
Amount: $500,000
To support digital content and education technology
Tennessee Association of Business Foundation
Amount: $400,001
To grow the business community's support of and involvement in Tennessee's credential attainment efforts
Texas Community College Education Initiative
Amount: $901,888
To scale Texas' Board of Trustees Institute training to all community college trustees in the state
Texas Tech University
Amount: $1,464,882
To put actionable and timely data into the hands of US PREP program stakeholders for the purpose of continuous improvement and serve as a model for implementing a data standard and integrated data system that can be shared with other prep programs
The Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $2,600,000
To improve and promote equity within K-12 education via convenings, tools and publications, and partnerships with education leaders across policy and practice
The Atlantic
Amount: $750,000
To raise awareness of innovative efforts to bridge postsecondary attainment gaps among key stakeholder audiences
The Edcamp Foundation
Amount: $1,850,000
To support EdCamp's Urban Initiative
The Fellowship-BMEC, Inc.
Amount: $30,000
To support a national gathering of Black male educators with the goal of encouraging building infrastructure, connections and support for the ongoing recruitment and retention of African American males in school districts across the country
The Institute for College Access and Success
Amount: $1,400,000
To support increased capacity for TICAS's California policy advocacy efforts, including increasing their role as a technical assistance provider to advocates and policy makers
The New Teacher Project, Inc.
Amount: $399,835
To support instructional material adoption
The Oregon Community Foundation
Amount: $150,000
To support the development of a pipeline of culturally-specific, culturally relevant and rural-based trainers to provide all levels of training for early childhood care and education providers for underserved families
The Seattle Foundation
Amount: $100,000
To support stakeholder engagement to disseminate the research findings and policy recommendations to legislative decision makers
Third Way Institute
Amount: $4,005,324
To facilitate advocacy efforts to improve existing higher education policies, support development of advocacy capacity across key partners, and increase demand for better outcomes for students
Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Amount: $1,100,000
To provide general operating support
Tides Center
Amount: $529,960
To support efforts in Stockton to increase educational opportunity and support stronger outcomes for students
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Amount: $4,862,703
To elevate and leverage the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's voice and mobilize their federation of more than 2,500 state and local business chambers in support of education advocacy
UPD Consulting
Amount: $572,849
To work collaboratively with teacher prep programs to develop a dashboard and reporting tool that integrates data from the Ed-Fi Teacher Preparation Data Model, producing a cost-effective, open-source solution for teacher prep programs to provide their stakeholders access to data that they can utilize for continuous improvement decisions
Unbounded Learning, Inc.
Amount: $2,996,473
To build a new program model that aims to develop a diverse cadre of middle school math and ELA coaches who can provide high quality, standards-focused professional development to the teachers they serve in Florida and Massachusetts and will serve as a long-term model to accelerate instructional improvement and better student outcomes in other states
United Way of New York City
Amount: $350,000
To support the United Way New York City in its role as an intermediary technical assistance provider supporting NYC schools in improving student outcomes
University of California, Los Angeles
Amount: $1,500,000
To support student engagement
University of Michigan
Amount: $26,622
To explore changes in instruction resulting from Common Core State Standards, and their relationship to student learning
University of North Carolina
Amount: $500,000
To support the development of North Carolina's statewide educational attainment goal
University of South Florida
Amount: $110,000
To create and sustain early and ongoing awareness among policymakers, and critical stakeholders, through evidence and best practices, of critical higher education policies
University of Southern California
Amount: $450,000
To support The Equity in Excellence project's Equity Scorecard - designed by the Center for Urban Education (CUE) at the Rossier School of Education, USC, which helps campuses address the structural problems that impede the success of underserved population
University of Texas Austin
Amount: $85,000
To provide an honorarium as part of an ROI analysis for better decision making to scale solution efforts in a shared services model, especially those that are most beneficial to outcomes for low-income and minority students
University of Washington
Amount: $100,000
To support a professional development conference for K-12 educators in Washington state
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $41,880
To support a convening to define the barriers that need to be reduced and the supports that need to be in place in order to accelerate faculty adoption of our digital learning solutions
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $250,004
To analyze and explain data about postsecondary credentials to practitioners and policymakers
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $162,131
To provide research, technical assistance, and support for district-charter collaboration in Washington State
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $754,601
To improve the ability of key Pacific Northwest Team grantees to make data-driven decisions using advanced data science techniques
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $466,351
To investigate and support inter-institutional learning processes and related outcomes among teacher education programs participating in a "networked improvement community" supported by the Teacher Preparation Transformation Centers project
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $224,847
To measure elementary school students' math attitudes in the Renton School District
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $159,731
To support research project to examine the role of the elementary school principal in improving classroom instruction in two Road Map school districts
Amount: $540,134
To improve student success outcomes through retention and advising technology which scales on-campus resources by bringing them online, facilitating advising and academic coaching for nontraditional students
Urban Institute
Amount: $400,000
To provide timely, rigorous, and independent analysis on higher education policy issues
Amount: $4,986,444
To operate a network of thirty diverse high-performing, high-potential postsecondary institutions and organizational partners from across higher education
Viridis Learning
Amount: $620,400
To improve student success by developing outcome tracking and reporting through enhanced connections to a machine learning & predictive analytics platform that facilitates career pathway exploration for community college students
Washington Charter School Development, Inc
Amount: $3,300,000
To fund the development and construction for Washington State charter schools
Washington Charter School Development, Inc
Amount: $2,846,860
To support operating costs of Washington Charter School Development as well as facilities solutions for charter public schools in Washington State
Washington State Charter Schools Association
Amount: $3,500,000
To provide general operating support to Washington State Charter Schools Association
Washington Student Achievement Council
Amount: $180,000
To advance postsecondary success opportunities in Washington's regional economic centers
Amount: $477,078
To support the efforts of the California State Board of Education and California Department of Education to continue to learn about the statewide implementation of the California Standards
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Amount: $4,519,078
To establish a key backbone and coordinating role for an emerging collective impact network focused on improving student success and outcomes for minority, low-income undergraduates via scaled and impactful implementation of high quality digital learning
Yes We Must Coalition
Amount: $990,545
To support and strengthen a mission-aligned coalition of private independent higher education institutions seeking to improve the retention and completion of its members
Young Invincibles
Amount: $2,500,000
To support the elevation and inclusion of student voices in improving state and federal postsecondary policies
Young Invincibles
Amount: $357,647
To develop knowledge which better quantifies institutional commitment to and investment in student engagement
100 Black Men of America, Inc.
Amount: $900,000
To support emerging leaders of color in education
Achieve Inc
Amount: $4,000,000
For general operating support
Achieve Inc
Amount: $2,500,000
To support states in addressing the quality of their standards and state assessment systems as well as coalition and advocacy support to states in their Every Student Succeeds Act development and implementation
Achievement First Inc.
Amount: $994,850
To support leadership and organizational development of Charter Management Organizations led by leaders of color, through the Charter Network Accelerator
Achievement Network
Amount: $4,000,000
To support the work of the Achievement Network as they work alongside district leaders at the intersection of high-quality instructional tools, professional learning, and a vision for great teaching
Achieving the Dream, Inc.
Amount: $1,500,000
To provide capacity building support
Achieving the Dream, Inc.
Amount: $800,000
To evaluate the implementation and impact of high-quality degree pathways using Open Educational Resources (OER) in community colleges
Alliance for Excellent Education Inc.
Amount: $4,200,000
For general operating support
America Achieves, Inc
Amount: $400,000
To support development of innovative programmatic interventions focused on the connection between greater student ownership/agency and student persistence for closing the achievement gap
America Succeeds
Amount: $249,780
To leverage the voices of business leaders on issues related to high quality teacher preparation and equity
American Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $451,007
To co-create and document a framework for implementation services and supports that will lead to dramatically improved credential completions by students attending community colleges, and to closing the equity gap for those completing
American Association of State Colleges and Universities
Amount: $6,000,000
To identify, understand, and share what works to accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting and sharing new knowledge about the institutional change process
American Enterprise Institute For Public Policy Research
Amount: $1,157,579
To support the continued development of research-driven higher education policies to address structural problems standing in the way of greater student success
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $200,000
To bring stakeholders in teacher preparation to some agreement about which type of research would improve programs and which study designs and data could be used to carry out that research
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $1,258,720
To establish a community of practice that aligns teaching effectiveness measurement practices to the principles outlined in Feedback for Better Teaching: Nine Principles for Using Measures of Effective Teaching
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $2,500,000
To evaluate the effectiveness of organizations that provide transformational assistance to colleges and universities so that more of the students they serve graduate
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $5,132,658
To surface insights that can become 'playbooks' for institutions of higher education to use in efficiently scaling interventions to support student success
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $246,658
To provide project support to evaluate competency-based education programs
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Amount: $75,000
To accelerate the work of a set of high-potential institutions through testing, learning, and sharing focused practices for student success as identified at Interaction Effect 2015
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Amount: $5,046,591
To support an enterprise management approach to double enrollment, improve equity in access and success, and serve as a national scale university exemplar
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Amount: $4,172,505
To provide institutions ROI analysis and/or tools for better decision making in order to scale digital learning efforts, especially those that are most beneficial to outcomes for low income and underrepresented minority students
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Amount: $1,205,570
To increase credential production and improve equity in access and success to higher education through identifying and developing an enterprise model and growth plan for Arizona State University, while identifying and sharing critical factors for success
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $500,000
To support creation of the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development that seeks to harness the research emerging in social and emotional development and kindred fields to further explore the evidence base for improving student outcomes by integrating social and emotional development into the design of pre K-12 educational programs and teaching and learning and to examine the implications for policy and practice
Association of Chief Academic Officers
Amount: $1,043,313
To support the adoption and implementation of digital learning\courseware which research indicates promise for improvements in increased success in general education\gateway courses for new majority students and in reducing equity gaps
Association of Community College Trustees
Amount: $50,000
To promote preparedness and resiliency against natural and unnatural disasters at community colleges while maintaining their commitment to student success, completion, and equity following such events
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Amount: $493,709
To support the Student Achievement Measure project in strengthening consensus around improved outcome metrics and improving national postsecondary data infrastructure to collect and report more accurate student outcomes metrics for all institutions
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Amount: $421,828
To promote the use and share the experience of adaptive courseware and advising systems as part of a broader transformation within universities that seek dramatically to improve credentialing productivity and reduce attainment gaps
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To elevate voices in the education blogger and social media space
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc.
Amount: $50,000
To develop a data set capturing current Charter Management Organization leadership demographics, labor market realities, and other contextual factors to inform the charter strategy
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc.
Amount: $19,000
To support Charter facilities planning in Boston
Boston Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $400,000
To expand opportunities and supports for educators across Greater Boston to collaborate and innovate in order to capitalize on school-level autonomies and unleash educators' potential to accelerate the rate of improvement across schools
Boston Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $20,000
To convene a working session of teacher leaders to explore and design a potential teacher leadership and engagement network for Massachusetts teachers
Boston Private Industry Council Inc
Amount: $250,000
To support Boston Charters Compact's execution of its unified enrollment plan
Boston Schools Fund Inc
Amount: $75,000
To enable Boston Schools Fund to work with Boston Public Schools to develop a strategic and operational plan
Brooke School Foundation
Amount: $200,000
To develop and share instructional tools and resources designed to help their students achieve at the highest levels of Massachusetts state math assessments (MCAS)
Business Innovation Factory
Amount: $1,500,000
To support the development of teacher communities of practice focused on equity and the achievement gap; to network leaders of communities to share, learn, and scale best practices and resources
CORE Districts
Amount: $6,350,000
For using Local Education Agencies Implementation Networks to support instructional improvement aligned with Common Core State Standards
CORE Districts
Amount: $500,000
To provide general operating support for the CORE Districts
CSGF Facility Fund III, LLC
Amount: $150,000
To support the operating costs of Charter School Growth Fund's Facility Fund
CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation
Amount: $2,000,000
To convene large numbers of teachers on a single day in regions across the state of California to generate momentum around the singular impact of teachers on college and career readiness and directly impact teacher networking and collective practice, exposure to materials, resources and strategies for Common Core implementation
California Charter Schools Association
Amount: $750,000
To grant will be used to grow and support high-quality public charter schools in Oakland, California through school development supports and building advocacy strength
California Education Partners
Amount: $9,926,168
To improve outcomes for California students by supporting collaboration across districts
California School Boards Foundation
Amount: $75,035
To support the design of an equity-focused curriculum for training school and county board members and to use the new state tools in order to close opportunity gaps and promote improved outcomes for students
Campaign for Black Male Achievement Inc
Amount: $100,000
To support engagement efforts to improve student achievement for Black males in and across Kentucky
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Amount: $10,000
To support the 2017 Summit on Improvement in Education Conference
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Amount: $4,999,981
To support the development and application of improvement science and Networked Improvement Communities in education to support high quality implementation of instructional support systems at scale
Center for American Progress
Amount: $750,000
To increase educational equity by supporting successful implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act, promoting messages on elevating the teaching profession, and developing high-quality research and policy products focused on teacher pipeline issues
Center for American Progress
Amount: $1,700,001
To reinvest in ongoing efforts at the Center for American Progress focused on bringing high-quality, affordable education beyond high school which is necessary to rebuild the middle class and advance national competitiveness
Center for Better Schools
Amount: $500,000
To support the development of a business model and growth plan for National Academy of Advanced Teacher Education (NAATE) to sustainably scale its program on a regional level and address the professional learning challenges for school and teacher leaders and teachers
Center for Education Reform
Amount: $203,356
To advance high quality charter policies
Central Kentucky Education Cooperative
Amount: $600,000
To build on and expand the Common Assignment Project across Kentucky and the professional capacity of educators through work with Co-ops
Central Kentucky Education Cooperative
Amount: $150,000
To support and expand high quality implementation of college ready standards and professional learning opportunities for teachers through the regional cooperative working alongside district and school leaders
Charter Board Partners
Amount: $1,198,443
To support high performing charters with the recruitment, training and on-boarding of board members
Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund
Amount: $25,000,000
To provide support for Charter School Growth Fund - Fund III and Emerging Charter Management Organization Fund
Chiefs for Change
Amount: $599,683
To support states as they develop and implement Every Student Succeeds Act plans
Children Now
Amount: $110,413
To support communications to parents and community members around the Common Core and the Smarter Balanced Assessments in California
Citizen Schools, Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To evaluate the effectiveness of digital courseware
Collaborative for Teaching and Learning
Amount: $95,002
To provide an accurate picture of teacher leadership development efforts in Kentucky
College for All Texans Foundation
Amount: $498,410
To disseminate experiences, approaches, and successes of emergency aid programs at exemplar institutions in Texas
College for All Texans Foundation
Amount: $701,382
To provide analytical support to amplify the Texas higher education strategic plan
College-Ready Promise
Amount: $2,999,615
To support high performing charter management organizations with professional learning, instructional tools and data collection
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $9,575,000
To support efforts in improving college ready outcomes for Colorado students by deepening standards implementation, human capital strategies, and teacher engagement efforts throughout the state
Colorado Succeeds
Amount: $425,000
To educate, support and mobilize business leaders to be champions for equity in the state of Colorado
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc
Amount: $73,448
To enable conference support to SXSWEdu 2016
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc
Amount: $500,057
To support and spread the successful achievement-gap closing approach of RGV FOCUS in collaboration with regional school districts and postsecondary institutions
Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
Amount: $249,035
To support a planning process that brings together community organizations, leaders, funders and others within the Georgia community to explore working together on postsecondary attainment issues for low-income students in Georgia
Complete College America Inc
Amount: $5,800,005
To reinvest in Complete College America to significantly increase the number of Americans with quality career certificates or college degrees and to close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
Complete Tennessee
Amount: $1,093,168
To catalyze the creation of an independent organization that will advance student success and postsecondary attainment in Tennessee
Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement
Amount: $50,000
To raise awareness and build understanding for equity in education
Convergence Center for Policy Resolution
Amount: $750,000
To support Convergence Center for Policy Resolution's Education Reimagined's convening efforts aimed at accelerating the growth and impact of the learner-centered education movement
Council For Adult And Experiential Learning
Amount: $1,249,638
To provide learners with relevant and up-to-date career exploration data and information by creating and promoting a Career Action Platform in Tennessee
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $10,000,000
To support states as they develop and implement Every Student Succeeds Act plans
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $15,408,198
To provide for general operating support
Amount: $500,000
To develop and solidify a model and training approach to build district and local TA capacity to accurately assess classroom practice and support deep implementation of the new standards with the goal to build an 'army' of practitioners to support better instruction
DC Public Education Fund
Amount: $5,000,000
To launch LEAP (LEarning together to Advance our Practice), a new program of the DC Public Schools that is designed to improve the quality of education and accelerate student achievement outcomes
DC Public Education Fund
Amount: $504,835
To enable broader access of DCPS Cornerstones to the field and the opportunity for districts and charters to adapt and use the Cornerstones material to support for more rigorous classroom learning
Data Quality Campaign, Inc.
Amount: $4,500,000
To make data work for students by ensuring policymakers prioritize building the culture, capacity and conditions to use data in service of student learning from early childhood through K-12, postsecondary and the workforce
Data Quality Campaign, Inc.
Amount: $300,000
To provide general operating support to Data Quality Campaign
Deans for Impact
Amount: $1,999,449
To support programmatic as well as advocacy, communications, and engagement efforts for innovative deans of education and the development of outcome-based measures for teacher preparation
Amount: $1,500,000
To create and spotlight new teacher leadership opportunities by facilitating the generation and dissemination of teachers' most innovative ideas for instruction
Amount: $1,000,000
To support a campaign that will kick off the back to school season on DonorsChoose.org, ensuring that teachers begin the year with the resources that they need for a great school year
EdSource Inc.
Amount: $1,362,606
To deepen knowledge and awareness of state and federal reforms, including the Common Core standards and the Every Student Succeeds Act, through regular reporting on successful strategies as well as challenges that need to be overcome
EdSurge Inc.
Amount: $600,000
To increase the base of evidence around how schools characterize personalized learning, what implementation looks like and what are schools' pathways to building these models
Amount: $5,423,423
To design and launch new public schools, support teacher and leader retention, engage families and build coalitions in support of a more equitable and high-quality public education system in Oakland, CA
Education Cities, Inc
Amount: $250,000
To identify the role Education Cities can play in supporting Personalized Learning adoption in member cities
Education Commission of the States
Amount: $750,000
To support states as they develop and implement ESSA plans, utilizing the resources of Education Commission of the States and their state policy membership
Education Commission of the States
Amount: $515,000
To prepare for a broad-based initiative to implement innovative postsecondary education design principles and build the staff and organizational capacity of the initiative
Education Commission of the States
Amount: $1,034,527
To support the generation and dissemination of policy ideas to advance state higher education financial aid policy redesign and the development of intentional federal - state funding partnerships in postsecondary education
Education First Consulting LLC
Amount: $350,000
To seed, scale and communicate about new and successful teacher leadership opportunities in Massachusetts in order to impact a greater number of educators, resulting in better classroom instruction, enhanced collaboration, and improved student achievement
Education First Consulting LLC
Amount: $850,000
To facilitate learning in the areas of teacher preparation and personalized learning
Education Resource Strategies, Inc.
Amount: $465,000
To illustrate the costs, resource shifts, processes and structures necessary for school districts to carry out key elements of a redesigned professional learning system for teachers
Education Strategy Group, LLC
Amount: $800,000
To support state Every Student Succeeds Act plan development with meaningful engagement of the higher education community to validate high quality standards leading to college entrance without remediation
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $3,938,223
To support the Education Trust's policy research and coalition work
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $800,000
For general operating support
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $2,000,000
To provide general operating support
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $20,000
To support the implementation of equity walks
Education Writers Association
Amount: $25,000
To sponsor a reception of 150 higher education attendees of the 69th Education Writers Association National Seminar
Educators for Excellence
Amount: $4,000,000
To support the Teacher Leadership and Policy & Advocacy Programs, which engage and empower forward-thinking teachers as leaders in the movement toward educational equity
Amount: $603,750
To raise awareness of and build demand for evidence-backed innovations and to support Educause in the development of editorial content and related communications activities
Entertainment Industry Foundation
Amount: $2,700,000
To elevate the status of the teaching profession, promote students' feeling of agency in their own learning, and create public will for rigorous, innovative teaching and learning by building a new national narrative about our education system
Excelencia in Education
Amount: $20,000
To facilitate and support the work of the Latino Student Success Funders Group
FSG, Inc.
Amount: $799,531
To create case studies on personalized learning models and personalized learning networks
Florida Association of School Administrators Foundation Inc
Amount: $250,000
To expand the impact of the Florida Commissioner's Leadership Academy to build principal, assistant principal and instructional leadership team capacity in select schools within Florida implementation network districts
Florida Department of Education
Amount: $2,000,000
To support the Florida Department of Education's implementation of a state Request-for-Proposal focused on district - charter collaboration
Florida Philanthropic Network Inc.
Amount: $150,073
To fund the training and engagement of funders on the implementation challenges of Florida Standards
Florida State University Research Foundation Inc.
Amount: $1,098,028
To support the Center for Postsecondary Success in research and dissemination of actionable evidence on Florida postsecondary education outcomes and reforms
Forum for the Future of Higher Education
Amount: $50,000
To give conference support for the Aspen Symposium
Foundation Center
Amount: $50,000
To provide outreach and administer the Foundation Registry i3 on behalf of the education field
Foundation for California Community Colleges
Amount: $1,000,000
To support 15-20 selected community colleges in California in the implementation of guided pathways, while also building capacity within the state for spreading that work to a much larger numbers of colleges
Foundation for California Community Colleges
Amount: $499,905
To support the evaluation and scaling effort of the California Acceleration Project to reform developmental education at the California community colleges
Foundation for Educational Administration, Inc.
Amount: $75,000
To provide support and training to school and school district administrators for developing strategic plans focused on equity under California's new accountability system
Foundation for Excellence in Education Inc.
Amount: $1,300,000
For general operating support
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $1,120,539
To launch a program designed to support teacher to teacher collaboration and engagement by sharing lessons learned within schools and district wide through participating in a networked improvement community
Georgetown University
Amount: $3,000,000
To support the Center on Education and the Workforce's research and policy agenda to better align postsecondary education and the workforce, with an emphasis on inequalities in the education and labor market based on race, income, and gender
Georgia Budget and Policy Institute
Amount: $559,248
To build and sustain a research-driven policy advocacy ecosystem focused on improving the racial and economic equity in access and completion rates among Georgia postsecondary students
Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education Inc.
Amount: $250,005
To support communication and policymaker engagement strategies related to issues of equity in education in the Southeast
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $100,000
To fund the work plan to develop and launch the DevEd Initiative, as well as support the Post Secondary Access and Attainment Impact Group (PSA2)
Great Public Schools Now
Amount: $24,985,965
To replicate the number of high-quality public schools in Los Angeles, increase the quality and retention teachers and leaders, engage families and communities, and remove barriers to facilities
HCM Strategists, LLC
Amount: $150,862
To disseminate state policy learnings related to education business models to improve student completion and equity outcomes
HCM Strategists, LLC
Amount: $867,802
To create a core network of partners to advocate for increased postsecondary attainment and equity in student outcomes
HCM Strategists, LLC
Amount: $86,957
To create a primer on costs and finance in higher education reviewing the most recent and relevant data and research in the field to identify promising practices as well as critical areas in need of further research and development
Harvard University
Amount: $62,099
To support the Scaling for Impact project, a leadership program for education entrepreneurs
Highlander Institute
Amount: $1,779,297
To extend the reach of Highlander Institute programming throughout RI, including Fuse RI to half of the state of RI (over 70,000 students and 8,000 teachers) and the EdTechRI Testbed Network, with the goal of expanding, deepening and sustaining blended and personalized learning models, particularly in high need districts
Highlander Institute
Amount: $10,000
To support the annual Blended and Personalized Learning Conference
Hispanic Federation, Inc.
Amount: $350,000
To advocate for equitable policies and practices in K-12 school
Hope Street Group
Amount: $2,650,003
To select, train and build a network for teachers to help drive sustainable policy, practice and perception improvements at local and state levels
Institute For Higher Education Policy
Amount: $5,400,583
To strengthen the Postsecondary Data Collaborative, elevate advocacy efforts, and enhance communications infrastructure at the Institute for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) by increasing their capacity to serve as a strong policy research partner in the field
Institute for College Access and Success
Amount: $1,000,000
To identify and advance changes to federal student aid programs which help more low-income students graduate with high-quality credentials without burdensome debt
Jacksonville Public Education Fund Inc.
Amount: $573,850
To support the exploration of an initiative or organization to support implementation efforts across Florida's education sector
Jacksonville Public Education Fund Inc.
Amount: $59,988
To support the strategic planning and growth initiative of the Jacksonville Public Education Fund
James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $850,000
To provide support for advocacy, communications, and engagement efforts for state level policy makers implementing state-driven plans for standards, accountability and school improvement efforts
Jefferson Education Accelerator, LLC
Amount: $187,500
To develop an open, searchable, national database of education researchers designed to affect the quality, utility, and impact of research on student outcomes
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $16,550,803
To help colleges improve their performance, increase the number of students progressing toward and completing credentials, and close equity and achievement gaps by scaling evidence-based practices and policies related to guided pathways
John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education
Amount: $300,000
To explore and understand the capacity and alignment of a respected Technical Assistance provider in the field, and test their ability to participate in our solution networks and effectively support practitioners that serve low income and minority students
Johns Hopkins University
Amount: $1,994,006
To create a network that would support school systems using or interested in the use of on-track/early warning data to increase graduation and college-readiness rates
Johnson C Smith University Incorporated
Amount: $99,792
To produce a plan of action that will allow institutions to develop and/or strengthen programs that will provide graduates with the skills, experiences and knowledge required by employers to be 'job-ready' immediately upon graduation
K-12 OER Collaborative
Amount: $2,500,000
To support the K-12 Open Educational Resources (OER) Collaborative
Kentucky Chamber Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $350,032
To support and strengthen efforts to raise academic achievement in Kentucky
Kentucky Department of Education
Amount: $6,670,182
To support efforts in improving college ready outcomes for Kentucky students by deepening standards implementation, human capital strategies, and teacher engagement efforts throughout the state
Kentucky Valley Education Cooperative
Amount: $200,000
To engage and build capacity in two regional cooperatives to deepen the implementation of College Ready Standards and Assessment and Systems to Support Effective Teaching in regional locations across the state
Khan Academy Inc.
Amount: $10,500,000
To provide digital instructional content and tools to help teachers accelerate student learning
Kitamba Management, Inc.
Amount: $57,500
To translate Massachusetts educator survey data into user-friendly reports
LEV Foundation
Amount: $1,000,000
To provide general operating support to LEV Foundation
Leadership Florida Statewide Community Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $300,006
To provide Leadership Florida with the ability to plan, develop and execute education-centered learning opportunities for Florida's current and emerging education stakeholders
Leading Educators Inc
Amount: $300,000
To provide matching i3 funds with the goal of building professional capacity through effective professional development for teacher leaders and principals to improve college ready outcomes for low-income and minority students in Chicago and the surrounding area schools
LearnLaunch Institute
Amount: $13,000
To support LearnLaunch Across Boundaries Conference
LearnLaunch Institute
Amount: $288,150
To help facilitate digital courseware product efficacy
LearnLaunch Institute
Amount: $12,000
To support LearnLaunch Across Boundaries Conference
Learning Forward
Amount: $249,726
To establish a knowledge base around the adoption, use, perceived efficacy, and challenges of teacher feedback and observation tools that have an existing evidence base to support effectiveness
Lindsay Unified School District
Amount: $2,500,000
To design and test a tool for adult learning that clearly defines competencies adults need to master to implement personalized learning, highlights the systematic barriers that stand in the way of adults mastering those competencies
Loyola Marymount University
Amount: $2,000,000
To convene large numbers of teachers on a single day in regions across the state of California to generate momentum around the singular impact of teachers on college and career readiness and directly impact teacher networking and collective practice, exposure to materials, resources and strategies for Common Core implementation
Marquette University
Amount: $300,000
To provide a teacher engagement networking venue to focus on improving instruction that supports college and career ready standards
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Amount: $450,000
To support the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education work with district networks
Massachusetts Institute for A New Commonwealth Inc.
Amount: $275,000
To support college and career ready advocacy in Gateway Cities
Migration Policy Institute
Amount: $650,000
To engage immigrant community stakeholders in advocacy to improve PreK-12 education policies for Dual Language Learners and English learners
MindWires Consulting
Amount: $625,000
To increase depth of knowledge within the US postsecondary educational community of research-validated innovations in personalized learning
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Amount: $150,000
To help fund an ad hoc committee under the auspices of the National Academies will study how to fund early care and education for children from birth to kindergarten entry that is accessible, affordable to families, and of high quality, including a well-qualified and adequately supported workforce consistent with the vision outlined in the report Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through 8
National Association for the Education of Young Children
Amount: $150,000
To ensure consideration of the role of early learning leaders as NAEYC leads a collaborative effort to establish a shared framework of career pathways, knowledge and competencies, qualifications, standards, and compensation that unifies the entire profession, which will lead to a comprehensive policy and financing strategy for their systemic adoption and implementation
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials NALEO Educational Fund
Amount: $3,066,000
To increase policymakers' understanding of education issues affecting Hispanic students, empowering them to develop and implement sound and effective education policies that will help their students become college and career ready
National Association of State Boards of Education
Amount: $525,127
To inform state board of education members about changes in federal law that will affect student achievement and district accountability
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
Amount: $1,417,352
To build a community of practice and awareness around emergency aid as a lever for retention and graduation
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc
Amount: $1,985,025
To redesign of the National Board Certification process which focuses on the use of student outcome data and assessment competency for teachers, and will ensure that certification reflects multiple measures of effective teaching aligned with high instructional standards. The NB certification process was last updated in 2001 this investment will support the use of data and increased access and flexibility for teachers undertaking the certification process
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Amount: $300,000
To expand capacity and engage parents and communities on policy, advocacy strategies, communications, and best practices in targeted ESSA states
National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies
Amount: $520,000
To support two projects through the League of Innovative Schools: 1) convening a League of Innovative Schools competency-based education working group and moving its ideas to action, and 2) conducting short-cycle product efficacy studies in League schools, and disseminating the research model and findings nationally
National College Access Network
Amount: $1,020,246
To support ongoing efforts led by the National College Access Network to implement a transition to prior-prior year income information and advocacy efforts to further simplify the underlying needs analysis formula
National Council of La Raza
Amount: $1,200,000
To co-lead the advocacy, coalition building and mobilization work required for effective Every Student Succeeds Act implementation that reflects a unified civil rights voice that drives equity for low income children and students of color
National Literacy Project Inc.
Amount: $300,000
To support district implementation of the Literacy Design Collaborative framework/tools as a strategy to deepen standards-aligned instruction in Florida
National Public Education Support Fund
Amount: $20,000
To support Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's 2-year membership in The Social and Emotional Learning Funders Collaborative
National Urban League Inc
Amount: $1,199,994
To co-lead the advocacy, coalition building and mobilization work required for effective ESSA implementation that reflects a unified civil rights voice that drives equity for low income children and students of color
Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $300,000
To provide professional development experiences that enable teachers to engage in sustained learning that drives improvements in instruction
New America
Amount: $611,500
To inform policies and practices related to attracting, developing, identifying, and retaining great educators in the nation's public elementary and secondary schools
New America
Amount: $500,000
To support a privacy and security fellow to provide expert advice and analysis of proposals to improve on the collection and dissemination of data on postsecondary education
New Profit Inc.
Amount: $6,011,962
To accelerate the development of the Personalized Learning space through scaling select grantees via New Profit's approach and provide more understanding of capital aggregation, capacity building, and opportunities for aligned action to spread personalized learning to districts across the nation
New Profit Inc.
Amount: $1,400,000
To engage, connect, and coalesce a syndicate of funders behind a common goal to support and fund the financial aid structures suite of solutions
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $8,915,680
To support development of tools for personalized learning
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $225,792
To support NSVF 2016 Summit to provide participant scholarships for leaders of color and build communities of practice among education innovation leaders
New Teacher Center
Amount: $2,000,000
To convene large numbers of teachers on a single day in regions across the state of California to generate momentum around the singular impact of teachers on college and career readiness and directly impact teacher networking and collective practice, exposure to materials, resources and strategies for Common Core implementation
New Venture Fund
Amount: $553,368
To provide support to a key organization working in the K-12 education sector in its transition from a for-profit to a nonprofit organization
New Venture Fund
Amount: $550,000
To strengthen National Network of State Teachers of the Year growth to be a leader in the field, ultimately increasing the numbers of teachers & students impacted by practices and policies implemented with input from teachers
New Venture Fund
Amount: $500,000
To provide support to ELL expert advisory board
New Venture Fund
Amount: $7,900,010
To support national communications work around Common Core, high-quality and aligned assessments, and ESSA implementation
New Venture Fund
Amount: $2,818,231
To provide teachers with opportunities to grow, collaborate, and lead in ways that will enhance their capacity as leaders and instructional providers and result in students' improved academic performance and the strengthening of the profession by supporting teachers to host their own ECET2 events
New Venture Fund
Amount: $1,550,000
To engage over four million parents, particularly minority and low income parents, in education issues
New Venture Fund
Amount: $333,000
To engage stakeholders to understand the ways in which they desire to use data for continuous improvement
New York City Charter School Center
Amount: $350,000
For general operating support
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $755,472
To develop an evidence-based report that identifies how personalized learning is emerging in the United States, what the drivers for moving to personalized learning are, and identification of patterns of why and how personalized learning is taking hold
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $658,000
To provide support in designing innovative accountability systems and systems of assessments which address personalized learning and competency based schools to states and districts
North Carolina Community Foundation Inc
Amount: $369,634
To build on existing momentum, transform the culture of working in funding silos, and cement a collaborative spirit as the new normal for education philanthropy in North Carolina
Northern Kentucky Education Council, Inc.
Amount: $200,000
To support college-readiness efforts through the networks established by the Kentucky Valley Education Cooperative to design new assessments and support district and school instructional leadership teams toward high quality implementation
PTA Florida Congress of Parents and Teachers
Amount: $150,000
To foster community dialogue around educational disparities through the use of a radio and public forum campaign
Philanthropy Ohio
Amount: $10,000
To secure speakers for Philanthropy Ohio's annual Learning Institute meeting
Portland State University
Amount: $100,000
To fund the development of visual storyboards with supporting case studies, highlighting key insights of success among Frontier Set institutions and facilitating dialogue and knowledge sharing
PowerMyLearning, Inc.
Amount: $4,500,000
To increase instructional rigor in personalized learning
President & Fellows of Harvard College
Amount: $762,059
To assess the improvement of student achievement
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $786,593
To support a cohort of KY districts to use Smarter School Spending tool and process to better align budgets, time management and schedules with academic priorities, and to build capacity within the state to continue this work long-term
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $149,965
To provide communications, policy and advocacy support for high standards, aligned, quality systems of assessment and accountability and improved outcomes for students in Kentucky
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $450,000
For general operating support
Public Agenda
Amount: $1,259,840
To implement the Effective Transfer Practices Playbook
Public Agenda
Amount: $899,000
To promote consistent and collaborative communications and stakeholder engagement regarding pathways for postsecondary student success
Public Policy Institute of California
Amount: $500,000
To support research of developmental education policies and practices in the California community colleges focusing on improving the outcomes of underprepared students
RAND Corporation
Amount: $5,975,462
To expand support use of the American Teacher Panel and American School Leader Panel to 22 states, and administration of for state-level surveys of the Foundation's priority outcomes
RAND Corporation
Amount: $1,953,936
To magnify the voice of American teachers and school leaders regarding important topics of educational effectiveness
Regents of the University of Michigan
Amount: $228,842
To establish a searchable video library of teaching practices
Relay Graduate School of Education
Amount: $12,000
To Relay Graduate School of Education to support Communications and dissemination activities for the Teacher Prep Transformation Centers
Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy Inc
Amount: $1,299,457
To launch the Rennie Center as the 'hub of MA-based implementation network hubs'
Reos US Inc
Amount: $3,636,289
To demonstrate the feasibility of emergency financial aid solutions for high risk students in order to improve college graduation rates
Research Foundation of State University of New York
Amount: $444,029
To build the capacity of this intermediary to coordinate high leverage and promising teacher leadership activities in NY
Research Foundation of State University of New York
Amount: $100,000
To fund the creation of a set of tools and curriculum designed to empower stakeholders across the Cradle-to-Completion pipeline, including students, teachers, faculty, advisors and senior leaders to turn data into insight and action that promotes student success
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $50,000
To raise community awareness around Every Student Succeeds Act
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $6,674,956
To provide operating support for EdReports to enable them to build their core priorities of publishing reviews of instructional materials, and to grow their operations and capacity to include teacher feedback of such materials
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $4,476,300
To provide flexible on-demand funding to support institutions in their transformation efforts, all of which will be to be analyzed and documented, and included in the Postsecondary institutional learning agenda
Rodel Charitable Foundation DE
Amount: $75,000
To explore the feasibility of replicating the state-focused work of organizations to support Personalized Learning adoption in states leveraging the new ESSA guidelines
Rose Community Foundation
Amount: $50,000
To raise community awareness around Every Student Succeeds Act
Rose Community Foundation
Amount: $750,000
To support Colorado's Climb Higher Coalition and the Colorado Education Organizing Fund
SRI International
Amount: $298,745
To accelerate acceptance of common evaluation frameworks for digital courseware by providing technical assistance and support to institutions conducting evaluations of high quality next generation digital courseware
Santa Cruz County Office of Education
Amount: $805,608
To support an implementation network in Santa Cruz county focused on increasing college readiness rates
Amount: $985,483
To use financial information for better decision making
Seneca Family of Agencies
Amount: $800,000
To provide Special Education services and support for public schools in Washington State
Amount: $265,032
To test a new approach for codifying, testing, and spreading promising personalized learning practices
Shasta County Office of Education
Amount: $1,568,785
To support a networked improvement community focused on improved instruction in Shasta County
Sinclair Community College
Amount: $75,000
To accelerate the work of a set of high-potential institutions through testing, learning, and sharing focused practices for student success as identified at Interaction Effect 2015
Sociedad Latina Inc
Amount: $50,000
To raise community awareness around Every Student Succeeds Act
Society for Research in Child Development
Amount: $436,276
To deepen pre-doctoral researchers' understanding of child development and Pre-K policy, provide access to research expertise to state agencies, and expand the diversity of the Pre-K policy workforce
Southern New Hampshire University
Amount: $75,000
To accelerate the work of a set of high-potential institutions through testing, learning, and sharing focused practices for student success as identified at Interaction Effect 2015
Southern New Hampshire University
Amount: $650,000
To support Southern New Hampshire to assess feasibility of and document efficacy of College for America to reach opportunity youth populations through a community partner approach
Southern New Hampshire University
Amount: $75,000
To accelerate the work of a set of high-potential institutions through testing, learning, and sharing focused practices for student success as identified at Interaction Effect 2015
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $299,575
To support SREB in its efforts to help its partner districts provide meaningful feedback to teachers on their instructional practice via the use of student surveys
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $1,500,000
For general operating support
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $34,865,000
To support a college- and career-readiness strategy across its 16 southern states
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $378,754
To build policy-maker knowledge and awareness of state higher education finance policy and practice using the lens of affordability
Spokane School District #81
Amount: $300,000
To support increased school choice and collaboration among all types of public schools
Stanford University
Amount: $200,000
To increase the access of local leaders and communities to research-based information that can help them make informed decisions in California's newly decentralized education policy context
State Education Technology
Amount: $221,595
To support leadership in digital instructional materials
Student Achievement Partners Inc
Amount: $399,893
To build capacity in the Hub Implementation Network so its members recognize, support and improve CCSS-aligned instructional practice
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $2,329,062
To fund the participation of 1,400 educators from 140 schools and partner organizations in the Summit Basecamp Program in 2016-17, enabling them to bring personalized learning to over 20,000 students from 26 states and the District of Columbia
Tavis Smiley Foundation
Amount: $100,000
To raise awareness of key postsecondary opportunities and challenges among diverse audiences
Teacher Prep Inspection - US, Inc.
Amount: $6,000
To support communications and dissemination activities for the Teacher Prep Transformation Centers
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $1,450,000
To conduct statistical analyses to identify momentum and loss points, track long-term academic outcomes for students referred to English as a Second Language and developmental English in pre- and post-reform contexts, and quantify the impacts of initial placement on completion and transfer
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $4,016,892
To support implementation of comprehensive, intensive, technology-mediated advising and conduct rigorous research to establish its impact on student success
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $282,611
To develop a set of field-facing rubrics to enable institutions to assess quality and scale of implementation of key solutions and institutional capacities
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $450,000
To create a robust, nationally-representative data set of institutional developmental education practices which can be used by the field to support developmental education reform efforts
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $1,300,000
For general operating support
Tennessee Charter School Center
Amount: $247,786
Strategic support for the Tennessee Charter School Center
Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Amount: $220,004
To support understanding and implementation of Tennessee's new governance paradigm
Texas Tech University
Amount: $50,000
To support a research project examining how K-12 student perception data can be used in teacher training
Texas Tech University
Amount: $12,000
To support communications and dissemination activities for the Teacher Prep Transformation Centers
The 74 Media, Inc.
Amount: $26,000
To support the digital publication and outreach strategy for Band of Reformers
The Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $10,203,921
To accelerate the production of credentials of value especially for low-income, first generation students while documenting and sharing new knowledge about the institutional change process
The Washington Monthly
Amount: $350,795
To raise awareness of and build demand for evidence-backed innovations, support the development of editorial content and related events that profile key innovators, and provide a look at emerging trends and developments/innovations to watch
Third Future Schools
Amount: $100,000
To support for Leaders of Color for Academy for Advanced Learning
Third Sector New England, Inc.
Amount: $11,288
To fund a dinner and early childhood speaker for a meeting of the Equity Leaders Action Network and the National Black Child Development Institute
Third Way Institute
Amount: $600,630
To support the development of higher education policies and plans for increasing field advocacy capacity in support of low-income student access and success
Tulare County Superintendent of Schools
Amount: $1,986,019
To support a networked improvement community focused on improved instruction in Tulare County
Turnaround for Children, Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To support tools development to help schools mitigate the impact of adversity on learning and drive health development and academic achievement for all students
Tyton Partners
Amount: $260,979
To determine how administrative technology will evolve to integrate new student facing modules and applications
U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $8,000
To support the US Department of Education's 2016 Remedies for Remediation conference on December 9, 2016
U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $100,000
To support the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) 2016 and 2017 HBCUs Week Conferences
UPD Consulting
Amount: $4,970,441
To provide management, implementation and technical support to four separate Florida school districts
UPD Consulting
Amount: $264,720
To assist four selected school districts in Florida identify their highest priority areas for improvement and build a work plan for these districts to work together to improve their teaching effectiveness
Unbounded Learning, Inc.
Amount: $7,230,000
To support educators to select, implement and adapt high-quality, aligned curriculum materials
University System of Georgia
Amount: $100,000
To contribute a framework of understanding through a year-long effort to collaborate and define plans and policy changes for sustainable degree innovation which serves both students and communities
University of California at San Diego
Amount: $152,654
To examine the role that teacher leaders and influencers play in driving adoption of tools and resources in digital communities and understand if/how high quality tools can spread in digital spaces, a vehicle for delivering and driving adoption of high quality materials to teachers
University of Florida
Amount: $75,004
To provide local guidance for surveys, and plan and execute data use and dissemination activities
University of Kentucky Research Foundation
Amount: $5,000,000
To support system-wide shifts, working with both state and local levels, around the implementation of the Common Core, and the adoption of personalized and deeper learning strategies
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $500,000
To provide technical assistance and knowledge management support to district charter compact cities
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $100,000
To introduce or to provide additional information on the district portfolio approach in Washington State
University of the State of New York
Amount: $225,000
To support research, data collection and knowledge management
Urban League of Lexington - Fayette County
Amount: $240,018
To support the Urban Leagues of Lexington and Louisville to engage African American parents and community leaders in education reform advocacy
Urban League of Metropolitan Denver
Amount: $55,328
To support increased parent and community engagement and advocacy in education in Denver and surrounding communities
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
Amount: $290,000
To understand synergistic effects of multiple postsecondary student success initiatives in Washington state and then use the findings to enhance implementation of these initiatives
Amount: $4,350,875
To support and scale Common Core State Standards implementation and leverage established local relationships and teacher leaders to drive deeper use of high quality, standards-aligned tools and practices
Amount: $5,057,274
To improve the quality and availability of technical assistance to school districts and charter management organizations in California
Yes We Must Coalition
Amount: $100,000
To help the Yes We Must coalition support a cohort of colleges and universities seeking to improve student success on campuses where 50% or more students are Pell-eligible
Young Invincibles
Amount: $750,000
To support research and convening activities related to improving the college search features available through major search engines
Young Invincibles
Amount: $750,000
To support the development of a student-led accountability agenda, engagement in the policy process, and student-led advocacy to build towards changes in the higher education system
Zearn Learning
Amount: $3,602,377
To prototype, iterate with teachers, build, and launch a rigorous and engaging digital teacher training experience focused on teachers' math pedagogical content knowledge and how to personalize live instructional time
iCivics, Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To support capacity building and sustainability efforts
4Point0 Schools
Amount: $331,518
To create inclusive programming environments
A+ Schools: Pittsburgh's Community Alliance For Public Education
Amount: $501,320
To sustain community support and public will to accelerate teaching effectiveness
Achieve Inc
Amount: $837,500
To continue providing general operating support
Achievement First Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To support the piloting, building, evolving based on evidence, and codifying Achievement First Greenfield school model and to explore opportunities to spread personalized learning systems change across all Achievement First schools and beyond
Achievement School District
Amount: $282,800
To develop and support schools and school systems that implement high quality and highly aligned systems to improve instruction (CCSS implementation; Feedback and Evaluation; Teacher Development)
Achieving the Dream, Inc.
Amount: $1,243,916
To support the redesign of student advising services at higher education institutions and an evaluation assessing the impact of the approach on student and institutional outcomes
Achieving the Dream, Inc.
Amount: $1,050,000
To support the adoption of Completion by Design principles and processes by amplifying lessons learned
American Architectural Foundation
Amount: $618,076
To engage collaboratively with educators and administers in the six Next Generation System Initiative districts to create new models for learning environments in support of better outcomes through personalized learning
American Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $8,564,902
To design and implement a series of pathway design institutes
American Association of School Administrators, Inc.
Amount: $748,976
To support dissemination of information associated with communities of practice
American Association of State Colleges and Universities
Amount: $1,500,000
To support the American Association of State Colleges and Universities to work with a cohort of institutions that can engage in first-year program redesign as a critical first step towards defining pathways for regional comprehensive universities
American Association of State Colleges and Universities
Amount: $90,000
To provide American Association of State Colleges and Universities the resources necessary to design and launch an initiative to redesign first year programs among its member institutions
American Enterprise Institute For Public Policy Research
Amount: $159,335
To empower teachers to become dynamic leaders in their schools and districts by employing available levers to transform schools and systems
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $657,848
To expand knowledge of teacher networks - in particular, network approaches and structures and ways that teachers engage with networks that are associated with improved teacher practice
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $149,682
To fund planning for school district participation in a community of practice that uses information to improve instruction
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $1,199,894
To support a partnership with teacher preparation providers to assess the benefits of a model of pre-service clinical preparation that combines high-quality placements with structured evaluation and feedback
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $267,749
To support local educators as they seek to improve instruction and reconcile multiple and concurrent policy demands in support of the Common Core Standards
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $308,213
To advance the understanding of the efficacy of competency-based education (CBE) in postsecondary settings
Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
Amount: $25,000
To support the 2015 APIASF Higher Education Summit focusing on Creating Meaningful Change for API students
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $50,000
To support common core implementation, professional development or personalized learning
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $385,100
To create a culture of improvement and measurement and build local and systemic capacity to support high quality teaching and learning in an era of college and career ready standards
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Amount: $5,727,201
To deepen awareness and improve on the ground implementations of personalized learning at postsecondary institutions thereby improving student mastery, course completion, student advising, degree planning, and student retention
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Amount: $4,796,540
To accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting increasing and sharing new knowledge about the institutional change process
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Amount: $150,123
To highlight and make visible innovative and effective practices that advance student success for non-traditional, low-income, and underrepresented students
Bank Street College of Education
Amount: $400,000
To help make quality teacher preparation financially sustainable by securing dedicated public funding to support it
Bank Street College of Education
Amount: $2,204,571
To support Implementation Network Planning for New York Big Districts - Buffalo, Syracuse, Rochester, Yonkers and Utica
Behavioral Ideas Lab, Inc
Amount: $596,203
To support the development of a consumer information impact plan for students seeking postsecondary education
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc.
Amount: $778,188
To inform the public and education leaders on education policy opportunities related to teaching effectiveness, personalized learning, and new accountability models
Boston Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $150,000
To support a strategic planning and restructuring effort by the Massachusetts Department of Education that will lead to sustained Common Core and Educator Effectiveness implementation and impact post-Race to the Top
Boston Public Schools
Amount: $438,459
To improve teaching and learning practice and ultimately student outcomes
Boston Public Schools
Amount: $50,000
To support Boston Public Schools Listening Campaign and Development of a 100 Day Plan
CELT Corporation
Amount: $1,533,308
To develop and implement personalized learning models
CELT Corporation
Amount: $526,860
To support a community of practice for school district and network staff so they are better able to use information and technology to improve professional development and classroom instruction
CORE Districts
Amount: $300,008
To provide planning support for strengthening and sustaining the CORE district network in California
CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation
Amount: $1,257,526
To convene California teachers statewide at a one-day conference to generate momentum around teacher impact on college and career readiness and provide teacher exposure to resources and strategies for Common Core implementation
California Charter Schools Association
Amount: $800,000
To provide general operating support
California Education Partners
Amount: $209,400
To support a planning period to develop an approach for County Office Collaboration
California Education Partners
Amount: $150,000
To support a professional development implementation network
Camber Collective LLC
Amount: $211,034
To establish a portal for school districts, based on a common data set, where successful student performance initiatives can be evaluated and disseminated
Camelback Ventures, Inc.
Amount: $463,114
To support education technology entrepreneurs
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Amount: $1,017,078
To support the use of improvement science to strengthen the outcomes of educational networks
Center for American Progress
Amount: $850,000
To increase education and awareness of practices and systems most likely to improve the quality of teaching and elevate the profession overall
Center for American Progress
Amount: $850,000
To raise expectations for all students no matter their neighborhood, background, or family income level to ensure high school graduates are indeed college and career ready
Center for Law and Social Policy
Amount: $400,001
To generate policy proposals on state and federal financial aid and grant programs to meet the needs of low-income adult learners while driving adoption of these proposals through the building of critical coalitions of support and action
Center for Reform of School Systems Inc.
Amount: $2,568,947
To seat the 'Finding Time' work in 3 networks to develop a replicable approach and deliver training while making the connection between finance (Smarter School Spending) and productivity/instruction (School by Design)
Center for Reform of School Systems Inc.
Amount: $700,000
To support a library of robust school model designs demonstrating increased collaborative learning time for teachers
Center for Teaching Quality, Inc.
Amount: $1,497,686
To support the Center for Teaching Quality to refine, test, and study its Virtual Community Organizer model, which utilizes teacher leaders to grow virtual communities of practice
Charter Board Partners
Amount: $442,136
To support the expansion of Charter Board Partners' work in Washington State
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Public Education Fund
Amount: $185,100
To support research of local education data to inform the public of the current education landscape in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Children Now
Amount: $150,000
To provide support to parents in California to understand the transition to new Common Core aligned assessments
Children Now
Amount: $700,000
To provide for general operating support
Citizen Schools, Inc.
Amount: $350,000
To help facilitate digital courseware product efficacy
Claflin University
Amount: $1,200,187
To accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting and sharing learnings from the institutional change process
Amount: $1,000,000
To support Gender Equality in Tech: Focus on Classroom Teachers
Collaborative for Teaching and Learning
Amount: $120,577
To create opportunities and support for teachers to lead from their classrooms in order to impact their schools by building teachers' leadership confidence and skills and also demonstrating the effectiveness of teachers in non-traditional leadership roles built to boost students' success
College-Ready Promise
Amount: $1,519,308
To support a national charter implementation hub
Colorado Children's Campaign
Amount: $85,000
To equip and empower parents and caregivers to advocate for continued implementation of rigorous standards and aligned high quality assessments
Colorado Children's Campaign
Amount: $205,617
To sustain knowledge, information and support for career and college ready standards and assessments across the state of Colorado
Colorado Education Association Foundation for Teacher Quality and Student Achievement
Amount: $299,806
To support training for teams of Colorado educators to build critical understanding of standards, research on instructional strategies, use of assessments, understanding accountability, and connections to the state's educator evaluation process
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $2,200
To leverage technology to help grantees and program officers interact while reducing costs
Colorado Succeeds
Amount: $150,000
To support communications and outreach efforts supporting higher academic standards and aligned assessments for career and college readiness in Colorado
Columbia University
Amount: $281,050
To develop systematic tools for assessing personalized learning intermediary organizations' immediate and evolving capacity to achieve transformative change
Columbia University
Amount: $500,000
To provide an initial grant to support the establishment of an on-campus learning center that will provide intensive, high quality and innovative tutoring to ~1000 local high school students
Common Sense Media
Amount: $750,635
To support the development of short, actionable education technology-focused lessons designed to help teachers build knowledge, skills and confidence in teaching with technology
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc.
Amount: $2,200
To leverage technology to help grantees and program officers interact while reducing costs
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc.
Amount: $200,002
To develop advocacy (state) partnerships in each of the states (focus and non-focus), where institutional partnership investments land; to create and sustain early and ongoing awareness among policymakers and critical stakeholders, through evidence and best practices, of the aspirations and efforts of the IP institutions, thereby creating enabling conditions and a supportive environment for the success of each of the institutional 'capacities'
Conexion Americas
Amount: $850,053
To increase advance educational equity and accountability for students of color across Tennessee through convening and collaborating with a network of minority serving organizations and developing a common education policy agenda and action plan
Consortium for School Networking
Amount: $75,076
To enable schools to access resources to improve teaching and learning
Consortium for School Networking
Amount: $149,505
To support the professional development of education technology leaders
Consortium of Florida Education Foundations Inc
Amount: $505,898
To increase the capacity of local education foundations in Florida in becoming aligned to college-ready funding priorities
CoreSpring Inc.
Amount: $1,999,431
To support growth of the CoreSpring platform and the development of a sustainable business model
Council Of The Great City Schools
Amount: $1,600,017
To advance district capacity to implement college- and career-readiness standards, ensuring that all urban students - particularly historically-underserved student groups such as males of color and English language learners - have access to high quality instruction, materials, interventions, and programming
Council of State Governments
Amount: $94,967
To raise policymaker awareness of key issues and trends in postsecondary policy, particularly in the areas of finance/financial aid, data/information, college readiness, and innovative delivery models
Amount: $2,000,000
To support public charter school facility development for the benefit of low income children
Dallas Independent School District
Amount: $1,804,234
To support school design and district implementation for districts participating in the Next Generation Systems Initiative
Deans for Impact
Amount: $260,906
To promote best practices in improving initial teacher education
Delaware State University Foundation Inc.
Amount: $1,200,000
To accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting and sharing learnings from the institutional change process
Denver Public Schools
Amount: $2,200
To leverage technology to help grantees and program officers interact while reducing costs
Denver Public Schools Foundation
Amount: $1,807,534
To support school design and district implementation for districts participating in the Next Generation Systems Initiative
DigiLearn Digital Learning Institute
Amount: $150,000
To implement the Virtual Innovation Studio which is designed to accelerate personalized learning opportunities that will close student achievement gaps
Amount: $1,250,000
To support a campaign that will kickoff the back-to-school season on DonorsChoose.org, ensuring that teachers begin the year with the resources they need
DreamBox Learning, Inc.
Amount: $748,100
To support the development of a prototype professional development module for teachers
Drexel University
Amount: $60,000
To bring together three mission-driven, visionary university presidents focused on improving undergraduate completion rates and advancing the quality of life for neighboring schools and communities through innovation, entrepreneurship, and resource and infrastructure development
East Bay Community Foundation
Amount: $70,000
To explore new models that support student success at urban liberal arts colleges and comprehensive independent universities
Amount: $50,000
To support the development of central office leadership talent in school districts and charter management organizations
EdSurge Inc.
Amount: $682,518
To improve market information regarding edtech products in order to help teachers and school districts select the most effective of these
EdSurge Inc.
Amount: $3,128,881
To create accessible knowledge bases and online communities of practice around the topic of personalized learning for postsecondary education, especially for digital courseware
Edcamp Foundation
Amount: $2,050,000
To strengthen and enhance teacher-driven professional development in order to build effective learning communities for teachers and to enhance student learning in the classroom
Editorial Projects in Education Inc
Amount: $1,998,240
To broaden education digital media capacity in the U.S. to share analysis, best practice, and current innovation in public education
Education First Consulting LLC
Amount: $335,030
To support the establishment of a Massachusetts-based teacher engagement coalition that takes responsibility for developing a collective teacher engagement strategy and deeper analysis of existing organizations working in this space
Education Resource Strategies, Inc.
Amount: $170,000
To build out and pilot through 2-3 cohorts, a training course for district budget staff to better help them support strategic resource allocation in schools and across the district
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $100,000
To demonstrate how high standards improve the education of K-12 students
Education Writers Association
Amount: $17,500
To sponsor a reception of 100 higher education attendees of the 68th Education Writers Association National Seminar
Amount: $5,000,000
To support broader access to reliable, high capacity Internet access in U.S. K-12 public schools
Educational Results Partnership
Amount: $187,015
To improve outcomes for all students in college, career, and life by helping schools and school systems across the country learn and apply what works from high performing systems and schools
Amount: $305,367
To further socialize and validate the Next Generation Digital Learning Environment with learning and technology community experts, strategic partners in the corporate community and senior academic leadership
Amount: $7,322,384
To support the redesign of student advising services at higher education institutions and an evaluation assessing the impact of the approach on student and institutional outcomes
Amount: $2,187,289
To advance the quality, affordability, and accessibility of postsecondary education by catalyzing innovation with technology and collaborating with a range of organizations and initiatives to bring them to the field
Empower Schools Co.
Amount: $1,817,042
To support Empower Schools' growth and work with Massachusetts school districts dedicated to implementing higher standards and providing teachers with meaningful feedback and aligned professional development
Amount: $3,044,596
To support and enable the development of adaptive digital courseware that can contribute to a more personalized teaching and learning experience
Entertainment Industry Foundation
Amount: $3,000,000
To support education campaign that ignites a sense of excitement for learning and establishes education as the pathway to opportunity and success
FPF Education and Innovation Foundation
Amount: $402,514
To advance the responsible use of data in education
Fayetteville State University
Amount: $1,199,999
To accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting and sharing learnings from the institutional change process
Florida Association of District School Superintendents
Amount: $3,199,994
To increase capacity as an implementation hub, serve member districts and rural district consortia like NEFEC and Heartland, and organize new convenings, including ECET2 convenings in priority districts
Florida Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Amount: $283,600
To equip Florida's business community to produce and disseminate analyses on expected human capital needs in the state
Florida Department of Education
Amount: $2,078,713
To facilitate and coordinate teacher leaders through a High Impact Teacher Corps develop culture/mindset in the Florida Department of Education (FL DOE) and redesign professional development policy
Florida Philanthropic Network Inc.
Amount: $173,880
To raise awareness about college access, success, and attainment issues in Florida, focusing on the state's philanthropic community
Foundation Center
Amount: $50,000
To provide outreach and administer the Foundation Registry i3 on behalf of the education field
Foundation for Excellence in Education Inc.
Amount: $1,300,000
To support the Foundation for Excellence in Education's policy, advocacy and communications work in states
GSV Event Media, LLC
Amount: $150,000
To support conference focused on improving market information platforms
George Washington University
Amount: $899,785
To elevate the voice of teachers and district leaders within the national discourse on education
Get Schooled Foundation
Amount: $1,625,601
To support a public information campaign on changes in US K-12 education
Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada
Amount: $365,562
To improve the user experience of the Smarter School Spending website and tools
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $5,000
To support the Conference Reception for the Post Secondary Access and Achievement council at the annual Grant Makers for Education conference in San Francisco
Great Oakland Public Schools Leadership Center
Amount: $749,195
To support efforts in Oakland to increase educational opportunity and support stronger outcomes for students
Great Oakland Public Schools Leadership Center
Amount: $300,000
To provide general operating support for a network of diverse community members to engage around issues of educational opportunities
Great Schools Partnership Charitable Trust
Amount: $85,000
To support a 'teacherpreneur' program, a teacher engagement strategy that promotes the inclusion of teacher voice and ideas in innovation in classroom redesign
GreatSchools, Inc.
Amount: $800,439
To support Great Schools' development of online tools that help parents understand their children's scores on Common Core aligned assessments and engage further with their children's education
Green Dot Public Schools California
Amount: $50,000
To support common core implementation, professional development or personalized learning
Growth Philanthropy Network Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To support the Social Impact Exchange, a collaborative designed to bring philanthropic funders together to share knowledge and increase investment in scaling effective social programs
HCM Strategists, LLC
Amount: $44,562
To create postsecondary institutional policy capacity rubrics and assessment tools
HCM Strategists, LLC
Amount: $1,500,000
To support timely, rapid, and short-run communications, research, and policy analysis efforts associated with federal financial aid
HCM Strategists, LLC
Amount: $149,986
To enhance field knowledge about outcome-based funding for postsecondary education, and support application of that knowledge in states
Harvard University
Amount: $582,554
To inform the public and educators about key areas in K-12 education improvement
Harvard University
Amount: $20,000
To support the Education Innovation Pitch Competition, which is designed to generate new entrepreneurial concepts in the education sector
Harvard University
Amount: $3,500,000
To provide general operating support to the third phase of the Strategic Data Project, based at Harvard University
Henry County Schools
Amount: $3,929,400
To support school design and district implementation for districts participating in the Next Generation Systems Initiative
Highlander Institute
Amount: $349,185
To develop a statewide system for sharing, implementing, evaluating and scaling blended learning and instructional personalization across the state of Rhode Island
Highlander Institute
Amount: $338,652
To help facilitate digital courseware product efficacy
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Amount: $417,215,300
To support outstanding minority students from low income backgrounds by providing them financial support through a scholarship program and ensuring they have access to the resources and support services needed to complete their degree
Hope Street Group
Amount: $1,512,142
To support teacher engagement in Tennessee
Idaho Business for Education
Amount: $6,000
To support the collaboration between the Idaho Business for Education, the JA and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation, and the Helmsley Foundation
Idea Public Schools
Amount: $49,840
To support common core implementation, professional development or personalized learning
Amount: $344,000
To support planning activities of a collection of K-12 organizations collaborating on a common set of open-source components
Innosight Institute Inc
Amount: $900,000
To support the Clayton Christensen Institute's education program's mission of transforming today's monolithic, factory-model education system that serves only a minority of students well into a student-centered system that personalizes for every child and therefore educates every student successfully so that each can realize his or her fullest human potential
Institute For Higher Education Policy
Amount: $1,499,866
To convene an expert working group to strengthen our nation's ability to collect and use high-quality information about our postsecondary system by developing technical and policy options to improve the postsecondary data infrastructure
Institute For Higher Education Policy
Amount: $1,799,567
To develop a set of common postsecondary metrics providing postsecondary stakeholders with critical information on inputs, outputs, and outcomes; strengthen the higher education data community's ability to drive clarity and convergence through the Postsecondary Data Collaborative; and support IHEP's continued organizational health and growth by developing and implementing informed changes to its business model
Intentional Futures
Amount: $1,932,631
To provide technical assistance for Next Generation Courseware Challenge grantees and to build a vibrant grantee community
Jackson State University
Amount: $1,200,000
To accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting and sharing learnings from the institutional change process
James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $900,000
To support outreach and engagement with policymakers and stakeholders on the issues of high quality, aligned standards, assessments and supports for effective teaching
James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $229,187
To develop advocacy (state) partnerships in each of the states (focus and non-focus), where institutional partnership investments land; to create and sustain early and ongoing awareness among policymaker and critical stakeholders, through evidence and best practices, of the aspirations and efforts of the IP institutions, thereby creating enabling conditions and a supportive environment for the success of each of the institutional 'capacities'
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $1,750,000
To launch Student Success Centers in three states in the Fall of 2015
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $1,051,380
To provide capacity to systematically aggregate demand from community colleges within a state, pull down key interventions from a coalition of national partners, and provide a channel to deliver those interventions with ongoing technical assistance to institutions. In addition, this investment will build capacity to serve a network management role for an expanded postsecondary state policy network that includes all of the Foundation's focus states and an expanded number of student success centers
Johns Hopkins University
Amount: $275,000
To plan for the development of a network amongst school systems and their partners working to help students stay on-track for high school graduation and postsecondary success
Johnson C Smith University Incorporated
Amount: $1,199,980
To accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting and sharing learnings from the institutional change process
Johnson County Community College
Amount: $300,000
To better understand instruction resources and to build a model to share with other nniversities, community colleges and educational institutions by implementing an Academic Cost Structure and Performance Management system
Kentucky Chamber Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $171,758
To support the KY Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence, to deliver a targeted communications campaign in support of Kentucky's higher academic standards
Kentucky Community and Technical College System Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $95,000
To support the development of a multi-year strategic plan for the 16-campus system, with a particular focus on engaging local and regional economic needs and innovative policies and practices
Kitamba Management, Inc.
Amount: $337,500
To support innovative ways to collect data on education initiatives underway and to efficiently and effectively get that data and information into the hands of practitioners to ensure teachers and students receive the support they need to succeed
Kitamba Management, Inc.
Amount: $2,591,950
To improve teaching and learning by bringing teachers together to measure their practices and adopt promising ones, assess which practices lead to improvement, and share learnings with colleagues in their schools and districts
LEAP Innovations
Amount: $5,117,738
To help facilitate digital courseware product efficacy
Lake County Schools
Amount: $2,534,056
To support school design and district implementation for districts participating in the Next Generation Systems Initiative
Lea(R)n, Inc.
Amount: $351,959
To help facilitate digital courseware product efficacy
Leadership Conference Education Fund, Inc.
Amount: $1,128,338
To make the national education policy conversation more reflective and inclusive of a civil rights framework of equity and access by including more diverse voices and perspectives
Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation Inc.
Amount: $700,036
To support planning and capacity building for LEAF to launch and support a Knowledge Network for NY school districts through BOCES
Leading Educators Inc
Amount: $850,000
To support the development innovative, rigorous, and meaningful school-based, district and regional teacher leader models
LearnLaunch Institute
Amount: $325,000
To help facilitate digital courseware product efficacy
LearnZillion, Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To support conferences to deepen teacher understanding of the Common Core standards
Learning Accelerator
Amount: $2,750,000
To support the K-12 Open Educational Resources (OER) Collaborative
Learning First Alliance
Amount: $686,682
To broaden the existing showcase of innovations that can improve U.S. K-12 public education through continued support for effective implementation of Common Cores State Standards (CCSS) by developing a robust, collaborative communications plan to share successful implementation strategies - and the educators who lead them - more broadly
Learning First Group
Amount: $1,582,740
To build the evidence base on best practices and implementation of initial teacher education
Learning Forward
Amount: $3,638,062
To support a network intermediary to facilitate a community of practice with professional development partners
Lindsay Unified School District
Amount: $499,860
To build the foundation for the California Consortium for Development and Dissemination of Personalized Education (C2D2) by identifying the key questions they plan to address together, build specific deliverables and a strategic plan for future work, and develop a strong operating model for an effective long-term partnership
Lipscomb University
Amount: $749,894
To support the leadership development and civic engagement programs of Leadership Tennessee participants around key secondary and post secondary activities
Literacy Design Collaborative, Inc
Amount: $1,000,000
To provide organizational capacity support to the Literacy Design Collaborative to assist their ability to reach a larger number of teachers across the US
Loyola Marymount University
Amount: $1,195,581
To convene California teachers statewide for one day to generate momentum around the impact of teachers on college and career readiness and provide teacher exposure to materials, resources and strategies for Common Core implementation
Amount: $100,000
To support New York City's Small Schools of Choice in learning more about whether the effects on high school graduation continue in respect to postsecondary education
Amount: $174,777
To produce an evidence brief and recommendations for practice based on a review of research supporting whether integrated student support services improve outcomes for males of color in postsecondary education
Amount: $1,550,133
To fund the replication of Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) in three Ohio community colleges and explore alternate variable cost models for the delivery of ASAP to a broad range of community colleges across the country
Mary Walker School District #207
Amount: $2,100,000
To support innovative portfolio options and collaborative partnerships in Washington State
MassChallenge, Inc
Amount: $50,000
To support initial launch activities for a MA-based teacher practice network dedicated to Common Core aligned professional development
Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education, Inc.
Amount: $425,000
To provide general operating support
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Amount: $390,000
To support the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to launch, execute, and utilize implementation data collection at the state-level
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Amount: $3,928,656
To support the establishment of teacher preparation transformation centers that will provide technical assistance, serve as a data center, and serve as a disseminator of practice
Match Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $50,000
To support common core implementation, professional development or personalized learning
Metis Associates, INC
Amount: $150,000
To support critical education initiatives in New York City and throughout the United States, including Common Core State Standards and robust teacher evaluation and reporting systems
Military Child Education Coalition
Amount: $498,027
To develop and support an advocacy campaign in support of the implementation of Common Core, and on behalf of the interest of military-connected students by leveraging the voices and actions of its military-connected network
Monterey Institute For Technology and Education
Amount: $3,535,675
To continue the nationwide scaling of the EdReady college readiness system
Morehouse College
Amount: $1,199,296
To accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting and sharing learnings from the institutional change process
Muzzy Lane Software, Inc.
Amount: $260,500
To explore the potential and viability of a game-based approach for postsecondary courseware to improve performance of low income and disadvantaged students
Amount: $3,199,035
To help postsecondary institutions adopt personalized learning solutions and improve undergraduate teaching and learning generated via high quality digital courseware and improvements to student advising and degree planning
Nashville Public Education Foundation
Amount: $85,000
To support research of local education data to inform the public of the current education landscape in Nashville, Tennessee
National Association of College and University Business Officers
Amount: $76,507
To increase the understanding of the Strategic Finance institutional capacity by reviewing relevant information available in the field, synthesizing the most salient, forward-thinking practices, developing a select set of tools based on those practices. These tools will be tested with some of the most forward-thinking professionals in the field and then shared for additional feedback with institutional partners in September. This refined early version (including the aforementioned practitioner feedback) will serve as an initial frame for future efforts
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials NALEO Educational Fund
Amount: $1,400,000
To support continuation of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials' (NALEO) work to increase policymakers' understanding of education issues affecting Hispanic students
National Association of State Boards of Education
Amount: $125,000
To provide support, education, and expertise to equip state boards of education to better safeguard student data
National Association of State Boards of Education
Amount: $627,848
To support state boards of education to implement policies fostering high standards and expectations for students
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Amount: $355,238
To determine the necessary components of a robust Federal Work Study program and to surface innovative and emerging practices relative to awarding and financing the program
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
Amount: $285,545
To refine our understanding of emergency aid programs offered in the field, as well as which components, or combination thereof, define a well-developed and successful emergency aid program that improves student retention and persistence
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc
Amount: $980,000
To provide General operating funds to increase the number of Board-certified teachers nationally and provide support toward financially sustainable operations model for the organization
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc
Amount: $243,800
To support a professional development conference designed and delivered by the National Board, Teaching and Learning 2016
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc
Amount: $100,000
To provide support for the Common Core Teaching and Learning conference
National Center For Teacher Residencies Inc
Amount: $6,847,720
To support the establishment of teacher preparation transformation centers that will provide technical assistance, serve as a data center, and serve as a disseminator of practice
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Amount: $745,555
To support the National Center for Learning Disabilities to deepen understanding of the importance of sound policy and practice around personalized learning for all students with disabilities
National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies
Amount: $349,856
To help facilitate digital courseware product efficacy
National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies
Amount: $100,000
To communicate research in a way that is relevant and useful to education technology developers and practitioners seeking to improve learning outcomes for students
National College Access Network
Amount: $225,192
To raise awareness among and mobilize college access and success providers on FAFSA Simplification and create spaces to leverage their technical expertise to improve the development and implementation of policy solutions
National Conference of State Legislatures
Amount: $1,208,624
To support education of state policymakers
National Congress of Parents and Teachers
Amount: $1,299,276
To support the training and engagement of parent volunteers around Common Core assessments and forthcoming assessment results
National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements
Amount: $25,000
To increase state-level stakeholder awareness of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)
National Council of La Raza
Amount: $100,000
To host a town hall meeting at the National Council of La Raza annual conference, to build issue awareness and advocacy support around financial aid simplification and data and information work, and other issues affecting Latino students
National Council on Teacher Quality
Amount: $3,427,639
To provide education and analysis to policy makers and education leaders on systems to improve teaching effectiveness
National Geographic Society
Amount: $25,000
To provide access for students in low-income neighborhoods to the National Geographic Live! Speaker Series, a monthly event for Washington State students that showcases National Geographic explorers, scientists, photographers, and filmmakers
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
Amount: $425,000
To support governor leadership for high standards that lead to improved outcomes for K-12 students
National Louis University
Amount: $49,502
To support a one-day symposium during which leading higher education and Common Core practitioners and thinkers discuss and generate shared knowledge on linkages and opportunities between P-12 and postsecondary education
National Writing Project
Amount: $1,599,980
To support teacher network organizations to: build effective Common-Core aligned tools, resources, and professional development opportunities; connect teachers to one another to share and refine best practices; develop teacher leaders to scale and spread tools and training; measure the spread and impact of the work
Nevada Succeeds
Amount: $25,000
To support the implementation of an innovative professional development approach in Clark County Nevada
New America Foundation
Amount: $2,400,000
To provide for general operating support
New Leaders Inc
Amount: $315,000
To support internal program redesign and provide support to the broader field around how principals enable teachers and students to excel in the Common Core era
New Paradigm for Education Inc.
Amount: $50,000
To support common core implementation, professional development or personalized learning
New Profit Inc.
Amount: $15,040,246
To provide capacity building support and capital aggregation for foundation non-profit investees
New Teacher Center
Amount: $528,893
To support the New Teacher Center's work in California
New Teacher Center
Amount: $1,066,403
To convene large numbers of teachers on a single day in regions across the state of California to generate momentum around the singular impact of teachers on college and career readiness and directly impact teacher exposure to materials, resources and strategies for Common Core implementation
New Teacher Project, Inc.
Amount: $445,531
To assess the implementation and fidelity of the Common Core State Standards and education effectiveness system through a diagnostic analysis to ensure that students meet college ready standards
New Teacher Project, Inc.
Amount: $3,525,883
To establish an implementation hub for six Florida districts to support quality and aligned implementation of standards, teacher evaluation and professional development
New Teacher Project, Inc.
Amount: $12,000,000
To provide general operating support for The New Teacher Project, enabling it to strengthen its core priority programs
New Venture Fund
Amount: $4,131,543
To support networks of Massachusetts school districts dedicated to quality implementation of higher standards and providing teachers with meaningful feedback and aligned professional development
New Venture Fund
Amount: $100,000
To support the establishment of hard-to-measure competencies as an integral part of educational policy and practice
New Venture Fund
Amount: $527,359
To build and sustain a network between local funders across the state of Tennessee engaged in work supporting high standards, effective teaching, and personalized learning opportunities for students
New Venture Fund
Amount: $1,350,000
To provide parents and guardians with trusted, actionable information and high quality tools and resources about education
New Venture Fund
Amount: $10,800,000
To support the implementation of the Common Core Standards
New Venture Fund
Amount: $1,000,000
To enable the National Network of State Teachers of the Year (NNSTOY) to improve student learning across the nation by defining, sharing and advocating for effective teaching practices and policies
New Venture Fund
Amount: $50,000
To fund the Early Learning Design Lab to catalyze early childhood learning
New Venture Fund
Amount: $538,929
To serve as a forum for teachers to express their views on the most important issues in education
New Venture Fund
Amount: $3,003,938
To provide opportunities for K-12 teachers in the United States to collaborate with one another to improve their teaching and leadership abilities, as well as broaden their networks
New Venture Fund
Amount: $1,575,946
To refine and improve a set of tools and supports for institutions to use to comprehensively improve their ability to deliver equitable and efficient student supports, including integrated planning and advising, courseware, and developmental pathways
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $4,850,000
To support for New Visions' activity as a high quality technical assistance provider to New York State, districts, school leaders, and teachers
New York Urban League
Amount: $300,000
To support teacher advocacy, teacher practice, and Civil Rights: building bridges for high standards and quality teaching
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Amount: $111,500
To create a revolving loan fund for school districts to access to pay the upfront provider costs for strategic resource reallocation
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $450,000
To support the 2015 iNACOL Blended and Online Learning Symposium and iNACOL's leadership capacity
Northwest Evaluation Association
Amount: $602,521
To support MAP testing in the 29 schools launching in Fall 2015 across the six Next Generation System Initiative districts for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years in order to enable impact analysis of these schools in a manner similar to the RAND personalized learning study
Ohio Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $2,200
To leverage technology to help grantees and program officers interact while reducing costs
Ohio Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $600,337
To continue Ohio's Completion by Design state policy and scaling work led by the Ohio Association of Community Colleges
Online Learning Consortium
Amount: $2,758,059
To support building awareness, assessing readiness, and providing guidance on using next generation digital courseware to improve student success especially among minority, first generation and other disadvantaged groups
Parent Institute for Quality Education, Inc
Amount: $307,048
To promote parent engagement and increased knowledge of educational shifts in areas such as the Common Core, local funding, and teacher quality through trainings, seminars, and coaching
Partnerships to Uplift Communities Lakeview Terrace
Amount: $50,000
To support common core implementation, professional development or personalized learning
Philanthropy Ohio
Amount: $599,100
To support and promote college completion in Ohio through engagement of state and local philanthropic networks
Pivot Learning Partners
Amount: $600,000
To increase the amount of time teachers have to collaborate with each other on their practice without adding cost
Pivot Learning Partners
Amount: $1,342,000
To support Implementation Networks and TA providers in coordinating resources with instructional priorities in California
Policy Impact
Amount: $300,000
To establish a training institute for legislative education staff in two Postsecondary Success focus states
Postsecondary National Policy Institute
Amount: $900,737
To support the Postsecondary National Policy Institute's efforts to provide nonpartisan information and resources on higher education to Congressional staff
PowerMyLearning, Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
To help facilitate digital courseware product efficacy
Preva Group LLC
Amount: $715,415
To deliver increased data quality and response rates for data collection from educators resulting in lower administrative cost and time burden, automated measurement of alignment to Common Core for classroom teachers resulting in better implementation of Common Core lessons, and automated measurement of indicators of sustainability for education initiatives resulting in shorter surveys and rapid measurement
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $499,050
To inform and strengthen public dialogue regarding goals and future direction for postsecondary education in Kentucky
Public Agenda
Amount: $500,000
To design and conduct an iterative faculty engagement process that will improve the quality of collaboration and problem-solving around interventions in guided pathways with a particular focus students in need of academic remediation
Public Agenda
Amount: $947,735
To synthesize research and engage stakeholders to develop a taxonomy and framework as well as a field playbook for integrated transfer interventions
Puget Sound Educational Service District
Amount: $248,997
To provide Special Education program support, consultation and technical assistance and services to Washington State public charter schools
RAND Corporation
Amount: $2,036,319
To collect, analyze, and consolidate key data from IPS sites for the production of dashboards to be used for assessing progress and informing stock-take discussions
RAND Corporation
Amount: $162,634
To support procurement effectiveness by helping to build smarter demand so that districts can leverage their collective buying power of instructional content and tools
RAND Corporation
Amount: $1,350,000
To support the Next Generation Learning Challenge Study
Reach Capital
Amount: $2,000,872
To collaborate on education technology with members of the early stage, education technology ecosystem
Relay Graduate School of Education
Amount: $6,872,650
To support the establishment of teacher preparation transformation centers that will provide technical assistance, serve as a data center, and serve as a disseminator of practice
Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy Inc
Amount: $224,914
To support strategy development and planning activity for a 'hub' organization that will coach, support and facilitate collaboration between and among networks of districts in Massachusetts
Research Foundation of State University of New York
Amount: $1,800,000
To support the implementation of Quantway/Statway across 30 campuses reaching 50% of developmental education students on each campus
Research for Action Inc
Amount: $272,000
To create and sustain early and ongoing awareness through evidence and best practices of the aspirations and efforts of institutions
Research for Action Inc
Amount: $585,000
To enable Research for Action to become a coordinating partner for multi-state research on Multiple Measures
Rio Salado College
Amount: $575,000
To support the planning of a completion and student success initiative that can be scaled and replicated
Riverside County Office of Education
Amount: $1,751,047
To support networks of LEAs in California focused on implementing CCSS with an emphasis on teacher professional development
Riverside Unified School District
Amount: $2,909,196
To support school design and district implementation for districts participating in the Next Generation Systems Initiative
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $800,000
To advance high standards for K-12 students
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $1,250,000
To support states in their efforts to implement high quality, college and career-ready assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $1,499,988
To provide operating support for EdReports to enable them to build their core priorities of publishing reviews of instructional materials, and to grow their operations and capacity to include teacher feedback of such materials
Rose Community Foundation
Amount: $296,699
To support partners and grantees of the Climb Higher Colorado Coalition and the Equity Alliance, from the grassroots to grass tops, to advocate for high-quality, equitable, standards-aligned education in Colorado
San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools
Amount: $1,181,900
To support networks of LEAs in California focused on implementing CCSS with an emphasis on teacher professional development
Santa Cruz County Office of Education
Amount: $150,000
To support network implementation of teacher professional development in California
School Board of Pinellas County, Florida
Amount: $2,770,108
To support school design and district implementation for districts participating in the Next Generation Systems Initiative
Amount: $45,036
To explore the feasibility of enhancing the sketschaschool.org site to serve the needs of small systems engaged in time redesign
Seneca Family of Agencies
Amount: $750,000
To provide special education services and technical assistance support for public charter schools in Washington state
Shasta County Office of Education
Amount: $149,981
To support networks of LEAs in California focused on implementing CCSS with an emphasis on teacher professional development
Silicon Valley Education Foundation
Amount: $1,616,641
To help facilitate digital courseware product efficacy
Southern Education Foundation
Amount: $199,681
To develop advocacy (state) partnerships in each of the states (focus and non focus), where IP investments land, to create and sustain early and ongoing awareness among policymakers, and critical stakeholders, through evidence and best practices, of the aspirations and efforts of the IP institutions; thereby creating enabling conditions and a supportive environment for the success of each of the institutional 'capacities'
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $6,545,000
To support implementation of college- and career-ready standards and systems of teacher effectiveness in SREB states
Stand for Children Leadership Center
Amount: $4,311,641
To support capacity building and increased public will around Common Core standards and aligned assessments in four states, as well as positive teacher effectiveness policy changes
Stanford University
Amount: $2,500,000
To connect teachers to each other and support their professional development, providing them with unique opportunities to implement best practices and emerge as leaders in education
Student Achievement Partners Inc
Amount: $4,000,000
To provide general operating support to grow the organization's Core Advocates work in over 20 states and reach over one million teachers
Student Achievement Partners Inc
Amount: $2,800,000
To support the growth of Core Advocates work to over 20 states and one million teachers, enabling teachers, districts and networks to understand, practice and advocate for the instructional shifts required by the Common Core Standards
Success Academy Charter Schools Inc
Amount: $50,000
To support common core implementation, professional development or personalized learning
Suklaa Limited
Amount: $24,984
To provide conference support for the 2015 Oppi Festival held in New York City and focusing on making the best practices in education accessible to all
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $50,000
To support common core implementation, professional development or personalized learning
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $1,100,000
To support the Summit BaseCamp Program that will bring Next Generation learning at no cost to all partner schools that are accepted into the program
Teach For All
Amount: $411,514
To increase impact of global leaders in education
Teach for America, Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To develop a comprehensive and sustainable approach to ensure that our teachers receive the training and coaching supports they need to foster an ambitious, culturally conscious, and academically challenging learning environment in today's multi-faceted and diverse classrooms
Teach for America, Inc.
Amount: $261,500
To support the Teacher Leadership professional development track at TFA's 25th Anniversary Summit, providing participants the opportunity to dive deep into content and exchange ideas with peers and experts in the field in order to advance their knowledge and instructional practice
Teacher Prep Inspection - US, Inc.
Amount: $3,248,182
To support the inspection process in a set of teacher preparation transformation centers providers who are actualizing key drivers
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $1,999,522
To gather evidence of the impacts on student outcomes of Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success and to provide insight into the process and outcomes of technology-mediated advising reforms within colleges
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $599,998
To build evidence about the ways in which multiple interventions can work together to cost-effectively support the success of low-income students who begin their studies at community colleges with an intention to transfer and complete a four year degree
Tennessee Board of Regents
Amount: $2,000,000
To accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting and sharing learnings from the perspective of a state system office facilitating institutional, regional, and statewide transformation
Tennessee Business Roundtable Foundation
Amount: $350,750
To develop approaches for identifying and reaching out to working adults with some college but no credential, with the goal of putting them on a path to earning a credential
Tennessee College Access and Success Network
Amount: $199,500
To develop advocacy (state) partnerships in each of the states (focus and non-focus), where institutional partnership investments land; to create and sustain early and ongoing awareness among policymakers and critical stakeholders, through evidence and best practices, of the aspirations and efforts of the IP institutions, thereby creating enabling conditions and a supportive environment for the success of each of the institutional 'capacities'
Tennessee Department of Education
Amount: $7,117,289
To support the development of the Tennessee Department of Education's 8 Centers for Regional Excellence (CORE) offices into implementation 'hubs' supporting teachers and leaders implementing TN Postsecondary and Workforce Standards and building district capacity to improve and sustain teacher and leader effectiveness over time
Tennessee Department of Education
Amount: $60,000
Tio provide support to the Tennessee Department of Education with an existing survey
Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education
Amount: $4,761,718
To support the on-going work with LIFT and to provide guidance/oversight for teacher engagement efforts through ECET2s and teacher leader network development
Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education
Amount: $2,310,000
To provide for general operating support
Texas Tech University
Amount: $6,962,397
To support the establishment of teacher preparation transformation centers that will provide technical assistance, serve as a data center, and serve as a disseminator of practice
The Atlantic
Amount: $307,505
To raise policymaker awareness of emerging postsecondary policy issues and trends, especially those affecting college access and completion
The New York Immigration Coalition, Inc.
Amount: $25,000
To support the National Immigrant Integration Conference held on December 13-15, 2015 in New York City
Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Amount: $1,100,000
To provide for general operating support
Tides Center
Amount: $487,405
To connect teachers interested in the maker movement to one another to share best practices, cocreate, and lead
Tides Center
Amount: $125,000
To support education technology entrepreneurs
Tides Center
Amount: $633,031
To support efforts in Stockton to increase educational opportunity and support stronger outcomes for students
Tides Center
Amount: $2,308,071
To design and test approaches to networking Institutional Partnership (IP) sites in ways that leverage peer-to-peer and collective learning in order to accelerate and increase the sites' effectiveness and that of the field
Transcend Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To support initial work to source, select, and prime the next group of visionary school operator partners to develop new models of education to improve students outcomes of low income students
Tulare County Superintendent of Schools
Amount: $150,000
To provide planning support for a network approach to strengthening instructional practice in rural school systems
Tyton Partners
Amount: $3,418,527
To improve educational outcomes for students by sharing market research, decision-making tools, and taxonomies for digital courseware and Integrated Planning and Advising for Student Success
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Amount: $4,101,837
To support Common Core implementation
U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $50,000
To support the US Department of Education's 2015 National HBCU Week Conference September 21-22, 2015
Unbounded Learning, Inc.
Amount: $926,667
To promote capacity-building focused on Common Core supports for teachers, schools, and districts
United Way of New York City
Amount: $1,200,000
To build United Way New York City's capacity as an advocate, school-based technical assistance provider and community-based organization trainer in support of Common Core in NYC and NY state
University Enterprises, Inc.
Amount: $1,523,052
To draw lessons from innovative regional efforts and develop and propose recommendations to improve postsecondary success in California
University System of Georgia
Amount: $1,999,497
To accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting and sharing learnings from the perspective of a state system office facilitating institutional, regional, and statewide transformation
University System of Georgia Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $192,625
To develop and implement a policy framework for a second phase of the Complete College Georgia initiative, targeting outcome-based funding; competency-based education; adult-friendly policies and practices; and student financial aid
University of California at San Diego
Amount: $1,993,497
To strengthen mathematics instruction in San Diego County
University of California, Riverside
Amount: $300,000
To adopt and implement an Academic Cost Structure and Performance Management system to better understand the resources currently used around instruction and to build a model to share with other educational institutions
University of Chicago
Amount: $249,997
To support the Consortium on Chicago School Research to plan for how to spread their on-track work, and further analyses focused on supporting struggling students
University of Florida
Amount: $824,553
To support the identification of teacher leader fellows and coordinator teacher leader fellowship network and building virtual teacher experiences for fellows and teachers in Florida
University of Kentucky Research Foundation
Amount: $4,500,000
To support the Assessment for Learning Project that will support educational assessment in the U.S. around systems of assessment to support assessment for learning and the attainment of college and career readiness by all students
University of Michigan
Amount: $6,858,099
To facilitate collaboration among teacher preparation transformation centers for the purpose of creating classroom-ready teachers and advancing learning and innovation in teacher preparation through technical support, design-based research and transparent use of data
University of South Florida
Amount: $202,751
To develop advocacy (state) partnerships in each of the states (focus and non focus), where IP investments land, to create and sustain early and ongoing awareness among policymakers, and critical stakeholders, through evidence and best practices, of the aspirations and efforts of the IP institutions; thereby creating enabling conditions and a supportive environment for the success of each of the institutional 'capacities'
University of Texas System
Amount: $300,000
To accelerate the production of credentials of value, especially for low-income, first generation students, while documenting and sharing learnings from the perspective of a state system office facilitating institutional, regional, and statewide transformation
University of Texas at Austin
Amount: $2,268,505
To expand the New Mathways Project into five additional states and create compelling evidence for the field writ large to advance the multiple pathways approach nationally to improve student success
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $2,790,000
To support a research study focused on learning about the most effective methods to scale personalized learning in districts and regional eco-systems
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $498,232
To support development of a field-facing analytic model a web-based data visualization tool to demonstrate the expected impact of a variety of changes
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $700,000
To understand how credit transfer and articulation policies and programs improve students' progress toward their baccalaureate degree and to develop and disseminate a shared transfer research plan among leading national experts
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $25,000
To bring together a group of faculty for a listening exercise that will yield concrete and specific information about how to implement changes in ways that can best be adopted by institutions and their faculty
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $250,000
To introduce or to provide additional information on the district portfolio approach
University of Wisconsin - Extension
Amount: $109,840
To provide project support to the U.S. Department of Education, through University of Wisconsin, to focus on competency-based innovation and accreditation
University of the State of New York
Amount: $569,000
To support the New York Department of Education's strategic planning and research and data capacity
Uplift Education
Amount: $50,000
To support common core implementation, professional development or personalized learning
Urban Institute
Amount: $191,234
To model the costs and distributional effects of various FAFSA simplification proposals
Urban Institute
Amount: $25,000
To evaluate recent trends in public financing of postsecondary education and identify critical questions to be addressed by policymakers and practitioners
Urban League of Middle Tennessee
Amount: $250,153
To provide access to postsecondary training and certification, and ultimately careers in high-demand areas that also provide higher than average earnings in order to lift families out of poverty
Urban Schools Human Capital Academy, Inc
Amount: $825,000
To support efforts of the Urban Schools Human Capital Academy to codify and share its knowledge and learning about district talent management
Urban Teacher Center
Amount: $500,000
To provide for general operating support
Vanderbilt University
Amount: $1,799,710
To support collaboration between Vanderbilt and the Tennessee Department of Education in the area of education research and improvement
Washington State Charter Schools Association
Amount: $3,000,000
To provide general operating support for the Washington State Charter Schools Association
Amount: $663,000
To support WestEd to serve as 'Data Sponsor' in support of the California State Board of Education's effort to learn more about the statewide implementation of the California Standards, related shifts in teacher development and supports, and related improvements in teachers' ELA and Math instructional practices to align with the California Standards
Amount: $1,327,347
To support high-quality mathematics instruction in southern California
Amount: $2,050,959
To organize a community of practice of districts and TA provider working to align resources with instructional priorities in California
Amount: $4,095,000
To deepen the implementation of the Common Core by leveraging effective tools and strategies; teacher leaders capable of scaling them to teachers in national and local networks; and network/system partnerships
Women in Government Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $75,000
To give women state legislators access to balanced information and safe spaces to exchange their opportunities and challenges related to higher education, so that they can make positive changes in their states and improve attainment rates
Year Up, Inc.
Amount: $10,000
For conference support
Yes We Must Coalition
Amount: $202,681
To provide funding to the Yes We Must Coalition towards its 2015 Members Institute, a conference for private independent colleges serving significant proportions of Pell-eligible students
Young Invincibles
Amount: $925,000
To strengthen student voices in conversations about innovation and change in postsecondary education through digital storytelling
iCivics, Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To support classroom technology
Amount: $405,541
To support the development of an organization that advocates for the continuing improvement of postsecondary opportunity and success in Tennessee
Achieving the Dream, Inc.
Amount: $2,400,000
For general operating support
Acrobatiq, Inc.
Amount: $2,050,925
To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses
Alliance for Excellent Education Inc.
Amount: $1,137,530
To coordinate a coalition of advocacy organizations interested in supporting district-led initiatives in personalized learning
Alliance for Excellent Education Inc.
Amount: $3,500,000
For general operating support
American Architectural Foundation
Amount: $390,871
To support design workshops with school leaders, district and school staff, and community members to explore how the use of existing space or design of new space can support new learning models
American Association of School Administrators, Inc.
Amount: $300,399
To assist in developing, disseminating, and supporting readiness and planning for iPD by leveraging organizations with existing networks
American Council on Education
Amount: $2,065,628
To support the development of an ecosystem of alternative credit and promote greater acceptance of alternative credit by higher education institutions and systems, which will create smoother and more flexible pathways for more Americans to earn high-quality postsecondary credentials
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Inc
Amount: $174,888
To develop and incorporate professional development based on the Common Core State Standards
American Enterprise Institute For Public Policy Research
Amount: $249,445
To support research and dissemination of effective teacher leadership practices
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $69,992
To support the development of tools and processes that help principals use multiple measures to improve teaching
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $240,941
To develop understanding on the current state of play on income sharing agreements and their potential to help students pay for their education beyond high school
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $403,310
To support the development of new performance measures and benchmarking approaches that are well adapted to postsecondary colleges that implement new instructional methods and business models
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Amount: $500,000
To understand families' uses of technology for learning outside of school
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Amount: $6,330,000
To support the University Innovation Alliance, whose members will test, implement, and share interventions and learnings to improve access, quality, and cost for low-income and first-generation students
Asia Society
Amount: $1,292,638
To support the development and dissemination of tools and processes to improve teacher effectiveness, create pathways for teacher leaders, and develop personalized learning tools
Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
Amount: $25,000
To support the 2014 Higher Education Summit focusing on creating meaningful change for Asian-American and Pacific Islander students
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $8,985,088
To support the implementation of college ready standards and assessments to support effective teaching
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $435,000
To support Common Core implementation
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $50,000
To support research on the status of use of labor market outcome data for different audiences
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $342,240
To support development of tools to support English Language Learners
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $20,000
To support founding teachers to attend the 15-year anniversary of Aspire Public Schools
Association for Institutional Research
Amount: $750,654
To support institutional capacity for using data to better inform decision-making and to explore models for increasing such capacity across institutions and systems
Association of American Colleges and Universities
Amount: $249,660
To support the 2015-2016 centennial year to AAC&U by providing financial support to embolden their communications and engagement activities
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Amount: $2,507,628
To explore new models that support student success at urban liberal arts colleges and comprehensive independent universities
Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Amount: $300,000
To support a coalition of organizations working to improve student outcomes in Louisiana schools
Behavioral Ideas Lab, Inc
Amount: $249,636
To examine the opportunity for application of behavioral science approaches and techniques in the development and implementation of integrated advising systems that will lead to improved student learning and success in college
Board of Regents University of Wisconsin System
Amount: $200,090
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
Broward College
Amount: $74,971
To support a better understanding of student population, their needs, and how to drive higher persistence and graduation rates
CELT Corporation
Amount: $52,760
To validate reliability in implementation processes
CELT Corporation
Amount: $514,800
To support the development of planning tools for districts engaged in innovation
California State University
Amount: $200,035
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
California State University
Amount: $500,000
To support commitments from the California State Legislature and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to create the California Open Education Resource Council and the first version of the California Open Source Digital Library to increase adoption of open textbooks
Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation
Amount: $500,000
To support the Common Core State Standards for educators and the public
Center for American Progress
Amount: $800,000
To improve the lives of low and middle-income Americans by developing and disseminating progressive policy ideas to improve postsecondary access, affordability, and quality
Center for Collaborative Education
Amount: $350,000
To assist in developing, disseminating, and supporting readiness and planning for iPD by leveraging organizations with existing networks
Center for Public Justice
Amount: $99,999
To engage faith leaders to better understand and support education initiatives
Center for Reform of School Systems Inc.
Amount: $972,350
To support the design and implementation of innovative professional development
Central Savannah River Area Regional Educational Service Agency
Amount: $287,115
To develop and implement trainings that create instructional shifts in support of the Common Core
Cerego, LLC
Amount: $3,551,414
To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses
Chattahoochee Flint Regional Educational Service Agency
Amount: $291,451
To facilitate the instructional shifts necessary in teacher practice to implement the Common Core
Children Now
Amount: $475,000
To support the Common Core State Standards in California
Children's First Fund, The Chicago Public School Foundation
Amount: $1,249,040
To advance collaboration between traditional district schools and public charter schools in Chicago
Civic Builders Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To support the development of a center for teaching and learning
Claflin University
Amount: $75,020
To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success
CogBooks Limited
Amount: $1,999,168
To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses
College Success Foundation
Amount: $250,000
To support an evaluation of the DC Achievers and HERO programs
College-Ready Promise
Amount: $300,000
To improve the effectiveness of teachers by supporting the implementations of the Common Core math and literacy strategies
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $5,199,999
To support and sustain efforts to implement Colorado Academic standards and assessments
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $385,251
To validate reliability in teacher evaluation models
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $21,080
To support participants from Colorado to attend the Global Education Leaders' Program
Colorado Seminary
Amount: $687,338
To support improving math instruction and math achievement for young children by upgrading the technology and impact of the Building Blocks Learning Trajectories into a Learning and Teaching with Learning Trajectories tool
Communities Foundation of Texas
Amount: $150,000
To support a better understanding of student population, their needs, and how to drive higher persistence and graduation rates
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc
Amount: $531,270
To enable conference support to SXSW EDU for both 2014-2015
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc
Amount: $1,400,000
To educate and inform Texas policymakers and stakeholders about effective strategies for improving success of low-income students in completing a postsecondary credential of value
Complete College America Inc
Amount: $3,500,000
To promote improvements in college completion rates nationally by working with an alliance of states committed to increasing college completion
Consortium for Educational Change
Amount: $7,500,000
To support the high-quality integration of Common Core State Standards and new teacher feedback and evaluation systems
Consortium of Florida Education Foundations Inc
Amount: $140,000
To provide for general conference support
Constitutional Rights Foundation
Amount: $299,709
To provide professional development opportunities for teachers to further hardwire the Common Core curriculum
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
Amount: $388,639
To support the use of student perception surveys to provide feedback for teachers
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $6,148,749
To support the implementation of CCSSO's 2014-2015 Strategic Plan
Dallas Independent School District
Amount: $841,000
To implement a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Delaware State University Foundation Inc.
Amount: $75,020
To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success
Denver Public Schools Foundation
Amount: $50,000
To support districts in the implementation of personalized learning models
Denver Public Schools Foundation
Amount: $356,485
To implement a strategic plan for personalized learning
Denver School of Science and Technology Inc
Amount: $332,371
To support Common Core implementation
Dillard University
Amount: $75,020
To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success
Amount: $2,000,000
To support individual teachers' projects to help improve their practice
Amount: $1,600,000
To help more than 3,000 teachers successfully complete their classroom project requests, providing them with materials and experiences to help them kick off the school year
EdSource Inc.
Amount: $768,070
To provide timely, useful information to California educators and policymakers, highlighting effective models and strategies intended to improve student outcomes
Education Cities, Inc
Amount: $1,000,000
To support efforts to provide customized support on personalized learning to its members
Education Northwest
Amount: $220,000
To identify policies and practices to improve percent of credits transferred for two-year students transferring to four-year institutions
Education Resource Strategies, Inc.
Amount: $150,000
To support a chief financial officers network
Education Resource Strategies, Inc.
Amount: $250,283
To support the development of tools to improve teaching effectiveness
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $750,000
To support equity focused post-secondary work and strategic planning
Educational Testing Service
Amount: $120,000
To host and provide secured access to select Measures of Effective Teaching classroom videos
Amount: $14,526,072
To support the Next Generation Learning Challenges - Breakthrough Schools Fund
Amount: $105,357
To conduct research on the current limitations and preferred features of learning management system (LMS) and other technology platforms so they can effectively deliver more personalized and blended instruction that enhances student outcomes
Edvance Foundation
Amount: $90,255
To prepare and release a comprehensive, national research study of the practices and protocol of two-year students when they transfer to four-year independent colleges and universities
Edward Charles Foundation
Amount: $248,285
To support the development of personalized learning tools
Empirical Resolution Inc.
Amount: $200,000
To continue building a website that provides personalized grammar lessons and interactive peer writing tools for students
Empower Schools Inc.
Amount: $655,874
To support a set of pilot activities designed to increase the number of high-quality school seats in Massachusetts by leveraging flexibilities with Common Core instruction
Amount: $291,623
To support the development of personalized learning tools
Amount: $984,138
To support the development of personalized learning tools
Entertainment Industry Foundation
Amount: $988,208
To support a multi-year national media campaign on education, with the purpose of empowering students and teachers
Excelencia in Education
Amount: $1,019,500
To increase the capacity of Excelencia in Education to identify innovative ways to change postsecondary strategies and increase college completion for Latinos and other post-traditional students while building momentum for action with diverse audiences
Excelsior College
Amount: $200,000
To educate state policy and postsecondary leaders about the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA)
FSG, Inc.
Amount: $33,000
To produce a case study on the approach to student engagement and self-directed learning
Fayetteville State University
Amount: $75,020
To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success
Florida Department of Education
Amount: $500,000
To provide support for high performing charters and districts in Florida to collaborate
Foundation Center
Amount: $50,000
To provide administrative support for the i3 Foundation Registry process
Foundation for Excellence in Education Inc.
Amount: $299,112
To develop resources and training for districts to protect privacy of student data
Franklin-McKinley School District
Amount: $200,000
To support district-charter collaboration as it relates to Common Core implementation
Friends of Breakthrough Schools
Amount: $150,051
To support district charter collaboration in Cleveland
Fulton County School System
Amount: $200,000
To support districts in the implementation of personalized learning models
Fund For Transforming Education in Kentucky Inc
Amount: $852,205
To support the expansion of the Common Assignment study
Fund For Transforming Education in Kentucky Inc
Amount: $27,500
To support participants from Kentucky to attend the Global Education Leaders' Program
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $300,296
To support New York City Department of Education with strategic planning
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $20,000
To support the development of a knowledge exchange plan between district and charter schools
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $12,327
To support participants from New York to attend the Global Education Leaders' Program
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $7,629
To support the Fund for Public Schools
George W. Bush Institute
Amount: $120,275
To support teaching summits focused on communicating practices that support college-readiness efforts in the US
Georgetown University
Amount: $2,799,312
To support creation of an institute whose aim is to provide state agencies with operational support and technical assistance in advancing measurement of student success and labor market outcomes
GlassLab, Inc.
Amount: $73,852
To support the development of personalized learning tools
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $85,000
For general conference support
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $45,000
For general conference support
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $25,000
To support a 2014 Member Briefing related to 'States as the unit of change'
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $10,000
For conference support
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $85,000
For general conference support
Great Schools Partnership Inc.
Amount: $199,747
To support the participating districts of the Next Generation Systems Initiative (NGSI) to develop competency-based progression components of personalized learning models
Guilford Technical Community College
Amount: $834,494
To support an implementation study of multiple measures at six colleges in the North Carolina community college system
Harvard University
Amount: $10,000
To provide prize money and administrative costs for the Harvard Graduate School of Education's 2014 Education Innovation Pitch Competition, which is designed to generate new entrepreneurial concepts in the education sector
Harvard University
Amount: $1,672,380
To evaluate the implementation and impact on student achievement and postsecondary outcomes of math options in Tennessee for high school seniors, including the SAILS Program in Tennessee, which delivers content in keeping with a college-level remedial math sequence to high school seniors through a blended learning model
Harvard University
Amount: $207,350
To create an endowed fellowship for the Doctorate of Education Leadership at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
Henry County Schools
Amount: $363,000
To implement a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Amount: $250,188
To provide the technology foundation and basic content needed to establish Hispanic Scholarship Fund University which will, when built, provide Hispanic parents and students with comprehensive, bilingual college readiness education and information at no charge through a web-based platform and on mobile devices
Hope Street Group
Amount: $216,350
To support Hope Street Group Kentucky Partner Expansion and Regional Engagement Projects
Hope Street Group
Amount: $1,068,280
To support improvements to Kentucky's Professional Growth and Effectiveness System
Amount: $500,000
To provide general operating support
IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc.
Amount: $867,125
To support the development of open standards (freely available and royalty-free) and provide developer resources to make it easier to deploy a wide diversity of innovative learning resources, content, tools, apps and platforms in an integrative manner - thus enabling greater choice of technologies for students, teachers and institutions in order to improve educational participation and achievement of low income students
Illinois Network Of Charter Schools
Amount: $281,800
To advance collaboration between traditional district schools and public charter schools in Chicago
Innosight Institute Inc
Amount: $617,210
To develop an innovation framework to serve as a guide for institutions, policymakers, innovators, and funders in the postsecondary space
Institute For Higher Education Policy
Amount: $495,885
To bring together core stakeholders in order to share, validate, and refine a core set of postsecondary measures to improve data systems in support of broader student financial aid reform goals and to offer additional policy opportunities
Institute for College Access and Success
Amount: $1,200,000
To increase college affordability and completion for low-income students
Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
Amount: $299,078
To advance Common Core learning by furthering the instructional expertise and leadership of teachers
Institute of Play, Inc.
Amount: $300,000
For general operating support
International Society for Technology in Education
Amount: $282,636
To mobilize teacher learning focused on the Common Core
Jackson State University
Amount: $75,020
To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $840,235
To support work that JFF will do with key K-12 and IHE partners in select states to help create a set of transition strategies, so that more 12th graders, particularly low-income students, graduate ready to succeed in college
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
To develop a collaborative business model between employers and community colleges that provides postsecondary students with the much needed workforce development skills and credentials that employers demand of new hires
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $1,999,277
To provide counsel and technical assistance to postsecondary state agencies and intermediaries in at least 12 states to advance the adoption and implementation of policies that boost postsecondary success
Johnson C Smith University Incorporated
Amount: $75,020
To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success
KIPP Foundation
Amount: $350,000
To raise the bar on literacy instruction in order to ensure that students are prepared to meet the demands of the Common Core
KIPP Foundation
Amount: $100,000
To support for KIPP Schools Summit 2014
Kentucky Chamber Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $221,682
To boost the voice of business, community, and opinion leaders on postsecondary performance and improvement issues in Kentucky, specifically, outcome-based funding, workforce linkages, and accountability
Kentucky Department of Education
Amount: $3,370,078
To support and expand efforts to implement Kentucky's Academic Standards
LEAP Innovations
Amount: $277,064
To help facilitate short-cycle feedback on digital courseware product efficacy
LEAP Innovations
Amount: $1,112,000
To advance collaboration between traditional district schools and public charter schools in Chicago
Lake County Schools
Amount: $3,940,766
To support organizations to develop innovative professional development systems to create personalized learning systems for teachers; experiment with innovative modes of delivery; and build the capacity at every level of the organization to design learning and direct resources efficiently and effectively
Lake County Schools
Amount: $450,000
To implement a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Leadership Florida Statewide Community Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To support planning, development, and execution of education-centered learning opportunities in Florida
Leadership for Educational Achievement Foundation Inc.
Amount: $225,000
To support the Common Core in New York
LearnZillion, Inc.
Amount: $172,800
To support teachers on LearnZillion to collaborate with one another to identify meaningful solutions for their classroom, school, or community by participating in online challenges
Learning First Alliance
Amount: $365,955
To support Common Core State Standards implementation
Learning Forward
Amount: $1,548,053
To build awareness and understanding of the need for solutions in professional learning redesign
LightSIDE Labs LLC
Amount: $200,000
To develop a system that automatically assesses and gives feedback on student writing, and supports the revision process for students
Liquid Interactive
Amount: $200,000
To fund development of a web-based tool to help improve students' writing skills
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Amount: $187,500
For general conference support
Low Income Investment Fund
Amount: $300,000
To support Charter School Lenders Coalition
Lumen, LLC
Amount: $2,985,251
To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses
Match Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $340,583
To support Common Core State Standards implementation
Michigan State University
Amount: $75,000
To support a better understanding of student population, their needs, and how to drive higher persistence and graduation rates
Mills College
Amount: $2,840,620
To support Common Core State Standards implementation
MindWires Consulting
Amount: $350,000
To increase knowledge in the educational community around research-validated innovations in personalized learning
Minnesota State Colleges & Universities
Amount: $200,000
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
Montana University System
Amount: $200,044
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
Morehouse College
Amount: $75,020
To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education
Amount: $100,000
To support the attendance of Master Teachers at the NEA's Empowered Educators conference and provide an opportunity for these educators to share their learnings and leadership experiences related to the Common Core
National Academy of Sciences
Amount: $550,008
To support the update of the National Research Council's report on advances in learning
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools
Amount: $3,000,000
For the National Alliance for Public Charter schools to advance its mission for high quality public charter schools
National Association Of Charter School Authorizers
Amount: $800,000
To support district-charter compact cities in advancing college ready strategies
National Association Of Charter School Authorizers
Amount: $3,000,000
To provide general operating support
National Association Of Charter School Authorizers
Amount: $200,000
To provide technical assistance and support to potential district charter school authorizer applicants and to districts wishing to explore potential partnerships with public charter schools in Washington State
National Association of State Budget Officers
Amount: $225,000
To identify and address the information gap that exists between state budget officials and higher education officials to foster constructive dialogue between these two groups and help inform resource allocation decisions that lead to better higher education outcomes
National Association of System Heads
Amount: $90,000
For conference support
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc
Amount: $500,000
To provide community/social networking functionality to the teachers who are members of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc
Amount: $200,000
To support a professional development conference designed and delivered by the National Board, Teaching & Learning 2014
National Center For Teacher Residencies Inc
Amount: $528,580
To support a network of high performing teacher residency programs
National Center for Higher Education Management Systems
Amount: $375,000
To develop formulations of state policies and accreditation requirements that are supportive of innovative approaches to educational delivery that can substantially improve access and success for low-income adults
National Center for Learning Disabilities
Amount: $124,315
To support policy on personalized learning, students with disabilities, and English Language Learners
National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies
Amount: $498,156
To identify and share with the public a set of practices that U.S. public school districts can use to pilot learning technology products as part of the procurement process
National College Access Network
Amount: $508,700
To support continued federal policy recommendations dedicated to achieving practical improvements in federal financial aid policies that will lead to increased uptake of federal aid and increased completion rates for Pell Grant recipients
National Council for the Social Studies
Amount: $205,000
To operationalize a plan designed to help social studies teachers implement the Common Core State Standards
National Geographic Society
Amount: $10,000
To provide access for students in low-income neighborhoods to the National Geographic Live! Speaker Series, a monthly event for Washington State students that showcases National Geographic explorers, scientists, photographers, and filmmakers
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
Amount: $598,705
To support governors and their advisors regarding efficiency and effectiveness metrics for postsecondary education; strategic finance; and policies related to new credentialing models
National Literacy Project Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To support successful implementation of the Florida State Standards for Career and College Readiness
National Paideia Center Inc
Amount: $298,375
To further develop National Paideia Center's online literacy course with the goal of providing needed instructional support for the Common Core Standards
National Public Education Support Fund
Amount: $235,000
To provide for general operating support
National Skills Coalition
Amount: $750,000
To improve linkages within workforce data systems and to educational data systems with the aims of developing greater understanding and spurring improvement in postsecondary practice, policy, and human capital development strategies
National Staff Development Council
Amount: $239,651
To support the 2014 Annual Conference in further developing iPD for its members
National Writing Project
Amount: $300,000
To mobilize teacher learning focused on the Common Core
New America Foundation
Amount: $535,000
To support the development of best practices that improve instruction of teachers and increases college readiness rates for students
New America Foundation
Amount: $235,000
To inform policymakers seeking an understanding of how to implement automatic income-based repayment to help simplify and streamline student loan repayment processes
New Classrooms Innovation Partners, Inc.
Amount: $6,285,000
To support New Classrooms' efforts to expand the reach and impact of its middle school math model, Teach to One: Math
New Classrooms Innovation Partners, Inc.
Amount: $300,000
To further develop a skill map for a next generation learning model in math
New Profit Inc.
Amount: $50,000
To support New Profit Learning for Career and Civic Success Initiative
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $100,000
To provide scholarships for black and Hispanic leaders to attend the NewSchools' 2014 Summit
New Schools for Chicago
Amount: $115,000
To advance collaboration between traditional district schools and public charter schools in Chicago
New Teacher Center
Amount: $250,000
To support teachers new teachers to collaborate with one another to identify meaningful solutions for their classroom, school, or community by participating in online challenges
New Venture Fund
Amount: $12,750,300
To support Common Core State Standards implementation
New Venture Fund
Amount: $582,637
To provide support for the New Venture Fund to identify and manage LDC/MDC teacher networks
New Venture Fund
Amount: $2,266,215
For general conference support
New Venture Fund
Amount: $21,000
To support development of teacher leadership training
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $350,000
To support development and piloting of Common Core-aligned course design in high schools
New York Urban League
Amount: $185,242
To support the creation of a statewide Urban League affiliate coalition to educate community members on education issues
Noble Network of Charter Schools
Amount: $341,575
To support Common Core implementation
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $301,300
To provide for general conference support
North Carolina Community Foundation Inc
Amount: $137,638
To enhance the educational and career outcomes for North Carolina students by bringing together organizations funding across the education spectrum in the state
North Carolina State University
Amount: $479,874
To create two primary learning resources to help students and teachers to capitalize on the personalization of learning paths in mathematics
Pacific Charter School Development Inc.
Amount: $3,998,633
To support the facility needs of charter schools in Washington State
Partnership For Los Angeles Schools
Amount: $100,000
To support the Partnership for L.A. Schools to pilot new personalized learning approaches in math
Pennsylvania Business Council Education Foundation
Amount: $149,915
To educate and engage business leaders about college ready standards for Pennsylvania students
Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
Amount: $240,000
To inform and educate state policy makers and key stakeholders about the importance of the Pennsylvania Core Standards, aligned assessments, more rigorous graduation requirements and the educator effectiveness system in preparing student to be college ready
PeopleFirst Partnership
Amount: $342,576
To build awareness of and engage communities in supporting teachers and their development
Pivot Learning Partners
Amount: $400,011
To assist in developing, disseminating, and supporting readiness and planning for iPD by leveraging organizations with existing networks
Policy Innovators In Education Network, Inc.
Amount: $1,500,000
For general operating support
Portland Public Schools
Amount: $9,000
To support districts in the implementation of personalized learning models
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $899,980
To support the implementation of Kentucky's education initiatives
Public Agenda
Amount: $800,000
To produce a baseline understanding of the landscape and advances in competency-based education to help inform higher education stakeholders
Puget Sound Educational Service District
Amount: $199,767
To support the development and implementation of and to provide back-office support and operations support services for public charter schools in Washington state
ReadWorks, Inc
Amount: $295,989
To leverage existing networks to create instructional shifts relevant to the Common Core State Standards
Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy Inc
Amount: $499,999
To support the Massachusetts Education Partnership, a coalition designed to help Massachusetts districts implement systemic changes that advance student achievement
Research for Action Inc
Amount: $190,000
To disseminate research findings on Common Core-aligned instructional supports for teachers
Research for Action Inc
Amount: $800,000
To identify and compare institutional responses to different types of outcome-based funding models to improve understanding of their impact and thus inform design and modification of new models
Rhode Island Mayoral Academies
Amount: $263,000
To support the Comeback City High Expectations Project (CHEP)
Rhode Island Mayoral Academies
Amount: $200,114
To support personalized learning strategy development
Rice University
Amount: $3,500,000
To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses
Riverside Unified School District
Amount: $550,000
To implement a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $640,000
To support a coalition focused on ensuring high and consistent standards and aligned assessments in New York state
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
To support a field of interest fund to help states in their efforts to implement high quality, college and career-ready assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
To provide operating support
Rodel Charitable Foundation DE
Amount: $13,000
To help funders and policy makers deepen the impact of their work by demonstrating how to leverage cross-sector partnerships and international advisors in transforming systems of education at the state level in the U.S.
Rose Community Foundation
Amount: $708,789
To support high academic standards for Colorado students
Sacramento County Office of Education
Amount: $100,000
To support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards
School Board of Orange County
Amount: $200,000
To support districts in the implementation of personalized learning models
School Board of Pinellas County, Florida
Amount: $550,000
To implement a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
School District of Philadelphia
Amount: $85,000
To support anaylsis and strategy development to support education priorities in the district
SchoolWorks, LLC
Amount: $399,370
To support the development of personalized learning tools
Silicon Valley Education Foundation
Amount: $750,000
To support Common Core State Standards implementation
Smart Sparrow LLC
Amount: $4,500,000
To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses
Social Science Research Council
Amount: $888,269
To engage faculty and other stakeholders in discussions about field-specific learning goals for undergraduates and develop tools to improve student learning
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $12,000,000
To provide for general operating support
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $900,900
To support implementation of SREB's strategic plan
Southwest Georgia Regional Educational Service Agency
Amount: $295,418
To expand teacher trainings for the Common Core throughout the districts in Southwest Georgia
Spelman College
Amount: $75,020
To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success
St. Bernard Parish Public Schools
Amount: $300,000
To expand and implement LDC across multiple districts in Louisiana
Stand for Children Leadership Center
Amount: $2,551,388
To support Common Core implementation and teacher effectiveness programs
Stanford University
Amount: $500,000
To support business planning and materials development for a center focused on harnessing new technologies to improve mathematics instruction
Stanford University
Amount: $90,904
To expand and improve educational opportunities for public school students in California by supporting successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Stanford University
Amount: $450,000
To support the Core Practice Consortium to develop, implement, and study teacher education pedagogies
Stanford University
Amount: $1,150,000
To develop, distribute, and implement a new generation of digital courseware that is high-quality, personalized, affordable, scalable, and improves student outcomes, particularly among low-income and disadvantaged students in high enrollment undergraduate general education courses
State Education Technology
Amount: $223,813
To educate school district leaders and other stakeholders on how state instructional materials policies and funding can support the procurement of effective, standards-aligned digital content and software by educators to help personalize learning
State Higher Education Executive Officers Association
Amount: $1,000,942
To increase student success in postsecondary education by focusing on and sharing best practices in state-level data gathering and use to drive continuous improvement in higher education
State University of New York
Amount: $200,200
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
Success Academy Charter Schools Inc
Amount: $350,000
To support Common Core State Standards implementation
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $700,000
To support Common Core implementation
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $500,000
For general conference support
Teach Plus, Incorporated
Amount: $7,500,000
For general operating support
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $167,507
To examine the process and best ways to leverage Integrated Planning and Advising Services technologies to create meaningful and lasting change that can support student success and to build knowledge about promising approaches to transformative institutional change
Teaching Channel
Amount: $2,500,000
To provide for general operating support
Tennessee Board of Regents
Amount: $200,035
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
Tennessee Department of Education
Amount: $397,710
To support teacher evaluation and feedback systems in Tennessee
Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education
Amount: $226,647
To support The Tennessee Educator Fellowship
Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education
Amount: $749,882
To support a network of districts in amplifying their voice on education improvement efforts and professional development resources
Texas Community College Education Initiative
Amount: $224,989
To provide funding for the Community College Association of Texas Trustees to build training curricula and deliver professional development to Texas trustees
Texas Tech University
Amount: $52,800
For general conference support
Tulsa Public Schools
Amount: $3,100,875
To support organizations to develop innovative professional development systems to create personalized learning systems for teachers; experiment with innovative modes of delivery; and build the capacity at every level of the organization to design learning and direct resources efficiently and effectively
Tyton Partners
Amount: $1,496,462
To support the postsecondary sector's access to timely and dynamic, market ecosystem information about educational technologies and innovations that can improve student outcomes and advance personalized learning
U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $50,000
For conference support
United Way of New York City
Amount: $100,000
For general operating support
University System of Georgia
Amount: $200,000
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
University System of Maryland Foundation
Amount: $200,616
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
University of California - Berkeley
Amount: $999,793
To create a Networked Improvement Community (NIC) to support successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards in Math
University of California, Los Angeles
Amount: $75,000
To develop a learning map prototype for Common Core State Math Standards
University of Chicago
Amount: $250,648
To research strategies and best practices used to ensure students are on track to graduation
University of Florida Foundation Inc.
Amount: $351,102
To support redesign of professional development for teachers
University of Hawaii Foundation
Amount: $200,000
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Amount: $400,000
To promote deep implementation and scaling of evidence-based innovations and reform by Trade Adjustment Act Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Consortia (comprised of community colleges) that are part of the Transformative Change Initiative (TCI)
University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.
Amount: $212,022
To support the development of personalized learning tools
University of Maryland Foundation
Amount: $114,975
To learn more about the needs of an emergent community of academic transformation leaders, practitioners, and change agents who serve the currently underserved students we all want to see succeed in larger numbers
University of Michigan
Amount: $544,810
To bridge the knowledge gap in understanding how and why different financial aid packages, types of aid, amounts, and timing of receipt of financial aid during college can indirectly or directly affect a student's college retention, graduation, and their post-collegiate student loan repayment activities
University of North Carolina
Amount: $200,000
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
University of Pittsburgh
Amount: $119,957
To increase students' access to financial aid for postsecondary education and, in turn, their college access and success
University of Texas System
Amount: $200,000
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
University of Texas at Arlington
Amount: $1,600,465
To support the formation of a Digital Learning Research Network (dLRN) that will partner top learning scientists and researchers with classrooms and communities where quality learning is most needed in order to ensure that high quality teaching and learning approaches are utilized to help all learners succeed in digital environments
University of Virginia
Amount: $224,295
To research scalability of digital college and financial aid application tools
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $929,479
To support the development of principal effectiveness
Urban Institute
Amount: $275,409
To refine existing and develop new policy options with the central goals of simplifying the student aid system and promoting the success of adult students
Urban League of Lexington - Fayette County
Amount: $149,969
To support African American leaders to better understand and support education initiatives in Fayette and Jefferson County Kentucky school systems
Utah System of Higher Education
Amount: $200,035
To advance the planning and implementation work of public state college and university systems seeking to dramatically improve access and success for underserved students
Vanderbilt University
Amount: $499,473
To support the development of a guide to improve teacher effectiveness evaluations
Vanderbilt University
Amount: $286,476
To assist in developing, disseminating, and supporting readiness and planning for iPD by leveraging organizations with existing networks
Washington Charter School Development, Inc
Amount: $19,813,088
To support the facility needs of charter schools in Washington State
Washington State Charter Schools Association
Amount: $6,300,000
To contribute to a fund to support charter schools in Washington state
Amount: $3,632,786
To provide support for teacher practice networks nationally, and with a focus in California
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Amount: $200,000
To increase access to high-quality postsecondary education for all citizens of the West, this effort will reduce barriers for students pursuing further education as they participate in on-line educational offerings offered across state lines, not only in the West but throughout the entire United States
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Amount: $2,397,732
To expand the regional Interstate Passport Initiative pilot to a national Phase II of the project, intended to create a new framework for block transfer of lower division general education based on learning outcomes mapped to courses, expanding the scope beyond pilot to double the state and institutional commitment and implement the necessary infrastructure for adoption and scale
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Amount: $5,000,000
To expand and enhance a multi-state longitudinal data exchange to improve the quality and use of information about postsecondary and workforce outcomes for an increasingly mobile student population
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Amount: $732,149
To support improving student success using multi-institutional predictive models and collaborative frameworks to identify critical points of student risk and to identify the benchmarks, interventions and services to help at-risk students
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Amount: $109,222
To determine the possibility of aligning multiple organizations' efforts currently focused on transfer to more widely and effectively deploy solutions
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Amount: $1,500,000
To support the development of a competency-based model for preparing secondary math and science teachers in partnership with an urban public schools system and an affiliated higher education institution
Xavier University of Louisiana
Amount: $75,020
To advance the understanding of the planning and activities required to achieve transformative and sustainable change that improves student success
Young Invincibles
Amount: $1,200,000
To help inform the public debate around key questions facing the higher education community that ultimately impact the access and success of an entire generation trying to attain a degree and better themselves economically
100 Black Men of America, Inc.
Amount: $583,531
To implement Project SOAR to enhance educational opportunities for the African American community
4Point0 Schools
Amount: $750,000
For general operating support
4Point0 Schools
Amount: $832,801
To build capacity for Startup Weekend EDU
A+ Schools: Pittsburgh's Community Alliance For Public Education
Amount: $500,543
To support 'Organizing for Great Teaching in Pittsburgh', an organizing and communications program aligned with the foundation's College Ready strategy
Amount: $235,150
To build an online platform that recommends differentiated eBook and eJournal experiences and allows teachers to assign literacy modules that foster reading and writing growth
ACT Foundation
Amount: $250,000
To support the creation of the National Network of Business and Industry Associations (NNBIA) to engage and unify business and industry voice in designing postsecondary-to-employment learning solutions
Academy for Urban School Leadership
Amount: $2,000,000
To support the Teacher Development Program and Academy for Urban School Leadership Institute
Achievement First Inc.
Amount: $837,355
To provide support to Achievement First in partnership with Mastery Charter Schools and Denver School of Science and Technology Public Schools to develop a shared Common Core aligned interim assessment system
Achievement First Inc.
Amount: $361,927
To provide support to Achievement First in collaboration with YES Prep and Aspire Public Schools to develop a pilot leadership program for emerging charter management organizations
Achievement First Inc.
Amount: $48,907
To support personalized learning in existing schools
Achievement Network
Amount: $250,249
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Achieving the Dream, Inc.
Amount: $25,530
To oordinate the technology vendors to present their IPAS systems at the Educause conference
Actively Learn Inc.
Amount: $270,000
To create a reading and writing solution for grades 4-8 with a technology that provides many of the benefits of one-to-one teacher instruction
Acuitus, Inc.
Amount: $13,763,544
To fund early-stage research and development for digital algebra instruction
Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools
Amount: $300,000
To support organizations in a strategic visioning engagement to develop their innovative professional development theory of action and implementation strategies
Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools
Amount: $40,000
To support the implementation of early-stage collaboration projects
Alliance for Excellent Education Inc.
Amount: $425,000
To support advocacy, communications, and policy development efforts
American Agora Foundation Inc
Amount: $100,000
To create a supplemental solution for supporting Common Core-aligned reading and writing experiences for 6th-8th-grade students
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Amount: $10,000
To support a symposium hosted by AAAS on broadening access to science, technology, engineering, and math education through technology
American Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $280,814
To support a collaborative effort to develop a strategic framework to assemble and report post-collegiate outcomes both now and in the future
American Educational Research Association
Amount: $250,000
To fund the selection and support of nine doctoral scholars who will conduct research in the area of teaching effectiveness using the Measures of Effective Teaching longitudinal database
American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation
Amount: $150,000
To enable the American Federation of Teachers Educational Foundation to support the Minnesota Guild of Public Charter Schools to become a self-sustaining organization
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $820,465
To support research to better understand and promote methods to improve effective teaching
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $426,633
To develop three tools for the state of Texas that counselors, students, and parents can use to make more informed decisions about how their educational choices will impact future employment and earnings
Americas Promise-The Alliance For Youth
Amount: $100,001
To support community awareness of the Common Core State Standards and assessments
Arizona State University
Amount: $330,000
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Amount: $198,440
To support the planning phase of the University Alliance project, whose members will test strategies for their effectiveness in impacting merics of access, quality and cost
Arkansas Public School Resource Center Inc
Amount: $200,000
To support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Asia Society
Amount: $318,231
To support the continuing work of the Global Cities Education Network
Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
Amount: $25,000
To provide conference support
Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
Amount: $50,000
To support capacity building
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $500,000
To support strategic planning for the Aspen Education and Society Program
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $1,500,003
To support a group of school district leaders in their efforts to implement the Common Core standards
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $74,290
To develop a guide for implementing the Common Core State Standards
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $249,855
To support Aspire Public Schools for a partnership with KIPP and Partnerships to Uplift Communities toward implementing Common Core-aligned assessments
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Amount: $244,733
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Association of American Colleges and Universities
Amount: $4,404,840
To support the development of innovative general education pathways in postsecondary education, General Education Maps (GEMS) and Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education (VALUE), to better serve undergraduate students
Association of Educational Publishers
Amount: $448,202
To support an improved online content search experience for educational resources
Association of Governing Boards
Amount: $100,000
To conduct a study of governance models to determine how and where current models are most problematic, to generate new ideas on best practices, policies, and procedures for governance, and to make recommendations for new governance practices
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Amount: $543,729
To support the development and initial implementation of the Student Achievement Measure (SAM) Project
Athabasca University
Amount: $861,655
To support a coordinated program that targets specific questions about the design, delivery, and scale of MOOCs in higher education
Austin Community College
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Austin Peay State University
Amount: $99,990
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Amount: $150,000
To support ongoing implementation of education reforms in LA through support to a coalition of advocacy organizations
Battelle For Kids
Amount: $249,808
To support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Behavioral Ideas Lab, Inc
Amount: $1,637,977
To support the design and testing of behavioral interventions within the financial aid system to improve student access and success, and demonstrate the value of those interventions to practitioners and policy-makers
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc.
Amount: $1,981,978
To support CoreSpring, an initiative to build a bank of shared Common Core aligned formative item and assessment resources that assure improved discoverability, availability and interoperability
Benchmark Education Company LLC
Amount: $25,000
To fund development of Common Core-aligned units foucsed in argumentative writing
Board of Trustees of Essex County College
Amount: $99,990
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University
Amount: $99,998
To identify successful existing or promising LRM implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Board of Trustees of St. Petersburg College
Amount: $94,804
To support a business plan/proposal for the scaled delivery of industry-validated certificates/certifications in a manner that leverages technology, (e.g. cloud-based services) to deliver shared content, instruction, and credentials
Board of Trustees of St. Petersburg College
Amount: $100,000
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
Bridgeport Public Schools
Amount: $1,968,150
To support Bridgeport Public Schools implementation of an innovative professional development system for teachers
BrightBytes, Inc.
Amount: $330,781
To support the development of a web application that will allow teachers and vendors to run trials for online learning applications and ultimately make recommendations for school and district purchasing decisions
Broad Center for the Management of School Systems
Amount: $75,000
To support the smooth transition to district leadership, acceleration of instructional improvement and student achievement results for the office of Superintendent of Shelby County
Brookings Institution
Amount: $59,784
To conduct efforts to summarize the work of the Reimagining Aid Design & Delivery (RADD) project to date
Brown University
Amount: $538,573
To understand how evaluation can be better used as a tool for teacher development and provide districts with a cost-effective route to improving teaching quality and student achievement
Business Higher Education Forum
Amount: $100,000
To support a business plan/proposal for the scaled delivery of industry-validated certificates/certifications in a manner that leverages technology, (e.g. cloud-based services) to deliver shared content, instruction, and credentials
CELT Corporation
Amount: $500,000
To support the scaling of personalized learning school models by developing the discipline of enterprise architecture in school system redesign
CHIME Institute
Amount: $49,531
To support a feasibility study on the development and launch of an inclusive model charter school in Washington state
California Charter Schools Association
Amount: $750,000
To support advancement of quality Charter Schools in California
Center for American Progress
Amount: $550,000
To support Common Core implementation
Center for American Progress
Amount: $750,000
To support papers, policy briefs, and convenings regarding systems to prepare, develop, and support effective teaching
Center for Applied Linguistics
Amount: $249,396
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Center for Better Schools - NAATE Program
Amount: $500,000
To support the growth of a teacher-leader development program to increase the leadership capacity in participating schools and benefit the academic achievement of students
Center for Community Change
Amount: $310,000
To focus on student loans, and provide the most comprehensive research and analysis to date on income-based repayment (IBR), while exploring the range of potential reforms and offering 'Pros' and 'Cons' of different approaches
Center for Education Reform
Amount: $250,000
To advance high quality charter policies
Center for Law and Social Policy
Amount: $310,010
To focus on ways to simplify and better target federal higher education tax benefits
Center for Public Justice
Amount: $150,000
To engage key Pittsburgh community leaders in support of improvements in the public education system
Center for Teaching Quality, Inc.
Amount: $17,240
To support the participation of a teacher leader from Denver, Colorado and Fayette County, Kentucky in the Global Cities Education Network
Center for Teaching Quality, Inc.
Amount: $249,471
To support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
Amount: $200,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund
Amount: $4,000,000
To support high-performing charter school management organizations that are implementing effecting teaching systems and the Common Core State Standards in collaboration with districts
Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund
Amount: $152,253
To support a benchmarking and demand analysis of education software usage among charter networks and smaller school districts
Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund
Amount: $5,000,000
To explore the potential impact and optimal structure of a national fund to support high performing CMOs expanding nationally, and as a first investment, invest in Aspire Public School's expansion into Tennessee
Civic Builders Inc.
Amount: $685,000
To support Civic Builders operations
Classroom, Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To support a comprehensive, online ELA series for struggling 6th-8th graders
Clemson University
Amount: $24,800
To implement an application that supports literacy development through collaboration, individualized learning, and ongoing assessment
College-Ready Promise
Amount: $210,000
To increase student achievement and literacy skills by participation in the Literacy Design Collaborative, through the creation, jurying, professional development, and best practice sharing of two modules per participating teacher in 2013-2014
Colorado Children's Campaign
Amount: $146,337
To educate the public about the implementation of standards, assessments, and educator evaluation systems in Colorado
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $828,653
To support Colorado school districts in implementing and sustaining new educator evaluation systems and instructional strategies, with an emphasis on sustainability of the work and the central role of teachers leading in the design and use of resources and tools
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $100,001
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $36,540
To support participation in the Global Education Leader's Program in Delhi, India
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $36,540
To support participation in the Global Education Leader's Program in Sydney, Australia
Colorado State University Foundation
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Colorado Succeeds
Amount: $435,000
To support business community efforts to improve Colorado students' college and career readiness
Common Ground Software Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To enhance an online web writing environment that offers a variety of modes of formative assessment, as well as a dashboard of writing analytics for students and teachers, to cover all Common Core standards for writing in grades 4 to 8
Common Sense Media
Amount: $100,098
To support the Graphite, a service designed to help K-12 educators discover, use, and share the best apps, games, websites, and digital curricula for their students by providing unbiased ratings and insights from an active community of teachers
Consortium for School Networking
Amount: $429,971
To support the professional development of education technology leaders in service of the growth of personalized learning models in public school districts
Cooperative Educational Service Agency #2
Amount: $395,931
To develop and study guidance to improve the quality of teacher-developed assessments
Council Of The Great City Schools
Amount: $2,000,000
To help member school districts to align implementation of the Common Core State Standards with their reform efforts in teacher effectiveness and prepare for new PARCC and SBAC online assessments
Council Of The Great City Schools
Amount: $614,954
To develop benchmarking of instructional-related expenditures to enable strategic resource alignment in K-12
Council for a Strong America
Amount: $2,200,000
To educate and engage stakeholders about the Common Core and teacher development
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
Amount: $80,000
To support a pilot project to provide student teachers with feedback from surveys of their students
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $1,958,500
To support a 20-month project of the Council of Chief State School Officers to help 7-10 member states and a subset of their school districts to integrate implementation of the Common Core State Standards with their reform efforts in teacher effectiveness in ways that produce measurable impact at the school and district level
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $3,514,880
To support the Council of Chief State School Officers to work with several states to strengthen teacher preparation in order to improve academic outcomes for students
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $400,000
To support improved access to high speed broadband connectivity for schools, libraries, museums, and public institutions that support teaching and learning
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $4,000,000
To support the development of high quality assessments to measure the Common Core State Standards
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $799,825
To support the Council of Chief State School Officers' partnership to support high quality implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $703,737
To support a multi-state pilot on education preparation
Creative Commons Corporation
Amount: $500,000
To support general operating
Dallas Independent School District
Amount: $185,840
To support Dallas ISD to further operationalize its College Readiness Indicator System (CRIS)
Dallas Independent School District
Amount: $100,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Data Quality Campaign, Inc.
Amount: $5,400,000
To support activities that build the capacity to use data to improve student learning
DePaul University
Amount: $248,343
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Delaware Department of Education
Amount: $400,000
To fund the use of literacy and math tools statewide in Delaware in support of the state's implementation of the Common Core of State Standards
Denver Public Schools
Amount: $1,362
To support teacher participation in a convening
Denver Public Schools
Amount: $100,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Denver Public Schools
Amount: $10,000,000
To support the Denver Public Schools in finding, growing and keeping talented educators in the district to ensure their students have an effective teacher in every classroom every year
Design Innovation Factory
Amount: $99,998
To refine and expand Catalyst Writing and Reading, an adaptive learning game and assessment platform
DigiLearn Digital Learning Institute
Amount: $250,669
To develop a business and operation plan for the Digital Learning Institute (DigiLEARN)
Amount: $1,610,342
To allow teachers to directly purchase learning tools and technologies for their classrooms through Donors Choose
Durham Technical Community College Foundation Inc
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
Amount: $42,000
To support personalized learning in mathematics at E.L. Haynes High School
East Mississippi Community College
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Amount: $99,964
To extend Gooru's existing capabilities and content with an online task management suite for 5th-12th grade writing across STEM subjects, ELA, and Social Sciences
Education Development Center, Inc.
Amount: $211,795
To support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $350,431
To focus on redesigning grants and work study loans for Phase II of the Reimagining Aid Design & Delivery (RADD) project
Amount: $2,000,000
To support broader access to reliable, high capacity Internet access in U.S. K-12 public schools
Educators for Excellence
Amount: $3,000,695
To support teachers to be leaders in policy development and implementation
Amount: $13,496,521
To support Next Generation Learning Challenges Wave IV
Amount: $419,569
To promote the adoption of analytics based systems like Integrated Planning and Advisory Services (IPAS) among 2- and 4-year institutions of higher education
Empirical Resolution Inc.
Amount: $25,000
To continue building a website that provides personalized grammar lessons for students
Amount: $989,929
To facilitate dramatic increases in academic achievement for students by building and validating a 6th-grade digital math courseware
Envision Education Inc
Amount: $75,000
To support personalized learning in mathematics at two school sites
Excelencia in Education
Amount: $298,943
To support Excelencia in Education and the proposed consortia members that will focus on redesigning grants and work study, for Phase II of the Reimagining Aid Design & Delivery (RADD) project
Excellent Schools Detroit
Amount: $99,902
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Excelsior College
Amount: $168,572
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
Expectations Project Inc.
Amount: $255,000
To engage the faith community in improving educational opportunities and outcomes for low-income and minority students
Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound, Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $231,846
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Fayette County Public Schools
Amount: $840,000
To enable to Fayette County Public Schools in Kentucky to overcome financial barriers to effective implementation of instructional reforms and to develop resource alignment knowledge that other districts can use to overcome similar challenges
Filament Games, LLC
Amount: $25,000
To design a web-based tool for teaching well-structured argumentation that will allow teachers to effectively and efficiently meet Common Core literacy standards across the curriculum and grade levels
Florida College System Foundation Inc.
Amount: $549,000
To drive catalytic policy priorities forward, as part of the Completion by Design initiative, intended to create more targeted student success mechanisms for Florida College System students
Florida State University Research Foundation Inc.
Amount: $1,118,335
To support a study on the implementation and effectiveness of the developmental education efforts in Florida
Foundation Center
Amount: $50,000
To provide outreach and administer the i3 Registry on behalf of the education field
Foundation for Excellence in Education Inc.
Amount: $2,000,000
To support Common Core implementation
Fresno Unified School District
Amount: $5,243,614
To develop innovative professional development systems to create personalized learning systems for teachers
Fund For Transforming Education in Kentucky Inc
Amount: $25,000
For general operating support
Fund For Transforming Education in Kentucky Inc
Amount: $27,911
To support participation in the 2013 Global Education Leader's Program conference in Delhi, India
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $4,428,820
To support NYC to develop innovative professional development systems to create personalized learning systems for teachers; experiment with innovative modes of delivery; and build the capacity at every level of the organization to design learning and direct resources efficiently and effectively
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $1,846,488
To create new approaches for evaluating and improving the efficacy of digital courseware
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $100,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $14,670
To support participation in the Global Education Leader's Program in Delhi, India
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $18,938
To support participation in the Global Education Leader's Program in Sydney, Australia
Gainesville State College Foundation, Inc
Amount: $99,999
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
GameDesk Inc.
Amount: $25,000
To build a roadmap for CollaboWrite, a platform that effectively models writing as an interactive process and dialogue between writer and audience, targeted at students in grades 4-8
George Washington University
Amount: $259,801
To support the Center on Education Policy's continuing efforts to survey, analyze, and report on state and school district efforts to implement the Common Core State Standards
Giving Back Fund Inc.
Amount: $50,000
To support the 2013 Social Innovation Summit at the United Nations
Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada
Amount: $1,294,700
To support resource best practices in K-12 school districts and community colleges
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $250,000
To support capacity building efforts
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $80,000
For conference and membership support
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $40,000
To support GFE's upcoming member briefing Collective Impact: Strengthening the Practice of Cross-Sector Collaboration
Great Schools Partnership Inc.
Amount: $99,858
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
GreatSchools, Inc.
Amount: $460,000
To foster family engagement through the development of tools that help parents better understand student learning standards
Green Dot Public Schools California
Amount: $257,675
To support organizations in a strategic visioning engagement to develop their innovative professional development theory of action and implementation strategies
Green Dot Public Schools California
Amount: $299,263
To support Green Dot Public Schools increase effective teaching and promote teacher voice through a teacher and leader exchange as part of national expansion to Memphis
Green Dot Public Schools Washington State
Amount: $16,420,000
To support the expansion of Green Dot Public Schools into the State of Washington
Growth Philanthropy Network Inc.
Amount: $400,000
To enable the design and build out of a collective funding model for scaling proven innovations in education (Social Impact Exchange)
HCM Strategists, LLC
Amount: $461,480
To identify high leverage strategies for reducing cost to students in higher education institutions
Harvard University
Amount: $208,950
To help build and codify knowledge of teaching practices
Harvard University
Amount: $557,168
To support Education Next's work in four critical areas: Common Core standards and assessments, digital learning, teacher effectiveness, and charter schools
Harvard University
Amount: $1,762,643
To validate reliability in teacher evaluation models
Harvard University
Amount: $397,036
To support training for school system staff in how to use analytics to support the educational objectives of their agencies
Henry County Schools
Amount: $100,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Highline Public Schools
Amount: $40,000
To support the implementation of early-stage collaboration projects
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Amount: $5,333
To support teacher participation in a convening
Hope Street Group
Amount: $950,548
To support teacher leadership and ensure teacher input into the new evaluation system in Kentucky
Houston Independent School District Foundation
Amount: $99,999
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Amount: $250,000
To fund the creation of a low-cost network of tutors who can remotely support students from low income communities
Innosight Institute Inc
Amount: $650,000
To provide general operating support
Innovation Unit Limited
Amount: $965,190
To bring together a coalition of thought leaders, policy-makers, consultants and practitioners as part of the Global Education Leaders' Program (GELP) and support them through a convening
Internationals Network For Public Schools Inc
Amount: $200,000
To fund Project RISE: Realizing Internationals Supports for English Language Learners (i3 Match)
James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $1,749,070
To support states in their continued implementation of the Common Core State Standards
James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To support the development of broadcast quality videos in which teachers demonstrate classroom strategies to teach the Common Core State Standards
James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To support the 2013 Governor's Education Symposium, which brings together governors in a productive dialogue about critical education issues
Jefferson County School District R-1
Amount: $5,197,878
To develop innovative professional development systems to create personalized learning systems for teachers
Jefferson Parish Public School System
Amount: $200,000
To support effective implementation of instructional reforms by aligning resources and developing knowledge that other districts can use
Jefferson Parish Public School System
Amount: $286,500
To support the implementation of student surveys as part of teacher feedback and professional development
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To support a business plan/proposal for the scaled delivery of industry-validated certificates/certifications in a manner that leverages technology, (e.g. cloud-based services) to deliver shared content, instruction, and credentials
Johnson County Community College
Amount: $432,357
To develop a benchmarking system of instructional-related expenditures to enable strategic resource alignment in community colleges
KIPP Bay Area Schools
Amount: $82,800
To support personalized learning in existing schools
KIPP Chicago Schools
Amount: $61,929
To support personalized learning in existing schools
KIPP Foundation
Amount: $2,694,891
To develop innovative professional development systems to create personalized learning systems for teachers; experiment with innovative modes of delivery; and build the capacity at every level of the organization to design learning and direct resources efficiently and effectively
KIPP Foundation
Amount: $1,500,000
To support the launch of 3-6 new schools in Fall 2014 that are implementing blended instructional practices in service of personalized learning
KIPP New York Inc.
Amount: $75,000
To support personalized learning in existing schools
KIPP, Inc.
Amount: $74,871
To support personalized learning in existing schools
Kentucky Department of Education
Amount: $497,878
To support implementation of the state's professional growth and effectiveness system
Kentucky Department of Education
Amount: $40,000
To support participation in the 2013 Global Education Leader's Program conference in Sydney Australia
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $241,747
To support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Knox County Schools
Amount: $840,000
To enable to Knox County Public Schools in Tennessee to overcome financial barriers to effective implementation of instructional reforms and to develop resource alignment knowledge that other districts can use to overcome similar challenges
Lake County Schools
Amount: $100,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Lake County Schools
Amount: $840,000
To enable to Lake County Public Schools in Florida to overcome financial barriers to effective implementation of instructional reforms and to develop resource alignment knowledge that other districts can use to overcome similar challenges
Leading Educators Inc
Amount: $3,500,858
To support a teacher leader development program designed to increase academic achievement among low-income and minority students
League For Innovation in the Community College
Amount: $2,610,580
To include the faculty voice in the national Completion Agenda conversation as a strategy for driving faculty use of technology-enabled personalized learning (TEPL) at individual and institutional levels, thereby transforming instructional practice to improve student success and completion
LearnZillion, Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To develop high-quality lessons, assessments, and activities aligned to the Common Core literacy standards created by top teachers from around the country
LearnZillion, Inc.
Amount: $1,465,525
To support conferences to deepen teacher understanding of the Common Core standards
Learning Forward
Amount: $249,994
To fund the Learning Forward Annual Conference
Learning Games Network Inc
Amount: $494,953
To fund a national cadre of teachers to collaborate on the use of games, and learning and assessment tools
Learning Matters, Inc.
Amount: $25,000
To support reporting on the Common Core State Standards
Lexia Learning Systems, Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To develop technology that allows students to build on foundational literacy skills and develop the critical connection between deep reading and writing. Students plan, draft, edit, revise and publish digital texts through online activities
LightSIDE Labs LLC
Amount: $25,000
To develop a system that automatically assesses and gives feedback on student writing, and supports the revision process for students
LightSail Inc.
Amount: $500,125
To support a literacy solution that uses complex texts, ongoing assessments, social media, and teacher supports to deliver a complete CCSS-aligned curriculum
Liquid Interactive
Amount: $25,000
To fund a proof of concept for Writelike, a web-based tool to help improve writing skills
Literacy Design Collaborative, Inc
Amount: $12,000,000
To incubate an anchor Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) organization to further expand reach and impact
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Amount: $150,000
To fund the development of a comprehensive financial disclosure template for the charter school bond sector and one symposium for lenders and borrowers
Lone Star College System
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Long Beach Unified School District
Amount: $2,999,422
To support research to better understand and promote methods to improve teaching effectiveness
Long Beach Unified School District
Amount: $5,151,110
To develop innovative professional development systems to create personalized learning systems for teachers
Lorain County Community College Foundation
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising LRM implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Los Angeles Unified School District
Amount: $100,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Amount: $4,578,261
To conduct research and evaluation on district efforts to improve professional development systems
Manufacturing Institute
Amount: $200,000
To support a business plan/proposal for the scaled delivery of industry-validated certificates/certifications in a manner that leverages technology, (e.g. cloud-based services) to deliver shared content, instruction, and credentials
Maricopa County Community College District
Amount: $99,904
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education, Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To fund a study of Massachusetts' current K-12 system and how it compares to public education systems in other states and nations that consistently achieve high levels of student performance
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Amount: $114,403
To support an online, game-based learning experience for reading and writing aligned to Common Core literacy standards
Mastery Charter High School
Amount: $50,388
To support personalized learning in existing schools
Miami Dade College
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Michigan State University
Amount: $650,000
To support an implementation study of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics
Midwestern Higher Education Compact
Amount: $45,000
To support the Midwest Higher Education Compact (MHEC) annual conference
Military Child Education Coalition
Amount: $563,611
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards by engaging military leaders and families
Mississippi First Inc.
Amount: $98,223
To support high-quality charter schools in Mississippi
Montgomery County Community College Foundation
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Montgomery County Public Schools
Amount: $100,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Morgan State University Foundation Inc
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Motion Math, Inc.
Amount: $1,348,000
To support the development of personalized learning tools
Mozilla Foundation
Amount: $333,860
To develop a set of online career pathways in partnership with K-12 and postsecondary institutions and businesses
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education
Amount: $501,580
To support Common Core implementation in Kentucky
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education
Amount: $3,882,600
To support a cohort of National Education Association Master Teachers in the development of Common Core-aligned lessons in K-5 mathematics and K-12 English Language Arts
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education
Amount: $3,196,300
To support the capacity of state NEA affiliates to advance teaching and learning issues and student success in collaboration with local affiliates
NYSUT Education and Learning Trust
Amount: $1,245,813
To support continued work on a differentiated teacher support and evaluation project in NY and RI districts
National Academy of Sciences
Amount: $300,008
To support a study and report regarding the appropriate protections for subjects in behavioral, social, and educational research
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools
Amount: $1,300,000
To provide support for the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools to foster a strong charter sector that allows every family to choose a high performing public school that delivers an excellent education for their children
National Association of State Boards of Education
Amount: $800,000
To support a development plan for the organization and its efforts to provide training and information to implement Common Core State Standards
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Inc
Amount: $3,743,337
To support revision of the National Board certification process
National Catholic Educational Association
Amount: $76,593
To support trainings and provision of follow-up materials for teachers on implementing the Common Core State Standards
National Center for Families Learning
Amount: $239,796
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies
Amount: $499,547
To support school districts' efforts to redesign procurement processes
National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies
Amount: $10,500
To provide project management support for the Teacher Wallets pilot program
National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment Inc.
Amount: $606,608
To study approaches for measuring academic achievement and growth in non-tested grades and subjects
National College Access Network
Amount: $340,000
To research policy options to simplify and make further transparent the federal financial aid system, with the goal of increasing access, improving college choice and improving student outcomes
National Congress of Parents and Teachers
Amount: $660,422
To educate parents and communities on the Common Core State Standards and provide support for district leaders
National Council of Teachers of English
Amount: $249,482
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
National Council on Teacher Quality
Amount: $3,688,859
To support initiatives to ensure high-quality teacher feedback and evaluation systems, improved district policies and practices, and improved teacher preparation and entry
National Geographic Society
Amount: $10,000
To provide access for students in low-income neighborhoods to the National Geographic Live! Speaker Series, a monthly event for Washington State students that showcases National Geographic explorers, scientists, photographers, and filmmakers
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
Amount: $750,000
To support governors in implementing the Common Core State Standards and improving teacher and principal preparation
National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development
Amount: $25,000
To provide conference support
National Laboratory for Education Transformation
Amount: $100,000
To support a business plan/proposal for the scaled delivery of industry-validated certificates/certifications in a manner that leverages technology, (e.g. cloud-based services) to deliver shared content, instruction, and credentials
National Math and Science Initiative Inc.
Amount: $216,067
To support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards
New America Foundation
Amount: $200,002
To conduct research on the effectiveness and utility of exit exams and develop and distribute policy options for states as they develop their Common Core assessment systems
New America Foundation
Amount: $740,000
To support the Postsecondary National Policy Institute (PNPI), which serves as a source of continuing education and independent policy formation for Congressional staff working on postsecondary issues
New Leaders Inc
Amount: $2,000,000
To support the Emerging Leader Program for teacher leaders
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $933,529
To support partner engagement in early-stage education technology investments for K-12 students
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $2,112,133
To support the development of new teacher preparation programs and training tools that will improve academic outcomes for students
New Schools for Chicago
Amount: $100,000
To support the eLearn Innovation Hub and foster the development and adoption of education technology products to increase access to personalized learning content, scale the use of innovative tools, and ensure that educators and entrepreneurs are working together to develop and utilize the best data-driven tools
New Schools for Chicago
Amount: $100,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
New Schools for New Orleans Inc
Amount: $99,080
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
New Teacher Center
Amount: $8,000,000
To provide general operating support to grow New Teacher Center's comprehensive mentoring program for new teachers
New Teacher Center
Amount: $250,000
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
New Teacher Project, Inc.
Amount: $7,000,000
To provide general operating support over two years to help ensure all students have access to effective teaching
New Venture Fund
Amount: $800,000
To support the New Venture Fund in managing the final year of the Cross-State Learning Collaborative
New Venture Fund
Amount: $3,213,686
To support Common Core implementation
New Venture Fund
Amount: $1,150,000
To support the Common Core Communications Collaborative in communications efforts related to the Common Core
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $250,000
To support the implementation for the Common Core State Standards
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $200,001
To build an adaptive learning platform for the reading and the writing process, for grades 3-8. The system offers students many types of help, meaningful feedback, and different content approaches to achieve differentiated instruction
New Voice Strategies
Amount: $1,726,129
To support growth of VIVA Teachers and VIVA Idea Exchanges
New York City Department of Education
Amount: $387
To fund participation in a teacher advisory council
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $100,000
To develop and distribute knowledge (e.g., technical assistance documents, policy briefs, blog posts) regarding competency-based education and personalized learning
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $1,000,000
To provide general operating support
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $14,657
To support technology demonstrations at iNACOL 2013 conference
North Carolina Association of Community College Trustees
Amount: $68,160
To develop and recruit champions for the completion agenda among NC community college trustees; the project scope will focus on building training curricula and delivering training modules for members
North Carolina Community College System
Amount: $400,000
To execute the role of state policy lead for Completion by Design in North Carolina
North Carolina State University
Amount: $100,000
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Northeastern University
Amount: $100,000
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
Northern Illinois University, Office of Education Innovation
Amount: $100,000
To support a business plan/proposal for the scaled delivery of industry-validated certificates/certifications in a manner that leverages technology, (e.g. cloud-based services) to deliver shared content, instruction, and credentials
Oakland Public Education Fund
Amount: $100,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Ohio Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $399,964
To elevate community college institutional innovations funded by the foundation to model the practice and leadership required of all Ohio community colleges to increase college completion and credential attainment
On Deck Systems LLC
Amount: $99,500
To support the development of innovative digital courseware that allows for personalized learning among 4th and 5th grade students in the area of opinion essay writing
Partnerships to Uplift Communities Lakeview Terrace
Amount: $80,426
To support organizations in a strategic visioning engagement to develop their innovative professional development theory of action and implementation strategies
Partnerships to Uplift Communities Lakeview Terrace
Amount: $1,860
To support performance held at ECET2 in San Diego
Pasadena Independent School District
Amount: $200,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Pennsylvania Business Council Education Foundation
Amount: $262,003
To engage the Pennsylvania business community in support of improving college and career-readiness for Pennsylvania's students
Perkins School for the Blind
Amount: $249,113
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Perspectives Charter School
Amount: $150,000
To support personalized learning in existing schools
Plexus Institute, Inc.
Amount: $1,530,104
To support research to better understand and promote methods to improve teaching effectiveness
Policy Innovators In Education Network, Inc.
Amount: $499,951
To support Common Core implementation
Amount: $1,000,000
To support a four-year effort that will provide technical assistance to Promise Neighborhoods implementation and planning grantees, and issue-based technical assistance for key areas of the cradle-to-career pipeline of expanded learning
Portland Public Schools
Amount: $200,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
PowerMyLearning, Inc.
Amount: $348,288
To conduct short-cycle testing of digital content using CFY's free PowerMyLearning platform to give developers information to help them improve their content, and help educators better select and incorporate digital content to personalize learning and improve student achievement
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $152,513
To convene, educate and support member organizations of the 3KT group (KASA, KASS and KSBA), to collectively provide high-quality trainings and information about Kentucky's new Teacher and Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES)
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $50,527
To support the continuation of district convenings jointly hosted by Prichard Committee and the Kentucky Department of Education
Prince George's Community College Foundation, Inc
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Public Agenda
Amount: $250,000
To support teacher engagement in the development and implementation of teacher evaluation systems
Puget Sound Educational Service District
Amount: $247,465
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Quackenworth Inc.
Amount: $25,000
To enhance writetify a web-based courseware solution for writing
Regents University Of California Los Angeles
Amount: $1,171,230
To develop a tool that helps states on Common Core-aligned assessments
Region 8 ESC of Northeast Indiana
Amount: $249,505
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Relay Graduate School of Education
Amount: $399,827
To support the planning and design of an innovative approach to teacher preparation
Research Foundation of State University of New York
Amount: $99,970
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
Research Foundation of State University of New York
Amount: $330,000
To support a short-cycle planning effort to design OpenSUNY, an initiative that will consolidate disparate online instructional capacity and leverage it to increase the number of bachelor degrees produced by the system by 100,000 per year
Research Foundation of the City University of New York
Amount: $99,992
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Research for Action Inc
Amount: $650,000
To study teacher collaboration strategies that support school and district implementation of Common Core State Standards
Riverside Unified School District
Amount: $100,000
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $2,500,000
To support states in their efforts to implement college and career-ready assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards
Rocketship Education
Amount: $150,000
To support personalized learning in existing schools
Rocky Mountain Preparatory School
Amount: $50,000
To support a 40-student personalized learning pilot during summer 2013
Rose Community Foundation
Amount: $121,256
To support Jefferson County's outreach to parents, educators and the community about its efforts to help teachers tailor learning for all students
Rutgers The State University of New Jersey
Amount: $623,035
To support research to better understand how low-income Latino children and their families engage with technology for learning purposes
SEED Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $200,000
To explore partnerships with current and potential College Ready Compact cities that have the greatest likelihood of partnering with the SEED Foundation to pilot and spread college ready strategies related to teacher effectiveness, common core state standards, and personalized learning models
SRI International
Amount: $557,743
To study technology tools for teachers that support literacy instruction
STRIVE Preparatory Schools
Amount: $299,363
To support organizations in a strategic visioning engagement to develop their innovative professional development theory of action and implementation strategies
Saint Leo University Inc
Amount: $100,000
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
San Jose Unified School District
Amount: $201,600
To support the scaling of SJUSD's College Readiness Indicator Systems (CRIS)
Savannah Technical College
Amount: $98,908
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
School Board of Pinellas County, Florida
Amount: $64,518
To support the development of a system-level strategic plan for personalized learning
SchoolSeed Foundation
Amount: $75,000
To convene district teachers and leaders to elevate and celebrate effective teaching and teachers across the Unified Shelby County Schools District
Seneca Family of Agencies
Amount: $199,990
To provide support to the Seneca Family of Agencies for the development of integrated systems of support for at-risk students in Washington State charter schools
Shelby County Schools Education Foundation
Amount: $250,000
To assist SCS, including its work with The Boston Consulting Group for services and consultation with respect to merger activities
Silicon Valley Education Foundation
Amount: $351,493
To support the Learning Innovation Hub that will bring together entrepreneurs, educators, researchers and investors to pilot innovative products that enhance STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education
Six Red Marbles LLC
Amount: $451,360
To build a system to facilitate interactive personalized learning experiences for students in grades 4-8 as they pursue mastery of the Common Core literacy standards
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness
Amount: $249,830
To advance the understanding and use of improvement science methods in education
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness
Amount: $5,000
To support registration for SREE's Fall 2013 conference fees for 11 individuals from LEAs, SEAs and non-profit organizations
South Texas College
Amount: $99,000
To identify successful existing or promising LRM implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $350,000
To support four projects designed to advance the design of sound and effective systems of educator effectiveness across their 16-state region. The projects will benchmark the design of state systems of teacher effectiveness with the Foundation's nine MET principles; examine state efforts to improve observation practices as part of teacher evaluation; convene state and district leaders to learn from the experiences of select IPS districts; and develop a plan for a longer-term effort to demonstrate what instruction aligned with the Common Core State Standards looks like in the classroom
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $550,000
To support a three-month strategic and organizational planning process
St. Bernard Parish Public Schools
Amount: $71,166
To support the implementation of rater certification in St Bernard Parish Public Schools in Louisiana for the purposes of ensuring reliable observations to provide teachers with feedback and evaluation
Stand for Children Leadership Center
Amount: $750,772
To support public understanding and successful implementation of college and career ready standards in states
Stand for Children Leadership Center
Amount: $879,810
To support a cohort of school district superintendents to advocate for improving teaching, learning, and results in Louisiana public schools
Stand for Children Leadership Center
Amount: $218,298
To organize supportive parents and teachers in Jefferson Parish, LA, to implement reforms that ensure that all children, regardless of their background, graduate from high school prepared for and with access to a college education
Stanford University
Amount: $199,704
To expand and improve educational opportunities for public school students in California by supporting successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Stanford University
Amount: $46,394
To support research on practice-based teacher preparation
Stanford University
Amount: $210,279
To support the Learning Analytics Summer Institute, which will convene researchers at different stages of their career to develop their skills and knowledge
Stanly Community College
Amount: $99,997
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
State Education Technology
Amount: $953,184
To increase the capacity of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium to develop open source applications and to support state implementation by funding a Chief Technology Officer
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $11,000,000
To provide support to Summit Public Schools create Summit Washington and launch two high performing charter high schools (grades 9-12) and one high performing charter middle and high school (grades 6-12)
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $250,000
To provide support to Summit Public Schools for a partnership with Green Dot Public Schools and Match Education to pursue cognitive assessments aligned to the Common Core
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $75,000
To support personalized learning in existing schools
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $40,000
To support the implementation of early-stage collaboration projects
Teach for America, Inc.
Amount: $400,000
To study whether feedback from students and/or trained classroom observers can lead to more effective teaching
Teaching Channel
Amount: $7,000,000
For general operating support
Teaching Channel
Amount: $270,492
To create content for the 2013 ECET2 conference
Tennessee Department of Education
Amount: $400,000
To support leadership training, coaching, and materials on Common Core implementation
Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education
Amount: $250,000
To support outreach on Common Core State Standards in Tennessee
ThinkCERCA.com, Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To support a web-based platform that teaches critical thinking by delivering the tools and content teachers need to design personalized lessons
Tower Foundation of San Jose State University
Amount: $22,500
To support online pilot courses in partnership with Udacity
Triumph Learning, LLC
Amount: $100,000
To develop an adaptive learning platform for elementary and middle school reading and writing
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
Amount: $159,436
To support the mapping of the postsecondary market structure in order to potentially develop a market segmentation system designed to inform policy makers and institutional leaders around institutional comparisons and students around college choice options
Tulsa Public Schools
Amount: $298,176
To support organizations in a strategic visioning phase to develop their innovative professional development theory of action and strategies
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Amount: $1,910,978
To support Common Core State Standards implementation
U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $300,000
For general conference support
U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $50,000
To support the USDOE execution of a conference: HBCUs Facing Forward: A New Paradigm for Education the 21st Century Students
U.S. Education Delivery Institute, Inc.
Amount: $879,000
To support state and district implementation of high-quality teacher development and evaluation systems
University System of Georgia Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $72,897
To enable states and state systems working with new models to accelerate the work of these early adopters; set examples and standards as reputation leaders; create a public agenda focus; use their considerable capacity to execute on significant scale; and inform the design and implementation of a multi-state collaborative
University of California, Davis
Amount: $100,000
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
University of Chicago
Amount: $175,000
To provide support to the Consortium on Chicago School Research's Becoming Effective Learners Survey Development Project
University of Florida
Amount: $232,336
To support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards
University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $25,000
To support underachieving writers in grades 4-8 to improve their competencies by developing a Web-based tool that is freely available in an online social learning environment
University of Kentucky Research Foundation
Amount: $1,000,000
To support the launch of a new Center for Innovation in Education to advance implementation of the common core and more personalized learning for students and teachers that will enable young people to graduate career and college ready
University of Michigan
Amount: $398,704
To support research on how teachers use content-focused educational games to support formative assessment practices
University of Missouri - Columbia
Amount: $249,826
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
University of Texas at Arlington
Amount: $97,200
To discuss the current state of MOOCs, challenges, emerging opportunities, and future directions with leading researchers
University of Texas at San Antonio
Amount: $99,770
To identify successful IPAS implementations, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and encourage greater adoption
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $1,879,038
To provide support for district-charter compacts
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $674,190
To support Common Core Implementation
Uplift Education
Amount: $63,300
To support personalized learning in existing schools
Amount: $378,500
To support research to understand how teachers use data to inform instructional practice
Amount: $25,000
To develop interactive learning courseware to address writing and literacy skills for students in grades 7-8
Amount: $30,000
To support CalTURN meeting, which will focus on collaborative implementation of common core standards, and achieving equity by ensuring all students have access to well-prepared, committed teachers
Whatcom Community College
Amount: $100,000
To identify successful existing or promising IPAS implementations through a RFP, develop case studies of results, ROI, and implementation challenges, and disseminate to encourage greater adoption
Whipsmart Learning LLC
Amount: $100,000
To support a personalized literacy solution for K-12 classrooms
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Amount: $70,346
To support the creation of the next generation of adaptive courses to enable student success
eSpark Inc.
Amount: $97,121
To develop a solution that measures the effects of specific educational applications on student achievement and engagement
iCivics, Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To support an argumentative writing courseware aligned to the Common Core literacy standards
4Point0 Schools
Amount: $750,000
To support entrepreneurs responding to school needs through innovation in product design and development
Achieve Inc
Amount: $9,297,699
To strengthen and expand the ADP Network, provide more support to states for CCSS implementation, and build strategic national and statewide alliances by engaging directly with key stakeholders
Achieve Inc
Amount: $3,500,000
For general operating support
Achievement First Inc.
Amount: $1,172,327
To advance collaboration between 'traditional' district schools and public charter schools to pilot and spread College Ready strategies, focused on teacher effectiveness, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
Achievement First Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To support the continued implementation of Achievement First's Teacher Career Pathway system
Achievement First Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To deepen integration of personalized blended learning pilot at Amistad High in New Haven, CT ensuring 145 scholars in 10-12th grades have access to high-impact internet-based curriculum, assessments & tools outside of school in '12-'13
Achievement Network
Amount: $3,002,252
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards by building the capacity of school leaders and teachers to address the instructional shifts through interim assessments, coaching, network collaboration, and access to resources
Achieving the Dream, Inc.
Amount: $645,917
For general operating support
Alliance for Excellent Education Inc.
Amount: $2,500,000
For general operating support
Alliance for Excellent Education Inc.
Amount: $116,914
To employ its network of education stakeholders to make the case that the nation's federal student aid system is in urgent need of reform and to propose viable reform options
America Achieves, Inc
Amount: $1,413,427
To support the America Achieves Fellowship for Teachers and Principals, which selects outstanding educators from across the United States; trains and supports them to amplify their voices in national conversations on education policy and practice
American Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $750,000
To support the development and deployment of the VFA Data Tool and empower colleges by garnering wide-spread use of the VFA metrics and data tools
American Council on Education
Amount: $724,390
To support building the bridge between informal Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) learning and college credit by testing the viability of MOOCs as a direct-to-student use case
American Council on Education
Amount: $249,924
To support College Application Week, a voluntary college access program
American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation
Amount: $75,000
To provide AFT conference support
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $100,000
To assist state education agencies in integrating college- and career-readiness initiatives with educator effectiveness initiatives
Americas Promise-The Alliance For Youth
Amount: $125,005
To amplify voices calling for financial aid reform and to help prime the national dialogue by widely disseminating information on the need to reimagine financial aid to improve student outcomes
Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands
Amount: $141,752
To provide conference support for Sunnylands Math Strategy Group as it convenes three workshops in 2013
Arizona State University
Amount: $5,767,457
To develop a tool that combines formative assessment & technology called 'Formative Assessment with Computational Technologies (FACT)' designed to provide information about students' performance during learning activities & help improve learning
Asia Society
Amount: $132,425
To support the Asia Society's Global Cities Education Network and the participation of Denver in that network
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $620,043
To support the creation of the Aspen Forum for Community Solutions and the launching of the 'Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund'
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $50,000
To support the Closing the Gap Conference
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $100,000
To convert Aspire ERES Academy in Oakland, CA to a school in which all classrooms use personalized blended learning and thereby ensure that all 220+ ERES students experience the powerful differentiation facilitated by blended learning
Association of Educational Publishers
Amount: $458,055
To support acceptance and implementation of the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI) framework among educational publishers, inform the Schema.org adoption process, and encourage ongoing support of LRMI among educational content creators
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Amount: $289,620
To launch a planning effort to create a not-for-profit higher education consortium that jointly evaluates, implements, and promotes the acquisition and adoption of high quality interactive online learning
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Amount: $109,390
To support an awareness campaign among APLU member leaders regarding federal student aid programs and to publish a white paper presenting policy options with supporting analysis and background data
Athabasca University
Amount: $15,000
To provide conference support to Massive Open Online Courseware event
Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Amount: $500,000
To provide organizational support to the Louisiana Department of Education related to implementation of the Common Core State Standards & teacher development and evaluation systems
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc.
Amount: $53,763
To support the 'Aspen Teacher Leaders' 2012 conference
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc.
Amount: $751,872
To support the development of a Shared Formative Assessment Item Bank for broader public use
BetterLesson, Inc.
Amount: $3,527,240
To support the development of courses, aligned to the Common Core State Standards, for the purposes of helping teacher's transition to common core and increasing their students' ability to master the content
Boston Private Industry Council Inc
Amount: $3,250,000
To advance collaboration between 'traditional' district schools and public charter schools to pilot and spread College Ready strategies, focused on teacher effectiveness, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
Bridgespan Group, Inc.
Amount: $1,500,000
To support continued impact to the thinking and practices of leaders and organizations that drive impact on issues, especially those that relate to disadvantaged populations in education reform, youth development, and community revitalization
Brigham Young University
Amount: $272,686
To support a two year research study to measure and evaluate whether changes in the cost of textbooks or other educational curricular resources used by faculty (such as OER) has any measurable impact on student learning and student success
California Charter Schools Association
Amount: $1,000,000
For general operating support
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Amount: $2,850,000
To support funding for Quantway/Statway, Productive Persistence, and Network Improvement Community
Center for Better Schools
Amount: $450,000
To support a training program for advanced teachers 3 to 8 years into their career
Center for Better Schools
Amount: $100,000
To support the National Academy for Advanced Teacher Education
Center for Community Change
Amount: $190,976
To support the 'Student Voices for Reform' project, which will aim to capture and mobilize student and youth interest in federal financial aid reform and identify broad-based policy options
Center for Effective Philanthropy, Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
To support CEP/YouthTruth in scaling and streamlining its existing program and operating model and to diversify offerings to include teacher level student perception surveys connected with the MET research
Center for Law and Social Policy
Amount: $499,989
To lead an effort designed to maximize the federal higher education investment to increase college completion of low-income students
Change the Equation Inc
Amount: $300,000
For general operating support
Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund
Amount: $12,000
To create a 'Future of Schooling' exhibit at Maker Faire Bay Area 2012
College Entrance Examination Board
Amount: $260,000
To provide i3 matching funds to improve the STEM College Readiness of high-need students by providing their teachers professional development that enhances their ability to differentiate instruction
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $1,748,337
To examine the use of high-quality curriculum to accelerate common core state standards implementation
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $5,992,250
To support Colorado school districts in implementing new educator evaluation systems and instructional strategies, with an emphasis on the central role of teachers leading in the design and use of these resources and tools
Committee for Economic Development
Amount: $96,100
To support a four month, two-pronged initiative to refocus the national higher education conversation on student financial aid
Consortium for Educational Change
Amount: $411,722
To support a training and certification program for Illinois teacher and principal evaluators
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $1,277,648
To support the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) in helping States' to build their data inoperability capability and IT leadership capacity
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $1,100,000
To support strategic planning for the sustainability of the Common Core State Standards and the two multi-state assessment consortia tasked with designing assessments aligned with those standards
Cuyahoga Community College Foundation
Amount: $49,747
To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
Data Quality Campaign, Inc.
Amount: $20,000
To support a multi-state conference
Data Quality Campaign, Inc.
Amount: $1,250,000
For general operating support
Davidson County Community College Foundation Inc
Amount: $196,000
To provide a professional development program for key leaders, focusing on current research findings and promising practices that inform successful college completion efforts
DePaul University
Amount: $57,455
To fund a conference around the build-out of the Literacy Design Collaborative tools
Denver Public Schools
Amount: $4,001,999
To advance collaboration between 'traditional' district schools and public charter schools to pilot and spread College Ready strategies, focused on teacher effectiveness, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
Denver Public Schools
Amount: $1,725
To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work related to teacher effectiveness
Design Concepts DMC, LLC
Amount: $25,000
To provide conference support for the HigherEdTech conference to advance education
Duke University
Amount: $50,000
To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
EdSurge Inc.
Amount: $410,929
To support product reviews of innovative professional development tools in an effort to strengthen public education in the United States
EdSurge Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To develop product review pages focusing on math and literacy courseware and to reorient the EdSurge site from a reporting-intensive model to one to that engages users in dialog around education technology
EdSurge Inc.
Amount: $100,025
To conduct a detailed analysis of prominent 9-12 literacy and math content vendors for use in blended learning models and to disseminate findings broadly via an online database
Amount: $10,000
To support OpenBlend, a day-long event in Tacoma, WA, which will bring together hundreds of educators to learn about blended learning from leading organizations such as Khan Academy, DreamBox, MIND Research (ST Math) and i-Ready
Education Development Center, Inc.
Amount: $2,947,181
To create, test, and scale 'Zoom-In,' a suite of digital tools in middle school social studies and history
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $2,101,177
To inform state and local policies on teacher evaluation as a significant and valuable tool
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $800,000
To support the Access to Success program in helping to provide data, evidence, best practices, and training to campuses in support of continuous improvement in providing equal opportunity for access and success to underrepresented minorities
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $304,971
To begin pressure testing possible education finance reform solutions - both substantively and politically
Educational Policy Improvement Center
Amount: $752,332
To create an instructional task bank offering an alternative pathway for students to demonstrate proficiency and college readiness
Educational Testing Service
Amount: $50,000
To support development of an edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Project
Educational Testing Service
Amount: $45,000
To support development of an edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Project
Educational Testing Service
Amount: $24,500
To support an invitational research symposium on technology enhanced assessments
Amount: $1,800,925
To support the development of an adaptive platform for data-driven optimization of digital learning environments
Entrepreneurial Ventures in Education Inc.
Amount: $101,965
To pilot personalized blended learning summer school programs for K-8 students
Envision Education Inc
Amount: $100,013
To expand personalized blended learning program to City Arts & Technology and Metropolitan Arts & Technology School in San Francisco, and Impact Academy of Arts & Technology School in Hayward
Excelencia in Education
Amount: $85,550
To develop and publicize a fact base about challenges to low-income Latino student postsecondary success caused by the current financial aid system, and engage decision makers in discussion of concrete financial aid reform efforts
FirstLine Schools, Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To implement a school-wide, deeply integrated, personalized blended learning model at Langston Hughes Academy and Clark Prep High School in New Orleans serving approximately 1,040 students
Florida Association of District School Superintendents
Amount: $2,975,000
To further support the implementation of teacher evaluation systems in Florida
Fund For Transforming Education in Kentucky Inc
Amount: $1,715,389
To examine the use of high-quality curriculum to accelerate common core state standards implementation
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $1,815,810
To support the New York City Department of Education's integration of Common Core implementation strategies with new forms of teacher professional development to align with emerging functionalities and capacity of Shared Learning Infrastructure
Future is Now
Amount: $150,000
To support and organize public school teachers in the pursuit of educator-led actions that improve their schools, districts, and unions
Future is Now
Amount: $3,000,000
To support and organize public school teachers in the pursuit of educator-led actions that improve their schools, districts, and unions
Georgetown University
Amount: $2,000,000
To continue work on skill supply and demand; new focus on competency definition, measurement, linking to curricula; particular interest to Incentives and Next Generation Models work
Georgetown University
Amount: $2,000,000
For general operating support
Georgia Association of Educational Leaders
Amount: $179,015
To engage instructional coaches, curriculum directors and other school- and district-level education leaders in Georgia in support of the Literacy Design Collaborative (LDC) and Math Design Collaborative (MDC) tools
Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Amount: $149,856
To develop and implement three high quality Massive Open Online Courses that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
GlassLab, Inc.
Amount: $6,850,000
To establish the Games and Assessment Innovation Lab
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $200,650
To support Grantmakers for Education to conduct research with their member foundations and develop a toolkit on strategies for engaging teachers in grant-funded reform initiatives
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $10,000
To support a convening aimed at exploring the creative potential of digital media in shaping education investments
Green Dot Public Schools
Amount: $2,800
To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work related to teacher effectiveness
Guilford Technical Community College
Amount: $9,040,000
To fund the implementation phase of Completion by Design for the North Carolina cadre
HCM Strategists, LLC
Amount: $800,462
To lead an effort designed to assess the empirical and political feasibility of ways federal student aid investments could incent higher completion and attainment of high-value credentials
Hartford Public Schools
Amount: $2,885,120
To support district-charter collaboration to support effective teaching, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
Harvard University
Amount: $30,000
To support development of a chapter about the relationship of classroom observations to student to survey responses for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
Harvard University
Amount: $30,000
To support development of a chapter about the relationship of student to teacher survey responses for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
Harvard University
Amount: $10,000
To provide prize money and administrative costs for the Harvard Graduate School of Education's 2012 Education Innovation Pitch Competition, which is designed to generate new entrepreneurial concepts in the education sector
Harvard University
Amount: $121,000
To provide conference support
High Tech High Foundation
Amount: $100,000
To expand the implementation of ST Math, a software package aiming to develop students' understanding of math ideas, to an additional 400 elementary, 1650 middle and 500 high school students across High Tech High's 10-school network
Hispanics in Philanthropy
Amount: $500,000
To support matching local funders and sub-grantees to identify pathways for academic success and increase organizational capacity to build academic support systems that motivate and engage Latino students through the educational pipeline
Idea Public Schools
Amount: $250,000
To provide general operating support to IDEA Public Schools
Independent School District No. 1 of Tulsa County, Oklahoma
Amount: $2,000
To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work as it pertains to teacher effectiveness
Innovation Unit Limited
Amount: $675,000
To bring together a coalition of thought leaders, policy-makers, consultants and practitioners as part of the Global Education Leaders' Program and deliver two convenings in Rio de Janeiro in November 2012 and in Australia in Spring 2013
Institute For Higher Education Policy
Amount: $791,366
To determine costs of program completion strategies in community colleges and deepen understanding how community colleges are allocating instructional-related resources
Institute For Higher Education Policy
Amount: $641,228
To build a coalition of voices calling for broader student aid reform, develop reform options, and document and disseminate these options in a manner to facilitate wide-scale adoption
Institute for College Access and Success
Amount: $100,000
To review the latest data on the cost and distribution of federal grants, loans, and tax benefits, and analyze the impact of existing proposals and seek to develop new ones that would have the greatest positive effect on college access and success
Institute for a Competitive Workforce
Amount: $143,296
To engage the business community to develop a set of core principles that reflect their needs regarding financial aid reform; then to use these as a platform to engage the business community more broadly and build a larger constituency for reform
Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
Amount: $250,000
To provide general operating support
Ithaka Harbors Inc.
Amount: $1,787,166
To assist in the implementation, measurement, and analysis of learning outcomes and potential system-wide cost savings via multiple massive open online course-based (MOOC) blended learning pilots within the University of Maryland System
Amount: $698,587
To support aligning its K-12 mathematics curriculum to the Common Core State Standards and expanding its school partnerships to the United States
Jefferson Parish Public School System
Amount: $299,384
To support the implementation of rater certification in Jefferson Parish Public Schools in Louisiana for the purposes of ensuring reliable observations to provide teachers with feedback and evaluation
Joan Ganz Cooney Center for Educational Media and Research Inc
Amount: $1,466,983
To support and establish exemplar work in the digital games and learning sector
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To provide general operating support for Jobs for the Future's College Ready strategy and its focus on supporting low-income students through early college schools and next-generation pathways
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $1,987,246
To identify new policies and incentive structures needed to facilitate early entry into well-defined programs of study, as well as document the policy barriers that need to be removed to facilitate their implementation
Jumoke Academy Inc
Amount: $942,092
To advance collaboration between 'traditional' district schools and public charter schools to pilot and spread College Ready strategies, focused on teacher effectiveness, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
KIPP Bay Area Schools
Amount: $100,000
To expand personalized blended learning pilots in five KIPP middle schools and two KIPP high schools in the Bay Area serving 10-12 classes impacting 300-350 students; exploring new blended learning solution while still leveraging Khan Academy
KIPP Chicago Schools
Amount: $99,651
To expand personalized blended learning models in literacy and math in two of KIPP Chicago's schools - KIPP Ascend Primary and KIPP Ascend Middle
KIPP Foundation
Amount: $1,130,000
To support KIPP Foundation's technology innovation strategy
KIPP LA Schools
Amount: $100,000
To integrate and expand personalized blended learning initiatives at KIPP Empower Academy (230 students, K-1), KIPP Comienza Comm. Prep (105 students, 1st), KIPP LA Prep (2445 students; 5-6th) to enhance math and literacy small-group instruction
KIPP LA Schools
Amount: $100,000
To implement a third party technology infrastructure that will facilitate a classroom rotation-based blended learning program in KIPP Empower Academy during the 2012-13 school year
Kentucky Department of Education
Amount: $8,000
To provide support to the Kentucky Department of Education for the Global Education Leaders Program (GELP) conference
King Center Charter School
Amount: $3,402,417
To develop tools, such as games and social networks, that address major barriers in the college-going process
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $280,000
To provide i3 matching funds for an online professional development program designed to improve student outcomes in rural school districts
LEV Foundation
Amount: $3,000
To support a research internship for the League of Education Voters
Leading Educators Inc
Amount: $513,750
To support a training program for teacher leaders
League For Innovation in the Community College
Amount: $494,141
To develop a national consortium of leading online 2- and 4-year colleges, facilitated by the League, to develop a student value proposition superior to that of any one institution, and in particular the for-profits
League For Innovation in the Community College
Amount: $8,000
To provide conference support dollars for the development of a national consortium of leading online 2- and 4-year colleges
Learning Accelerator
Amount: $750,000
To (1) share information about blended learning with districts; (2) align ecosystem to improve efficiency and reduce redundancy among implementation organizations
Learning Matters, Inc.
Amount: $20,000
To fund the completion of a film about the revitalization and recovery of New Orleans, including the public education system, after Hurricane Katrina
Los Angeles Parents Union
Amount: $900,488
To help execute upon the mission to transform public education by empowering parents to transform their children's underperforming schools through community organizing
Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools
Amount: $200,000
For general operating support
Lumina Foundation for Education, Inc.
Amount: $125,000
To support of the second annual convening, The FAFSA Completion Project
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Amount: $1,120,153
To develop and offer a new, free prototype introductory computer science Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) via the edX platform and partner with a less selective postsecondary institution that serves large numbers of low-income young adults
Memphis City Schools
Amount: $2,304
To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work as it pertains to teacher effectiveness
Miami Dade College
Amount: $9,000,000
To fund the implementation phase of Completion by Design for the Florida cadre
Michigan State University
Amount: $49,939
To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
Mind Trust Inc.
Amount: $1,420,000
To support additional operational capacity and programmatic activity related to next generation learning within the Cities for Education Entrepreneurship Trust ('CEE-Trust') initiative
Monterey Institute For Technology and Education
Amount: $6,122,835
To develop EdReady, a direct-to-student, free, online college readiness diagnostic and customized remediation tool utilizing NROC developmental math; and research, planning, design, and creation of two online developmental English courses
Mt. San Jacinto College
Amount: $49,999
To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education
Amount: $99,997
To build and enhance teacher voice in the development and implementation of the teacher and leader Professional Growth and Effectiveness System and the Common Core State Standards
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education
Amount: $550,000
To support the NEA Foundation Institute for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Amount: $25,000
To provide conference support for the Horizon Project
NYSUT Education and Learning Trust
Amount: $500,000
To support a consortium of districts in New York and Rhode Island to work with labor-management teams to design and pilot more differentiated teacher development and evaluation systems
National Association Of Charter School Authorizers
Amount: $3,000,000
For general operating support
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Amount: $93,409
To support research and dissemination regarding federal financial aid programs and the development of innovative policy options leading to a system better aligned towards increasing the attainment of credentials with labor market value
National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies
Amount: $50,000
To initiate a strategic planning process in order to develop an operating plan for the organization and its work with the League of Innovation Schools
National Center for Research in Advanced Information and Digital Technologies
Amount: $2,048,121
To support districts in sharing knowledge and building demand for digital content and tools
National College Access Network
Amount: $128,685
To engage NCAN membership and other strategic partners to increase support for broader federal financial aid reform and financial aid programs focused on improving student outcomes
National Geographic Society
Amount: $10,000
To provide access for students that reside in low-income Washington state neighborhoods to the National Geographic Live! Speaker Series - Student Matinees, a monthly, free event that showcases presenters from National Geographic
National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development
Amount: $50,000
To support the National Institute for Staffing and Organizational Development's 34th annual International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence
National League of Cities Institute
Amount: $40,000
To support planning around reworking Community Partnerships to align with refreshed strategy
National Urban League Inc
Amount: $98,471
To contribute important stakeholder information to guide and shape the larger Reimagining Aid Design and Delivery project
New America Foundation
Amount: $1,450,000
To conduct a series of policy projects aimed at promoting innovative, cost-effective methods of helping large numbers of traditionally underserved students earn college degrees
New America Foundation
Amount: $110,000
To make the case to key audiences that federal financial aid reform is necessary now and that aid programs must go beyond simply funding access to a higher education and to develop a coherent package of broad-based financial aid reform options
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $35,000
To provide convening support for the Crosswalks II Convening
New Schools for Chicago
Amount: $221,250
To support the development of a business plan to 'drive innovation in next generation learning in Chicago' through an initiative called eXponential Learning
New Venture Fund
Amount: $1,486,321
To coordinate Literacy Design Collaborative activities
New Venture Fund
Amount: $1,116,519
To support the continued efforts of the National State Teacher of the Year
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $350,000
To provide i3 match funding in order to support teacher-led inquiry and ongoing targeted professional development for mathematics teachers
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $500,000
To develop a performance-based state funding model for online K-12 courses that equally treats traditional and online courses, provides equal access to at-risk students, and rewards student growth and attainment
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $24,000
To support the second meeting: 'Blended Learning Community of Practice' in New Orleans, Louisiana
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $289,937
To develop a set of performance metrics for full-time online K-12 schools and for supplemental online courses
Oakland Schools Foundation
Amount: $150,000
To support the conversion of four Oakland Unified Schools to personalized blended learning
Ohio Alliance for Public Charter Schools
Amount: $31,715
To support the 2012 National Best Cooperative Conference in Denver, CO
Ohio Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $428,996
To support the development of the OACC Driving Success Initiative (DSI)
Ohio State University
Amount: $49,837
To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
Oregon Department of Education
Amount: $105,193
To support the Oregon Department of Education to engage in a strategic planning process to explore viable business models for the Oregon Direct Access to Achievement (DATA) Project to maintain its presence in Oregon and scale across state lines
Pahara Institute, Inc
Amount: $1,966,408
To support the Pahara Institute and its two leadership programs, the Pahara-Aspen Education Fellowship Program and a new emerging leaders program designed to accelerate the development of high potential emerging leaders of color
Partnerships to Uplift Communities Lakeview Terrace
Amount: $2,884
To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work as it pertains to teacher effectiveness
Pennsylvania Business Council Education Foundation
Amount: $257,391
To educate Pennsylvanians about the Common Core State Standards and aligned assessments
Perspectives Charter School
Amount: $100,000
To expand blended learning models at Perspectives Leadership Academy and Perspectives Middle Academy campuses in the South Side of Chicago serving approximately 900 students
Philanthropy Ohio
Amount: $199,488
To re-focus its stable of education policy advocates on college completion issues that are important to Ohio's students, families and that are closely aligned with the post-secondary work of the foundation
Pittsburgh Promise Foundation
Amount: $7,500
To support the Pittsburgh Promise during the first class to graduate from a 4 year college
Pittsburgh Public Schools
Amount: $75,000
To support Pittsburgh Public Schools teachers share their teacher effectiveness work with each other and key community members by engaging in workshops & other learning opportunities that will elevate and celebrate effective teaching in Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Public Schools
Amount: $2,348
To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work as it pertains to teacher effectiveness
Policy Innovators In Education Network, Inc.
Amount: $500,000
For general operating support
Prince George's County Public Schools
Amount: $3,147
To support professional development opportunities for teachers to share their perspectives and present their work as it pertains to teacher effectiveness
RAND Corporation
Amount: $999,406
To provide startup funds for developing a new, longitudinal, nationally representative panel survey of teachers
RAND Corporation
Amount: $30,000
To support development of a chapter about the grade level variation in observational measures of teacher effectiveness for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
RP Group Inc.
Amount: $144,000
To provide technical assistance funding to RP Group for support planning and the initial implementation of this supprt for the implementation phase of Completion by Design
Research Foundation of the City University of New York
Amount: $997,567
To support the 2012 launch of the new community college focused on new models of completion
Rocketship Education
Amount: $326,000
To support the continued refinement of the RISE technology platform which leverages products from Junyo as well as custom applications to facilitate student access to multiple digital content providers and provide educators access to useful data
Shelby County Schools Education Foundation
Amount: $400,000
To support the Transition Planning Commission
Sinclair Community College
Amount: $9,044,063
To fund the implementation phase of Completion by Design for the Ohio cadre
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $150,000
To support the first launch of an annual LDC/MDC open-invitation conference as part of the larger effort to move LDC and MDC into a broader community of users
Spring Branch Independent School District
Amount: $2,192,636
To advance collaboration between 'traditional' district schools and public charter schools to pilot and spread College Ready strategies, focused on teacher effectiveness, college ready tools and supports, and personalized learning
Stand for Children Leadership Center
Amount: $600,759
To establish educator panels composed of individuals committed to locally designing and championing the implementation of the recently passed teacher and leader effectiveness policies
Stand for Children Leadership Center
Amount: $3,201,953
To support the effective teaching work underway as well as to strengthen the capacity of their national office to deliver state of the art organizing programs to other state affiliates throughout the country
Stanford University
Amount: $150,000
For the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE) to focus on a timely project analyzing the financial feasibility of performance assessments
Stanford University
Amount: $30,000
To support development of a chapter about Quality Science Teaching instrument for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
Stanford University
Amount: $30,000
To support the development of a chapter regarding the differential relationships between Protocol for Language Arts Teaching Observation (PLATO) and value-added models for the edited volume of the MET project
Student Achievement Partners Inc
Amount: $2,490,430
To grow capacity to support teachers and to strengthen operations
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $100,000
To further integrate personalized blended learning model in Rainier and Tahoma pilot schools serving 400 9th and 10th graders for the 2012-13 school years utilizing Summit's Optimized School Model and redesigned learning spaces and experiences
Teach for America, Inc.
Amount: $1,557,444
To support activities in TFA Colorado and TFA Louisiana designed to improve the instructional quality of their corps members through the use of video technology and to increase the leadership development and voice of corps members and alumni
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $29,922
To inform PS knowledge around programs of study and publish articles to build awareness of Programs of Study as learned through prior investments
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $2,502,000
For general operating support
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $5,852,718
To support the Community College Research Center research agenda in the areas of learner relationships management, diagnostic assessment, and blended learning
Teachers as Scholars, Inc.
Amount: $106,875
To support Teachers as Scholars and the Cambridge Public Schools in planning an innovative professional development experience beginning in the 2013-2014 school year
Teaching Channel
Amount: $250,000
To support and document a group of teachers reflecting on how to improve their practice and how to advocate for their profession
Teaching Channel
Amount: $6,721,800
To support the Teaching Channel, a multi-platform service delivering professional development to teachers
Team Pennsylvania Foundation
Amount: $303,850
To support a research partnership with Mathematica that will inform the Pennsylvania Department of Education's work on a new teacher evaluation system
Tennessee Department of Education
Amount: $3,700,737
To support multiple measures of effective teaching including the use of student surveys and video recordings of best practices of teaching
Texas Charter Schools Association
Amount: $700,000
For general operating support
The Fund For Transforming Education in Kentucky Inc
Amount: $908,863
To support the Kentucky Teacher Engagement Project to mobilize local and national partners around educator effectiveness to create a Teacher Leadership Network, a cohort of deeply knowledgeable teacher-leaders on key issues of practice and policy
U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $300,000
To support a national labor-management collaboration conference
University of California - Berkeley
Amount: $50,000
To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
University of California, Irvine
Amount: $1,800,000
To support targeted projects in the Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition and Research Competition
University of Central Florida Foundation Inc.
Amount: $1,500,055
To support TeachLivE, a simulation for teacher development
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Amount: $2,559,600
To operationalize Transfer Programs of Study in STEM
University of Southern California
Amount: $500,000
To support building institutional and system data analytic capacity in a select number of 2- and 4-year higher ed institutions in CO that will allow college completion goals to result in sustained changes in practice with a focus on equity
University of Southern California - Department of Contracts and Grants
Amount: $31,000
To support the development of a chapter regarding the sensitivity of state tests to instructional content and quality for the edited volume of the MET project
University of Texas at Austin
Amount: $30,000
To support development of a chapter about the UTeach Observation Protocol for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
University of Toronto
Amount: $100,000
To develop and implement high quality Massive Open Online Courses that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
University of Virginia
Amount: $49,864
To support development of a chapter about classroom observation protocols for the edited volume of the Measures of Effective Teaching project
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $560,000
To collaborate with Teach for America on the redesign of its pre-service program, including its Summer Institute, to better prepare novice teachers to enact a core set of teaching practices
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $50,000
To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $615,000
To determine financial and resource allocation implications of blended learning schools in K-12
University of Wisconsin
Amount: $50,000
To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
University of the People
Amount: $613,282
To support a start-up university with a low-cost model to earn national accreditation
University of the State of New York
Amount: $1,600,000
To support a 'demonstration collaboration' between and among the NYSED and a cohort of school districts that seek to conduct high quality teacher evaluations that connect to meaningful, effective teacher supports
Urban Teacher Residency United Inc
Amount: $416,564
To build a more comprehensive approach to improving and scaling the United Teacher Residency model and its implementation in urban districts around the nation
Vanderbilt University
Amount: $578,136
To support a research project seeking to understand what conditions and supports will need to be in place for principals and other key stakeholders to productively use new measures of teaching becoming available
Amount: $250,000
To support the The International Summit on the Future of the Teacher Profession
Wake Technical Community College
Amount: $50,000
To develop and implement a high quality Massive Open Online Course that will engage a broad range of students in successfully advancing their general and developmental education
Western Governors University
Amount: $1,190,130
To provide nine community and technical colleges in FL, IN, TX, and WA with direct support in adopting competency-based models of higher education
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Amount: $3,002,482
To support reinvestment in the expansion of the data analytics service to colleges at scale
inBloom, Inc.
Amount: $18,694,189
To support the completion of the wind down of operations in furtherance of the charitable objectives of the project
Academy for Urban School Leadership
Amount: $2,000,000
To scale teacher development work and build capacity for technical assistance
Achievement First Inc.
Amount: $49,949
To expand the impact of the Digital Learning Pilot, with the goal of developing an effective, transferrable and sustainable model for blended learning that will accelerate student outcomes across the Achievement First network
Achievement Network
Amount: $1,500,596
To support the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Math Design Collaborative tools
Achieving the Dream, Inc.
Amount: $1,697,982
For the development of a set of programs to increase impact, sustainability, and success at ATD colleges with a focus on: helping colleges' scale high-impact interventions; strengthening faculty engagement; and improving developmental education
Achieving the Dream, Inc.
Amount: $4,902,018
To support activities related to AtD becoming its own organization
Adams County School District No. 50
Amount: $1,680,829
To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
Adams County School District No. 50
Amount: $93,452
To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
Advanced Programs Initiative, Inc.
Amount: $80,000
To support collaboration between the superintendents and Secretary Hanna Skandera to work together toward the common goal of improving educational outcomes for New Mexico children
Allegheny Intermediate Unit
Amount: $23,000
To fund the 2011 Regional Best Practices Summer Institute, a collaborative effort between the Allegheny Intermediate Unit representing suburban Allegheny County school districts and Pittsburgh Public Schools
Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools
Amount: $50,000
To integrate standards-based online digital content for core academic subjects for 620 ninth and tenth grade students at two Alliance high schools
Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools
Amount: $7,090,167
To support a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students
Amarillo Area Foundation Inc.
Amount: $1,300,000
To fund the implementation phase of the Partners for Postsecondary Success project to increase completion rates in Texas
American Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $999,732
To comprehensively examine the challenges and opportunities facing the fastest-growing sector of higher education
American Association of School Administrators, Inc.
Amount: $417,697
To create a website that provides analysis from the user's perspective of the most prevalent student information and learning management systems
American Council on Education
Amount: $363,832
To support a planning phase coordinated by ACE and the Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions to establish a Commission on Accreditation for the 21st Century
American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation
Amount: $1,000,000
To assist teachers in understanding and implementing the Common Core State Standards
American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation
Amount: $230,000
To provide conference support for the conference on teacher development and evaluation systems
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $2,400,000
To support a multi-method study including analysis of secondary data to determine relative benefits of different PS credentials and mapping of competencies with labor market value to credentialing systems
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $380,281
To inform policy-makers on the high cost of student and institutional failure in two-year colleges and build dialogue on institutional and student performance and provide success stories of two-year colleges on retention, completion, and careers
American Legislative Exchange Council
Amount: $219,727
To educate and engage its members on efficient state budget approaches to drive greater student outcomes, as well as educate them on beneficial ways to recruit, retain, evaluate and compensate effective teaching based upon merit and achievement
Americas Promise-The Alliance For Youth
Amount: $500,000
To establish the Common Core Action Team Collaborative
Americas Promise-The Alliance For Youth
Amount: $50,000
To survey disconnected youth/young adults and to produce a national report
Arizona State University
Amount: $2,214,470
To support further development and scaling of Atlantis Remixed - an online, multi-player, game-based learning environment
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University
Amount: $151,019
To support the 3rd Annual Education Innovation Network Summit
Asia Society
Amount: $2,494,277
To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
Asia Society
Amount: $122,981
To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
Amount: $25,000
To provide conference support
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $50,000
To implement a digital writing module in a high school classroom, in order to measure the impact of blended learning strategies on student writing assessments and teacher sustainability
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $9,490,475
To support a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students
Association of Community College Trustees
Amount: $49,995
To provide conference support for the Association of Community College Trustees 2011 Annual Leadership Congress
Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Amount: $351,129
To fund a plan for instructional improvement, cost reduction and increased transfer and degree completion rates through redesign of key courses for use on multiple community college and university campuses
Battelle For Kids
Amount: $1,307,738
To support the scaling of effective teaching practices among members of the Ohio Appalachian Collaborative
Battelle Memorial Institute
Amount: $420,002
To implement math and literacy instructional tools in the Ohio STEM Learning Network
Boone County Schools
Amount: $334,100
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Boston Educational Development Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $88,000
To support Boston Public Schools to advance the district charter compact work
Boston Public Schools
Amount: $12,000
To support Boston Public Schools in its collaborative work with high-performing CMOs in the city
Boyle County Schools
Amount: $86,000
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Broad Center for the Management of School Systems
Amount: $2,423,203
To lead the development and curation of a knowledge management and networking system, so that education professionals in analytic and management roles can more easily connect, share what they are learning, and collaborate around shared challenges
Brookings Institution
Amount: $494,826
To establish standards for rating teacher evaluation systems
Brookings Institution
Amount: $600,000
To examine personalized learning, real-time student assessment, collaboration and social networking, dashboards, and K-12 innovation success stories with the goal of evaluating progress, improving implementation, and sharing best practices
Cabrillo College Foundation
Amount: $400,000
To support a third party evaluation of the Academy for College Excellence program
Campus Compact
Amount: $3,282,956
To fund the planning and implementation phases of the Connect to Complete program
Campus Compact
Amount: $45,000
To support the Scholar to Scholars Program Conference
Carnegie Mellon University
Amount: $959,082
To support continued development of the Working Examples website - www.workingexamples.org
Center for Better Schools
Amount: $885,130
To support the development of an Advanced Teacher Training Academy for experienced, high-performing early career teachers
Center for Education Reform
Amount: $600,000
To support Phase II of the Media Bullpen and to advance charter policy advocacy work in five states
Center for Effective Philanthropy, Inc.
Amount: $2,000,000
To provide support for YouthTruth: Using Student Feedback to Guide Foundation and School Improvement
Center for Reform of School Systems Inc.
Amount: $27,890
To provide board training sessions for the Shelby County Consolidated School Board
Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund
Amount: $1,250,000
To support a lending pool of capital to fund the expansion of high-performing charter networks in high-need areas and to support the management of the CSGF Facilities Fund
College Entrance Examination Board
Amount: $379,500
To develop a series of recommendations to improve sustainability of the Pell grant program
College-Ready Promise
Amount: $300,000
To provide teachers in four CMOs with the teaching tools to organize the math curriculum with formative assessments that guide rigorous, meaningful instruction and implementation of the Common Core Standards
Colorado Department of Higher Education
Amount: $1,000,000
To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $9,707,210
To provide organizational support to the Colorado Legacy Foundation related to implementation of the Common Core State Standards & teacher development and evaluation systems
Colorado League of Charter Schools
Amount: $818,471
To support integration of college ready tools in high-performing CMOs in Colorado and Louisiana
Colorado Nonprofit Development Center
Amount: $100,000
To advance collaboration between Denver Public Schools and high performing CMOs in the city
Colorado Seminary
Amount: $279,534
To plan a partnership with an urban school district to develop algorithms that link professional development recommendations to student and teacher performance
Community Service Society of New York
Amount: $50,000
To support a study that will aid in understanding if the low income young adult population is experiencing diminishing opportunity for enrollment in community colleges in New York
Computers for Youth Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $4,999,767
To support Computers for Youth's PowerMyLearning.com product, which will be available to all U.S. K-12 schools and districts to enable students to follow a more personalized pathway to college success
Consortium for Educational Change
Amount: $2,025,622
To work with regional Teacher Union Reform Networks to collaboratively engage teachers, their unions, and school and district administrators in issues that impact teaching and learning
Consortium for School Networking
Amount: $566,023
To create a website that provides analysis of the most prevalent student information systems and learning management systems technologies with a focus on the user perspective
Corps Network
Amount: $37,900
To provide conference support
Council Of The Great City Schools
Amount: $5,511,184
To promote and coordinate successful implementation of the new common core standards in major urban public school systems nationwide
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $9,388,911
To support the Common Core State Standards work
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $743,331
To support capacity building at SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) regarding assessment framework development and higher education engagement
Council of State Governments
Amount: $369,623
To hold summits to inform and educate state legislators on the common core standards and assessments and the benefits for implementation in their states
Creative Commons Corporation
Amount: $8,501,764
To provide federal grantees support for quality development of interactive curricula, open licensing, technical interoperability, collaboration between like projects, and widespread adoption of open curricula by community colleges and states
Creative Commons Corporation
Amount: $1,099,687
To partner in the development of the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative, to help identify learning resources that complement Common Core State Standards
Cristo Rey Network
Amount: $397,590
To support implementation of version 2.0 of the Alumni Connect Platform, create a college success report card and finalize the college counseling standards
DC Public Education Fund
Amount: $4,353,830
To support the continued development of the Teacher Data and Professional Development Platform
DC Public Education Fund
Amount: $2,241,989
To help school systems train those who observe classrooms to do so reliably
DC Public Education Fund
Amount: $100,000
For general operating support
Daviess County Public Schools
Amount: $300,000
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Daviess County Public Schools
Amount: $300,000
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Demos: A Network for Ideas & Action
Amount: $250,000
To conduct national research and outreach to educate key stakeholders about the financial barriers confronting community college students and to investigate and publicize the potential of specific policy solutions to increase completion rates among community college students
Denver Public Schools
Amount: $330,008
To conduct research related to the support of effective teaching practices
Denver Public Schools
Amount: $1,100,000
To execute effective teaching strategies to improve multiple low-performing schools
Denver School of Science and Technology Inc
Amount: $50,000
To develop a digital content incubator that integrates 9th grade standard-aligned digital content into existing student achievement management software
Amount: $100,000
To support teachers' classroom projects
Amount: $350,000
To conduct outreach and provide incentives to inspire public school teachers to engage with the Teacher Wall project
E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
Amount: $50,000
To integrate online math and reading applications to close the achievement gap for students at E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
EdSurge Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To conduct a detailed analysis of prominent K-8 literacy and math content vendors for use in blended learning models and to disseminate findings broadly via a white paper and an online database
Editorial Projects in Education Inc
Amount: $2,000,000
To support the development of a new coverage area focusing on the education industry and innovation in K-12 education
Education Resource Strategies, Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To develop a policy paper on the professional growth spending for teachers and school leaders, create Professional Growth Strategic Resource tools and materials, and write case studies on the use of 'next generation' professional growth
Education Sector Inc
Amount: $929,108
To explore and highlight policies at the state level that prevent greater use of innovation, technology, and competency-based education
Amount: $8,307,407
To support Wave IIIa of the Next Generation Learning Challenges, which will provide launch funding to new schools that leverage technology to personalize learning in a financially sustainable manner
Amount: $354,608
To support the inventory of the provider-user marketplace, building an awareness and outreach plan around analytics, establishing a solid understanding of institutional readiness, capacity and desire to build out data analytics, learning analytic
Amount: $9,636,676
To support three rounds of grants in Wave III of the Next Generation Learning Challenges, accelerating development of next generation school and college models that leverage technology to increase student success at equal or below current costs
Amount: $6,861,999
To assist with the design of Wave 2 of the Next Generation Learning Challenges, marketing it to the field, recruiting applicants and advisors, and processing applications
Educurious Partners
Amount: $5,482,457
To create next generation models of high school courses for 9th grade Biology, 9th grade English Language Arts, and will undertake an additional 'evaluation agenda' by administering pre/post assessments
Edvance Foundation
Amount: $392,656
To support the regional inventory and analysis of fifty states policies and practices in transfer and articulation within independent colleges
Envision Education Inc
Amount: $50,000
To expand the use of Khan Academy in order to facilitate the management of learning differences within a Response to Intervention framework and a mastery-based curriculum to ensure all students are successful
Excelencia in Education
Amount: $750,000
To continue the Ensuring America's Future by Increasing Latino College Completion initiative
Fayette County Public Schools
Amount: $479,000
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Fiorello H. LaGuardia Community College Foundation
Amount: $1,048,143
To provide support for the continued operation of the Global Skills for College Completion Project, disseminating knowledge to the broader community college sector, and creating a business/sustainability plan for continued operation of the project
FirstLine Schools, Inc.
Amount: $39,280
To test blended learning model options for differentiated learning through self-paced software programs and to create staff champions before full-scale implementation in August 2012
FirstLine Schools, Inc.
Amount: $449,300
To provide planning support for a hybrid school model incorporating Computer Assisted Instruction into educational programs to enhance student achievement, improve financial sustainability, and move towards a master teacher career track
Florida Association of District School Superintendents
Amount: $950,000
To provide technical assistance support to districts in Florida to implement new teacher evaluation systems
Forsyth County Schools
Amount: $250,000
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Foundation for the Seattle Colleges
Amount: $2,999,207
To improve persistence and completion rates across the Seattle Community College District (SCCD) by supporting 'early momentum' in a student's first year
Fund for Educational Excellence
Amount: $100,000
To advance collaboration between Baltimore Public Schools and high performing CMOs in the city
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $1,168,734
To support the implementation of math and literacy instructional tools
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $987,000
To support iZone360 schools as they design and implement innovative changes to their schools so as to best support their vision for student-centered learning
Future is Now
Amount: $775,000
To support and organize public school teachers in the pursuit of educator-led actions that improve their schools, districts, and unions
George Washington University
Amount: $231,021
To improve college success for disadvantaged populations by developing proposals or pilots to apply marketing principles to the delivery of information and financial aid
George Washington University
Amount: $241,417
To develop conferences designed to bring researchers, policymakers, and institutional leaders together to examine federal and state policy implications of the Foundation's performance-based scholarship portfolio of grants
Georgetown University
Amount: $10,000
For conference support
Grantmakers for Children, Youth, & Families
Amount: $20,000
To provide conference support
Green Dot Public Schools
Amount: $49,996
To evaluate the impact of a digital arts elective on the participation rates and learning outcomes of 180 severely credit-deficient high school students (grades 9-12) enrolled in a core-curriculum blended learning program
Green Dot Public Schools California
Amount: $5,664,388
To support a cohort of Intensive Partnership Site to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students
Guilford Technical Community College
Amount: $645,000
To fund the planning phase of Completion by Design for the North Carolina cadre
Harvard University
Amount: $500,000
To support a strategic planning project for the Graduate School of Education
Harvard University
Amount: $9,950
To provide prize money and administrative costs for the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Idea Competition, which is designed to generate new entrepreneurial concepts in the education sector
Harvard University
Amount: $110,000
To support the Education Forum on Innovation, which spotlights, supports, and encourages the importance of innovation in education
High Tech High Foundation
Amount: $50,000
To expand the reach of ALEKS, a professional development resource for math teachers in grades 6-12
Hillsborough County Council of PTA/PTSAs
Amount: $25,000
To continue and enhance its parent advocacy training modules for Common Core State Standards (CCSS) that were originally created during its Gates-funded National PTA sub-grant in 2010
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Amount: $420,632
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Hope Street Group
Amount: $975,000
To help implement usable and widely accepted teacher evaluations, leading to a transformed profession and better outcomes for students
Idea Public Schools
Amount: $300,000
To support the technology requirements for a conversion to a hybrid learning model in IDEA schools for the 2011-2012 school year
Illinois Network Of Charter Schools
Amount: $600,000
For general operating support
Innosight Institute Inc
Amount: $652,255
To continue to develop Innosight Institute's Education Practice and to move forward in developing and sharing the organization's ideas with K-12 education policymakers and practitioners
Innovation Unit Limited
Amount: $400,000
To bring together a coalition of thought leaders, policy-makers, consultants and practitioners as part of the Global Education Leaders' Program (GELP) and support them through a convening in Helsinki, Finland
Institute for College Access and Success
Amount: $2,000,000
To build evidence and support the scaling and policy implementation of proven effective tools and strategies for financial aid delivery in higher education
Institute for a Competitive Workforce
Amount: $748,667
To expand the Leaders and Laggards series to postsecondary education in an effort to measure state performance in educating Americans beyond high school
Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
Amount: $70,000
To provide post-conference support for the ISKME 2011 Big Ideas Fest including supporting an 'incubation' period for ideas that emerge from the 2011 convening event and supporting up to 10-12 full participant scholarships for the 2012 convening
Ithaka Harbors Inc.
Amount: $275,000
To study the potential obstacles to widespread adoption of interactive online learning systems in 2- and 4-year colleges and universities, and recommend strategies to overcome these obstacles
James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $500,906
To create the Hunt Fellows program to develop a strong cadre of state leaders who both care deeply about and have the knowledge and skills to ensure effective policies and practices to support improved educational outcomes
Jefferson County Public Schools
Amount: $210,360
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Jessamine County Schools
Amount: $143,600
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Jessamine County Schools
Amount: $300,000
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $497,499
To plan for the launch of a network to scale College Ready tools, practices, and policies and promote K-12 and post-secondary linkages as exemplified in early college high school best practices
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $697,310
To manage an institute on proficiency-based pathways
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $400,000
To support additional funding of Back on Track to PSE First Year Success
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $47,000
For conference support
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $295,000
To update policy scans through the lens of completion and work with policy leads to design and launch policy strategy for each state
John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education
Amount: $1,231,754
To improve and expand the early alert system and learner relationship management of the Signals product
KIPP Bay Area Schools
Amount: $50,000
To expand the use of Khan Academy's adaptive software platform for self-paced individualized and mastery-based learning
KIPP Chicago Schools
Amount: $49,500
To provide personalized learning plans and instruction to 150 students in grades K-1 and 5-8 at KIPP Ascend Primary and KIPP Ascend Middle schools
Amount: $42,500
To support the expansion of an innovative, blended learning program designed to close the achievement gap between Special Education and non-Special Education students
KIPP Foundation
Amount: $170,000
To provide general operating support for the KIPP Foundation
KIPP LA Schools
Amount: $50,000
To integrate cutting-edge educational software programs and innovative technology practices in KIPP LA's three schools in South and East Los Angeles to differentiate instruction to meet the diverse learning needs of students
KIPP LA Schools
Amount: $100,000
To support systems integration of the Blended Learning Infrastructure ('BLI') in KIPP Empower Academy ('KEA') in Los Angeles for the 2011-12 school year
KIPP Metro Atlanta Collaborative Inc
Amount: $47,810
To implement Rosetta Stone for high school Spanish classes and Achieve3000 for middle school literacy intervention classes
KIPP New Orleans Inc
Amount: $50,000
To support a blended learning program aimed at enhancing academic growth school wide, and providing supplementary intervention for students
Kenton County School District
Amount: $300,000
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Kenton County School District
Amount: $300,000
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Kentucky Chamber Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $476,553
To lead a coalition in support of college- and career-ready standards and effective teaching in Kentucky
Khan Academy Inc.
Amount: $4,079,361
To develop the remaining K-12 math exercises to ensure full coverage of the Common Core math standards and form a small team to implement a blended learning model
Kipp Adelante Preparatory Academy
Amount: $23,476
To launch a blended learning program that fuses technology and English Language Arts through the use of simulations, interactive games, and intelligent cyber tutors that increase capacity to improve instruction, learning, and assessment
LEV Foundation
Amount: $1,789,208
To support a public awareness campaign and create support for charter schools through a fact-based advocacy effort
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Amount: $785,194
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
League For Innovation in the Community College
Amount: $354,089
To support Next Generation Learning Challenges Impact Strategies
League For Innovation in the Community College
Amount: $958,474
To assess the ability of community colleges to utilize social media tools
League For Innovation in the Community College
Amount: $26,184
To support the 2011 Innovations Conference
Learning Forward
Amount: $999,795
To help align states' and districts' professional development programs in support of implementing the Common Core State Standards
Lighthouse Academies of Indiana Inc.
Amount: $50,000
To expand Achieve3000 Differentiated Literacy Solution from supplemental intervention to core instructional blocks through a blend of whole group, small group, and online instruction
Lone Star College System
Amount: $644,965
To fund the planning phase of Completion by Design for the Texas cadre
Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools
Amount: $450,000
For general operating support
Maryland Higher Education Commission
Amount: $1,000,000
To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Amount: $3,204,132
To develop Cosmos, a multiplayer online game, aligned to the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards for high school students
Memphis City Schools
Amount: $194,800
To disseminate Memphis City Schools' progress and lessons learned regarding current teacher effectiveness work and to access other practitioners' insights about their work
Memphis City Schools
Amount: $399,968
To conduct research related to the support of effective teaching practices
Memphis Urban League, Inc.
Amount: $10,000
To support a convening to learn more about Tennessee's college completion statute and its impact on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and community colleges that serve largely low income students of color in Tennessee
Miami Dade College
Amount: $644,675
To fund the planning phase of Completion by Design for the Florida cadre
Midwestern Higher Education Commission
Amount: $45,030
To support a conference, Ready or Not Here They Come: Ensuring the College Success of All Students
Mind Trust Inc.
Amount: $539,334
To support a full-time Executive Director, support staff, and programmatic activity related to next generation learning in the cities that comprise the Cities for Education Entrepreneurship Trust ("CEE-Trust") network
Minneapolis Foundation
Amount: $100,000
To support the Minneapolis District-Charter Compact collaboration
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Foundation
Amount: $49,500
For conference support
Morgridge Institute for Research Inc.
Amount: $50,000
To support the Games + Learning + Society Conference, a three-day event for games studies/games learning academies, education researchers, education practitioners, policy leaders, and game designers
MyCollege Foundation
Amount: $3,081,610
To establish a nonprofit online college targeting low-income adults
National Association Of Charter School Authorizers
Amount: $2,610,000
To provide funds, along with related monitoring and support to each Round 2 District-Charter Collaboration Compact city, based upon completion of a compact and submission of an approved Compact grant application
National Association Of Charter School Authorizers
Amount: $1,700,000
To strengthen the policy environment for quality charter school authorizing through advocacy at the state and federal levels
National Association of State Boards of Education
Amount: $1,077,960
To build the capacity of State Boards of Education to better position them to achieve full implementation of the Common Core standards
National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Amount: $147,990
To study the impact on overall aid distributions if the rules were changed to allow eligibility to be determined based on prior-prior year tax data as opposed to prior year data
National Council of La Raza
Amount: $538,967
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
National Council on Teacher Quality
Amount: $2,935,048
To continue the transformative work of improving teacher effectiveness and professionalism at the national, federal, state, and district levels
National Geographic Society
Amount: $10,000
To support the first Cyberlearning Summit, hosted by the National Geographic Society in partnership with the Center for Technology Innovation at UC Berkeley, and the Center for Technology in Learning at SRI
National Geographic Society
Amount: $10,000
To provide access for students that reside in low-income Washington state neighborhoods to the National Geographic Live! Speaker Series - Student Matinees, a monthly, free event that showcases presenters from National Geographic
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
Amount: $1,293,904
To work with state policymakers on the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, with special attention to effective resource reallocation to ensure complete execution, as well as rethinking state policies on teacher effectiveness
National Indian Education Association
Amount: $500,000
To support and advocate for effective teaching of Native students, Common Core State Standards that respect Native culture, and the college and career readiness of Native students
National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development
Amount: $50,000
To support the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development 2011 Annual Conference
National Literacy Project Inc.
Amount: $1,696,890
To engage with Florida school districts on the expansion of the Literacy Design Collaborative
National Staff Development Council
Amount: $202,927
To provide conference support and support publication of a journal that focuses on the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) research
National Writing Project
Amount: $3,095,593
To increase capacity for professional development opportunities in implementing the Common Core State Standards for literacy
Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $350,000
To implement the Common Core State Standards in New England states
New America Foundation
Amount: $530,000
To expand the Education Policy Program with the creation of a Postsecondary National Policy Institute (PNPI)
New Classrooms Innovation Partners, Inc.
Amount: $992,800
To support the development and spread of a highly innovative, personalized learning model for middle school math
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $3,000,000
To support a national district of charters, service providers for personalized learning models, and incubation of blended charter models
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $1,000,000
To provide general operating support
New Schools for New Orleans Inc
Amount: $301,451
To fund a road map for community engagement around school closure to build the infrastructure for improving failing schools in the Recovery School District
New Teacher Center
Amount: $1,365,117
To increase the effectiveness of the electronic Mentoring for Student Success (eMSS) coaching model
New Teacher Project, Inc.
Amount: $6,500,000
For general operating support
New Venture Fund
Amount: $4,030,207
To support cross state/district collaboration in support of implementation, spread and scale of college ready tools, materials, and resources
Noble Network of Charter Schools
Amount: $50,000
To support blended learning initiatives in existing high-performing charter schools
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $1,000,001
To build capacity to further the development of online, blended, and competency-based pathways that effectively support college and career readiness for all students via teacher engagement, and dissemination of new ideas
North Carolina State University
Amount: $1,299,998
To fund the implementation phase of the Partners for Postsecondary Success project to increase completion rates in North Carolina
OMG Center for Collaborative Learning
Amount: $29,736
To support post-doctoral fellowships for evaluators of color to work on postsecondary issues
Ohio Business Alliance for Higher Education and the Economy
Amount: $125,000
To convene a single statewide 'College Completion Summit,' that would be organized with the assistance of Ohio's new state economic development organization, called 'JobsOhio,' and its six regional economic development affiliates
Partnerships to Uplift Communities Lakeview Terrace
Amount: $3,772,190
To support a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students
Pearson Charitable Foundation
Amount: $2,999,047
To support the development of open access courses for 6th and 7th grade mathematics as well as 11th and 12th grade English language arts
Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
Amount: $595,859
To work with the new governor, key cabinet officials, legislature leaders, education and business stakeholder groups to advance public policies to improve teacher effectiveness in Pennsylvania
Perspectives Charter School
Amount: $50,000
To implement a blended learning initiative that combines the PEAK Teaching for Excellence model with self-paced online learning for math students at three campuses
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
Amount: $2,998,612
To improve pathways, including transfer rates, to baccalaureate programs from two year associate degree programs with emphasis on low income students of color through a publicly available web-based platform
Pittsburgh Promise Foundation
Amount: $30,000
For general operating support
Pittsburgh Public Schools
Amount: $60,000
To provide support for finance related technical assistance
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $242,580
To support implementation of math and literacy strategies in Kentucky by supporting convenings and meetings throughout the state for k-12 and higher education leaders and business leaders
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $198,206
To help fund the leadership of ReadyKentucky, a campaign focused on creating and supporting a statewide communications network in support of implementation of the common core state standards
Public Agenda
Amount: $520,460
To lead the Completion by Design training and actionable research related to effective meeting facilitation and stakeholder engagement
Reasoning Mind, Inc.
Amount: $742,996
To pilot an online mathematics curriculum aligned to the common core standards as a means to providing alternative human capital models in large, urban school districts that serve minority and economically disadvantaged students
Recovery School District
Amount: $997,500
To support further development of a teacher development and evaluation system
Rice University
Amount: $830,327
To support the development of open text-based resources for high enrollment courses and to feed more interactive courseware development
Rochester City School District
Amount: $50,807
To support the Rochester City School District to advance the compact work
Rockcastle County School District
Amount: $134,000
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To general operating support for the Academy of College Excellence
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $4,968,652
To partner with other foundations to support a project fund supporting state-led efforts aligning higher education placement requirements with college readiness assessments developed through the Common Core assessment consortia
Rocketship Education
Amount: $500,000
To develop and implement a set of open-source applications, including a teacher dashboard, student portal, RTI scheduling and individual learning plan tool, and new data reports aligning with the Blended Learning Infrastructure
SEED Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To support development of the SEED blueprint, including an academic guide, student life curriculum and college counseling guide
Scholastic Inc.
Amount: $4,293,211
To support teachers' implementation of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics
School District of Philadelphia
Amount: $2,923,863
To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
School District of Philadelphia
Amount: $100,000
To implement a plan for proficiency-based pathways and anywhere/anytime learning
Shared Learning Collaborative, LLC
Amount: $87,333,334
To build, manage, and promote the Shared Learning Infrastructure (SLI)
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Amount: $250,000
To bring together a coalition of thought leaders, policy-makers, consultants and practitioners as part of the Global Education Leaders' Program (GELP) and support them through a series of convenings
Sinclair Community College
Amount: $645,000
To fund the planning phase of Completion by Design for the Ohio cadre
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $8,089,831
To support the spread of college ready and postsecondary success strategies
Stanford University
Amount: $1,400,000
To support implementation of the Common Core State Standards
Startup Weekend
Amount: $250,000
To support 10-15 Startup Weekend EDUs: 54-hour events where teachers, administrators, developers, designers, marketers, product managers, and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups
State Education Technology
Amount: $146,221
To examine current policy and practice barriers and opportunities that slow or support the adoption and use of educational technologies for learning in K-12
State Legislative Leaders Foundation Inc.
Amount: $75,000
To provide information on critical public policy issues and aspects of leadership, through specialized educational and enrichment programs
Student Veterans of America
Amount: $353,744
To support the increase rate of postsecondary education attainment for military veterans
Summit Public Schools
Amount: $50,000
To accelerate the impact and quality of the classroom rotational blended model of instruction for 208 9th grade students at Summit Public Schools: Rainier and Tahoma in San Jose California
Teach for America, Inc.
Amount: $1,500,000
To expand Teach for America corps in Colorado and Louisiana
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $2,365,596
To establish CCRC as the lead data and analysis organization on the Completion by Design National Assistance Team
Teaching Channel
Amount: $4,476,761
To support the Teaching Channel, a multi-platform service delivering professional development to teachers
Technet Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $200,000
To participate in the Measures of Effective Teaching project, research related to the support of effective teaching practices
Tennessee Department of Education
Amount: $175,000
To provide assistance to the new Commissioner for the creation of a strategic plan, to drive the reorganization of the Department of Education, and ensure maximum leverage in order to achieve its goals
Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Amount: $500,000
For general operating support
Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Amount: $1,002,000
To track state progress towards implementation of standards and to understand how what students read changes in response to the standards
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
Amount: $2,051,058
To support research on increasing students' engagement and persistence in academically challenging work
U.S. Education Delivery Institute, Inc.
Amount: $3,000,165
To support USEDI's efforts to provide intensive support to additional states, develop and field test a new suite of delivery tools for states to use, and strengthen the professional learning community of systems
United Way Worldwide
Amount: $700,000
To increase high school graduation rates and improve student readiness for college and career by advancing effective teaching in struggling school districts in Los Angeles, California, Florida and Tennessee
United Way of Southern Cameron County
Amount: $1,299,909
To fund the implementation phase of the Partners for Postsecondary Success project to increase completion rates in Texas
University System of Georgia
Amount: $1,000,000
To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
University of Arizona
Amount: $735,442
To fund a multi-method study of how institutions adopt and use social media to support students, how students use the media, and the potential of social media to improve student outcomes
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Amount: $70,765
To develop model pension reports to equip teachers, general public, and policy-makers with tools to better understand the distributional impact of current pension plans
University of British Columbia
Amount: $50,000
To support the 2nd International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge
University of California, Irvine
Amount: $50,000
To support the third annual Digital Media and Learning Conference, hosted by the University of California, Irvine
University of Chicago
Amount: $1,418,622
To develop tools for evaluating college readiness indicator systems and disseminate them to districts at different stages of indicator development
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Amount: $75,000
To provide support for assessing the viability of radically improving (a) educational outcomes in long-term youth correctional centers and (b) GED attainment by targeted young adults in state and federal prisons
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Amount: $387,057
To support the planning for guaranteed STEM student transfer from feeder community colleges into UMBC for STEM four-year degree completion: UMBC
University of Michigan
Amount: $3,956,061
To establish a searchable video library of teaching practices
University of Michigan
Amount: $252,177
To author a white paper on the impact of social capital development on teenagers' academic outcomes and research findings on the Collegeology games
University of Michigan
Amount: $1,421,494
To securely house and make available to qualified researchers the data collected by the Measures of Effective Teaching project
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Amount: $329,034
To design and pilot humanities courses aligned to the Common Core State Standards
University of Southern California
Amount: $968,245
To develop 'Collegeology,' a collection of online games designed to facilitate college knowledge in low-income, middle, and high school student populations
University of Southern California
Amount: $250,000
To support the expansion of PLAY! (a three-part hybrid professional development program) to a larger population of educators through a Summer Sandbox for LAUSD teachers and the development of an online course
University of Southern California
Amount: $100,000
To support the University of Southern California's Hybrid High School as a credible, replicable, and scalable alternative high school experience for high-need and disaffected youth in the Los Angeles area
University of Texas Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $425,418
To support the University of Texas at San Antonio's temporary assignment of one of its administrators as an advisor to the Department of Labor in support of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training Grant Program
University of Texas Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $167,728
To support capacity building efforts
University of Texas at Austin
Amount: $1,408,105
To support the identification and confirmation, quantification, and analysis of high-impact educational practices in community colleges
University of Texas at Dallas
Amount: $493,353
To support planning and prototyping to develop a desktop simulation for teacher professional development
University of Washington
Amount: $135,001
To convene national and local experts on labor-management negotiations, union-leadership, and teacher leadership
University of Washington
Amount: $600,223
To support the Center on Reinventing Public Education to provide oversight for Round 1 & 2 of the District-Charter Collaboration Compacts during implementation
University of Washington
Amount: $2,649,791
To develop online pre-algebra games for middle school students and conduct research on the learning trajectories that lead to algebra readiness
University of Washington
Amount: $500,000
To support the evaluation of the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, an evidence-based intervention for youth with foster care experience who are aging out of care
University of the State of New York
Amount: $9,999
To support Regents Research Fund staff retreat to further define its mission and core strategies
University of the State of New York
Amount: $600,000
To develop, pilot, and evaluate innovative approaches to Common Core-aligned professional development for teachers
Uplift Education
Amount: $50,000
To support a blended learning pilot for 6th - 9th graders at Hampton, Heights, Peak, Laureate, Williams, and Summit International focused on reading and math intervention
Vera Institute of Justice Inc.
Amount: $50,000
To support post-prison populations planning
Amount: $50,000
For conference support to host The International Summit on the Future of the Teacher Profession
Warren County Public Schools
Amount: $299,902
To expand the implementation of Literacy Design Collaborative and Mathematics Design Collaborative tools
Amount: $1,007,814
To provide support as a Knowledge Management partner for the Completion by Design cadres
Western Governors University
Amount: $4,500,000
To continue development of private-label state universities that operate to educate more students at less cost to taxpayers, while also expanding the reach of competency-based education significantly into public university systems
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Amount: $1,070,293
To conduct a large scale, longitudinal data mining project
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Amount: $300,000
To support planning for a competency-based teacher education program, The Teaching Learning Lab
iMentor Incorporated
Amount: $500,000
To support research, development, and scaling of a web-based mentoring program for high school students
Achievement Network
Amount: $500,000
To increase high-need student achievement by expanding a data-driven model to new schools within current networks, validate the impact of the model on achievement through formal evaluation, and share the model for implementation by more schools
Achieving the Dream, Inc.
Amount: $999,550
To support capacity building efforts
Advancement Through Opportunity and Knowledge Incorporated
Amount: $729,916
To fund a district-wide expansion, evaluation, and preparation for state-wide scale up of EPP, a promising service model designed to improve the academic outcomes and college enrollment of foster youth
Albuquerque Public Schools
Amount: $500,000
To develop an implementation plan for the Common Core State Standards
Alliance For Education, Inc.
Amount: $300,013
To create stakeholder buy-in at the teacher and principal level on the teacher effectiveness elements of Louisiana's Race to the Top application
Alliance for Education
Amount: $100,000
To support the establishment of Philanthropic Partnership for Public Education Fund III
Alliance for Education
Amount: $30,000
To support strategic communications assistance, expert analysis, and community engagement activities related to the issue of teacher quality in Seattle Public Schools
Alliance for Education
Amount: $6,000
To support a delegation of Seattle Public School district officials to meet with the administration in Denver for 'best practices'
Alliance for Education
Amount: $110,610
To support essential organizational functions and programs for which there is no dedicated funding source, including Teacher Effectiveness, College Access and Success, Community Schools Planning, and Grants Management and Project Oversight
Alliance for Excellent Education Inc.
Amount: $3,200,004
To support an advocacy, communications, and policy development initiative promoting federal high school policy reform and participation as a member of the Campaign for High School Equity
Amarillo Area Foundation Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To support a coordinated community partnership to increase postsecondary completion rates
American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation
Amount: $3,867,298
To support the American Federation of Teachers Innovation Fund and the union's teacher development and evaluation programs
American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation
Amount: $217,200
For conference support
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $168,755
To commission papers and convene a working conference to document the educational reforms in NYC to inform future educational improvement efforts in the city
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $500,000
To explore the effects of state student aid programs on completion
Americas Promise-The Alliance For Youth
Amount: $500,000
To drive a state-level K-12 advocacy agenda, specifically incorporating clear, consistent standards as key to graduating high school ready for college and careers
Arizona Charter Schools Association
Amount: $200,000
For general operating support
Arkansas Department of Higher Education
Amount: $1,000,000
For technical assistance for states
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $2,000,000
To support a project to increase economic opportunities for low-income families
Association of Community College Trustees
Amount: $51,535
To embark on a major educational and engagement summit designed to strengthen the awareness and resolve of key stakeholders and decision makers regarding the urgent need for evidence-based college-level interventions fostering student completion
Athabasca University
Amount: $10,000
For conference support
Atlanta Public Schools
Amount: $9,642,436
To build the necessary capacity, processes, and tools that will lay a strong foundation to accelerate the district's human capital reform work
Battelle For Kids
Amount: $124,757
To improve understanding around the use of value-added analysis for educational improvement
Battelle Memorial Institute
Amount: $5,226,127
To finalize designs and implement STEM network in NC, NY, CA, and WA; fortify the STEM network in TX; implement an interstate network comprising them; and provide support for implementation of an effective teaching initiative in NM
Bellwether Education Partners, Inc.
Amount: $809,467
To support a national teacher leaders fellowship program
Boston Public Schools
Amount: $497,684
To support district-wide CCSS adoption planning and implementation
Brown University
Amount: $3,243,431
To identify the most promising early warning systems in the country, support this development from a focus on high school graduation to college-readiness, and test their effectiveness through empirical research
CAST, Inc.
Amount: $499,783
To develop and implement whole school universal design learning model using technology enabled tools to improve literacy skills for secondary students
CELT Corporation
Amount: $350,000
To convene district and school-level educators to determine local user requirements and develop a framework of recommended minimum features and functionality for instructional improvement data systems
California Charter Schools Association
Amount: $1,000,000
For general operating support
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Amount: $4,409,433
To develop two alternative pathways, Quantway and Statway, through pre-college and college mathematics that will decrease time in developmental mathematics and will support student success in academic and career pursuits
Center for Education Reform
Amount: $275,000
To support development of a new awareness tool, 'The Bullpen,' that will offer and analyze real time education news
Center for Energy Workforce Development
Amount: $1,370,000
To synch education-career pathways between employers and community colleges (in concurrent postsecondary credential attainment and career attachment), creating additional learn and earn opportunities for students in several states
Center for Inspired Teaching
Amount: $1,293,000
To support implementation of the Literacy Design Collaborative tools with DC teachers
Center for Teaching Quality, Inc.
Amount: $395,836
To support the Implementing Common Core Standards (ICCS) pilot project
Center for Teaching Quality, Inc.
Amount: $2,577,857
To support the development of a high-functioning well-informed, online community of young teacher leaders
Center for the Study of Community Colleges
Amount: $50,000
To support a research project
Change the Equation Inc
Amount: $900,000
To design, develop, and implement a 'scorecard' on state STEM education programs, to include information on input, process and output leverage points in STEM education that lead to college-ready outcomes for students across a state
Charlotte Chamber of Commerce
Amount: $200,000
To engage the education stakeholder community in support of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools strategic plan
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
Amount: $214,808
To develop Literacy Design Collaborative expert teachers and develop courses and models in middle school grades
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
Amount: $150,834
To develop teaching measures to complement value-added data while helping teachers understand the new measures
Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund
Amount: $12,500,000
To support an investment pool to fund emerging hybrid learning models and ongoing research in select districts
City and County of San Francisco
Amount: $3,022,965
To support implementation of a coordinated community partnership project to increase postsecondary completion rates
City of Mesa
Amount: $2,415,053
To support implementation of a coordinated community partnership project to increase postsecondary completion rates
Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Amount: $497,752
To support an Action Plan to implement a year of planning in preparation for new Common Core State Standards
College Entrance Examination Board
Amount: $10,000
To support a research project
Colorado Education Initiative
Amount: $1,747,441
To support Colorado reform agenda with a focus on building systems to identify, support, place, and retain effective teachers
Commission on Hispanic Affairs
Amount: $213,000
To support the increase of the Hispanic voice in education reform
Committee for Economic Development
Amount: $1,532,181
To improve understanding of postsecondary education challenges and advance policy reforms
Communities Foundation of Texas
Amount: $1,579,999
To scale college ready reforms in Texas through large urban district, regional, and charter networks
Communities Foundation of Texas
Amount: $1,997,426
To support a college-ready and post-secondary completion agenda in Texas
Corporate Voices for Working Families Inc
Amount: $1,586,744
To support partnership of employers and community colleges in order to expand current, and adopt new, Learn and Earn models that allow working students to pursue postsecondary credentials in accelerated, competency-based, flexible pathway programs
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Amount: $500,000
To identify and amplify 'teacher voice' to help ensure teachers are in the center of the dialogue on teacher accountability
Council Of The Great City Schools
Amount: $100,000
To support the development of a cross-sector proposal to pilot test the new common core standards in a set of selected cities
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $64,628
To assist with the design of the digital learning initiative, market it to the field, recruit applicants and advisors, and process applications
Council of State Governments
Amount: $399,953
To support a series of conferences that will educate policymakers and leaders on the topic of common core standards
Council on Postsecondary Education
Amount: $1,000,000
To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
Cristo Rey Network
Amount: $556,006
To support Cristo Rey's implementation of the Common Core standards across its network of schools, and to provide bridge financing at the Cristo Rey Network Center Office in implementing the next phase of the Education Enrichment Initiative
Cristo Rey Network
Amount: $139,438
To support next stage of joint planning work resulting from DC meeting to share ideas and resources around student supports for college completion
Dallas Independent School District
Amount: $951,293
To participate in the Measures of Effective Teaching project, research related to the support of effective teaching practices
DePaul University
Amount: $2,641,217
To support the continued development of the Digital Youth Network - digitalyouthnetwork.org, and the Affinity Learning Model
Delta Project on Postsecondary Cost Productivity and Accountability
Amount: $399,970
To support a series of white papers and meetings with state policymakers on key drivers in higher education costs now and proposals for how to better align cost structures and funding with degree completion
Denver Public Schools
Amount: $10,000,000
To accelerate the district's human capital reform by implementing an aligned teacher performance management system based on research findings from the measures of effective teaching project with student achievement and growth at its core
Denver School of Science and Technology Inc
Amount: $42,186
To support development of a proposal to bring proven practices from the charter or nonprofit sector into the traditional education sector and to enable more cross-sector collaboration between charters and districts
Downtown Community Television Center
Amount: $130,000
To elevate the profile of community college students through video shorts
E Line Ventures LLC
Amount: $1,544,748
To help build the emerging field of game-based learning
Education Commission of the States
Amount: $799,221
To support awareness building among key stakeholders around postsecondary goals and objectives and P-20 rationale for the Common Core State Standards
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $8,300,000
For general operating support
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $1,060,000
To support a group of major university and community college system heads to build better data systems, financial aid policies, and student support services
Amount: $16,743,022
To launch a multi-year, multi-wave 'open challenge' program intended to accelerate the testing and early scale of breakthrough technology-enabled learning solutions to persistent barriers to low-income learners' college readiness and completion
Amount: $437,451
To assist with the design of the digital learning initiative, market it to the field, recruit applicants and advisors, and process applications
Educurious Partners
Amount: $1,989,360
To design, produce, test, and disseminate fully developed next-generation high school courses, a fully operational technology delivery platform, and a completely developed mentor social network
Executive Office of Education for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Amount: $650,000
To support the establishment of Innovation Schools in two types of districts in Massachusetts, those that include both higher- and lower-performing schools
Florida Association of District School Superintendents
Amount: $250,000
To influence the development and implementation of the best possible education practices in the school districts of Florida
Florida Virtual School
Amount: $626,327
To develop Common Core Standards-based courses in literacy and math that are contextualized within disciplines, such as engineering or the natural sciences
Forsyth County Schools
Amount: $151,200
To develop 'Plug and Play' writing modules for grades 6-12 - English, Science, and Social Studies aligned to the Common Core State Standards/Georgia Performance Standards
Foundation for Excellence in Education Inc.
Amount: $501,485
To launch the Digital Learning Council in an effort to bring digital learning to every school, every classroom, and every child
Foundation for the Carolinas
Amount: $77,625
To support a coordinated community partnership to increase postsecondary completion rates
Foundation of the Academic Senate for California Community College
Amount: $1,000,000
To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $293,344
To support operational planning for New York City's Department of Education's Innovation Zone
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $500,000
To support the School of One team in further developing the technology to drive its student and learning management system
GameDesk Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To develop and launch a pilot school model focused on using games and digital authorship in education
Greater Atlanta Chamber Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $25,000
For general operating support
Amount: $475,077
To enrich teaching and to determine whether the use of short-form instructional videos will increase engagement and student achievement
Harvard University
Amount: $1,000,000
To create an endowed fellowship for the Doctorate of Education Leadership at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
Harvard University
Amount: $224,030
To provide project support for Education Next's Charter Initiative
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Amount: $140,000
To convene a consortium of district and union leaders to discuss effective teaching strategies
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Amount: $354,993
To develop Literacy Design Collaborative expert teachers and develop middle school courses
Houston Independent School District
Amount: $1,500,000
To support the implementation of the district's human capital transformation strategies
Idea Public Schools
Amount: $500,000
To create an end-to-end human capital pipeline, which will develop a permanent and sustainable capacity to recruit, select, onboard, evaluate, reward, support, train, and retain teachers and school leaders
Illinois Institute of Technology
Amount: $1,144,856
To support the development of an interest network platform
Indiana Commission for Higher Education
Amount: $1,000,000
To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
Institute For Higher Education Policy
Amount: $550,000
To support a broad based coalition including labor, business, entertainment, and education leaders that will highlight the urgency of increasing college completion rates
Institute for College Access and Success
Amount: $100,970
To support a financial aid delivery project
Institute for Women's Policy Research
Amount: $1,000,000
To support a single parents policy, research, and practitioner network
Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
Amount: $30,000
To support the annual Big Ideas Fest event
Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
Amount: $650,000
To plan a community of practice and knowledge management system to connect our grantees to us, one another, and resources that are critical to the strategy
Internationals Network For Public Schools Inc
Amount: $74,900
To support the development of a cross-sector plan that represents a new level of collaboration between the Internationals School Network, National Council of La Raza, and one or more districts, including NYCDOE
James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $292,594
To educate North Carolina policymakers about the low rates of postsecondary completion in the state
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $2,500,000
To support the uptake of a proficiency-based pathways policy set by focusing on Instate, National, and Federal work
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $10,933,499
To create effective pathways to college and careers for adult learners using evidence-based instructional and organizational models
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $2,500,000
To support the uptake of a proficiency-based pathways policy set by focusing on Instate, National, and Federal work
Khan Academy Inc.
Amount: $1,464,667
To provide general operating support, expanding Khan Academy's leadership and staff capacity to map Khan Academy content to the Common Core high school standards, improve assessments, and enhance the user interface
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13
Amount: $505,533
To develop and pilot science and social studies Literacy Design Collaborative modules
Leading Educators Inc
Amount: $1,370,000
To train and retain teacher leaders in high needs schools
League For Innovation in the Community College
Amount: $50,000
For conference support
League For Innovation in the Community College
Amount: $362,128
To support a digital learning initiative, market it to the field, recruit applicants and advisors, and process applications
League For Innovation in the Community College
Amount: $140,014
To assist with the design of the digital learning initiative, market it to the field, recruit applicants and advisors, and process applications
League For Innovation in the Community College
Amount: $50,000
For conference support
Louisiana Department of Education
Amount: $286,600
To support Louisiana's Non-Tested Grades and Subjects Initiative
Louisiana Department of Education
Amount: $500,000
To enable the Louisiana Department of Education to build expertise in teacher recruitment, selection, placement and performance management in the broader population of SEA staff regional offices, district leaders
MDC, Inc.
Amount: $2,566,299
To support technical assistance work with communities in the South to form sustainable local partnerships aimed at increasing postsecondary completion rates
Amount: $168,691
To support a research project
Amount: $1,279,577
To support a financial aid delivery project
Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education, Inc.
Amount: $151,431
To undertake an objective analysis of the Common Core State Standards and the MA State Standards in literacy and math
Mastery Charter High School
Amount: $1,798,818
To develop a scalable innovative professional development model based on Mastery Charter School's effective teaching measures and teacher evaluation, using technology to provide real time feedback, coaching and teacher supports
MetaMetrics, Inc.
Amount: $3,468,005
To further develop an interactive, online tool that focuses on literacy in the Common Core State Standards
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Foundation
Amount: $330,000
To build on success of initial 'action analytics' - using data to improve college and university performance - to enable the leaders of this movement to continue meeting, draw in interested institutions, and define an agenda for their growth
Mobilizing America's Youth Inc
Amount: $600,000
To convene summits that bring together young people to discuss the challenges and opportunities they face individually and as a community, to increasing college completion, and to create solutions to the problems identified
NBCUniversal Media, LLC
Amount: $2,033,500
To support the National Education Summit
NCB Capital Impact
Amount: $959,373
To oversee and administer a program related investment to help Aspire Public Schools and potentially other charter management organizations access affordable tax-exempt bond financing
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education
Amount: $38,420
To support an in-person meeting of the Planning Committee of the NEA Foundation Institute for Local Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Nashville Public Education Foundation
Amount: $52,328
To formalize a network of the big urban districts in Tennessee for implementation of Math Assessment for Learning, Literacy by Design, and National Student Clearinghouse Research Center data
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools
Amount: $4,000,000
To support the Alliance's strategic direction for 2010-2012 to address quality, growth and sustainability in the charter sector
National Center for Higher Education Management Systems
Amount: $300,000
For general operating support
National Center on Education & the Economy
Amount: $3,200,000
To support a project to expand board examination systems
National Writing Project
Amount: $549,489
To develop literacy instructional tools for middle and high school students
Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $1,750,000
To identify and fund local education agencies and networks to advance acceleration tools in proficiency-based pathways environments
New Mexico Business Roundtable for Educational Excellence
Amount: $5,000
To sponsor the Land of Enchantment State Business Roundtable Executives Conference in New Mexico
New Teacher Center
Amount: $198,704
To provide technical assistance and professional development regarding the teacher working conditions survey
New Technology Network, LLC
Amount: $2,112,080
To build and develop pilots for professional development supports and tools in a hybrid, blended or online school environment
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $8,149,935
To support the Common Core/Career and College initiative (C4) effort designed to improve student achievement and teacher effectiveness through key strategies
New York Charter Schools Association Inc
Amount: $204,988
To engage classroom teachers directly in public discussions about education policy
New York City Charter School Center
Amount: $950,000
For general operating support
New York City Outward Bound Center Inc
Amount: $200,000
To support a series of structured and professionally-facilitated sessions for educators that promote the exchange of ideas and cross-organizational learning, focused on organizational sustainability and sharing of successful practices
New York University
Amount: $40,282
To convene leaders in education and commercial gaming, develop game standards for developers, and improve games as learning vehicles by aligning Common Core Standards, design principles, and assessment
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $100,000
To support a national Proficiency-Based Pathways Learning Convening
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $64,628
To assist with the design of the digital learning initiative, market it to the field, recruit applicants and advisors, and process applications
North Carolina State University
Amount: $99,983
To support a coordinated community partnership to increase postsecondary completion rates
Ohio Board of Regents
Amount: $667,404
To increase the educational attainment and earnings potential of lower-income working young adults
Ohio Business Alliance for Higher Education and the Economy
Amount: $150,000
To support education reform efforts that amplify higher education success and completion for all Ohio students
Pennsylvania Business Council Education Foundation
Amount: $5,000
To support the Job Readiness 'Summit', a one-day gathering devoted to strengthening and improving Pennsylvania education and job training through discussion and consensus building among Pennsylvania governmental, business, and NGO leaders
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Amount: $526,960
To implement the Common Core State Standards in Pennsylvania districts
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Amount: $768,794
To support Pennsylvania Teacher Evaluation Model Development
Pollinate Ventures
Amount: $19,490
To seed the start-up and work of a new social venture fund committed to transforming U.S. education through investments in tools, technologies and the development of a limited number of hybrid or blended learning laboratories
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $125,962
To fund several showcases of math and literacy tools across Kentucky districts and key constituents
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $47,902
To support the continued involvement of the Prichard Committee in the Mathematics Assessment for Learning district collaborative
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $291,070
To develop Literacy Design Collaborative expert teachers, develop courses in Kenton County, and build Literacy Design Collaborative understanding in other districts
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $100,000
To support an outreach campaign
Prince George's County Public Schools
Amount: $2,204,629
To support further refinement and implementation of a new teacher evaluation system
Public Broadcasting Service
Amount: $499,997
To create Digital Learning Objects (DLOs) that enhance middle school mathematics achievement
Public Education Network
Amount: $3,000,000
To implement a strategic plan focused on increasing minority and low-income student graduation rates and college and career readiness
Purdue University
Amount: $1,432,263
To further develop the Purdue Online Writing Lab and align its resources to the Common Core State Standards
Research Foundation of State University of New York
Amount: $19,000
To convene partner institutions in the Smart Scholars Early College High School Network
Research Foundation of the City University of New York
Amount: $3,016,874
To support implementation of a coordinated community partnership project to increase postsecondary completion rates
Research Foundation of the City University of New York
Amount: $2,102,230
To find evidence for effective interventions to support the strategic goal of building early momentum by testing if students maintain a steady, progressive pace through the first year of college they are more likely to complete a credential
Riverside Community College District
Amount: $3,029,582
To support implementation of a coordinated community partnership project to increase postsecondary completion rates
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $255,150
To support planning to improve California postsecondary attainment rates
Rodel Charitable Foundation DE
Amount: $27,945
To produce and disseminate a report that describes the work of Delaware and Tennessee to carry out their Race to the Top plans and what can be learned to help states that win second-round grants
SEED Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $75,970
To support the development of a cross-sector plan that represent new levels of collaboration between one or more districts and the SEED School, a leading CMO in Washington D.C., and Baltimore
Saint Paul Public Schools
Amount: $499,989
To translate a common set of content standards into meaningful classroom practices that improve student performance and college readiness
School District of Philadelphia
Amount: $500,000
To support the implementation of the Common Core State Standards and the alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment
SchoolSeed Foundation
Amount: $150,000
To disseminate Memphis City Schools' progress and lessons learned regarding current teacher effectiveness work and to access other practitioners' insights about their work
Seattle Foundation
Amount: $1,966,937
To implement Adult Basic Education and community-based organization pathways to college completion in Washington state
Southeastern Council of Foundations, Inc.
Amount: $7,500
To support a pre-conference session at the Southeastern Council of Foundations' Annual Meeting for secondary and post-secondary education funders to share learnings
Southern Regional Education Board
Amount: $244,924
To support a planning process that identifies potential work to support states and districts in the development and use of teacher support tools
Stand for Children Leadership Center
Amount: $3,476,300
To support education reforms, training, technical assistance, and tools designed to increase teacher effectiveness
Stanford University
Amount: $1,432,966
To support a project to bring together a diverse group of postsecondary researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to examine the public policies that shape incentives for postsecondary institutions. Stanford University will develop a series of white papers on institutional practices and promote and distribute findings. All papers will build awareness and engage partners specifically at an institutional and policy-making level around effective strategies to scale and implement to reduce cost and increase quality of postsecondary education.
Teach for America, Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To support the 20th Anniversary Summit
Teach for America, Inc.
Amount: $150,000
To support Teach For America in Albuquerque, collaborating with Albuquerque Public Schools around teacher development and alumni leadership opportunities, and lowering barriers to school leadership
Tennessee Association of Business Foundation
Amount: $274,500
To develop and implement a statewide effort of business leaders and employers to champion the need for increased college completion rates
Tennessee Board of Regents
Amount: $96,640
To support a plan to increase college attainment rates significantly in Tennessee
Tennessee Board of Regents
Amount: $200,000
To support efforts to improve Tennessee's statewide community college system
Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Amount: $1,000,000
To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education
Amount: $75,000
For general operating support
Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education
Amount: $300,250
To support a statewide advocacy coalition on teacher effectiveness and college readiness
Texas Charter Schools Association
Amount: $650,000
For general operating support
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Amount: $1,000,000
To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
The University of the State of New York
Amount: $892,500
To support planning for the implementation of the Common Core State Standards in New York State
Trustees of Indiana University
Amount: $195,967
To support further development and scaling of Atlantis Remixed - an online, multi-player, game-based learning environment
Tulsa Public Schools
Amount: $1,500,000
To support the development of a fair and reliable evaluation tool to identify effective teachers
U.S. Education Delivery Institute, Inc.
Amount: $3,249,835
To support the launch of the United States Education Delivery Institute, a new organization dedicated to building public education capacity to implement plans to increase college readiness and post secondary completion rates nationally
United Federation of Teachers Educational Foundation Inc.
Amount: $30,250
To fund a teacher professional development project that will utilize video to create a portfolio of professional practice, enhance practice and align professional development with the needs of educators
United Way of Southern Cameron County
Amount: $99,935
To support a coordinated community partnership to increase postsecondary completion rates
University System of Georgia Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $250,000
To provide the Alliance of Education Agency Heads in Georgia with capacity building and strategy support
University of Georgia
Amount: $370,938
To support NSC curriculum build-out for Georgia district trainings
University of Puget Sound
Amount: $10,000
To support the 2010 National Race & Pedagogy Conference
University of Washington
Amount: $600,000
To support ongoing research on the most prominent portfolio districts, which include New York, New Orleans, Chicago, Denver, and DC, and a national network of districts that are adopting all or key parts of the portfolio strategy
Uplift Education
Amount: $75,000
To support the development of a cross-sector plan that represents new levels of collaboration between Uplift, a high-performing CMO, and Dallas ISD, along with other partners
Washington Regional Association Of Grantmakers
Amount: $10,500
To support Washington Regional Association Of Grantmakers through annual membership dues
West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission
Amount: $1,000,000
To support state efforts to significantly increase college completion and close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations
Amount: $400,000
To expand the Reading Apprenticeship model of academic literacy instruction with English Language Learners
Western Governors University
Amount: $750,000
To charter a new postsecondary education institution
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Amount: $1,500,000
To support state efforts in establishing and using longitudinal data systems and to prepare projections of high school graduates for key stakeholders
Worcester Public Schools
Amount: $312,266
To participate in Literacy Design Collaborative and support related module development, teacher professional development, project coordination, and research and validation work
AARP Foundation
Amount: $374,000
To assess state specific labor shortages by specific industry to get state specific media attention to issue
Achieve Minneapolis
Amount: $74,963
To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds
Achievement First Inc.
Amount: $998,221
To support broader and richer measures of teacher effectiveness and help build out a teacher evaluation and compensation system
Alliance for Excellent Education Inc.
Amount: $551,336
To grow support for the common core standards initiative
American Association of Community Colleges
Amount: $500,000
To support the development of a Voluntary Framework of Accountability that will allow community colleges to track progress and set benchmarks for achievement of college completion
American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation
Amount: $250,000
To support the work of a teacher evaluation task force
American Federation Of Teachers Educational Foundation
Amount: $1,000,000
To support teacher-and union-led reform efforts to improve public education and raise student achievement
Arkansas Department of Education
Amount: $300,000
To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level and a representative sample of districts
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $3,878,680
To continue support for Human Capital Framework, Senior Congressional Staff Network, and the Urban Superintendents Network to address common issues of teacher effectiveness, standards, and assessments
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $51,500
To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds
Association of Community College Trustees
Amount: $3,050,366
To develop a completion-focused leadership institute for community college trustees to improve student completion through policy change, using data-driven decision making and aligning college priorities and mission toward student success
Austin Voices for Education and Youth
Amount: $93,000
To support continued community engagement in the district's college and career readiness efforts
Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Amount: $993,219
To prepare the Recovery School District to apply performance management practices for school and district improvement statewide
Battelle For Kids
Amount: $50,000
To support a national conference on existing efforts to create differentiated compensation systems for teachers based on performance
Bridgespan Group, Inc.
Amount: $2,237,530
To support business planning for education organizations
Brookings Institution
Amount: $350,000
To enable availability and strengthen the quality of workforce and labor market statistics, and connect them to longitudinal higher education data at the federal level
Business Higher Education Forum
Amount: $417,517
To explore the STEM model developed by systems engineers at Raytheon that provides policymakers, researchers, and funders with a predictive modeling tool for understanding the impact of interventions on student outcomes in STEM
Butte Community College Foundation
Amount: $250,000
To support a project in California community colleges that streamlines variation in individual college placement assessments and provides a mechanism to college student placement data, seeking to reduce the costs to colleges for placement testing
CELT Corporation
Amount: $3,058,313
To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level
Cabrillo College Foundation
Amount: $2,734,737
To support and scale an intensive educational model that accelerates developmental education, moves students directly into college-credit courses, and overcomes the barriers of the digital divide and low expectations
California Polytechnic State University Foundation
Amount: $300,000
To inform and drive (1) design of a California STEM Innovation Network; and (2) development of a blueprint for STEM education reform and advocacy
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Amount: $277,560
To support the initial design phase of a research project aimed at improving student success in developmental math at community college
Carnegie Mellon University
Amount: $2,499,901
To expand and scale the adoption of successful interactive courses that blend a digital tutor with live instruction for high-enrollment, low-success community college courses
Center for American Progress
Amount: $800,000
To enhance degree completion for low-income young adults through the publishing of new policy papers, stakeholder engagement, and media outreach
Center for Energy Workforce Development
Amount: $300,000
To evaluate the readiness of state energy consortiums for scaling Get Into Energy education-career pathways
Center for Law and Social Policy
Amount: $1,500,000
To create a policy center dedicated to promoting federal and state policies that help underrepresented students earn marketable postsecondary credentials
Center on Education Policy
Amount: $1,047,928
To track state progress on adoption/implementation of college-ready standards and aligned assessment through an annual public report
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
Amount: $106,068
To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools
City and County of San Francisco
Amount: $227,035
To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates
City of New Haven
Amount: $82,500
To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds
City of Phoenix
Amount: $245,764
To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates
College Entrance Examination Board
Amount: $675,000
To continue work related to the Rethinking Student Aid project, develop policy and advocacy work related to transfer of credit issues for community college students, and research on effective retention practices for low-income students on college
College Summit Inc
Amount: $1,470,457
To ensure that the National Student Clearinghouse state pilot next generation reports are designed to be actionable for school leaders and to provide the supports to help translate the information into action
College-Ready Promise
Amount: $25,085,998
To support the College Ready Promise as part of a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students
College-Ready Promise
Amount: $75,000
To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds
Committee for Economic Development
Amount: $597,077
To empower business leaders to be active and inform participants in efforts to reform human capital policies in education through the Human Resources in Education project
Common Core Inc.
Amount: $550,844
To develop K-10 ELA curriculum aligned to the Common Core standards under development by CCSSO and NGA
Communities Foundation of Texas
Amount: $330,315
To to support strategic planning process for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc
Amount: $476,610
To increase district and school access to National Student Clearinghouse data and reports for analysis and review leading to school level engagement in reviewing and providing feedback, and participation in related professional development
Complete College America Inc
Amount: $8,299,718
To cultivate leadership and build consensus to dramatically improve college completion rates, particularly for low-income youth
Complete College America Inc
Amount: $942,601
To support a project aimed at supporting state efforts to develop and implement policies on college completion
Conference Board, Inc.
Amount: $380,000
To gauge how much business sees raising the skill and attainment level of low-income young adults via post-secondary certifications and degrees as a critical solution to workforce readiness to result in a pressure tested actionable business case
Corporate Voices for Working Families Inc
Amount: $415,000
To test whether early scaling of learn and earn models across similar employers is an effective tactic that should be relied upon to further the goals of postsecondary completion and labor market attachment
Corps Network
Amount: $191,501
To define and map the multiple pathways that lead to green credentials that have value in the labor market
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $9,961,842
To increase the leadership capacity of chiefs by focusing on standards and assessments, data systems, educator development and determining a new system of supports for student learning
Cristo Rey Network
Amount: $149,733
To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools
DC Public Education Fund
Amount: $2,184,938
To design and build an innovative professional development platform to provide individualized, robust, and teacher-centered support to teachers at all levels of performance
Denver School of Science and Technology Inc
Amount: $36,018
To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools
Downtown Community Television Center
Amount: $113,000
To elevate the profile of community college students through video shorts
E3 Alliance
Amount: $56,245
To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds
Editorial Projects in Education Inc
Amount: $2,597,280
To support capacity building efforts
Education Development Center, Inc.
Amount: $1,224,953
To develop a new handheld game and a new strand of research that specifically targets the needs of struggling middle grades readers
Education Equality Project Inc.
Amount: $100,000
To support a convening in Washington, D.C.
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $2,039,526
To develop a set of open-source literacy courses that align to the Common Core State Standard
Education Writers Association
Amount: $110,000
To support media coverage of the education components of American Recovery and Reconstruction Act through the construction and maintenance of the Stimulus Tracker website
Educational Policy Improvement Center
Amount: $978,105
To validate a priority set of standards that define college readiness
Excelencia in Education
Amount: $600,000
To bring the issue of Latino college degree completion to the forefront of public attention and to equip higher education stakeholders with strategies to accelerate Latino college degree completion
FSG, Inc.
Amount: $50,000
To organize an event to be held at Stanford that will bring together school district leaders, charter management leaders, philanthropic funders, policy makers, and education entrepreneurs
Florida Department of Education
Amount: $300,000
To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level and a representative sample of districts
Florida Department of Education
Amount: $354,752
To increase district and school access to National Student Clearinghouse data and reports leading to school engagement in reviewing and providing feedback and participation in related professional development
Florida State College at Jacksonville
Amount: $250,000
To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates
Friendship Public Charter School
Amount: $937,088
To support the School Partnership initiative to turnaround failing schools
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $455,394
To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools
Fund for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $2,722,939
To participate in the Measures of Effective Teaching project, research related to the support of effective teaching practices
Gateway to College National Network
Amount: $7,275,317
To replicate and develop new Gateway to College sites, develop the Developmental Education Model in community colleges, and to provide continuous improvement policy development in focus states
Georgia Department of Education
Amount: $300,000
To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level and a representative sample of districts
Gifts to Share Inc.
Amount: $51,700
To support a summit that will drive change and progress in Sacramento schools through a community-wide dialogue about how the city's leaders and the community can support the dramatic improvement of its public education system
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Amount: $68,500
To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds
Hamilton County Department of Education
Amount: $74,800
To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools
Harvard University
Amount: $1,000,000
To apply an R&D model to education to unearth root causes of performance gaps
Harvard University
Amount: $23,239,450
To improve student outcomes through strategic use of district, state and CMO data through data assembly, performance diagnostics, and placement of strategic data fellows to aid leadership decision making
Harvard University
Amount: $91,300
To support a three-day conference that is focused on what teachers and their supervisors do to successfully improve instruction in secondary schools
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Amount: $80,870,000
To support Hillsborough County as part of a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students
Hillsborough County Public Schools
Amount: $2,502,146
To participate in the Measures of Effective Teaching project, research related to the support of effective teaching practices
Hillsborough Educational Foundation Inc
Amount: $60,000
To support communications for effective teaching intensive partnership announcement in Hillsborough
Houston Independent School District
Amount: $1,038,304
To fund, accelerate, and enhance Houston Indpendent School District's teacher effectiveness model
IB Fund US Inc
Amount: $2,423,679
To support the development of an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program assessment
Institute For Higher Education Policy
Amount: $1,583,434
To support policy research, the Pathways to College Network, and strategic planning efforts
Institute for College Access and Success
Amount: $2,536,609
To capacity building efforts and to design and prepare campus-based pilots for implementation
Institute for a Competitive Workforce
Amount: $653,077
To provide K-12 and post-secondary stimulus-related information to business leaders and Chamber executives, and to support the Coalition for Student Achievement's work to keep ARRA education dollars and guidance focused on school reform
Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
Amount: $30,000
To support a K-20 education focused conference aimed at facilitating the creation of new ideas and the deployment of existing ideas not yet scaled
Interfaith Education Fund, Inc.
Amount: $1,403,798
To scale supported labor market intermediaries in Texas, and support college completion messaging and advocacy
James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $5,549,352
To provide state-level policy and communications support to states seeking to rapidly implement the Common Core
KIPP Foundation
Amount: $468,500
To support development and roll-out of a platform (KIPPShare) to allow for improved sharing, collaboration, and networking across regions within the KIPP Network, including knowledge sharing with access to a video library and teacher tools
L.U.L.A.C. Institute, Inc.
Amount: $595,627
To participate in the Campaign for High School Equity (CHSE) Coalition and raise public awareness to issues and solutions for improving graduation and college readiness of students of color
LEV Foundation
Amount: $1,500,000
To support the research, public engagement, policy development and coalition work in early learning, college ready and postsecondary
Leadership Conference Education Fund, Inc.
Amount: $375,030
To support the Campaign for High School Equity
League For Innovation in the Community College
Amount: $3,645,462
For the development and incubation of a scalable pedagogy and curriculum that sharply improves the basic skills pass rate of community college students by providing a unique approach to community college basic skills reform
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Amount: $950,000
To catalyze a more functional tax-exempt bond market for high-performing, creditworthy charter schools
Louisiana Department of Education
Amount: $224,000
To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level and a representative sample of districts
Amount: $432,898
To support a second phase of development of the North Carolina STEM Community Collaborative
MDC, Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To create a business plan for the next phase of MDC's organizational development and to develop an implementation plan for MDC's proposed postsecondary success work in the South
Manufacturing Institute
Amount: $1,500,000
To implement postsecondary education and career pathways built on the National Association of Manufacturing's 'Manufacturing Skills Certification System', preparing low income young adults for family-sustaining entry-level jobs
Maricopa County Community College District
Amount: $250,000
To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Amount: $400,000
To continue participation in Campaign for High School Equity
Midwestern Higher Education Commission
Amount: $100,000
To support a planning project
Minnesota Public Radio
Amount: $651,768
To strengthen the quality and quantity of reporting on issues related to the nation's low college completion rates
Monterey Institute For Technology and Education
Amount: $4,988,835
To integrate the latest developments in cognitive and learning science and technology to develop and scale more effective developmental math course products
Monterey Institute For Technology and Education
Amount: $509,444
To support a planning project to (1) develop effective, online instructional materials for postsecondary developmental math courses and (2) construct a business plan to ensure distribution, scaling, and sustainability of these materials
NEA Foundation for the Improvement of Education
Amount: $358,915
To support training for local NEA affiliates to take on a leadership role in improving teaching practice and student achievement in their districts
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools
Amount: $500,000
To provide general operating support for continued growth of the charter industry
National Association of State Boards of Education
Amount: $450,675
To convene regional meetings of policymakers and leaders to increase member knowledge around the common core standards
National Center for Academic Transformation Inc.
Amount: $2,306,961
To improve student outcomes and reduce instruction costs by modularizing developmental math course sequences through the use of information technology by scaling a redesigned developmental math course sequences in community colleges nationwide
National Center for Higher Education Management Systems
Amount: $500,000
To fund research about effective state policies for adults re-entering postsecondary education, identification of effective states, technical assistance and identification of better data points to scope this population
National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment Inc.
Amount: $672,076
To guide and inform the status of assessment tools and resources
National Center on Education & the Economy
Amount: $1,500,000
To plan for the expansion of board examination systems in a subset of states
National Commission on Teachings & America's Future
Amount: $221,755
To analyze national, state, and district retirement and pension data and policies
National Congress of Parents and Teachers
Amount: $2,000,000
To support implementation of a strategic plan for national PTAs to promote college-readiness, and higher student performance outcomes
National Council of La Raza
Amount: $396,262
To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools
National Council of La Raza
Amount: $931,137
To support National Council of La Raza's national education policy advocacy efforts
National Council on Teacher Quality
Amount: $2,565,641
To improve transparency and district practices around collective bargaining and state policy related to human capital
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices
Amount: $512,197
To build capacity and awareness among governors around postsecondary goals
National Indian Education Association
Amount: $520,446
To continue participation in Campaign for High School Equity
National League of Cities Institute
Amount: $2,655,941
To support teams of municipal leaders, community colleges and other postsecondary institutions, and other partners in selected communities in efforts to increase postsecondary credential completion among low-income young adults
National Summer Learning Association
Amount: $400,366
To conduct research and plan for 8th to 9th grade transition programs in partnership with three school districts
National Urban League Inc
Amount: $800,000
To more effectively leverage its affiliate network, introduce common (national) policy goals and objectives, and involve local and state NUL leaders in the national federal advocacy work of the Campaign for High School Equity
Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To lead a four-state effort to better align state, district, and local education policies
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $246,070
To develop an application for federal funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), centering on an innovation-driven effort to scale high-performing charter management organizations
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $250,000
To support a cohort-based leadership program focused on cultivating and supporting entrepreneurial leaders in education
New Schools for New Orleans Inc
Amount: $100,000
To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds
New Schools for New Orleans Inc
Amount: $50,000
To support the New Orleans Learning Opportunity conference
New Teacher Center
Amount: $494,933
To support a research project focusing on the relationship between working conditions as reported by the teachers and teacher retention and the relationship between working conditions as reported by the teachers and student academic achievement
New Teacher Project, Inc.
Amount: $7,000,000
To support a program aimed at improving the overall effectiveness of teachers
New Venture Fund
Amount: $2,736,543
To develop and administer a process to provide technical assistance to qualifying states for their Race to the Top applications
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $70,116
To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds
New York City Charter School Center
Amount: $38,114
To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds
Ohio Department of Education
Amount: $300,000
To develop and implement a model common definition of teacher of record and standard business process for linking and validating teacher and student data at the SEA level and a representative sample of districts
P A S T Foundation
Amount: $50,000
To support a student conference that provides the opportunity for students to share STEM projects with one another
Partnership for Learning
Amount: $643,881
To design and launch a statewide Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) initiative for Washington State
Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement
Amount: $46,000
To support development of a white paper and conference focused on expansion of civic pathways out of poverty in the United States
Pittsburgh Public Schools
Amount: $32,975,000
To support Pittsburgh Public Schools as part of a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low income, minority students
Pollinate Ventures
Amount: $345,294
To provide strategic and investment support to organizations that develop and deploy highly effective and efficient models of learning by creating hybrid learning environments in existing and new public schools
Portland Public Schools
Amount: $10,000
For conference support
Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence
Amount: $599,016
To participate in the implementation of the Math Design Collaborative tools
Public Agenda Foundation, Inc.
Amount: $215,000
To explore the aspirations and expectations of public school teachers, with a concentration on those teachers under 30 years old
Public Education Network
Amount: $1,001,363
To support the launch of a new strategy aimed at increasing the number of students graduating from high school college- and career-ready
Recovery School District
Amount: $1,004,719
To support a comprehensive analysis of the district's human capital practices and policies
Regents University Of California Los Angeles
Amount: $4,342,988
To support formative assessment data collection, task analyses, and implementation
Regents University Of California Los Angeles
Amount: $576,191
To develop a conceptual platform for college readiness
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Amount: $205,777
To support a series of meetings to engage key stakeholders from business, government, philanthropy, K-12, the STEM research community, and higher education throughout the state
Research Foundation of the City University of New York
Amount: $233,126
To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates
Research Foundation of the City University of New York
Amount: $1,120,515
To support the development of implementation plans for a new City University of New York community college that would employ a combination of innovative program design, curricular, student support, and labor market connection models with the explicit goal of increasing Associate's degree completion, successful transfer, and connection to high-quality employment for New York City's diverse and frequently low-income population
Riverside Community College District
Amount: $153,496
To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates
Roads to Success Inc.
Amount: $430,000
To support the development of a middle and high school advisory program curriculum
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $2,119,298
To build support for policies that increase the number of students graduating from high school ready for postsecondary opportunities
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $3,487,270
To mount and support public education and advocacy campaigns
Scholastic Inc.
Amount: $2,228,816
To fund the development of a diagnostic tool that helps teachers assess students' needs
School District of Philadelphia
Amount: $74,219
To support coalitions of districts, charter, and/or nonprofits to develop strong, cross-sector proposals for the Investing in Innovation stimulus fund and other competitive Federal funds
Seattle Foundation
Amount: $745,114
To design and demonstrate new postsecondary completion strategies for low-skilled working adults with phase II recommendations for taking the successful programs to scale and linking them to homeless families
Shelby County Schools
Amount: $84,500,000
To support Memphis City Schools as part of a cohort of Intensive Partnership Sites to improve teacher effectiveness to transform outcomes for low-income, minority students
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Amount: $300,000
To support the Global Education Leaders' Program, education system leaders working to equip students with 21st century knowledge and skills
Sinclair Community College
Amount: $250,000
To support coordinated community partnerships to increase postsecondary completion rates
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center
Amount: $425,000
To participate in the Campaign for High School Equity
Stanford University
Amount: $1,389,539
To expand the FAFSA Experiment, a project designed to help families complete the federal financial aid form
Stanford University
Amount: $3,000,000
To research a target group of low-income students who are very high-achieving in high school but who tend to have weak college-related outcomes, which will specifically test several interventions designed to help students negotiate the college application process, the financial aid system, and the financial/job-related issues likely to arise when students are in college
StartL Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To support acceleration of early stage learning technologies
StartL Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To support acceleration of early stage learning technologies
Teach for America, Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
To support bringing low-income and minority students in Teach for America (TFA) classrooms to proficiency
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $652,493
To support the development of high quality education coverage in the nation's leading newspapers and magazines
Teachers College, Columbia University
Amount: $5,162,327
To provide a rigorous research base and body of evidence to support higher success and accelerated progression for low income young adults in community colleges
Texas Charter Schools Association
Amount: $250,000
For general operating support
Texas Public Education Reform Foundation
Amount: $75,000
To support two major conferences of statewide interest and importance: The 2009 Statewide Education Summit and the 2008 Legislative Briefing
Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Amount: $959,116
To review the common core standards and develop supportive materials
Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Amount: $398,534
To support the PIE Network which brings together policy research groups and state-level education advocacy organizations to advance equity, improve student achievement, share best practices and capture lessons learned
Tides Center
Amount: $750,000
To support National Lab Day, when current and potential stakeholders gather to innovate in STEM with the goals of increasing student college readiness, and linkages among the STEM and education community
Tides Center
Amount: $4,104,654
To improve the success and impact of the Completion by Design project with support, planning, and implementation of a technical assistance group providing expertise in community college reform implementation to the state-based intermediaries
Tiger Woods Foundation Inc
Amount: $200,000
To support the development of a STEM program model that works with school districts to improve teacher training, accelerate student learning and increase engagement of disadvantaged students in STEM areas
United Way Inc
Amount: $1,000,330
To engage business, philanthropic and community leaders to achieve a common vision and develop complimentary strategies around public education reform
University of California - Berkeley
Amount: $2,999,730
To support development and adaptation of science and literacy/writing formative assessment tasks
University of California - Berkeley
Amount: $5,901,503
To produce and field test high quality mathematics formative assessments
University of Texas at Austin - Charles A. Dana Center
Amount: $1,235,787
To support the development and expansion of an open-access online resource for the Academic Youth Development program
University of Washington
Amount: $995,904
To support the assessment and effectiveness of a project-based learning approach to Advanced Placement courses
University of Wisconsin
Amount: $1,156,020
To support evaluation of randomized trial examining the effects of need-based aid on completion
University of Wisconsin
Amount: $50,000
For general operating support of the Institute for Research on Poverty
University of the State of New York
Amount: $6,000,000
To establish regionally selected Early College High Schools (ECHS) throughout New York State
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
Amount: $5,239,758
To fund four components to improve access and completion of higher education for low income young adults in Washington State: Online Course Access and Success, Developmental Math Reform, I-BEST, and the Washington Achievement Initiative
Washington State Commission on African American Affairs
Amount: $189,275
To African-American, Latino/Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander communities supporting high-value, high-impact education reforms in Washington state
Western Governors University
Amount: $1,200,000
To research the effectiveness of technology-mediated learning and competency-based degrees, identify interventions that improve success rates for low-income young adults, and advocate for efforts addressing these issues
Year Up, Inc.
Amount: $209,079
To support young adult success and improve post secondary outcomes for low income young adults
ACT, Inc
Amount: $300,000
To explore the impact of various teacher-level characteristics on student achievement
Advance Illinois NFP
Amount: $1,800,000
To promote policies to create a world-class education system in Illinois
Alliance for Education
Amount: $6,929,430
To support the college-ready curriculum, assessments, data and advocacy elements of Seattle Public Schools' strategic plan
Alliance for Education
Amount: $309,554
To bring targeted support to Seattle's highest need public schools
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $325,000
To commission papers and convene a working conference to document the educational reforms in NYC under the leadership of Mayor Bloomberg and Schools Chancellor Joel Klein to inform future educational improvement efforts in the city
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $150,000
To support a collaborative exchange between key districts in CA around strategies to improve instruction and outcomes for CA's growing English language learner population
American Youth Work Center
Amount: $750,000
To provide in-depth journalistic coverage of the efforts to expand post-secondary credentialing and employment and training activities for America's youth
Asia Society
Amount: $7,750,417
To expand the International Studies Schools Network schools planned for NY, CA, TX, WA, NC and Washington DC
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $300,000
To support the National Educational Excellence Summit
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $2,899,727
To fully implement an early college high school instructional program through creation of an integrated data system, development of course-specific teacher supports, and organization of additional student supports
Big Picture Company
Amount: $4,079,157
To strengthen peer-to-peer service structure, data collection and usage capabilities, and performance management systems; to support research on innovation
Brown University
Amount: $78,200
For conference support
Business Higher Education Forum
Amount: $910,000
To build capacity to support the development of a national STEM network and development of new data collection and analytical tools
Center for Law and Social Policy
Amount: $400,000
To establish the Center on Postsecondary and Economic Success and provide technical assistance to help post-secondary education state policy grantees
College Success Foundation
Amount: $1,053,150
To recruit low income 7th-9th grade students in WA State who qualify for the College Bound Scholarship program and influence those students' course taking patterns in preparation for college
College Summit Inc
Amount: $3,500,000
To build College Summit's Whole School Program to equip high schools to build college-ready culture from 9th to 12th grade
College Summit Inc
Amount: $1,300,000
To expand College Summit's 12th Grade Program to additional high schools in their existing program geographies and to explore College Summit's readiness to expand into several new geographies
College for All Texans Foundation: Closing the Gaps
Amount: $1,221,800
To fund strategic planning and research support aimed at improving of P-20 data infrastructure and data use among policy makers and practitioners
Communities Foundation of Texas
Amount: $2,901,632
To partner with the Big 8 Superintendents to advance the design and development of a comprehensive statewide P-16 data system that meets both policy/accountability needs and practice/end user needs
Communities Foundation of Texas
Amount: $2,046,674
To support a strategic planning process that will refine the mission, vision, values and operational needs of the Texas High School Project in its next stage of development
Corps Network
Amount: $750,000
To support development of a business plan and to support the Civic Justice Corps
Amount: $200,000
To support a comprehensive effort to use advocacy and communication to promote and support sustainable education improvements
Dallas Independent School District
Amount: $3,774,912
To support the design and roll-out of data systems to improve teaching and learning and build district capacity to use data as a tool to improve teaching, learning and college readiness
Demos: A Network for Ideas & Action
Amount: $600,000
To help build commitment for college completion by producing credible and powerful research, establishing strong networks of advocates, and employing sophisticated media and communications strategies
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Amount: $2,000,000
To develop a demonstration project that deepens the link between community revitalization and education reform in specific neighborhoods across New York City
Amount: $4,114,700
To implement a 'Double Your Impact' opportunity for the general public, offering to fund 50% of classroom projects on DonorsChoose.org that come from high-need and rural public high schools
E3 Alliance
Amount: $144,917
To support systemic regional education reform based on innovative community engagement and improved use of data-based decision making
EdVisions Inc
Amount: $1,118,424
To create a self-sustaining high school reform business through capacity building and organizational development
Educational Broadcasting Corp
Amount: $506,504
To support a national broadcast, designed to be a catalyst for serious discussion about the future of America's schools, supported by a robust, interactive Web site and outreach events around the country
Envision Education Inc
Amount: $300,000
To fund a study to follow Envision Schools' seniors into their post-secondary education to determine how well prepared they are for the rigor of their college-level work
Fund for Educational Excellence
Amount: $1,229,730
To initiate and ensure the on-going success of multiple strands of district reform initiatives in Baltimore City to increase college ready graduation rates
Fund for the City of New York, Inc.
Amount: $513,219
To support a fellowship and seminar program to inform and engage NYC immigrant, ethnic, and community press in public education reporting
Gateway to College National Network
Amount: $499,398
For capacity building
Georgetown University
Amount: $2,976,601
To support a project aligning education and training systems with career requirements to increase opportunity for low and moderate income youth
GreatSchools, Inc.
Amount: $6,550,516
To provide parents with easy to understand data and advice to help improve their child's ability to reach high standards
Harvard University
Amount: $550,000
To establish an innovative interdisciplinary doctoral program to prepare people for top leadership positions in American K-12 education
Harvard University
Amount: $90,000
To support a two day event that will focus on the practical challenges of raising achievement levels and narrowing gaps in school districts and solutions to those challenges distilled from research and practice
Harvard University
Amount: $60,614
To prepare and disseminate a User's Guide to PAR (Peer Assistance and Review), designed to be of practical use to policymakers, school officials, and union leaders
Harvard University
Amount: $1,961,932
To fund a four-year quantitative research grant to conduct a series of studies focused on how institutional practices and polices impact college enrollment and completion. Harvard University will use state and university administrative datasets from 5 states to examine three main objectives: (1) understand the underserved students in postsecondary schooling systems; (2) unearth the barriers that students face in accessing and succeeding in higher education; and (3) highlight the possible solutions and policy implications to improve collegiate outcomes. The project will produce a series of outputs, including journal articles, and less-technical pieces that target policy and practitioner audiences to build evidence of effective tools and practices and to fuel advocacy efforts to build awareness and engage partners in this work.
Higher Education Policy Institute
Amount: $5,384,226
To support new and on-going work of major higher education research and policy organization
IB Fund US Inc
Amount: $450,000
To support business planning to help investigate and devise solutions to increase access to and success with the IB Diploma Program for low-income students of color in the United States
Idea Public Schools
Amount: $3,498,875
To expand IDEA Public Schools in the Rio Grande Valley
Illinois State Board of Education
Amount: $225,000
To align the Illinois K-12 learning standards and assessments to college and work readiness standards
Impact Strategies, Inc.
Amount: $1,200,000
To support efforts to affirm the importance of post-secondary credentials for low-income and disconnected youth transitioning to adulthood across the multiple networks and learning communities
Innosight Institute Inc
Amount: $588,559
To establish Innosight Institute's Education Practice and share the organization's ideas with K-12 education policymakers and practitioners
Institute for Women's Policy Research
Amount: $187,475
To conduct a policy review and best practices analysis addressing obstacles to and opportunities for engagement in postsecondary education by low-income, young-adult, single parents
Jobs for America's Graduates, Inc.
Amount: $50,000
For conference support
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $3,690,595
To support capacity and accelerate scaling-up of postsecondary on-ramps and supports; and to deepen the knowledge and evidence base emerging from the Breaking Through initiative
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $490,021
To help build upon existing work in the urban core of Cincinnati to implement community engagement and communications work in Cincinnati Public Schools
Learning Point Associates
Amount: $879,868
To support research comparing for-profits and public two-year colleges on long-term labor market outcomes as well as specific program structuring and job placement practices
Library of Congress
Amount: $61,854
To host a meeting to examine K-12 education reform in the U.S., highlighting the importance of education as a focus for 2008 and beyond
Amount: $475,000
For general operational support
MDC, Inc.
Amount: $16,700,000
To build on the existing infastructure of Achieving the Dream, to launch large scale tests at both the institutional and state level to improve community college developmental education student success rates
Amount: $13,250,000
To support evaluations of three interventions that break the intergenerational transmission of poverty: Performance-Based Scholarships, Learning Communities and National Guard Youth Challenge
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools
Amount: $2,605,527
To build charter school 'industry' infrastructure including state organizations, human capital assessment (leadership and diversity)
National Council of La Raza
Amount: $600,000
To support capacity building in order to establish quality norms, formalize standard support systems, and define expectations for schools
National Student Clearinghouse
Amount: $792,216
To enhance the Nation's ability to track students from secondary education to post-secondary education and provide reports on the college access, retention, and completion of students at the local, district, state, and national level
National Youth Employment Coalition, Inc.
Amount: $5,664,306
To build the capacity of pilot sites to support formerly disconnected youth/young adults to attain a post-secondary credential
New Leaders Inc
Amount: $6,080,340
To build the pipeline of outstanding secondary school principals, and support secondary principals and their schools through the implementation of a secondary reform strategy
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $3,999,127
To develop instructional improvement platforms, formative assessment content, instructional resources and professional development
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $1,752,700
To manage and oversee the national CMO study, a major longitudinal research initiative
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $4,000,000
To support the DC Schools Fund, which will increase the number of high performing public schools, broaden effective support organizations, and build a constituency for reform in Washington, DC
New Technology Foundation
Amount: $496,776
To further support the development of the North Carolina New Technology High School network to sustain current progress and significantly improve college-ready graduation rates for low income and minority students
New York University
Amount: $2,999,960
To support The Research Alliance, which will provide internal and external researchers targeted research and data to support informed, data-driven decision making regarding how to educate students
Newark Charter School Fund, Inc.
Amount: $3,595,070
To invest in charter school development in Newark, New Jersey
North Carolina New Schools Project, Inc.
Amount: $1,612,877
To provide quality information to schools based on Cambridge School Quality Reviews, build capacity through an executive coaching process and align work of instructional coaches to SQR data
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Amount: $75,000
For conference support to help Washington high schools meet the challenges of the state graduation requirements for the class of 2008
Ohio Business Alliance for Higher Education and the Economy
Amount: $500,000
For general operational support
Ohio Department of Education
Amount: $1,175,000
To support a project that will focus on key areas of the systemic education reform recommended by the 2006 policy study entitled Creating a World-Class Education System in Ohio conducted by Achieve, Inc
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Amount: $105,000
To advance education advocacy efforts in the state of Ohio
Ounce of Prevention Fund
Amount: $305,719
To support a research project
Pacific Institute For Community Organizations
Amount: $1,600,000
To support a statewide effort to increase college ready graduation rates and to increase local and state capacity to use data to improve outcomes for all students
Partnership For Los Angeles Schools
Amount: $1,200,000
To strengthen the performance culture of the Partnerships' schools through use of data to improve students' transitions into high school and college-ready conditions
Princeton University
Amount: $1,099,487
To support research and test whether the incentive built into the scholarships induces students to exert more effort in their studies
Princeton University
Amount: $892,121
To support the production, dissemination, and outreach activities for four volumes of The Future of Children focused on disadvantaged young adults
Proforum d/b/a National Superintendents Roundtable
Amount: $30,000
To support a conference for school superintendents from across the nation titled 'School Leadership and the American Future'
Project GRAD
Amount: $2,025,892
To launch and pilot Project Grad's National College Readiness Initiative targeting low-income students in Atlanta Public Schools with a specific focus on 8th and 9th grade transition model development
Public Agenda
Amount: $584,954
To support a project examining the reasons why young adults do not pursue postsecondary education
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Amount: $231,382
To convene a series of Progressive Dialogues with major stakeholders in New York State to discuss ways to improve K-12 STEM education
Schott Foundation For Public Education
Amount: $750,000
To establish the Black Male Donor Collaborative to reduce the academic achievement gap of black males in New York City through support of program, research and policies interventions
SeaChange Capital Partners, Inc.
Amount: $4,000,000
To help build organizational capacity and for 'catalyst' funds to help accelerate the ramp-up to philanthropic capital-raising and grant-making
Seattle Biomedical Research Institute
Amount: $500,000
To increase student awareness of global health issues and inspire them to enter global health fields
Seattle Foundation
Amount: $1,181,375
To support the Philanthropic Partnership for Public Education (Seattle Public Schools)
Street Schools Network
Amount: $742,223
To implement data collection systems and stronger college and career readiness/transition plans and practices across the NASS network in support of improved student outcomes and systems for sustainability
Target Area Development Corporation
Amount: $725,000
To prepare parents and students to be advocates for quality school reform in Illinois
Teach for America, Inc.
Amount: $1,465,000
To prepare to validate Teach For America's Teaching As Leadership rubric
Team Pennsylvania Foundation
Amount: $150,000
To host the 2008 NGA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia
Texas Public Education Reform Foundation
Amount: $75,000
To support two major conferences of statewide interest and importance: The 2009 Statewide Education Summit and the 2008 Legislative Briefing
Texas Valley Communities Foundation
Amount: $546,864
To lay the advocacy groundwork for college readiness by creating a structure that informs and engages the community, builds a strong base of diverse supporters, and regrants funds to local grassroots organizations
The Washington State Board of Education
Amount: $850,000
To provide education policymakers with well researched policy options for revising the state's high school graduation requirements and developing a statewide system of accountability for K-12
Third Sector New England, Inc.
Amount: $3,179,363
To allow Diploma Plus, an alternative high school model, to expand and deepen the impact of its networks of schools through intensified focus on student achievement, use of data to improve practice, and development of organizational capacity
Twenty First Century Foundation
Amount: $302,425
To create a documentary film featuring prominent black men who are asked what it takes to bring your 'A' game, pursue academic excellence, and improve graduation rates
University of California - Berkeley
Amount: $437,807
To provide support for Alignment Institute work under the American Diploma Project in California
University of California, Los Angeles
Amount: $498,724
To support a long term plan for a comprehensive evaluation of Green Dot's Locke High School Transformation project in Los Angeles
University of California, Los Angeles
Amount: $920,000
To help English learner students by increasing their English language and content achievement and by building teacher capacity through an effective curriculum/PD module
University of California, Los Angeles
Amount: $6,853,578
To conduct a research project focusing on low-income young adults' relationships with the postsecondary field
University of California, Los Angeles
Amount: $920,000
To help English learner students by increasing their English language and content achievement and by building teacher capacity through an effective curriculum/PD module
University of Chicago
Amount: $3,000,000
To support the the capacity building of the Consortium on Chicago School Research
University of Chicago - Urban Education Institute
Amount: $1,894,228
To develop a social support network and advisory curriculum for supporting students with high school, college, and career planning
University of Washington
Amount: $15,461
To provide a seminar for the Washington Association of Colleges of Teacher Education to provide training on assessment tools for measuring teacher quality to inform the development of a statewide system
University of Wisconsin
Amount: $1,000,000
To launch a taskforce and network of leading edge practitioners to redesign human capital management systems for the teachers, principals, and other leaders in the largest public school districts in the United States
Urban Teacher Residency United Inc
Amount: $328,000
To support the first year of the Residency for Residencies Program, a 2-year cohort-based program that provides urban cities and districts with guidance, feedback, and critical partnerships at all stages of program
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Amount: $212,150
To convene a meeting of state leaders to assist them in constructing longitudinal data systems that link education and workforce data for better public policy development and analysis
Workforce Strategy Center
Amount: $208,900
To research effective employer engagement models throughout the US, with an emphasis on those efforts targeted at low income young adults, and to produce a report that includes an employer engagement typology based on this research
YouthBuild USA, Inc.
Amount: $7,298,763
To support a small cohort of programs to test and institutionalize a comprehensive set of interventions that will ensure high rates of post-secondary credentialing, enrollment and attainment among low-income youth who have dropped out of school
Academy for Urban School Leadership
Amount: $10,355,535
To improve AUSL's capacity to open, operate, restructure and fix failed Chicago Public Schools
Albany Park Neighborhood Council
Amount: $1,600,000
To support the Chicago High School Organizing Project to reduce the high school drop out rate and increase college enrollment rates through curriculum and college prep reforms
Alliance for a Better Community
Amount: $1,550,160
To create a network of Education Collaboratives across Los Angeles that will monitor implementation of A-G policy at LAUSD by engaging parents and students in policy and advocacy efforts around this issue
American Institute for Social Justice Inc
Amount: $900,000
To support the Great Schools NOW campaign
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $297,045
To carry out a study of state systems of support for low-performing schools in several states, with data collection at state, district, and school levels
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $881,000
To review available evidence on factors affecting the recruitment, assignment and retention of high quality teachers and school leaders and develop models of reform for human resource management strategies in education
Asia Society
Amount: $2,084,567
To build capacity of Asia Society's International Studies Schools Network through increasing staff capacity, developing products and services and strengthening sustainability
Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund
Amount: $250,000
For general operating support to build capacity for partnering with UNCF on the GMS program
Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans
Amount: $888,638
To strengthen the agency's leadership and financial capacity and launch the first stage of the replication, in Houston, of the George I. Sanchez alternative high schools
Atlanta Education Fund Inc
Amount: $300,000
To create public perception and satisfaction surveys, high school scorecards, and a robust community engagement strategy supporting these efforts
Austin Area Urban League Inc
Amount: $531,131
To support the implementation of a comprehensive community engagement campaign, to provide independent, authentic community info and feedback to both BMGF and Austin ISD as it undertakes a high school redesign
Austin Community College Foundation
Amount: $179,482
To better engage the community and align its resources around systemic education reform, and to provide a review of engagement strategies that can be replicated to other U.S. regions
Austin Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce Foundation
Amount: $334,610
To facilitate the development and implementation of a community engagement plan to generate understanding and support among the Hispanic community for Austin ISD's High School Redesign Initiative
Austin Voices for Education and Youth
Amount: $200,800
To strengthen the high school redesign process in Austin
Avid Center
Amount: $442,884
To implement the AVID program in high schools in the New York City Public School system
Battelle Memorial Institute
Amount: $11,750,000
To launch and connect STEM platform schools, build a network-based education innovation infrastructure, and drive scaleable and sustainable STEM schools and innovations
Boston Plan for Excellence in the Public Schools Foundation
Amount: $341,000
To support a business planning engagement for the Boston Teacher Residency Program, an alternative teacher and certification program in Boston
Bridgespan Group, Inc.
Amount: $10,562,800
To develop business plans with grantees and engage grantees to refresh certain other existing plans
Bridgespan Group, Inc.
Amount: $3,500,000
To support its capacity building efforts
California Charter Schools Association
Amount: $1,500,000
To implement the California Charter Schools Association's strategic plan to support and expand California's quality public charter school movement
Case Western Reserve University
Amount: $1,141,751
To identify ways to help high school students overcome the complexity of the FAFSA and enroll in postsecondary education
Case Western Reserve University
Amount: $119,823
To pilot a new intervention method that simplifies the application process for federal financial aid to improve college access for low-income families
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
Amount: $1,475,261
To support the project management needs and the data-informed instruction needs of several high schools in the designated 'Achievement Zone'
Charter Fund Inc dba Charter School Growth Fund
Amount: $10,000,000
For central development support, building a portfolio of high quality charter operators, and assisting those operators in producing new, permanent seats for underserved families
Chicago Public Schools
Amount: $1,123,216
To support planning and early implementation to address off-track and out-of-school youth
College for All Texans Foundation: Closing the Gaps
Amount: $1,137,632
To develop a regional community engagement model around P-16 alignment; facilitated jointly by regional K-12, higher education, business, and community leaders
Community Foundation For The National Capital Region
Amount: $999,698
To create a movement for change, led by parents, youth, community advocates, and educators committed to doubling college ready graduation rates in the District of Columbia
Community Initiatives
Amount: $484,948
To frame the All Kids College Ready agenda in California through strengthening collaborations across constituency groups and advancing foundational improvements to the state's education system
EdVisions Inc
Amount: $152,900
For general operating support
Education Resource Strategies, Inc.
Amount: $2,540,301
To create tools that will document and automate ERS methods for analyzing school district resource use in order increase reach and impact with urban districts
Education Trust
Amount: $7,750,000
To ensure that all students in California graduate college and work ready, and that the state invests and targets the necessary resources to get them there
Educational Policy Improvement Center
Amount: $350,000
To develop and field test a tool that can be used to gauge how affective a high school is in preparing their students for postsecondary readiness
Educational Testing Service
Amount: $793,885
To support the implementation of 'Keeping Learning on Track' and a paper on developing a comprehensive assessment of noncognitive psycho/social indicators that will help disadvantaged young people make the transition from high school to college
Educational Testing Service
Amount: $997,614
To partner with Bayard Rustin High School to complete the restructuring of the school into small, personalized and rigorous learning communities designed to graduate students on time and college ready
El Centro de la Raza
Amount: $122,213
To build organizational capacity for Campana Quetzal to identify a plan of action that includes parent/family involvement and leadership in their child's school
George Washington University
Amount: $599,947
To develop tools and guidance to inform state departments of education on how to make explicit the academic language required by secondary English language learners to achieve to core content standards
Higher Education Policy Institute
Amount: $750,000
To plan for continuation of the work of the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education and the Measuring Up Report Card
Houston Area Urban League Inc
Amount: $743,550
To develop the community support necessary to sustain improvement efforts within Houston Independent School District and successful expansion of the KIPP charter school system in the Houston area
Houston Independent School District
Amount: $4,500,000
To support HISD's ASPIRE initiative, a comprehensive school improvement strategy in which data reflecting student learning progress becomes a catalyst for accelerating school improvement by guiding decision making and instruction
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $11,521,425
To support state and on-the-ground capacity to launch and scale early college high schools/other blended designs involving high school students in college-level work, and develop pathways to college-ready graduation
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $11,437,987
To create a data warehouse and business intelligence reporting platform for the early college high school initiative
Johns Hopkins University
Amount: $1,995,651
To provide onsite technical support for high school transformation to ensure that current momentum for change translates into effective action that produce results for New York City youth
Keys to Improving Dayton Schools, Inc.
Amount: $137,500
To support planning, feasibility, and market analysis for adaptation of a rigorous and successful Chicago inner city high school model in Dayton that will result in its children succeeding at the most competitive of colleges
Learning Matters, Inc.
Amount: $308,000
To support production of reports on Washington DC and New Orleans school districts for the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
Lynnwood Foundation
Amount: $487,475
To harness the energy and values of CM3A to design and implement a community process to bring community resources to low-performing schools and create advocates for public policy to encourage high student achievement
N Y C Mission Society
Amount: $391,089
To increase community awareness of and involvement in the process of educating the children in New York City by utilizing the strengths of community organizations and institutions
National Academy Foundation
Amount: $1,640,410
To support the creation of new career-themed small schools in NYC as a part of the Department of Education's Children First reform effort
National Academy Foundation
Amount: $189,956
To provide comprehensive education reform in the form of learning labs in New Orleans schools
National League of Cities Institute
Amount: $1,577,725
To raise graduation rates in three cities through spreading high quality alternatives for high schools, and disseminating knowledge and promoting peer learning nationwide
New Leaders Inc
Amount: $670,387
To support a research project to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the New Leaders for New Schools principal training and support model
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $264,500
To support the planning phase of the national charter management organization (CMO) study, a major longitudinal research initiative
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $686,784
To implement the SAM program to support large high schools as they transition to Small Learning Communities
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $2,374,065
To create new high schools over the next five years and conduct research and planning on the development of a new career-themed school model
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $2,441,915
To create an online knowledge management system that will enable educators to share, test, and refine their work and make their work available to colleagues, peers, school and district administrators, researchers and policymakers
New York City Department of Education
Amount: $2,849,411
To increase capacity of NYC DOE's Office of Portfolio Development in order to support new schools not partnered with an intermediary and develop their capacity for incubating, training, and vetting new intermediaries
New York City Department of Education
Amount: $850,000
To conduct a deep study of the NYC DOE knowledge management implementation and develop a set of instructional resources to address top content gaps
New York City Department of Education
Amount: $1,847,160
To engage The Parthenon Group in strategic planning for the New York City Department of Education's Accountability Office
New York City Outward Bound Center Inc
Amount: $3,120,000
To add new New York City Outward Bound Expeditionary Learning 6-12 grade schools to an existing network of college-preparatory public schools
New York Community Trust
Amount: $900,000
To support policy reforms aimed at making New York City public schools more equitable and responsive to the needs of all children
Ohio Business Alliance for Higher Education and the Economy
Amount: $475,000
For general operating support
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Amount: $85,000
To support the objectives, work plan, budget and organization for Ohio Grantmakers Forum Phase II (2007) Education Initiative
Outward Bound, Inc.
Amount: $8,003,846
To develop a second cohort of new Expeditionary Learning secondary schools
Perspectives Charter School
Amount: $1,189,756
To create and implement aligned instructional systems and leadership capacity in Perspectives Charter Schools
Princeton University
Amount: $182,600
To produce and disseminate information about high school reform research that is useful to policymakers, practitioners, grant makers and advocates
Public Interest Projects Inc
Amount: $225,000
To support coalitions of grassroots groups advocating for community-driven school reform policy in metropolitan Chicago
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $5,283,589
To fund a public awareness campaign aimed at elevating K-12 public education reform
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.
Amount: $1,058,313
To establish a national public awareness campaign about the crisis in American schools
Sizer Foundation
Amount: $500,000
For general operating support
Social Science Research Council
Amount: $350,253
To support strategic business planning for the Research Partnership for New York City Schools that will help Strong American Schools navigate governance, legal, and intellectual property associated with a public good of its kind
State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Amount: $2,000,000
To support District and School Improvement
TALC New Vision Program
Amount: $350,238
To support community engagement work around secondary school options in Milwaukee
Technology Access Foundation
Amount: $3,264,920
To support the Technology Access Foundation Academy in Federal Way School district focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics excellence for low income students and students of color
Texas Association Of School Boards Inc
Amount: $285,368
To identify legal and regulatory barriers to implementation of successful college and workforce readiness policies in Texas and identify policy changes to overcome those barriers
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
Amount: $500,000
To fully realize the goals of Thurgood Marshall College Fund's ongoing high school redesign program linking low-performing high schools with public, historically black, colleges and universities
United Ways of Texas Inc
Amount: $760,000
To support community engagement across Texas on the economic and social implications of students not graduating ready for college, work and citizenship
University Of Chicago - University Research Administration
Amount: $450,223
To provide training to school researchers and administrators in order to support school districts in building indicator systems around freshman year performance and postsecondary access and success
University of California - Berkeley
Amount: $121,638
To support the translation of research findings into a feasible reform option to enhance California public education
University of California Santa Barbara
Amount: $215,000
To synthesize existing research and undertake new research to inform policymakers and the larger public about the nature of, and potential solutions to, the dropout problem in California
University of North Carolina
Amount: $1,642,318
To develop demonstration high schools/learning laboratories in North Carolina to showcase national best practices used to improve the graduation and college-going rates for all students
University of Texas System Administration
Amount: $2,650,926
To develop, in partnership with TEA, a statewide technical assistance plan to support the implementation of the Texas Governor's Educator Excellence Award programs
University of Texas at Austin - Charles A. Dana Center
Amount: $3,000,000
To support urban district and state efforts to accelerate improvements in secondary literacy and mathematics instruction
University of the State of New York
Amount: $3,000,000
To support the design of a comprehensive School Improvement organization within the New York State Education Department
Urban Institute
Amount: $293,024
To develop, pilot, and field test a common set of tools designed to measure implementation and outcomes of high school reform efforts across multiple schools and programs
Washington Regional Association Of Grantmakers
Amount: $21,000
To facilitate collaboration and coordination of local funders to improve educational outcomes for Washington, DC public school students
Washington School Principals Education Foundation
Amount: $1,511,578
To support the Washington State Leadership academy
Washington State Board of Education
Amount: $449,750
To support the research, planning and public outreach needed for: 1) improving Washington State's accountability and management systems and 2) addressing the math and science high school graduation requirements
Amount: $899,021
To support California's effort to close the achievement gap in a partnership among WestEd, the California Department of Education, the P-16 Council and the University of California, Office of the President
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Amount: $4,850,460
To create a postsecondary practice center designed to improve Early College partnerships and teaching
YES Prep Public Schools
Amount: $2,761,002
To support the creation of a 9th grade pilot in an existing school and strengthen home office capacity to better support the current network of schools and prepare for long-term expansion
Amount: $260,000
To ensure that underserved students and parents in low-income areas of Brooklyn and Manhattan are informed as to options and strategies involved with filling out High School Choice forms
ACT, Inc
Amount: $400,000
To establish a baseline of student achievement in certain critical high school core courses, both in terms of course subject matter knowledge and skills and college readiness
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $7,000,000
To support the capacity of San Diego Unified School District to open new small high schools at the Lincoln Complex and to strengthen existing small high schools
Aspira Inc of Illinois
Amount: $960,000
To support the planning and launch of ASPIRA Charter School and to build out a strategic replication plan, including teaching and learning supports as well as additional business planning
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Amount: $10,000
To provide conference support
Atlanta Public Schools
Amount: $5,907,665
To improve the educational experience in all high schools by reorganizing them into small schools and smaller learning communities that will provide more relevant and rigorous instruction
Austin Independent School District
Amount: $8,474,994
To support implementation of AISD's redesigned secondary education program
Bellevue Schools Foundation
Amount: $1,935,974
To support an accelerated development of a web-based, districtwide, college-ready aligned instructional system
Boston Public Schools
Amount: $2,002,000
To support the analysis of Boston's over-age and off-track high school student population and develop a portfolio strategy aimed to enable BPS to better serve the these young people
Bridgespan Group, Inc.
Amount: $2,914,000
To develop and revise grantee business plans to improve strategies, organization and impact, and to share broadly the lessons learned from these plans
Brown University
Amount: $800,000
To establish a citywide parent-led coalition advocating equal opportunity for all students by engaging other community-based orgs, develop a training program for organizers and leaders, and create a long-term fundraising plan for sustainability
California Business for Education Excellence Foundation
Amount: $300,000
To support mobilization of local business champions to lead the effort to raise student achievement
California County Superintendents Educational Services Association
Amount: $15,206,150
To strengthen a district invention and support model for California by building county/regional capacity to use the model
California Tomorrow
Amount: $200,000
To improve educational outcomes of public school youth in Oakland by supporting the Parent Leadership Education Academy initiative
Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession
Amount: $750,584
To support rural school districts and Educational Service Districts to implement a new teacher induction program developed in Washington state
Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession
Amount: $15,000
To convene a policy summit of NBCT to develop recommendations for education policy makers on supporting and staffing high-needs schools to close achievement gaps
Charter School Leadership Council
Amount: $800,000
For general operating support
Charter Schools Policy Institute
Amount: $200,000
For general operating support
Chicago Public Schools
Amount: $21,574,274
To provide curriculum and support for teachers as a part of a transformation that aims to prepare all Chicago Public School students for success in post-secondary education and employment
Children Now
Amount: $210,000
To support increased media attention as well as public dialogue around K-12 student achievement and school finance in California
Clover Park School District #400
Amount: $638,620
To expand on lessons learned from the Achievers grant in other secondary schools through systemwide mission alignment, community engagement, support and accountability systems, and further high school transformation
Coalition of Essential Schools Northwest
Amount: $3,004,365
To provide coaching and professional development to Washington grantee districts and their high schools as they transform to ensure that all students graduate college or that they are work-ready
Coalition of Essential Schools Northwest
Amount: $733,793
For general operating support
College Entrance Examination Board
Amount: $16,294,847
To pilot the EXCELerator school model within a number of existing high schools with the aim of creating a rigorous academic environment and college-going culture
College Summit Inc
Amount: $2,000,000
To demonstrate a scalable, systemic model for college access that enables New York City high schools to raise college-going rates affordably
Communities in Schools, Inc.
Amount: $9,900,000
To support the replication of Performance Learning Centers (PLCs) across the national network
Community Initiatives
Amount: $152,232
To support a non-partisan education program focused on bringing education research and expertise around issue-specific topics
Community Studies Inc
Amount: $442,320
To support the New York Performance Standards Consortium's efforts to lead state advocacy for quality assessment thorough technical assistance, professional development, outcome research, publications, and oversight/accountability
Community Studies Inc
Amount: $1,440,590
To support a project with the premise that when high school curriculum and instruction drive authentic assessment, student outcomes will improve
Cristo Rey Network
Amount: $6,000,067
To support expansion of Cristo Rey Network and improve the quality of existing Cristo Rey schools
DC Public Education Fund
Amount: $4,873,500
To support the launch of the DCPS secondary reform effort including planning and initial interventions
Denver Public Schools
Amount: $300,000
To provide planning support for the development of a new Manual High School
Denver School of Science and Technology Inc
Amount: $500,000
To support a secondary school model expansion and the development and codification of critical systems to support future replication
District of Columbia College Success Foundation
Amount: $116,627,651
To support increasing the number of low-income students who attain a college degree through educational and financial incentives and mentoring to gain admission to the colleges
East Bay Community Foundation
Amount: $650,000
To develop a community education and engagement strategy to support the Oakland Unified School District's implementation of the Expect Success! Initiative
EdSource Inc.
Amount: $20,000
To conference support among key K-12 constituencies and leaders on current policy challenges in California: school accountability and finance reform
Education Resources Institute
Amount: $250,000
To support two college access research projects as part of the Pathways to College Network Research Program
Education Resources Institute
Amount: $10,000
For conference support
Education Service Center Region I of Texas
Amount: $7,945,004
To build capacity at Region One to create a high school redesign framework for district and school site transformation
Education Service Center Region XIII
Amount: $758,910
To support the work of vertical teams by creating a Commission for a College and Career Ready Texas
Education Trust
Amount: $111,376
To support technical assistance to Los Angeles Unified School District for development of a high school progress report
Education Trust
Amount: $94,500
To develop regional American Diploma Projects in Sacramento /Silicon Valley/San Bernardino region
Educational Testing Service
Amount: $4,665,344
To create small learning communities in South Atlanta High School and Therrell High School in Atlanta, Georgia
Efficacy Institute Incorporated
Amount: $405,698
To engage parents and community stakeholders in efforts to provide instructional support for low income, African American and Latino students in Boston in order to raise student state assessment scores
Envision Education Inc
Amount: $3,950,000
To support the completion of the Bay Area Cluster of schools and the start-up of the Fresno County Cluster
Foundation for California Community Colleges
Amount: $1,800,000
To support the integration of the ECHS model into existing foundation-funded high schools in California
Good Shepherd Services
Amount: $2,400,000
To support the creation of an additional GSS model transfer school and several third party adaptations known as Pelletier Schools
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
Amount: $5,115,250
To continue support of improvement of urban high schools in both Kansas City, KS and MO through First Things First! and Achievement First
Green Dot Public Schools
Amount: $9,675,588
To support the launch of high-performing charter high schools in the Jefferson high school community
Henry Ford Learning Institute
Amount: $3,000,000
To develop new schools in urban, disadvantaged communities
Illinois Network Of Charter Schools
Amount: $400,000
To support a stategic communications and grassroots advocacy project to increase the awareness and support for Illinois' charter schools
Institute for Research and Reform in Education Inc.
Amount: $500,000
To support IRRE, in collaboration with the Milwaukee Public Schools to create a new charter high school organized around the First Things First (FTF) reform framework
Institute for Research and Reform in Education Inc.
Amount: $1,957,395
To provide technical assistance to First Things First strategies and build capacity at Austin ISD Office of Redesign
Institute for Research and Reform in Education Inc.
Amount: $4,146,246
To provide technical assistance and to build capacity in Region One Education Service Center for First Things First strategies in high schools
Institute for Teaching
Amount: $50,000
To help create strong partnerships that will advocate and plan a strategy for change in schools of greatest need
Internationals Network For Public Schools Inc
Amount: $5,420,332
To support the expansion of International High Schools in New York and California, and to develop a pilot common language model for Spanish-speaking English Language Learners
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $330,000
To support an early college high school planning grant in Chicago
Johns Hopkins University
Amount: $1,896,129
To support transformation of high schools by building capacity of Talent Development High School model
KIPP, Inc.
Amount: $10,000,000
To support the development of a network of Pre-K through 12th grade charter schools in Houston
Amount: $300,000
To provide strategic research and staff support on education policy issues
Los Angeles Unified School District
Amount: $1,312,500
To improve college-ready graduation rates with specific focus on Algebra instruction
Amount: $325,000
To support extended analyses of the Talent Development and First Things First evaluations
Make The Road By Walking
Amount: $175,000
To support the Urban Youth Collaborative's effort to elevate demand that schools work more diligently to increase the number of students who can satisfy higher standards and graduate high school ready for college
Marquette University
Amount: $2,000,000
To build organizational capacity to drive both academic excellence and strong back office functions for schools participating in the Milwaukee Parental Chioce Program and independent charter schools in Milwaukee
Metropolitan Planning Council
Amount: $604,973
To support a community engagement and communications campaign for school finance reform through the A+ Illinois campaign
Michigan State University
Amount: $500,000
To support the U.S. component of an international study of mathematics teacher preparation that will inform national policy discussions about teacher preparedness and quality in STEM fields
Milwaukee Public Schools
Amount: $500,000
To support a project that will plan and launch a new small learning community high school using the 'First Things First' framework developed and supported by the Institute for Research and Reform in Education
National Academy Foundation
Amount: $5,000,000
To support five year capacity building plans to improve performance of existing career academies, strategically add new academies to the network, and ultimately serve a large number of academies across the country
National Academy Foundation
Amount: $3,380,890
To launch Academies of Engineering in urban centers across the U.S.
National Alliance For Public Charter Schools
Amount: $50,000
For general operating support
National Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth
Amount: $35,000
To support strategic communication plans for the Youth Transition Funders Group, specifically the roll-out of the Safe Passage report
National Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth
Amount: $1,000,000
To support partnerships in five cities to build on strategic assessments aimed at improving the educational options and outcomes for struggling students and out-of-school youth and new support for two cities
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $27,640,000
To support work with charter management organizations, and extend the model of scalable high quality schools through the development of hybrid organizations
New Schools for Chicago
Amount: $500,000
To support the three goals of: building community awareness/support; increasing community demand for high quality, autonomous schools that provide parents with choices; and building partnerships between community stakeholders and operators
New Technology Fund
Amount: $500,000
To web-enable the student view of the New Tech High Learning System suite of tools
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $3,600,000
To create and support transfer schools in New York City
New York City Department of Education
Amount: $1,350,000
To support the New York City Department of Education's implementation of the Transfer School Leaders initiative, in support of the NYCDOE's Multiple Pathways to Graduation strategy
New York University
Amount: $481,844
To conduct data collection in single-sex schools in NYC, Atlanta and Portland areas along with other comparison schools over five years
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Amount: $1,819,055
To support 'turnaround' high priority high schools (less than 60% proficiency) through strategic technical assistance, professional development, and school redesign
North Carolina New Schools Project, Inc.
Amount: $385,801
To support a three-year initiative to engage state, district, and local stakeholders to create a more supportive environment for high school redesign in North Carolina
North Carolina New Schools Project, Inc.
Amount: $1,463,346
To support the establishment of early college high schools by aligning state-level professional development and design structures and practices with leading national organizations
North Carolina New Schools Project, Inc.
Amount: $14,518,052
To establish additional redesigned high schools
Oakland Community Organization
Amount: $500,000
To engage key stakeholders in Oakland schools and educate state and local policy makers about means to increase graduation rates and college readiness
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Amount: $75,000
For conference support to help Washington high schools meet the challenges of the state graduation requirements for the class of 2008
Office of the Mayor of Los Angeles
Amount: $262,500
To support planning and capacity-building for the Mayor's Community Partnership for School Excellence in Los Angeles
Ohio Alliance for Public Charter Schools
Amount: $642,753
To create a sustainable state charter school membership organization
Ohio Business Alliance for Higher Education and the Economy
Amount: $250,000
For general operating support
Ohio Department of Education
Amount: $1,175,000
To support a project that will focus on key areas of the systemic education reform recommended by the 2006 policy study entitled Creating a World-Class Education System in Ohio conducted by Achieve, Inc
Ohio Grantmakers Forum
Amount: $50,000
To produce and disseminate a report on the state of education in Ohio for developing and implementing a public engagement/education process involving the gubernatorial candidates, key stakeholders and a series of regional events across the state
Portland Public Schools
Amount: $2,415,760
To support Portland Public Schools in building capacity to lead high school change through the formation of the Office of High Schools
RAND Corporation
Amount: $300,000
To support a national research study on charter schools
Rennie Center For Education Research And Policy
Amount: $400,000
To support a research and convening project focused on current reform efforts in the Boston Public Schools
Seattle School District #1
Amount: $850,000
For general operating support
Skillpoint Alliance
Amount: $125,000
To enhance Austin Independent School District's High School Redesign through support of the techonolgy and business community
St. HOPE Academy
Amount: $700,000
To improve capacity of St Hope to carry out activities in support of higher student achievement and better enrollment figures
Stanford University
Amount: $650,000
To provide schools, districts, charter organizations and support providers with knowledge about school redesign and to sustain equitable schools to be high performing and provide all students access to college
Third Sector New England, Inc.
Amount: $4,336,500
To establish a second network of alternative (transfer) high schools in New York City that are designed using the Diploma Plus school model
Third Sector New England, Inc.
Amount: $2,100,000
To support opening Diploma Plus schools in California
United Negro College Fund, Inc.
Amount: $58,003,043
To support graduate scholarships in Public Health in the Gates Milliennium Scholars program
University of Texas at Austin
Amount: $200,000
To inventory the knowledge and skills researchers have recommended for a responsive citizenry and evaluate results in light of current standards and curricula in the school
Urban Assembly Inc
Amount: $306,500
To support the development of a hybrid periodic assessment model for Urban Assembly's network of schools
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
Amount: $3,775,000
To build math capacity for students and teachers using the College Readiness Standards, local solutions and support of standards-based curricula and instruction
West Valley School District #363
Amount: $511,359
To support lessons learned from the Achievers grant to transform other secondary schools through systemwide mission alignment, community engagement, expanding support and accountability systems and continuing high school transformation work
Amount: $50,000
To conduct outreach to increase the number of applicants for the new and existing small high schools in Brooklyn, particularly focusing on the least-informed students
Academy for Urban School Leadership
Amount: $960,000
To support a new public high school on the west side of Chicago that will also serve as a teaching academy for new Chicago Public School teacher
Achieve Inc
Amount: $2,148,910
To help states align secondary school math expectations with the demands of postsecondary education and work
All Hands Raised
Amount: $646,851
To expand and strengthen public understanding, involvement, and demand in trasnforming secondary schools in Portland
All Hands Raised
Amount: $7,023,100
To design and implement a district and community-wide agenda to transform and sustain excellence in all of Portland's secondary schools
Alliance for Education
Amount: $125,000
To generate recommendations on the development and implementation of a viable short- and long-term fiscal strategy to advance academic achievement in every public school in Seattle
American Council on Education
Amount: $10,000
To support a conference 'Educating All of One Nation: Realizing America's Promise: Embracing Diversity, Discovery and Change'
American Institute for Social Justice Inc
Amount: $500,000
To support a multi-year outreach campaign to achieve statewide education reform in California
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $479,602
To provide an empirically-based cost estimate of the transitional and ongoing costs of effectively implementing comprehensive high school reform
Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans
Amount: $477,691
To support AAMA school model and to develop organizational capacity
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Amount: $15,000
To support the 2005 ASHE Annual Conference
Atlanta Public Schools
Amount: $1,972,800
To develop and launch a comprehensive secondary reform plan for Atlanta Public Schools
Austin Independent School District
Amount: $1,500,000
To support a comprehensive district-wide High School Redesign Plan for Austin Independent School District high schools
Austin Voices for Education and Youth
Amount: $75,820
To strengthen the high school redesign process in the Austin community
Bard College
Amount: $999,900
To implement a series of summer seminars for 100 fellows from Early College High Schools each year
Battelle For Kids
Amount: $637,532
To build the infrastructure for a longitudinal value-added database at the high school level to measure contributing factors to students' academic progress
Bellingham School District #501
Amount: $2,131,800
To make systemic and high school program changes which will result in all students being ready for college, work, and citizenship
Big Picture Company
Amount: $25,000
To support the development of an alternative course approval model for the University of California system
Bridgespan Group, Inc.
Amount: $2,950,000
To develop business plans for eight school developers to inform their strategy to create new high schools, replicate schools, and convert high schools
Brown University
Amount: $3,230,000
To manage a process of knowledge generation and sharing, in collaboration with other reform support organizations and site-based practitioners, for redesigned school systems
California Charter Schools Association
Amount: $750,000
To implement a three-year strategic communications and advocacy campaign to increase the awareness, support, and enrollment in California's charter schools
California County Superintendents Educational Services Association
Amount: $16,600
To develop a dynamic, web-based capacity analysis to identify the needs of schools and districts, and the 58 County Offices of Education across California
Campaign for College Opportunity
Amount: $600,000
To increase public awareness of the importance of college access and the need to expand access and capacity in California
Center for Collaborative Education
Amount: $3,779,763
To build on the momentum achieved by the Boston Pilot Schools Network and to assist model replication in other school districts nationally
Cesar Chavez Public Policy Charter High School
Amount: $1,570,000
To improve the existing school model and open new schools in Washington, DC
Chicago Public Schools
Amount: $3,427,323
To support the implementation of strategic planning efforts to transform Chicago high schools
Chicago Public Schools
Amount: $2,300,000
To support a business planning process for current reform efforts to improve performance in Chicago public high schools
College Entrance Examination Board
Amount: $9,446,532
To support the expansion of the College Board Schools Initiative in New York City
Colorado Children's Campaign
Amount: $750,000
To develop model schools in Colorado
Communities Foundation of Texas
Amount: $20,000,000
To develop and support a network of high performing math science technology academies serving disadvantaged students throughout Texas
Communities Foundation of Texas
Amount: $250,000
To support a conference to establish and improve relationships with educational organizations that are crucial to the success of the Texas High School Project
Communities Foundation of Texas
Amount: $1,800,000
To build principal leadership capacity in Texas to support new school and redesign activities
Communities in Schools, Inc.
Amount: $2,500,000
To develop and pilot a comprehensive strategy that will strengthen the CIS Network of Performance Learning Centers
Community Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention & Treatment
Amount: $799,673
To support a student-led outreach effort promoting universal access to college preparatory courses for South Los Angeles schools
Community Partners
Amount: $646,212
To support policies that increase graduation and college-going rates by educating students and parents in East Los Angeles to be advocates in their community
Digital Learning Commons
Amount: $300,000
For general operating support
E3: Employers for Education Excellence
Amount: $100,239
To identify real and perceived barriers to high school reform, assist high schools engaged in reform efforts to overcome barriers, and educate state policymakers
EdSource Inc.
Amount: $25,000
To raise public awareness about how California high schools could better prepare students for college and work
Education Service Center Region I of Texas
Amount: $671,361
To build capacity at the regional, district and school site level through professional development and onsite coaching in high schools along the Texas/Mexico border
Educational Testing Service
Amount: $8,698,280
To help build capacity of a national school developer and to support the creation of new small schools
Envision Education Inc
Amount: $800,000
To support Envision's capacity to successfully open and operate a small high school in the Bay Area cluster
Every Child Can Learn Foundation
Amount: $625,000
To support the Secondary Redesign Initiative in secondary schools through the creation of small learning communities and small schools
Foundations for a Better Oregon
Amount: $150,000
To support a quality education system for Oregon students in K-12 public education
Fresno County Office of Education
Amount: $425,000
To support the work of the Governor's non-partisan committee, charged with making policy recommendations on education funding, governance, teacher recruitment & training, and the preparation and retention of quality school administrators
Fund for Educational Excellence
Amount: $187,000
To support a strategic planning process to implement a high school reform effort and an integrated set of process and policy expectations involved in the Baltimore City Public School System
Gateway to College National Network
Amount: $9,997,047
To support College Bound sites for at-risk youth
Good Shepherd Services
Amount: $575,000
To support capacity building and planning for the replication of one high school, based on the South Brooklyn Community High School model
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $365,000
To advance more effective education philanthropy to create tools to help high-wealth donors navigate grantmaking options and to develop capacity for foundations to improve their impact by pooling resources
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
Amount: $900,000
To provide continual support for the improvement of Kansas City's urban high schools through First Things First and Achievement First
High Tech High Foundation
Amount: $3,000,000
To create new middle and high schools within the High Tech High charter management organization
Highline Public Schools
Amount: $5,620,200
To build a system whereby Highline students graduate on time and are prepared for college, work and citizenship
Highline Schools Fund for Excellence
Amount: $300,000
To begin the work of transforming all Highline high schools by creating a diverse, engaged group of community stakeholders at each school
Indianapolis Public Schools
Amount: $369,000
To support the district in building its internal capacity to ensure the success of its high school transformation
Institute for Research and Reform in Education Inc.
Amount: $993,317
To support development and field test tools and processes that allow school districts to measure and examine student outcomes data and effective school practices
Institute for Student Achievement, Inc
Amount: $886,381
To support planning to transform large comprehensive New York City high schools into small learning communities
Internationals Network For Public Schools Inc
Amount: $1,572,810
To support the expansion of the international high school model and the documentation of practices at existing and new schools
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $7,913,604
To support a portfolio of excellent high schools in Boston
Johns Hopkins University
Amount: $464,000
To support planning for Talent Development High Schools in partnership with the New York City Department of Education
Johns Hopkins University
Amount: $3,051,524
To support improvements in student achievement and graduation in low performing Los Angeles high schools through implementation of the Talent Development High Schools comprehensive reform model
Kennewick School District
Amount: $3,079,800
To support a K-12 systems approach to prepare graduates ready for college, work and citizenship
Keys to Improving Dayton Schools, Inc.
Amount: $971,421
To support Ohio charter schools by helping k.i.d.s. develop academic expertise and the capability to be a charter management organization
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $798,160
To support knowledge sharing and use among school-based and district-level practitioners in OHSTI and ECHS schools
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $979,000
To support advocacy activities in Ohio aimed toward making systemic change around high school redesign, improved college access and success
Mabton School District #120
Amount: $386,560
To continue redesign of a coherent K-12 system so that all students achieve high standards and graduate college ready
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Inc
Amount: $92,575
To support a report that analyzes the 2003 high school graduation rates overall, by race and for the 100 largest school districts in the U.S.
Mapleton Public Schools
Amount: $2,683,400
To support the reinvention of the district high school as small schools of choice
Marquette University
Amount: $50,000
To provide educational, governance, and back-office support to public and private schools in Milwaukee
Mass Insight Education And Research Institute Inc
Amount: $572,533
To design and produce recommendations for states and school districts seeking a flexible, systemic approach for improvement in underperforming high schools
Middle College High School National Consortium Inc
Amount: $9,602,735
To support the expansion of new early college high schools for at-risk youth
Milwaukee Public Schools
Amount: $1,179,770
To expand and support Milwaukee's portfolio of high school options by converting comprehensive high schools into small learning communities and initial planning
National Association of Secondary School Principals
Amount: $125,000
To produce and disseminate a Leader's Guide to Adolescent Literacy that will outline what middle and high school principals can do to implement a schoolwide literacy program
National Center For Educational Achievement
Amount: $750,000
To support a national campaign to increase the quality, completeness, and accessibility of state educational data systems
National Center on Education & the Economy
Amount: $800,000
To benchmark international education and workforce systems in high performing economies and to establish a non-partisan commission on education, employment and training policies
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $3,577,879
To build Communities of Practice (share lessons, convene practitioners, and develop a web-based technology platform) and capture, codify, and share important intellectual capital to influence the broader ecosystem
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $2,210,946
To support the annual NewSchools' Summit and pre-Summit Community of Practice Events
New Technology Foundation
Amount: $125,000
To web-enable the NTH Learning System to reduce costs and increase capacity to support the use of performance based, collaborative learning environments in high schools
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $1,255,420
To support the planning process to transform large New York City high schools into small learning communities
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $831,997
To extend the Evaluation of the New Century High Schools Initiative
New York City Department of Education
Amount: $1,975,157
To build the capacity of the New York City Department of Education to launch its overall Small Learning Communities (SLC) Project and to develop the SLC strategic and operating plan
New York City Department of Education
Amount: $5,339,692
To build internal capacity for the development of alternative schools and programs through the department's Multiple Pathways to Graduation initiative
New York City Department of Education
Amount: $500,000
To transform NYC Department of Education Human Resources from a personnel unit to a highly strategic, efficient, and effective organization
Noble Network of Charter Schools
Amount: $1,425,000
To fund two new, small schools in Chicago and share successful practices with other educators
Nooksack Valley School District #506
Amount: $726,000
To engage the local community in education issues, implement a high school redesign, focus on K-12 math and science programs, and develop a culture and practice for adult learning, preparing students for college, work, and citizenship
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Amount: $911,500
To coordinate an implementation plan for high school reform, develop new standards and assessments, develop a principals training institute, and construct affinity networks for theme schools
Northwest Educational Service District 189
Amount: $10,000
To establish a professional learning community, consisting of practicing superintendents and leaders within the NWESD 189 region
Oakland Unified School District
Amount: $10,119,000
To launch a model urban school district comprising of a lean central office, a school support services organization, and networks of increasingly high achieving and equitable schools
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Amount: $2,000,000
To improve education outcomes for students in high schools and school districts through the implementation of a continuous improvement assistance model
Ohio Department of Education
Amount: $298,000
To support and advise superintendents in the implementation of district-wide changes
Ohio Department of Education
Amount: $2,749,429
To promote systemic education reform so that every Ohio student can gain the skills and knowledge necessary for success in postsecondary education and the workforce
Oregon Department of Education
Amount: $1,715,073
To support the creation of a system that supports each of the state's school districts in helping high school students succeed in high school, prepared to enter the workforce or a post-secondary institution without needing remediation
Pacific Charter School Development Inc.
Amount: $6,900,000
To expand the quality of charter schools in Los Angeles and model a needed approach to providing facilities for public schools
Pacific Institute for Community Organizations
Amount: $850,000
To unite parents, educators and community members to decrease the dropout rate and increase the number of students who graduate college ready
Progress Analytics Institute
Amount: $158,400
To compare per-pupil funding received by charter vs. traditional schools in 30 cities and explain funding disparities
Public School Forum of North Carolina, Inc.
Amount: $59,018
To fund a three year initiative to engage state, district, and local stakeholders and create a more supportive policy environment for high school redesign in North Carolina
Rochester City School District
Amount: $5,000,000
To assist in the District's transition to a high-performing school program
Sacramento Area Congregations Together
Amount: $296,000
To support Sacramento's high school reform efforts to impact high school graduation rates and college attendance
San Francisco Organizing Project
Amount: $200,360
To increase achievement and success in San Francisco public schools through organizing and training parent leaders
Stanford University
Amount: $1,021,000
To aid California in developing a school finance system that better fits the needs of the State and its students
State of California: Office of the Secretary for Education
Amount: $78,200
To support California's efforts to turn around failing schools
State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Amount: $1,200,000
To support automated realtime collection of student data from local district data systems to a state data warehouse
Successful Practices Network Inc
Amount: $5,603,000
To develop comprehensive selection criteria and identify characteristics to analyze schools, and provide professional development to and conduct a five-year longitudinal study of high schools from the Foundation's focus states
Technology Access Foundation
Amount: $104,000
To support planning for a network of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math theme-based schools to be implemented in partnership with school districts
Texas Education Agency
Amount: $1,864,060
To support improved high school math achievement and capacity and build public support for high school redesign
Texas Lyceum Association, Inc.
Amount: $75,000
To support a conference to provide solutions and best practices to improve high school education throughout Texas
Texas Public Policy Foundation
Amount: $170,000
To research and identify the K-12 reforms needed to expand the math-science pipeline and its impact on college and work readiness in Texas
Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Amount: $497,639
To inform public debate and advance academic achievement in Ohio charter schools by convening charter school leaders, producing research, and disseminating information on charter school issues
Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Amount: $1,849,173
To support the Fordham Foundation in its role as a community school sponsor in Ohio to recruit other high school developers and to share best practices across the field
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
Amount: $65,000
To create a set of design principles and a plan for intermediaries to support the creation of university-assisted small high schools
United Ways of Texas Inc
Amount: $250,000
To support community engagement across Texas on the economic and social implications of students not graduating ready for college, work and citizenship
University of California
Amount: $154,347
To better understand the effects of state strategies for improving low-performing schools and to develop effective strategies for sustainable, long-term capacity building in low-performing schools
University of California at San Diego
Amount: $100,000
To evaluate the San Diego City Schools' Blueprint for Student Success in its fifth year
University of California, Los Angeles
Amount: $1,257,615
To promote education policy reform that helps all California students receive a high quality and equitable education
University of Chicago - Urban Education Institute
Amount: $6,000,576
To fund new schools and assist other organizations in the design and incubation of new schools
University of Indianapolis
Amount: $497,613
To support a comprehensive leadership institute and technical assistance in year one of the redesign of the comprehensive high schools into autonomous small schools in Indianapolis
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $638,172
To extend the School Finance Redesign Project- a cost simulation study to accommodate technical assistance requests in OH and NC
Uplift Education
Amount: $2,506,116
To support the permanent establishment of an International Baccalaureate ("IB") lab to build instructional tools and training models to facilitate IB implementation
Young Women's Leadership Network, Inc.
Amount: $2,520,000
To partner with the NYC Department of Education to develop and support new small Young Women's Leadership Schools
Alliance for a Better Community
Amount: $476,683
To raise community awareness of local high school issues in Los Angeles related to student retention and college readiness
American Council on Education
Amount: $25,000
To support a report on the school-to-college transition for distribution to higher education leaders and related organizations
American Indian Graduate Center Scholars
Amount: $1,000,000
For general operating support
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $1,449,039
To conduct a second phase evaluation of San Diego City School reform efforts
Antioch University
Amount: $5,542,579
To expand the Early College High School model into tribal schools outside Washington state
Aspen Institute Inc
Amount: $574,060
To support professional development seminars and peer-learning forums for superintendents of large, complex urban school districts
Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans
Amount: $320,000
To support business analysis and planning
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Amount: $75,000
To examine the working relationships between foundations and higher education and K-12 schools leading to a conference, book, and continuing web-based dialogue
Children's First Fund, The Chicago Public School Foundation
Amount: $1,243,039
To develop, in partnership with the Consortium for Chicago School Research, a comprehensive system for tracking post-secondary experiences of students from the Chicago Public Schools
Clark University
Amount: $300,000
To train teachers and leaders in small high schools to implement proven strategies for student success
College Entrance Examination Board
Amount: $672,000
To develop a CollegeEd high school program
Community Initiatives
Amount: $77,367
For general operating support
Council for Christian Colleges & Universities
Amount: $35,000
For conference support
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $25,000,000
To provide states with sophisticated, Web-based data tools that will strengthen accountability and improve results through data-driven decision making
Digital Learning Commons
Amount: $667,235
To support the Proof of Concept phase to test content and to design a scalable, sustainable model for delivering online educational resources to Washington state students, parents, and educators
Diocese of Yakima
Amount: $150,000
To facilitate the collaboration of resources of Gonzaga University with high schools in the Diocese of Yakima to improve teaching skills and leadership
EdSource Inc.
Amount: $450,000
For general operating support
EdVisions Inc
Amount: $13,512
For conference support
Education Trust
Amount: $1,200,000
For general operating support
Every Child Can Learn Foundation
Amount: $1,500,000
To support the transformation of secondary education in San Francisco Unified School District through innovative small schools and the redesign of existing schools
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $18,750
To produce, design, and disseminate 5,000 copies of report 'Creating New Schools: Promising Strategy for Change.'
GreatSchools, Inc.
Amount: $1,500,000
To improve parent outreach and strengthen charter school accountability
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Amount: $1,000,000
For general operating support
Impact Strategies, Inc.
Amount: $200,000
To provide technical assistance in support of the 11 district grantees of the High School Pupil Success Act and their community partners in California
Institute for Research and Reform in Education Inc.
Amount: $3,768,084
To expand capacity for conversions of large underperforming high schools
Institute for Teaching
Amount: $1,939,650
To support learning about effective reform models for stakeholders of low-performing high schools
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $1,697,978
To develop an information system that captures and analyzes early college high school data for the years 2002-2013
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $7,613,637
To fund technical assistance to intermediaries developing early college high schools
Johns Hopkins University
Amount: $883,200
To support the early planning and implementation of 15 Talent Development High Schools in high-need cities and states
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $1,200,000
To expand the development of an Ohio-based network of early college high schools
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $131,417
To support Midwest Region Practitioners' Forum for Teachers, Administrators, and Funders of the Small Schools Initiative
Linking Education and Economic Development in Sacramento
Amount: $100,000
To support a conference for California educators serving students in small learning communities
Amount: $650,000
To continue convening a series of national conferences dedicated to exploring the role of rigorous research in high school reform efforts
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Inc
Amount: $115,000
To support publication of 'Public High School Graduation and College Readiness Rates in the United States'
Michigan Institute for Educational Management
Amount: $1,605,669
To provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development in Michigan
National Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth
Amount: $1,000,000
To support five cities' efforts to improve the educational options and outcomes for out-of-school and underserved youth
National Council of La Raza
Amount: $3,632,666
To create new early college charter high schools and redesign existing charter high schools
National Equity Project
Amount: $900,000
To support planning to assist Oakland Unified School District in becoming a model urban district
New Leaders Inc
Amount: $9,967,084
To recruit, train, place, and support the next generation of outstanding principals for new small secondary schools across the nation
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $75,000
To support a conference for education, business, and policy leaders to address the charter school movement and the application of performance-based tools
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $583,800
To support the development of an operational strategy for campus design, facilities planning and visual branding
New Visions for Public Schools, Inc
Amount: $25,106,639
To create small high schools and redesign existing large high schools with special focus on the lowest performing high schools in New York City
New York City Department of Education
Amount: $1,125,270
To support the development and implementation of a strategic plan for an autonomy and accountability zone for NYC schools
New York State Education Department
Amount: $2,100,000
To support a statewide leadership development program
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $200,000
To create and sustain a clearinghouse of state online learning laws and online learning providers
North American Council for Online Learning
Amount: $90,000
To facilitate collaboration among online educators and administrators, and research to enhance K-12 online learning
Ohio Department of Education
Amount: $2,100,000
To develop individualized leadership training programs for several of Ohio's largest urban school districts
Ohio Department of Education
Amount: $700,000
To support the development of paper and web-enabled assessment score reports that are accessible to students, parents, and educators in Ohio
Organization of Chinese Americans, Inc.
Amount: $750,000
For general operating support
Parents United for Responsible Education P U R E
Amount: $200,000
To promote effective parent-school partnerships in the Chicago school system
Perspectives Charter School
Amount: $553,493
To support the establishment of Perspectives New Schools Initiative and the creation of the first Perspectives-style school
RAND Corporation
Amount: $39,900
To create an inventory of successful high schools for Latino students
Southern Governors' Association of The Council of State Governments
Amount: $112,021
To engage education leaders in the South to transfer lessons learned and strategies used by high performing rural high schools to under-performing rural high schools in the South
State of California: Office of the Secretary for Education
Amount: $87,028
To support a conference for the California educational community about best practices toward improving high schools
United Negro College Fund, Inc.
Amount: $1,500,000
For general operating support
United Negro College Fund, Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
For general operating support
University System of Georgia Foundation Inc
Amount: $2,000,000
To support the development and implementation of six Early Colleges in Georgia for students underserved in traditional high schools
University of California - Berkeley
Amount: $120,458
To support a series of seminars, with relevant briefing publications, with regard to key issues in California education policy
University of Chicago
Amount: $1,233,281
To develop a comprehensive system for tracking Chicago students from high school through their post-secondary paths
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $189,886
To support the development and sustainability of effective charter schools in Washington State
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $987,579
To support the 'Doing Choice Right' initiative which studies the design and implementation of school choice
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $79,115
To suppport a study, 'Identifying the Real Costs of Small High Schools in Seattle'
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $899,875
To support a national charter school research center
Urban Assembly Inc
Amount: $8,873,335
To create new secondary schools in New York City
Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
Amount: $423,500
To provide a policy and practice initative supporting the successful transition of students from high school to post-secondary mathematics
YES Prep Public Schools
Amount: $170,000
To support a business plan that will serve as a road map for growth
American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences
Amount: $11,480,000
To replace three large struggling high schools with new schools and assist in the planning process to create other small high schools
Asia Society
Amount: $7,500,000
To establish a network of small urban international studies secondary schools
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $5,760,000
To support creation of new secondary schools in the Los Angeles area
Bethel School District #403
Amount: $160,400
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Big Picture Company
Amount: $9,856,000
To support creation of small, personalized urban high schools based on the "Big Picture" principles and pedagogy
Big Picture Company
Amount: $1,900,000
To support a network of youth development organizations involved in the Alternative High School Initiative to improve academic programming and instruction
Black Alliance for Educational Options Inc.
Amount: $4,000,000
To support the creation of new small high schools
Boston Plan for Excellence in the Public Schools Foundation
Amount: $1,619,000
To support urban high school reform in the Boston Public School District
Brown University
Amount: $940,148
To assess high school graduation requirements based on three forms of proficiency: Certificates of Initial Mastery, electronic portfolios, and senior projects
California Community Foundation
Amount: $1,200,000
To coordinate the creation of a strategic plan to transform Los Angeles Unified School District's secondary schools into small school communities
Chattanooga-Hamilton County Public Education Fund
Amount: $1,778,000
To support urban high school reform in the Chattanooga-Hamilton County School District
Chicago Community Foundation
Amount: $7,662,894
To support creation of new small high schools in Chicago
Clark University
Amount: $1,603,000
To support urban high school reform in the Worcester (MA) School District
Clover Park School District #400
Amount: $540,000
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Coalition of Essential Schools
Amount: $18,743,505
To support the launch of 10 new CES high schools, the improvement of five current CES high schools, the creation of a network of 20 CES mentor high schools, and the establishment of a Web-based resource for CES schools
College Entrance Examination Board
Amount: $3,295,118
To create six new College Board Schools (grades 6 through 12) within the New York City Public School District over the next four years in collaboration with the New York City Department of Education and the National Urban Alliance
Communities Foundation of Texas
Amount: $35,000,400
To create 75 to 80 new and redesigned small schools serving high minority areas along the Texas-Mexico border and the state's large inner city schools in San Antonio, Dallas-Ft. Worth, and Houston.
Communities In Schools of Washington State
Amount: $300,000
For general operating support
Communities in Schools of Georgia
Amount: $6,336,481
To establish small, personalized, high achievement secondary schools known as Performance Learning Centers (PLC) in Georgia
Communities in Schools, Inc.
Amount: $300,000
For general operating support
Cristo Rey Network
Amount: $9,900,000
To support expansion of the Cristo Rey model schools
Dayton School District #2
Amount: $149,950
To support creation of a High Tech High School in the community
E3: Employers for Education Excellence
Amount: $15,000,000
To support conversion of large high schools into smaller learning communities and creation of new small high schools in Oregon State
Eastmont School District #206
Amount: $228,150
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Envision Education Inc
Amount: $3,000,000
To support development of small, innovative, high-performing public high schools in San Francisco Bay Area
Everett Community College
Amount: $210,000
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Every Child Can Learn Foundation
Amount: $1,000,000
To support transformation of two secondary schools and creation of two new schools in the San Francisco Unified School District
Federal Way School District #210
Amount: $675,000
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Ferndale School District #502
Amount: $600,000
To support creation of a High Tech High School in the community to be named Windward High School
Foundation for California Community Colleges
Amount: $8,999,972
To support the development and implementation of early college high school sites in California
Grand Rapids Public Schools
Amount: $500,000
To support a community planning process that will create a framework and implementation plan for secondary school re-structuring and re-invention
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $10,000
For general operating support
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
Amount: $6,122,614
To support Kansas City Missouri School District's high school transformation work
High Tech High Foundation
Amount: $600,000
To assist the development of HTH-like affiliates outside the HTH network of grantees
Highline Community College
Amount: $319,450
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Highline Public Schools
Amount: $600,000
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Houston A+ Challenge
Amount: $2,652,000
To support urban high school reform in the Houston Independent School District
Institute for Student Achievement, Inc
Amount: $6,000,000
To support creation of new, small, college-preparatory high schools in collaboration with the New York City Department of Education that will serve underserved, underperforming young people
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $13,669,000
To create and develop small high schools within the Boston school system
Jobs for the Future Inc.
Amount: $628,761
To facilitate the expansion of the Early College High School Initiative to include additional intermediaries and schools over the next five years
KIPP Foundation
Amount: $7,910,896
To create high schools in Texas, New York, California and Washington, D.C. based on the best practices of the KIPP middle school model
KIPP Foundation
Amount: $378,013
To support a study of whether the creation of KIPP high schools is feasible
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $1,800,000
To expand the development of an Ohio-based network of early college high schools
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $12,704,649
To augment the Ohio School Transformation Initiative with the addition of three finalist sites and three professional development camps for high school teachers
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $1,000,000
To provide an additional year of 'deep planning' support and technical assistance to three high schools preparing for conversion; plan for development of 5-10 new schools
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $250,000
To support the Ohio State Board of Education's Task Force on Quality High Schools for a Lifetime of Opportunities
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $147,920
To support policy analysis, outreach and advocacy in support of the Ohio High School Transformation Initiative
LEV Foundation
Amount: $500,000
To develop a coherent P-16 policy and implementation strategy for Washington State
LaGuardia Education Fund Incorporated
Amount: $1,540,002
To support creation of two new international high schools over next two years in various cities in the United States
Linking Education and Economic Development in Sacramento
Amount: $1,694,000
To support urban high school reform in the Sacramento School District
MMAC Community Support Foundation Inc
Amount: $17,250,000
To support the development of 40 new small schools throughout the Milwaukee area and the redesign of seven existing large high schools.
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Inc
Amount: $92,575
To support a report that analyzes the 2003 high school graduation rates overall, by race and for the 100 largest school districts in the U.S.
Marysville School District #25
Amount: $450,000
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Mississippi Department of Education
Amount: $744,844
To extend the Technology Academy for School Leaders an additional two years
National Association of Secondary School Principals
Amount: $182,000
To support dissemination of 'Breaking Ranks Leadership: Mapping the Change of an American Institution,' the second edition of 'Breaking Ranks: Changing an American Institution.'
National Council of La Raza
Amount: $10,000,139
To support expansion of the Charter School Development Initiative into new sites
National Equity Project
Amount: $11,013,694
To support the expansion of a network of small public high schools in the San Francisco Bay Area
National League of Cities Institute
Amount: $2,296,036
To stimulate municipal leadership for the development of alternative secondary schools in diverse communities across the nation
New Schools Fund dba NewSchools Venture Fund
Amount: $22,262,000
To support a feasability study, and incubate and support Charter Management Organizations
New Technology Foundation
Amount: $9,800,000
To support additional New Tech High Schools in CA and other major urban districts nationally
New Visions for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $13,115,049
To support the planning and creation of 30 new high schools in high-need areas of New York City; develop systemic capacity needed for these schools; and provide policy research and documentation of the initiative.
Oquirrh Institute
Amount: $59,100
To support an invitational conference on competency-measured education
Organization Development Network
Amount: $20,000
To support the conference, "Sustainable Organizations"
Outward Bound, Inc.
Amount: $12,567,173
To support the development of small, new Expeditionary Learning High Schools in New York City, Denver, and other opportune localities to be determined
Partnership for Learning
Amount: $150,000
To explain the purpose, intent, and details of the state's graduation requirements to parents of 7th graders in Washington state
Partnership for Learning
Amount: $150,000
To provide general operating support
Portland Community College
Amount: $3,265,453
To support existing and develop new College Bound sites to support at-risk youth
Public School Forum of North Carolina, Inc.
Amount: $5,483,812
To support the creation of new and redesigned high schools in North Carolina
Quilcene School District #48
Amount: $75,000
To support creation of a High Tech High School in the community
Quincy School District #144-101
Amount: $600,000
To support creation of a High Tech High School in the community
ReInventing Schools Coalition
Amount: $5,799,040
To support additional Alaskan school districts in reinventing their school system and the creation of a Research and Development component of the RISC model
Replications, Inc.
Amount: $4,800,000
To create/replicate high performing high schools in New York City
Research Foundation of the City University of New York
Amount: $6,750,000
To support new early college high schools in New York City
Rhode Island Children's Crusade for Higher Education
Amount: $1,596,000
To support urban high school reform in the Providence School District
San Juan Island School District No. 149
Amount: $248,250
To support creation of a High Tech High School in the community
Seattle Public Schools
Amount: $26,724
To support production of Student Voices video
See Forever Foundation
Amount: $1,882,380
To create and open new See Forever campuses in Washington DC
St. HOPE Academy
Amount: $3,000,000
To support implementation of six small high schools within Sacramento High
St. HOPE Academy
Amount: $597,228
To support a planning grant to close Sacramento High School and recreate it as a new charter school based on the small schools concept
Stanford University
Amount: $249,612
To support the Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) redesign of its secondary schools into new small schools or small learning communities
State of California
Amount: $1,000,000
To implement a technical assistance plan to support the High School Pupil Success Act (HSPSA) in California
Stevenson-Carson School District #303
Amount: $68,800
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Street Schools Network
Amount: $2,934,056
To improve teaching practice at existing schools and establish new schools based on the NASS core values
TALC New Vision Program
Amount: $17,250,000
To support the redesign of Milwaukee's large comprehensive public high schools and the development of small autonomous high schools throughout Milwaukee
Third Sector New England, Inc.
Amount: $4,560,000
To support programming and instructional improvement in existing Diploma Plus schools located in MA, and to create new Diploma Plus schools, in CA and in MA
Thomas B. Fordham Institute
Amount: $250,000
To strenghten Ohio's charter school program by recruiting, training, and supporting quality sponsors for existing and future charter schools
University of California at San Diego
Amount: $1,694,000
To support urban high school reform in the San Diego School District
University of Indianapolis
Amount: $13,675,486
To support the creation of new public and private high schools and redesign of the comprehensive high schools into autonomous small schools in Indianapolis
University of Texas at Austin - Charles A. Dana Center
Amount: $250,675
To support general costs associated with a large-scale project aimed to develop alternative structural options for school finance in Texas
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $655,388
To develop resources which will promote the creation of small high schools
Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
Amount: $1,650
To purchase books for 3rd grade teachers, students, and parents at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School
Village Academies Network
Amount: $1,747,200
To support Village Academies' two new high schools: East Harlem in Manhattan and East New York in Brooklyn
Washington Association of School Administrators
Amount: $5,000
To sponsor the WASA 2003 Fall Conference
Washoe County School District
Amount: $200,000
To support the Nevada School Leadership Academy for the final year of the state challenge grant in Nevada
Waterville School District
Amount: $144,650
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Amount: $5,218,424
To expand the Early College High School Initiative
YouthBuild USA, Inc.
Amount: $5,411,496
To establish new YouthBuild schools and to strengthen and expand existing YouthBuild schools
Alaska Council of School Administrators
Amount: $345,592
To provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Alliance for Education
Amount: $199,984
To support a community-wide initiative to foster broad-based public understanding of comprehensive school transformation in the Seattle School District
Antioch University
Amount: $3,325,000
To establish eight early college models in tribal Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) schools and public schools serving Native American youth in Washington State
Aspen Institute
Amount: $161,607
To create next generation models of accountability in partnership with the Education Commission of the States
Aspen Institute
Amount: $127,465
To support the Aspen Urban Superintendents Network, a continuing series of urban superintendent
Boston College
Amount: $147,700
To support the ejournal: Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment (JTLA)
Center for Collaborative Education
Amount: $945,261
To support a school-based teacher preparation program targeted towards the staffing needs of small innovative schools
Center for Collaborative Education
Amount: $800,000
To support an apprenticeship-based principal preparation and credentialing program for the New England Small Schools Network called the Principals Residency Network
Center on Education Policy
Amount: $55,000
To support an invitational conference to discuss a current reform in public education: virtual high schools
Chicago Charter School Foundation
Amount: $2,968,952
To support creation of charter school campuses and contract schools in the Chicago Public School system
College Extrance Examination Board
Amount: $300,000
To support further expansion of the College Ed course in 7th grade classrooms around the country
College Success Foundation
Amount: $109,254,717
To continue the Washington State Achievers Scholarship Program
College Success Foundation
Amount: $450,000
To establish a student support component for the Washington State Achievers' Program
Council for Christian Colleges & Universities
Amount: $5,000
To support student programs, professional development programs for faculty and administrators, and leadership initiatives to member colleges and universities
Council of Chief State School Officers
Amount: $25,000
To support a working conference on using the No Child Left Behind Act to improve achievement of students in the middle grades
Coupeville School District #204
Amount: $263,400
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve (Coupeville Middle and High School)
District of Columbia College Access Program
Amount: $2,000,000
To support a scholarship fund for low-income youth
Amount: $4,500,000
To support the creation of new schools using the New Country Schools model across the nation
Education Commission of the States
Amount: $818,980
To create next generation models of accountability in partnership with The Aspen Institute
Education Development Center Inc
Amount: $100,000
To support the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform
Education Resources Institute
Amount: $100,000
To increase college preparation, access, and success for students from groups currently under-represented in higher education
Education Trust Inc
Amount: $100,000
To provide matching contribution for general operating support
Fund for Educational Excellence
Amount: $12,000,000
To redesign neighborhood high schools and create new Innovation High Schools in Baltimore, Maryland
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $20,000
To support GFE through a major re-design of their website to enhance member services and support networking among funders
Grantmakers for Education
Amount: $10,000
For general support
High Tech High Foundation
Amount: $3,200,000
To create additional high tech high schools
Idaho Association of School Administrators
Amount: $400,000
To provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Institute for Educational Leadership
Amount: $315,332
To support the National Theme School Network website hosted by the National Alliance on the American High School
Institute for Educational Leadership
Amount: $225,800
To support the development of effective practices and policies that improve academic and developmental outcomes for high school youth
Institute of Computer Technology
Amount: $3,640,000
To support the Intel Teach to the Future Program in 2002
International Society for Technology in Education
Amount: $87,000
To support publication of Technology Support Index, a technology support anaylsis tool that can be used by districts to analyze their technology support capability
Jobs for the Future Inc
Amount: $15,000
To support broad dissemination of Transforming the American High School: New Directions for State and Local Policy
Jobs for the Future Inc
Amount: $5,189,705
To support the new early college initiative by leading and coordinating analysis, advocacy, and convening activities at launch
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $20,000,000
To support new and redesigned schools in four to six urban districts in academic crisis in Ohio
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $2,699,363
To support the development of an Ohio-based network of five early college high schools
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $1,590,031
To support an expansion in planning grants for all 17 districts in the Ohio High School Transformation Initiative (OHSTI) to spearhead the development of smaller high schools throughout Ohio
Lancaster Foundation for Educational Enrichment
Amount: $4,000,000
To support creation of effective, personalized learning environments for students in grades 6 through 12
Linking Education and Economic Development in Sacramento
Amount: $4,000,000
To support the start-up of small schools in Sacramento, CA
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
Amount: $25,000
To generate accurate graduation rate data for the State of Washington and a dozen districts in Washington
Middle College High School Consortium
Amount: $3,547,119
To support the creation of eight new early college high schools and the redesign of 12 existing middle college high schools offering a five-year, seamless, accelerated early college program for at-risk youth
Minnesota Association of School Administrators
Amount: $1,729,844
To provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Mission Hill School
Amount: $53,500
To disseminate information on small school development
National Commission on Teaching & America's Future
Amount: $616,298
To support the summit on Schools as Professional Learning Communities
National Council of La Raza
Amount: $3,920,038
To create new early college charter high schools and redesign existing charter high schools
National Governors Association
Amount: $30,000
To support a one-day meeting to prepare a publication focusing on turning around low-performing high schools to be presented at the NGA's Winter Meeting
New England Foundation for the Arts
Amount: $500,000
To support the Access to College Project, a national education and media initiative
New Visions for Public Schools
Amount: $1,439,000
To create small high schools and redesign existing large high schools with special focus on the lowest performing high schools in New York City
New York Charter School Resource Center Inc
Amount: $436,800
To support creation of two new high schools: East Harlem in Manhattan and East New York in Brooklyn
Partnership for Learning
Amount: $150,000
To work with parents, community leaders, and educators to improve public education in Washington State
Quillayute Valley School District #402
Amount: $310,500
To support a small, personalized, technology-enriched high school offering students real world learning as a part of the Connecting Schools & Communities Initiative
Amount: $4,800,000
To establish eight new early college high school sites in SECME school districts, on or adjacent to SECME member campuses
Senator George J. Mitchell Scholarship Research Institute
Amount: $9,984,927
To support the creation of 10-12 model high schools in rural and urban communities in Maine and develop a replication process for future schools
Stanford University
Amount: $998,981
To develop a field guide for redesigning large high schools into smaller learning communities
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
Amount: $4,992,043
To support development to redesign low-performing high schools and create new charter high schools under the early college model in collaboration with HBCU in the South
University of Minnesota Foundation
Amount: $3,950,523
To support redesign of additional schools in St. Paul MN and West Clermont and Cincinnati OH
University of Mississippi Foundation
Amount: $1,000,000
To support a restricted endowment for scholarships allocated to Jackson State University (JSU), Alcorn State University (ASU), and Mississippi Valley State University (MVSU) through the University of Mississippi Foundation
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $1,175,000
To support The Effects of Scholarship and School Reform on the Transition from High School to College in Washington State
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $350,000
To support a research program Sub District Funding Policies Project that makes evident the real-dollar differences in the per-pupil amounts districts allocate to schools
Utah Partnership Foundation
Amount: $3,520,000
To support the development of New Century High Schools in Utah
Washington Association of School Administrators
Amount: $5,000
To sponsor the WASA 2003 Fall Conference
Washington Technology in Education Trust
Amount: $300,000
To support the design, evaluation, refinement, scale-up and preparation for full Washington state rollout of the Washington Digital Learning Commons
Washington Technology in Education Trust
Amount: $50,000
To implement a task force to research and make recommendations regarding virtual education in Washington State
Western Governors University
Amount: $50,000
To provide support to WGU through membership in their National Advisory Board
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Amount: $2,882,369
To create nine new early college high schools and redesign one high school based on the Bard Early College model
Yakima School District #7
Amount: $66,400
To support personalized learning environments where all students achieve (Discovery Lab School)
Achieve Inc
Amount: $25,000
12 month grant to support the National Education Summit in Palisades NY on October 9-10, 2001
Alaska Council of School Administrators
Amount: $345,592
16 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Alliance for Education
Amount: $150,000
36 month grant to support development of a new, small high school focusing on the arts to provide a personalized learning environment for students and staff at The Center School
Alliance for Education
Amount: $90,000
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Bellingham School District #501
Amount: $300,000
36 month grant to support a collaborative induction model, professional development programs, and placement of pre-service teachers in Bellingham School District in partnership with Western Washington University
Board of Regents of the University of Nevada, Reno
Amount: $600,000
24 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Brookings Institution
Amount: $1,000,000
24 month grant to support a National Working Commission on Choice in K-12 Education through The Brookings Institution
COSA Foundation
Amount: $1,616,616
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
California County Superintendents Educational Services Association
Amount: $18,151,500
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Amount: $25,000,000
50 month grant to support urban high school reform through the Schools for a New Society initiative
Center for Policy Studies
Amount: $30,000
4 month grant to support a national meeting October 29-30, 2001 in St Paul Minnesota -- New Schools=Great Cities: How Cities Can Grow Strong New Public Schools
Chicago Community FOundation
Amount: $12,000,000
64 month grant to support restructuring high school eudcation in Chicago
Chimacum School District #49
Amount: $136,400
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Chimacum Middle School
Christian Schools International
Amount: $4,425,000
52 month grant to establish models of excellence in private urban schools in Chicago and tribal schools in New Mexico
Clover Park School District #400
Amount: $900,000
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
College Entrance Examination Board
Amount: $900,000
12 month grant to prepare, inspire, and connect students to college and university opportunities by delivering a semester course called College Ed to seventh or eighth graders in the entire country
College of William & Mary
Amount: $3,613,200
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems charge in Virginia
Colorado Children's Campaign
Amount: $8,062,122
55 month grant to support the Small Schools Initiative that has the potential to dramatically improve student outcomes in urban schools in Colorado
Communities in Schools of Washington State
Amount: $151,125
12 month grant to support the implementation of CIS strategy in district grantee's communities
Council for Christian Colleges & Universities
Amount: $5,000
12 month grant to support student programs, professional development programs for faculty and administrators, and leadership initiatives to its member colleges and universities
Delaware Department of Education
Amount: $322,500
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Diocese of Yakima
Amount: $1,362,816
60 month grant to improve teaching and learning by enhancing student access to technology as part of the Washington state school district initiative
East Valley School District #361
Amount: $96,000
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Continuous Curriculum School
Eastmont School District #206
Amount: $180,000
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Kenroy Elementary School
Edmonds School District
Amount: $832,969
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Mountlake Terrace High School
Education Resources Institute Inc
Amount: $100,000
12 month grant to increase college preparation, access, and success for students from groups currently under-represented in higher education
Enumclaw School District
Amount: $300,000
30 month grant to support a collaborative induction model, professional development program, and placement of pre-service teachers in Enumclaw School District by Seattle Pacific University
Everett School District #2
Amount: $222,000
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Emerson Elementary School
Evergreen School District #114
Amount: $300,000
34 month grant to support a collaborative induction model, professional development programs, and placement of pre-service teachers in Evegreen School District in partnership with Washington State University
Expanding the Circle of Excellence
Amount: $1,000
3 month grant to support the educaiton summit on October 6, 2001
Federal Way School District #210
Amount: $122,400
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Ferndale School District #502
Amount: $180,000
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Horizon Middle School
Foundation for the Improvement of Mathematics and Science Education
Amount: $15,000,000
60 month grant to support San Diego Unified School District's Blueprint for Student Success
Friends of the Frederick Douglass Academy Inc
Amount: $15,000
12 month grant to support model school program at the Frederick Douglass Academy
Griffin School District #324
Amount: $238,080
36 momth grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Griffin School
Hockinson School District #98
Amount: $125,000
36 month grant to support a collaborative induction model, professional development programs, and placement of pre-service teachers in Hockinson School District in partnership with Washington State University
Hoquiam School District #28
Amount: $135,000
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Lincoln Elementary School
Idaho Association of School Administrators Inc
Amount: $350,000
12 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Kansas Department of Education
Amount: $500,000
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Kennewick School District #17
Amount: $300,000
36 month grant to support a collaborative induction model, professional development program, and placement of pre-service teachers in Kennewick School District by Washington State University
Kent School District #415
Amount: $242,000
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Emerald Park Elementary School
Kent School District #415
Amount: $795,000
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher educaiton in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Kentucky Department of Education
Amount: $2,513,901
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Kettle Falls School District #212
Amount: $124,000
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Kettle Falls Elementary School
Kittitas School District $403
Amount: $180,400
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher educaiton in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Klickitat School District $402
Amount: $81,000
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Klickitat School
KnowledgeWorks Foundation
Amount: $5,151,834
34 month grant to support closing the achievement gap and implement systemic reform in Detroit, Michigan; Cleveland and Cinncinati, Ohio; East St Louis, Illinois; Clark County, Nevada; Boston, Massachusetts; Rochester, New York; and Compton, California
Learning Space Foundation
Amount: $25,000
12 month grant to support Tomorrow's Classroom 2001 with a 'Presenting Scholarship' August 17-18, 2001 in Seattle
Mabton School District #120
Amount: $125,104
34 month grant to support a collaborative induction model, professional development programs, and placement of pre-service teachers in Mabton School District in partnership with Heritage College
Mabton School District #120
Amount: $40,100
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher educaiton in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Magellan Foundation Inc
Amount: $7,559,200
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from New York public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Maine Department of Education
Amount: $1,000,000
12 month grant to support the Maine Learning Technology Endowment: A Teacher Leadership Project
Mead School District
Amount: $234,450
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Shiloh Hills Elementary School
Michigan Virtual University
Amount: $5,977,500
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Michigan Virtual University
Amount: $450,000
12 month grant to support expansion of Michigan's capacity to deliver technology integration training to classroom teachers
Minnesota Department of Children, Families & Learning
Amount: $2,400,000
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Mississippi State Department of Education
Amount: $500,000
24 month grant to support Mississippi's TeachNETT2 (T2T) Teacher Leadership Project
Monroe School District #103
Amount: $517,500
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Monroe High School
Mount Vernon School District #320
Amount: $238,500
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at Madison Elementary School
Mukilteo School District #6
Amount: $1,003,920
60 months to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing nancial barriers
National Staff Development Council
Amount: $150,000
12 month grant to identify best practices in our state leadership projects
New Hampshire Department of Education
Amount: $1,111,250
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Nooksack Valley School District #506
Amount: $125,000
30 month grant to support a collaborative induction model, professional development programs, and placement of pre-service teachers in Nooksack Valley School District in partnership with Western Washington University
North Dakota Lead Center
Amount: $885,000
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Northern Arizona University
Amount: $2,700,000
24 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Northwest Educational Service District #189
Amount: $70,000
12 month grant to support the further development of successful teacher leadership program by assisting with Western Governor University tuition costs for a M.Ed. in learning and technology
Ohio SchoolNet
Amount: $3,525,000
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Peninsula School District #401
Amount: $208,000
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Vaughn Elementary School
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Amount: $4,998,000
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Port Angeles School District #121
Amount: $125,000
34 month grant to support a collaborative induction model, professional development programs, and placement of pre-service teachers in Port Angeles School District in partnership with the University of Washington
Prosser School District
Amount: $110,700
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Whitstran Elementary School
Public Agenda Foundation Inc
Amount: $498,000
12 month grant to conduct two national opinion research studies on smaller schools
Quincy School District #144-101
Amount: $171,000
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Monument Elementary School
Regents of the University of Minnesota
Amount: $3,024,808
39 month grant to create five new small high schools and provide assistance to four small charter high schools in St. Paul, Minnesota area
Renton School District #403
Amount: $199,665
36 months to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Talbot Hills Elementary School
Rochester School District #401
Amount: $209,200
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Grand Mound Elementary School
South Carolina Department of Education
Amount: $1,603,500
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
South Dakota Department of Education & Cultural Affairs
Amount: $675,000
24 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
South Kitsap School District #402
Amount: $227,200
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Mullenix Ridge Elementary School
Spokane School District #81
Amount: $300,000
36 month grant to support a collaborative induction model, professional development programs, and placement of pre-service teachers in Spokane School District in partnership with Washington State University
Spokane School District #81
Amount: $175,000
48 month grant to provide high school students with 21st century skills in the area of information technology and biotechnology
Stevenson-Carson School District #303
Amount: $315,000
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Successlink Inc
Amount: $2,649,000
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Tacoma School District #10
Amount: $1,140,000
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Tacoma School District #10
Amount: $1,018,323
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Tacoma School District #10
Amount: $870,400
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Tacoma School District #10
Amount: $91,200
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieveat the Jefferson Elementary School
Tonasket School District #404
Amount: $315,000
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Tukwila School District #406
Amount: $427,790
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
University System of Georgia Foundation Inc
Amount: $2,970,000
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
University of Connecticut Foundation Inc
Amount: $1,987,600
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
University of Montana
Amount: $959,989
30 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
University of New Mexico
Amount: $1,000,002
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
University of North Carolina
Amount: $200,000
12 month grant to provide support for the James B. Hunt, Jr. Institute for Educational Leadership and Policy
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $20,000
12 month grant in support of the Education Policymakers Exchange (previously known as Education Policy Forum)
Vanderbilt University
Amount: $2,749,201
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Washington Education Foundation
Amount: $10,000
A one-year scholarship for one student through the Costco Scholarship Fund annual breakfast
West Valley School District #363
Amount: $480,000
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
West Valley School District #363
Amount: $122,404
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the West Valley City School
West Valley School District #363
Amount: $115,650
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Orchard Center Elementary School
Wisconsin Foundation for Educational Administration Inc
Amount: $1,659,340
36 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Yakima School District #7
Amount: $971,400
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Yelm Community Schools #2
Amount: $848,400
60 month grant to improve high school education and access to higher education in Washington state through supporting school redesign, implementing early college awareness, and removing financial barriers
Yelm Community Schools #2
Amount: $210,000
36 month grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve at the Yelm Prairie Elementary School
Alaska Council of School Administrators
Amount: $4,974,112
5 year grant to provide technical assistance to six rural, low-income, culturally diverse Alaska school districts
Alliance for Education
Amount: $191,950
2 year grant to contribute to the academic achievement of all Seattle School District students by making them effective users of ideas and information through their school librarians
Alliance for Education
Amount: $24,960,000
5 year grant to improve teaching and learning by enhancing student access to technology
Arkansas Department of Education
Amount: $16,631,100
3 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Aspire Public Schools
Amount: $3,187,000
5 year grant to design and open five small charter high schools in the next three years
Bay Area Coalition of Essential Schools
Amount: $15,721,427
5 year grant to support the Small Schools Initiative
Bellingham School District 501
Amount: $4,326,400
5 year grant to improve teaching and learning by enhancing student access to technology
Big Picture Company Inc
Amount: $3,450,000
5 year grant to change how people think about high school education by modeling and building new small schools
Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
Amount: $4,829,198
5 year grant to create a learning collaborative under Stanford University's College of Education's leadership to help school leaders develop a broader knowledge base about school design, teaching and learning, curriculum and assessment, and professional development
Burlington-Edison School District
Amount: $216,000
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Cataldo Catholic School
Amount: $156,000
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Center for Collaborative Education Metro Boston Inc
Amount: $4,914,021
5 year grant to support existing small schools, work with districts to launch up to 20 new small schools over the next five years, serve as a clearinghouse of research on small schools, and develop a cadre of new small school leaders
Center for Community Service Fund
Amount: $2,750,000
16 month grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change through the Smart Tools Academy
Centralia School District
Amount: $172,000
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Charles N. Fortes Magnet Academy
Amount: $10,000
1 year grant to support Charles N. Fortes Magnet Academy in their mission to show the value of small schools in providing a quality education to all children
Communities in School Inc
Amount: $300,000
3 year grant to help build capacity to serve at-risk students throughout the nation by bringing resources, services, parents, and volunteers into schools to meet students' needs so they can concentrate on learning
Communities in Schools of Washington State
Amount: $300,000
3 year grant to meet its mission to help young people stay in school, successfully learn, and prepare for life
Community Studies Inc
Amount: $100,000
4 year grant to support the Teacher Center
Community Studies Inc
Amount: $4,290,220
5 year grant to support 39 New York City high schools in education reform for small schools and performace assessment coalition over the next five years
Cross City Campaign for Urban School Reform
Amount: $35,000
1 year grant to support the annual meeting in Baltimore on October 26-29, 2000
EdVisions Inc
Amount: $4,430,000
5 year grant to develop a minimum of fifteen new schools over the next five years, create a network of these schools, and disseminate the successful practices of the New Country School and the network around the nation
Edmonds School District
Amount: $100,000
1 year grant to support implementation of a model information technology program at Lynnwood High School
Edmonds School District
Amount: $179,600
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Education Resources Institute Inc
Amount: $75,000
1 year grant to increase college preparation, access, and success for students from groups currently underrepresented in higher education
Enumclaw School District
Amount: $2,217,000
5 year grant to improve teaching and learning by enhancing student access to technology
Evergreen School District #114
Amount: $8,959,808
5 year grant to improve teaching and learning by enhancing student access to technology
Florida Department of Education
Amount: $5,499,727
3 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Foundation for Educational Administration Inc
Amount: $5,100,000
2 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Fund for Colorado's Future
Amount: $1,631,000
2 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
High Tech High Foundation
Amount: $6,395,373
5 year grant to develop High Tech High in San Diego and replicate the program in nine other communities
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Amount: $220,000
1 year grant to provide scholarships in environmental sciences and other scientific fields in which Hispanics are historically underrepresented
Hockinson School District #98
Amount: $884,417
5 year grant to improve teaching and learning by enhancing student access to technology
Illinois State University
Amount: $2,250,000
3 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Indiana Department of Education
Amount: $1,800,000
3 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Institute of Computer Technology
Amount: $4,500,000
1 year grant to support and enhance the Intel 'Teach to the Future' program by training master teachers
Institute of Computer Technology
Amount: $10,000,000
1 year grant to expand the Intel Teach to the Future Program from 500 master teachers in 2000 to 1500 teachers in 2001
International Society for Technology in Education
Amount: $1,050,000
3 year grant to support the Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology
Kennewick School District #17
Amount: $7,030,400
5 year grant to improve teaching and learning by enhancing student access to technology
Lake Washington School District
Amount: $54,000
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Louisiana Department of Education
Amount: $1,200,000
4 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Mabton School District
Amount: $558,000
5 year grant to improve teaching and learning by enhancing student access to technology
Maine Department of Education
Amount: $1,261,087
3 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Massachusetts Elementary School Principals Education Foundation
Amount: $3,349,200
3 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Mead School District
Amount: $240,000
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Mission School
Amount: $10,000
1 year grant to support Mission School in their mission to show the value of small schools in providing a quality education to all children
Mississippi Department of Education
Amount: $1,194,000
3 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Monroe School District
Amount: $132,000
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
National Council of La Raza
Amount: $6,752,627
5 year grant to develop a network of new charter schools across the United States
New Mission High School
Amount: $10,000
1 year grant to support New Mission High School in their mission to show the value of small schools in providing a quality education to all children
New Technology FOundation
Amount: $4,934,800
5 year grant to bring the first phase of the Western States New Technology Public School system vision to reality over the next five years by opening ten new schools
New Visions for Public Schools Inc
Amount: $10,000,000
5 year grant to create small high schools and redesign existing large high schools with special focus on the lowest performing high schools in New York City
Nooksack Valley School District #506
Amount: $1,116,000
5 year grant to improve teaching and learning by enhancing student access to technology
North Kitsap School District
Amount: $191,600
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Northwest Educational Service District 189
Amount: $45,012,830
3 year grant to support the Teacher Leadership Project
Orting School District
Amount: $85,000
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Partnership for Learning
Amount: $200,000
1 year grant to provide information to teachers about steps they can take in their school buildings and classrooms to successfully help students achieve higher standards
Partnership for Learning
Amount: $150,000
1 year grant to work with parents, community leaders, and educators to improve public education in Washington State
Port Angeles School District $121
Amount: $2,600,000
5 year grant to improve teaching and learning by enhancing student access to technology
President and Fellows of Harvard College
Amount: $3,600,000
5 year grant to support The Change Leadership Group at Harvard Graduate School of Education
Prosser School District
Amount: $213,750
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Rhode Island Community Foundation
Amount: $3,086,347
5 year grant to support Coventry School District in a districtwide, whole school improvement/reform by redesigning district structures and building capacity
Rhode Island Community Foundation
Amount: $13,568,880
5 year grant to support 'Rekindling the Dream' program in the Providence School District
Rhode Island Community Foundation
Amount: $500,000
1 year grant to support the Rhode Island Model Classrooms Project
Rhode Island Community Foundation
Amount: $780,000
3 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
Royal School District
Amount: $129,150
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Seattle Pacific University
Amount: $1,698,980
3 year grant to support the Washington School Assessment Center
South Kitsap School District #402
Amount: $100,000
1 year grant to create a connected learning environment that provides and/or leads students to industry-based technology certifications
Spokane School District 81
Amount: $15,860,000
5 year grant to improve teaching and learning by enhancing student access to technology
State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Amount: $1,576,958
3 year grant to create a strong infrastructure for recruiting, supporting, and using National Board-certified teachers
State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Amount: $2,681,500
2 year grant to develop and deliver a pilot, web-based classroom assessment in reading, mathematics, and writing
Stuart C. Dodd Institute for Social Innovation
Amount: $20,000
1 year grant to co-sponsor a Seattle conference on charter public schools
Sumner School District #320
Amount: $100,000
1 year grant to support the development of career pathways within the Information and Technical Career cluster for all students in the Sumner School District
Tacoma School District No. 10
Amount: $450,000
3 year grant to support creation of Tacoma Arts High School through the Model Schools Program
Texas Leadership Center
Amount: $6,300,000
3 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
United Negro College Fund Inc
Amount: $349,690
1 year grant for general support
University of Minnesota Foundation
Amount: $7,999,978
5 year grant to help two urban districts and one suburban district convert ten large high schools into small, excellent public schools of vhoice
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Amount: $950,500
3 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $5,760,352
4 year grant to support the Institute for K-12 Leadership
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $20,000
1 year grant to study accountability for school performance
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $115,000
1 year grant to study education reform initiatives in Washington State
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $1,357,229
5 year grant to build a sustainable system of support for emerging teachers and to create a new image of professional responsibility among them through the SST Project in the Seattle School System
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $30,000
1 year grant to support the Washington State Education Policy Forum
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $750,000
3 year grant to develop resources which will promote the creation of small high schools
Wahluke School District
Amount: $139,950
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Washington Education Foundation
Amount: $108,900,000
13 year grant to establish the Washington State Achievers Scholarship Program
West Virginia Department of Education
Amount: $1,205,600
3 year grant to provide superintendents and principals from public and private schools access to quality leadership development focused on technology integration and whole systems change
White Salmon Valley School District
Amount: $202,500
3 year grant to support personalized learning environments where all students achieve
Wildwood Elementary School Inc
Amount: $140,000
2 year grant to support the creation of the Wildwood School Outreach Center for the promotion of small, personalized secondary schools
Achieve Inc.
Amount: $1,000,000
Operational support
Literary Classics of the United States
Amount: $121,000
Humanities Library Collection for Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Partnership for Learning
Amount: $100,000
Public Outreach
Public Agenda
Amount: $100,000
Public Outreach
United Negro College Fund
Amount: $1,000,000,000
Gates Millennium Scholars Program
University of Washington Foundation
Amount: $130,000
High school reform conference
Western Governors University
Amount: $1,000,000
Operational support
Alliance for Education
Amount: $100,000
Laurelhurst Elementary School endowment challenge fund and support of its computer technology program
Bellevue Community College Foundation
Amount: $150,000
Northwest Center for Emerging Technologies capital campaign
Center for Community College Service
Amount: $125,000
Computers in Washington state schools
Empowerment Africa Foundation
Amount: $240,000
Support of programs to help eradicate illiteracy among women and youth in the Cameroon
Forest Ridge School
Amount: $50,000
Laptop computer acquisition
Friends of Nelson Mandela Children's Fund
Amount: $1,125,492
Educational programs for South African yout who are homeless, disabled, or in detention
Gandhi Institute
Amount: $700,000
Promote computer-related education to the unemployed and underprivileged in India through the Gandhi Institute of Computer Education and Information Technology
Johns Hopkins University
Amount: $40,000
Greenmount Neighborhood Community Computer Center
Olympic College Foundation
Amount: $100,000
Capital campaign to rebuild Olympic College Library
Sacred Heart School
Amount: $400,000
Capital campaign and enowment fund for technology enhancements
Seattle Community College
Amount: $100,000
Dan Evans Award for Distinguished Teaching
Snohomish School District Foundation
Amount: $200,000
Laptop computer acquisition for K-12 students
St. Mary's Dominican High School
Amount: $50,000
Enhanced computer education support
Teacher Leadership in Technology
Amount: $338,155
Technology training and equipment for teachers to use in creating a classroom curriculum for students in grades five through seven
Technology Access Foundation
Amount: $444,000
Access for local underserved communities
Winston Churchill Foundation
Amount: $115,000
This data is powered by a GitHub repository: Hack-Education-Data/gates-foundation. Last updated: 30 September 2018